Nasuverse That Ever Illusive Utopia


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Type-Moon characters or properties expressed in the work of fiction below. They belong to Type-Moon and their creator, Kinko Nasu.

That Ever Illusive Utopia
By: Elf

Folly of the Third

Saber was glad.

The urge to close her eyes was strong, but she kept them open, staring at the boy before her. His golden brown eyes were starting to become dull and blank, the toll of the unnatural graft of his new left arm all too evident. Bits of shining steel were starting to break through thousands of places his skin. He would break at the end of all of this, but before then he would emerge victorious.

He would save the day, be the hero he so craved to be.

Sakura and Rin would be safe at the cost of his life, this she was sure of.

Then again she knew what sort of fool her former Master had been that first night.

So, it is not a bad thing to die by his hand.

Saber watched as his glaze cleared as he looked down at her and his arms trembled, even his alien left arm. His chest rose and fell deeply with each breath as the dagger was suspended before her. Already she could feel the wounds mending, he wouldn't have long before she could stand again and strike him with her cursed blade. He had chosen this path and everything it entailed.

The blade came slamming down, and Saber finally found peace.


They were both dead mad men engaging in a useless folly. The boy's body had all but turned into the swords that were within him and the evil buying the priest his time had all been but defeated. Yet they still raged as a clash of ideals, however they were two sides of the very same coin. Good and Evil, Light and Dark, Yin and Yang. They both knew deep down that one could not exist without the other and liked the other simply for that.

Not that they would ever breathe a word of that to each other.

So as broken limbs threw punches driven by sheer will neither were aware that they were being watched.

Ilya stood there in her heavy dress of spun gold and watched with tears forming in her eyes. Her hands were clenched at her sides as she watched beloved flesh being shredded by more and more steel that should not have been real. She wondered if this fate was kinder to her younger brother than the man who's soul was trapped inside of her, but neither ending was happy.

The boy would die only to have his lover waste away without him.

The man had been damned to an eternity of slaughtering many so countless he would never see would live.

Ilya watched as the priest fell first, his determination and body falling to the one named Emiya Shirou. She watched as Shirou stood panting, staring ahead with blank, lifeless eyes at the horror brewing before him. She bit her lip and brushed away tears with a heavy hand before taking another hard step.

She wished she had more of the Servants inside of her, after all she didn't want to part with Archer. It would have been nice to take him with her into eternity, to have his soul reborn with hers over and over again. However she knew that was not to be.

ôSempai,ö a familiar soft voice whimpered beside her.

Ilya turned to see the nude, blood streaked girl standing before her. Matou Sakura was once again sporting her soft violet eyes and hair. Ilya regarded her dark counter part and tilted her head.

ôHe's dying,ö Sakura whispered, tears pouring down her eyes, ôNee-san's dead and Sempai's dying . . . It's all my fault.ö

Ilya knew that Rin was far from dead, after all the magus was too stubborn to die from such a trivial wound inflicted by her own sister. However she was right about Shirou, but both young women had been shaped for a purpose by nefarious forces. They had the ability to work a Miracle between the two of them.

Ilya held out her small hand, smiled, and said, ôWell, you have the power to change it, if you want.ö

Sakura blinked at her hand and asked in a soft voice, ôWhat do you mean, Ilya?ö

ôWe were both messed with for othersÆ gain. I think it might be nice to make a wish of our own making, don't you think?ö Ilya asked with a grin as Sakura bit her lip, but the other girl's hand carefully grasped her own.


There was no peace, no sense of satisfaction, just burning anguish.

The former king of the Britons sat up with a scream as she was brought back into the hellish cave where she thought everything had ended.


"Onii-chan, I'm going to need you to wake up, Onii-chan."

It was a soft voice, an all too familiar one with a sweet sing-song quality to it. A cool hand caressed his cheek and his eyes opened to gleaming, white light. Automatically he reached up for that illusive hand, the harsh bronze of his skin a stark contrast to the gleaming white. Crimson eyes squinted shut as a large smile spread across angelic features framed by silken hair the color of fresh falling snow.

"Ilya," he whispered, his voice harsh and rusty even to his own ears as the rest of his senses began to focus.

There was no gaping hole leaking in his chest, his left arm was attached to his body once again, and there was no connection to an interesting little magus. The prana that was flowing through his circuits was his own and there was nothing ethereal about his existence. Even though steel was his body and fire was his blood, the tissues were restored and whole. Life was given once again.

