Nasuverse Ten-Faced Paladin Fate

As obvious in the title this brings up the F/SN Works made by author Ten-Faced Paladin on

One is obvious, his Fate/Stay Night: Ultimate Master with is a Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Cross with F/S N During the events of the 5th Grail war. The other one just went up in his Ideas thread.

Basically a OC Einzbern joined the Death Eaters for power and tried to cheat out the Grail for Voldie. It caught on and forced a Grail War around the time of the 5th Potter Book.

Servants and Masters?
Berzerker: Vlad the Impaler Master: Voldemort
Archer: Robin Hood Master: Hermione Granger
Rider: ? Master: OC Einzbern
Lancer: Achilles Master: Bellatrix Lestrange
Assassin: Hassan I Sabbah Master : Lucius Malfoy
Caster: ? Related to the Roundtable Master: Luna Lovegood
Saber: Immediately Obvious (seriously if you don't recognise who it is you know nothing of the Grail Wars) Master: Harry Potter

Opinions on these works?
I was fixing the Post. Besides on the majority of his works are Kamen Rider or Ranma Related. Give his F/SN stuff a look then (borrowing from another author) Say what ya think and write what ya feel.


Well-Known Member
I have not seen a single good F/SN fic recommended by you yet. Past experience tells me this author will be utter shit.
To talk about and give opinions on the fiction.

I thought that was the purpose of these forums; to offer/show fiction ideas, suggest/recomend stories to others and give our opinions on the stories.

Even with the moderators gone for so long that is what I though was still happening on this site.


Well-Known Member
Well, it sort of helps if you post a link.
*Facepalms* Second thread I have started, second time I have forgotten that.

ok Links are: <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Fate/Stay Night Ultimate Master</a> the F/SN and Ben 10 Ultimate Alien cross and <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Fate/Ingens Cor</a> the oneshot in his plotbunny closet that has a chance at becomming a full story.


Well-Known Member
Might want to fix that color tag on the tail end, mate....and blah. Tried reading a bit, but the rhythm of his sentences is kind of annoying. They don't really flow very well to my eyes, and it makes it difficult to continue reading.


Well-Known Member
I've read a few fics written by Ten-Faced Paladin... and I've disliked them all.

But who knows? Maybe this one is readable. Personally though, I'm not going reading anything else by this author unless people say that his writing improved drastically or something.
i read both bits. Honestly, I do not like the Ben 10 crossover. The way Ben is added in he feels like a Gary Stu, and his random summoning of an OC AVENGER of all things immediately killed it to me. Not only that, but how did Ben summon a servant in the first place? Without even explaining that and deciding to so blatantly break the Nasuverse without even a real attempt, I don't feel this story is really trying. The summoning of Avenger is even more out there seeing how the person who did it before specifically attempted to summon them by exploiting the system. Ben summoning a new one without any knowledge of magecraft or even command mantra seems like its just some guy fanboying to the Ben 10 genre.

The Harry Potter one is better, but I still have a few issues with it. One is the idea of Clocktower and the Magus association being okay in any way shape or form with a Grail War taking place in LONDON. Do you have any idea how destructive servant battles are? I don't care how condescending you make Magi view wizards and the threat of Voldemort, you bring Servants into the equation and the Enforcers are gonna go and take him out. The biggest issue I have though actually is the general incompatibility of the Nasuverse and Harry Potter magic systems in general. Wizardry regularly breaks many rules and preconceptions that magecraft has. Unless you can explain how these things work via Nasu concepts, the combination of the two systems is utterly laughable.

To put it in perspective, apparation, portkeys, and floo powder are all wizarding inventions that Clocktower would give a sealing designation for. Teleportation of any kind is something considered near the level of true magic, yet it is among the most common methods wizards use to get around. There's no way that magi wouldn't do their best to learn the secrets, ESPECIALLY ones as amoral as Philosophers. In the end, I just don't see this working out unless they give a GOOD reason that the amoral people at Clocktower aren't kidnapping wizards and dissecting them to learn their secrets.