Strange pic with Ghosts


Well-Known Member
This is a weird pic I found not too long ago.

What things can you guys see?

I know I spotted a few odd things.

Though you'll need to look a little closer.

That's one of those images that suddenly has some shit show up on it with loud SFX playing or something, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
I did not do anything special at all.

All you really have to do is use your imagination and look through the trees and maybe your mind might form up a couple of weird faces.

Nothing to it. ^_^

I have seen some with the pop-out things, but now that I know you guys won't fall for those, I'll post some other things that still has some very weird stuff.

Yeah, I'm really into the supernatural stuff. :sweat:


Well-Known Member

With the right picture that movational thing could be useful.

Nice, Fatuous One. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't see it...

but i suppose it must be pretty powerful to get people's digestive systems to bake up some alley apples.