ôTheyÆre going to need you, Onii-chan,ö Ilya said as the former Counter Guardian Emiya rose shakily to a sitting position. Ilya was standing before him, a being shining with her own inner light that was almost blinding to behold.

His eyes widened at the sadness reflected in crimson eyes that were too old for the face that held them. Automatically the large hand held the smaller one even tighter as brother and sister stared at each other for what seemed like a small eternity. After a moment Archer broke the silence and said, ôIlya, whatÆs going on?ö

ôIÆm acting like an older sister for once. You tried so hard to protect your Ilya and it broke you,ö she said in a soft voice as her eyes shimmered with crystal tears and her free hand brushed his cheek.

He threw his free arm around her and cradled her close, her words a heavy weight upon him. ôIÆm not losing you again,ö he said against the silk of her hair as he clutched the soft material of her dress.

Ilya stepped back and gave him a bittersweet smile before her hands slipped away from him. ôItÆs my choice Onii-chan,ö she said as those glittering tears finally spilled from her eyes.

Archer shook his head and said, ôNo. No, goddamn it, Ilya, IÆm not . . .ö

Eyes like the finest rubies bore into his, locking and holding him in place as if she had bolted him down to the cave floor. Her voice rang out with the clarity of a bell as she said, ôFarewell, Onii-chan. This time promise me you will try to be happy, see what my onii-chan saw.ö

ôNo,ö Archer said, and he would have shook his head and grabbed her if he had been able to move, but the pressure she was putting on him was too great.

Ilya smiled, spinning ever so slightly, her white dress floating around her. She said, ôMaybe you can save the one person you failed.ö Then she was gone, walking farther and farther away from him.

Archer gritted up his teeth and summoned every reserve he had to break the spell sheÆd put upon him. With a shout he fell forward onto trembling limbs as he forced himself to his feet. He started to run in the direction she had vanished, screaming her name over and over again.

Yet she had left him once again.

A loud, female scream in a voice he knew all too well resounded from deeper within the cave. Gnashing his teeth, he looked back to where Ilya had vanished and headed into the cave. Each step deeper into the cave brought him closer and closer, IlyaÆs last words to him ringing through his head with each step.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I'm looking forward to how their interactions play out, since they're both essentially broken right now.

Good luck, looking forward to more!


Well-Known Member
Oh, Elf. Why are you getting me hooked on another line of literary crack?

I want to see Saber and Archer attempt to put each other back together again. Saber, especially, will be an interesting study - she's never really tasted true corruption before. She made some difficult choices as a ruler, she questioned the wisdom of those decisions, but she's never had to see herself running on 100% Evil before.


Well-Known Member
Huh, I vaguely remember you talking about this idea before, but for some reason I thought it was going to be crackish. I'm liking what I see.


Well-Known Member
Chapter One
The Collapse from Within

Bile was raising sharp, bitter, and burning from deep from within as a thousand things swirled at once. Small hands encased in heavy gauntlets made from blackened metal with vicious ridges trembled violently as the slight form rolled over. Pressure was burning behind closed eyes as the acidic contents forced themselves out through a raw throat. Tears streaked down a bloodied face with each dry heave until the small girl was coughing and trembling.

What have I done? What was done to me? I failed . . . They betrayed me . . . I betrayed them . . . Why was I not granted my peaceful end? Have I not suffered enough?

King Arturia Pendragon rose to her knees before screaming again.

The former Servant Saber was aware of the cave around her starting to tremble and quake in the wake of the events that had taken place here. Automatically she looked down at the blackened armor covering her and the gash in the dull steel that had gone straight into her flesh. Her fingers prodded the tear in the armor to find the wound completely healed, as if Avalon had been restored to her, but she had not had her sheath since Emiya Kiritsugu had been her Master. Her eyes had narrowed as she absently brushed back a lock of hair that had fallen into her face.

She was aware to notice that her hair had been restored to its normal gold, not the ashen color it had became when she had been taken by the Shadow. However further glances downward proved that she was still garbed in the hellish black armor and garb. Small teeth worried a bottom lip as ice fear gripped the knightÆs chest as she looked over beside her. Her eyes closed for an instant as the chill continued to race through her veins before she took a deep
breath and opened them.

