Star Wars EU


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm trying to dip into a new fandom and have chosen the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

I recently picked up some books from the library by a miss Karin Traviss that feature the CLone Wars and the Bloodlines saga of Star Wars Legacy. Would this be a good jumping on point?

Also would the novelizations of the Star wars Movies be worth a look?


Well-Known Member
AJ_Katon said:
Hey I'm trying to dip into a new fandom and have chosen the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

I recently picked up some books from the library by a miss Karin Traviss that feature the CLone Wars and the Bloodlines saga of Star Wars Legacy. Would this be a good jumping on point?

Also would the novelizations of the Star wars Movies be worth a look?
Good lord no! Karen Travis and the Star Wars Legacy Books are not the best face of the Star Wars EU.

If you want EU books, Begin with 'The Thrawn trilogy' by Timothy Zahn or the X-Wing series by Michael Stackpole

From their you can go to The Jedi Academy Series by Kevin J Anderson, followed by 'I, Jedi' from Michael Stackpole. Once you've read those we can talk some more.

Emerald Oracle

Well-Known Member
Broadly speaking Ms Traviss is held to be one of the worst sort of fans, the type who ends up running the asylum and promoting their favorite character/genre/backstory to the detriment of the setting and good storytelling in general.

I will second the recommendation of the Thrawn Trilogy, but beyond that most of what I would reccomend is hopelessly outdated, given that the most recent SW book I read was Vector Prime, the first book in the Yuuzhan Vong storyline. That still covers about 20ish years of story line after the end of Return of the Jedi though so if you want suggestions from within that timeframe I can provide.


Well-Known Member
If you want to experience the best bits of the EU, you need to look out for the following;

Timothy Zahn.
Michael Stackpole.
Aaron Allston.

Zahn is mandatory - he single-handedly started the EU. Stackpole did some good shit with Wedge Antilles and some X-wings, and Allston continued it.

Personally, I dropped everything else out there after Spectre of The Past and Visions of the Future. I've never regretted it.


Well-Known Member
In addition to what was already mentioned, I really like AC Crispin's Han Solo trilogy. I've also heard good things abut Daley's, but I've never read them.


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A bit of a warning on reading any of the EU book or comics. It looks like all of the EU is getting reboot. Web Article


Well-Known Member
Hm...well i'll at least read Zahn's stuff before the reboot happens.


Well-Known Member
Definitely get the Thrawn set. It's by far the best Star Wars stuff I've read. On the subject of the reboot... I can't say that I'm too surprised. If they hadn't been making a new trilogy I think they would have left it alone, but no that they're setting up new canon...

Still seems a shame since it renders most every author's work in the EU post-movie period more fanon than canon.


Well-Known Member
Fellgrave said:
Still seems a shame since it renders most every author's work in the EU post-movie period more fanon than canon.
The EU has a lot of crap in it, so I am not that sad to see it go. I mean what happened with Jacen Solo was just...yeah I was not happy with that direction at all.
Eh, the Anakin Solo thing was the straw for me. Plus Jaged Fel. I do not like Jaged Fel.

It does make sense though that they're rebooting it as has been said. It probably also reflects George Lucas' opinion of it, as he's always looked at any non-movie Canon as stuff that didn't matter. I know he's not involved anymore, but this is something that he'd do without a qualm I think.


Well-Known Member
Emerald Oracle said:
Eh, the Anakin Solo thing was the straw for me. Plus Jaged Fel. I do not like Jaged Fel.

It does make sense though that they're rebooting it as has been said. It probably also reflects George Lucas' opinion of it, as he's always looked at any non-movie Canon as stuff that didn't matter. I know he's not involved anymore, but this is something that he'd do without a qualm I think.

I'll admit, Anakin was robbed of the bright but difficult future that was his destiny. I also feel that the Death of Mara Jade was unnecessary. Perhaps it's because I sense the hand of Karen Traviss holding that particular blade despite other authors trying to share the blame.

I am curious though, why the dislike for Jaged Fel?

Emerald Oracle

Well-Known Member
I only ever heard of him second hand, and he struck me as sorta Suish from the descriptions I got. Also, Shipping! :p Having read the Young Jedi Order series I liked Zekk and he kinda got put on a bus in favor of Mr. Fel. It doesn't help that his relationship with Jaina seems to have bred some bone-dead stupid into the Skywalker/Solo line. Their descendants Roan and Marisia over in Legacy ain't exactly the most balanced and competent individuals.

I realize that all of that isn't exactly objective, but it's why I dislike the character. I might like him if I ever read any of the stuff with him IN it, but at present I'm comfortable enough with my irrational emotional dislike to forgo the New Jedi Order and beyond :p


Well-Known Member
Fellgrave said:
Definitely get the Thrawn set. It's by far the best Star Wars stuff I've read. On the subject of the reboot... I can't say that I'm too surprised. If they hadn't been making a new trilogy I think they would have left it alone, but no that they're setting up new canon...

Still seems a shame since it renders most every author's work in the EU post-movie period more fanon than canon.
Lucas said that the EU books are not cannon but this didn't stop him to use to the name Coruscant introduced by Zahn for the Imperial Center or to use Zahn's caracter and Thrawn's right hand Gilad Pellaeon in his Clone wars series. Or the Witches of Dathomir, etc...


Well-Known Member
The EU is great and awful, and the novelizations of the prequel trilogy are worth reading because theyre much better than the movies themselves. Anakin is so much more interesting and well written. Plus, a lot of other books are great, like Dark Rendezvous and the Darth Bane books.


Well-Known Member
There needs to be less of a focus on the Jedi and more on the adventure these newbies are gonna be having. I don't want some mystical Sith secret to be the core of the new trilogy. Give me Galactic-level subterfuge with the hero a Han Solo-esque guy and the Jedi being his sidekick. Something like Hot Fuzz on Coruscant?

Emerald Oracle

Well-Known Member
I think that's singularly unlikely, because Jedi and the Force are the Thing for Star Wars. Though, now that the franchise is in non-Lucas hands who knows? Personally, I like the whole Force thing, it's cool, and while I am aware I'm in the minority I'm not that big a Han solo fan, he's cool and all, but eh.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Potentially promising, perhaps.


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Nash the Expanded Universe

After seeing this....I honestly believe Lucas made some changes in the end just to fuck with the fans.


Well-Known Member
Python453 said:
Ordo said:
Nash the Expanded Universe

After seeing this....I honestly believe Lucas made some changes in the end just to fuck with the fans.
I kinda figured that out after he made the fucking Holiday Special canon. And not even S or N canon.
You are kidding me.....


Well-Known Member
Ordo said:
Python453 said:
Ordo said:
Nash the Expanded Universe

After seeing this....I honestly believe Lucas made some changes in the end just to fuck with the fans.
I kinda figured that out after he made the fucking Holiday Special canon. And not even S or N canon.
You are kidding me.....
I'm sure there were worse. Just from watching the video, I forgot all about the zombies (which makes little to no fucking sense in Star Wars unless you're Jedi Jesus, and I'm pretty sure that guy is dead) and the Mandalorian wank. And, I didn't know Lucas retconned a good major part of the EU with the fucking Clone Wars TV show.

I almost tempted to say that after reading this, the "Holiday Special being canon" isn't that bad, but I can literally not bring myself to do it. At least with all the other shit I can understand what the characters are saying. I can't say the same for that monstrosity.


Well-Known Member
I'm only adding this movie review because it points out some of the less than stellar antics of One George Lucas. With this in mind his actions post sequel make more sense to me.