Lying there almost like a gleaming beacon was her sword. Excalibur was resting upon the ground gleaming silver, golden, and deep blue. The Sword of the Lake was exactly how she held it for so many years, the taint of the evil that had gripped its wielder completely scrubbed clean. Saber almost sobbed in relief as she reached for her sword and brought it to her chest. A loud rumbling lurched again from the walls around her as bits of stone began to fall more and more to the cave floor, yet she remained still.

Let these walls be my end. Let this cave be my tomb, she thought as she looked up with gritted teeth.

In the distance she heard a loud cry that sounded like her second MasterÆs voice. Automatically she looked towards the direction it had came but shook her head. She felt no ties to anyone anymore. She was no longer anyoneÆs sword but her own, and she had no battle left within her. It was not the beautiful death at ShirouÆs hands she thought she had been granted, but she was not going to argue the unfairness of it all.

After all, she had been a King. She had walked hand and hand with miserable duty and unfair situations to serve the Greater Good. Now it will just end. I had failed, this is an acceptable end to me, she thought as she tightened her hold around Excalibur and shut her eyes.

The cave rumbled again and she held her head up, waiting for the crushing pressure to end her misery. However there was a sound that was growing louder and louder, like the footsteps of someone at a heavy run. Her eyes opened to see a tall figure approaching and she widened at the deep red they wore.

Servant Archer stood a mere stoneÆs throw from her with his broad chest rising and falling with each heavy breath. His steel grey eyes locked upon her before widening as they stared at each other. You died, Saber thought with a tilt of her head as she studied him. Mayhap the same force that forced her back to life had done the same to him as well.

Unlike me, Archer deserves it, she thought as he rapidly approached her. The last she had seen of him had been the first battle she had partaken in since the darkness within Sakura had taken her. The battle had changed her opinion of him; after all he stood alone against forces he had no chance to win against. In fact she had swatted him back as if he had been an annoying fly only to have him come rushing back to protect his Master, Shirou, and Ilya.

Saber bowed her head and waited for the killing blow, after all the last time they had met they had been enemies. Instead large hands grasped her shoulders and lifted her to her feet. Her eyes widened and she snapped, ôWhat are you doing?ö

ôThis caveÆs going to collapse any minute. Rin, Sakura, Emiya Shirou, and Rider are still in here. IÆm not letting anyone die here today, especially not you,ö Archer said in a low voice with narrowed eyes as he propelled her in the direction where she heard another yell, but this time in RiderÆs voice.


Archer had ran through the rumbling cavern at a frightening speed as he poured more and more prana into his limbs. With each step his mind was racing as he was assessing everything around him. My body seems to be in the same condition as when I was a Servant before Saber injured me, he thought as he heard her voice screaming over and over again. He Analyzed the cave: Structural integrity compromised. Stone structure cracked, the fissure rapidly spreading. Five minutes until complete cave in.

I can work with five minutes,
Archer thought as the screams cut through him. Even after all of his life and the records he had gleaned off of from his duty as a Counter Guardian, he still hated that sound more than anything. He became so familiar with the cries of others to tell if the screams were due to injury, fear, or soul shattering despair. The screams stilled for a moment before breaking off into a heaving, choking sound for a long moment before continuing with a rawness that made ArcherÆs chest tight.

He broke into a chamber that was still smoldering from a previous battle and kneeling in the center of the chamber was a small figure clutching a sword nearly her size to her chest.

Saber was dressed still in her black armor and gown with its hard, cruel ridges. The Holy Sword clutched to her chest was gleaming like a captured star though as if it had been scrubbed clean of the corruption that had infected its master. As always, Archer was caught by the sheer beauty of Excalibur and its master. Despite being streaked with blood, her skin was no longer ashen, her hair was a golden blond, and the wide, red rimmed, tear streaked eyes that met his could shame the finest emerald.

He watched SaberÆs brow furrow as she tilted her head while she watched him with those wide eyes. Yet she made no move towards him nor did she even stand at her feet with her sword at the ready as she should have. Her head bowed down in surrender and Archer felt something hot flash through him as he closed the distance between them.

ôMaybe you can save the one person you failed.ö

He grasped her shoulders and lifted her to her feet as if she was a doll. He towered over her now, more than he did as a teenager. He was aware she was not his Saber; he had failed his Saber to save the world. It was the first of many difficult choices he had made in his attempt to pursue his idea of being a ôsuper heroö, and, from some of the records he had glimpsed in that first night from previous Grail Wars where Rin had apparently summoned him, was a mistake he would try to rectify when he could.

Despite everything, every time he would see her for the first time again he felt like he was was seventeen again lying on the floor of his shed looking at a radiant form encased in moonlight. It had been a glorious sight that had been burned into his memory even after he had been thrown into Hell so many times. He wondered each time if it rendered him prone like this time, giving her time to strike at him because for that bright, shining moment he wasnÆt Archer or Emiya the Counter Guardian, but Shirou the Innocent, Idealistic Idiot struck stupid by her radiance.

Her eyes snapped open and she asked, ôWhat are you doing?ö

He glared at her bloodied, tear streaked face and how her blond hair was falling loose from the once perfect bun. The blackened, bloody Saber was dull, dirty and had been cast aside. She was wanting to die, Archer thought as he looked down at her, torn between his anger and the knowledge of the all too familiar feeling himself.

ôMaybe you can save the one person you failed.ö

ArcherÆs voice was surprisingly low and gruff, even for him, as he said, ôThis caveÆs going to collapse any minute. Rin, Sakura, Emiya Shirou, and Rider are still in here. IÆm not letting anyone die here today, especially not you.ö SaberÆs green eyes widened as he pushed her forward. A yell rounded from deep within the cavern, the exotic throb having to be RiderÆs voice. Saber stumbled forward but did not start walking on her own, so he grabbed her by the wrist and took off at a run again.

He felt another hot spike of anger as she made no move to cut him down with Excalibur, but meekly held the sword close to her as they traveled deeper into the cave. With each step it continued to rumble and shake more, more and more stones tumbling to the ground. Archer gritted his teeth when he heard Sakura say, ôRider, please get Nee-san and Sempai out of here.ö

ôI am not leaving you,ö was RiderÆs reply as Archer caught view of another sight that made him curse.

Sakura was cradling an unconscious and bloodied Emiya Shirou in her hands. ArcherÆs eyebrows lifted at the sight of the boyÆs left arm whole and attached lying limply against the teenÆs bloodied body. SakuraÆs nude body was blood streaked as she clung to her lover, her eyes filled with tears. Rider was holding RinÆs limp form, but underneath the red turtleneck Archer could see the faint, sickly, green glow of her chest through the fabric.

ôWeÆre getting everyone out of here alive,ö Archer said as Rider and SakuraÆs heads snapped to where he was standing beside Saber. He was already taking off his mantle to drape around SakuraÆs shoulders as he lifted ShirouÆs body over his shoulder. He said, ôWe have about three minutes before the cavern completely collapses. If we move quickly weÆll make it.ö

SakuraÆs eyes widened at him and she swallowed before looking at Rider. Rider tilted her head and frowned before looking back at Sakura. The Gorgon said, ôWhat did the two of you do, Sakura?ö

ôMade sure that Sempai wouldnÆt die and be happy . . .ö Sakura said with wide eyes as she looked up at Archer before whispering, ôThatÆs . . .ö

Archer sighed and said, ôWeÆll talk semantics when weÆre not in peril.ö

ôLeave me behind,ö Saber said in a soft voice as she looked away.

Archer glared and said, ôNo. Are you afraid to atone, Saber? Why, youÆre shaming that sword to give up that easily.ö

Green eyes sparked and narrowed as he continued, ôYou failed to protect him once, it would be shameful of a knight like yourself to fail both people you pledged your sword to, wouldnÆt it?ö

Saber continued to glare at him when he looked at Rider and said, ôYouÆre the fastest and physically the strongest. You lead the charge. I can take Rin as well in case there are any obstacles that are probably going to appear in our path.ö

ôThis is a turn of events,ö Rider said with a tiny smirk as Rin was easily placed in a firemanÆs carry so she could use her hands if need be.

YouÆre telling me, he said before looking down at Sakura who was clutching his mantle to her naked form tightly. She looked up at him and he said, ôSakura, no one else is dying in this cave today. LetÆs go.ö


SakuraÆs hands were shaking.

No matter what, she couldnÆt stop them from trembling. They had managed to escape the cavern before it closed in. Sempai was alive and so was Nee-san. Rider had gotten Nee-san home where she had called informing everyone that Rin was already rapidly recovering on her lands especially after Rider gave her a bit of the prana she was siphoning from Sakura.

Then there was Sempai.

Archer carried him to their room and laid the redhead out on the futon. Sakura looked up and asked, ôWhy isnÆt he waking up?ö

ôI donÆt know,ö Archer said in a soft voice when he shook his head.

Sakura placed her shaking hands to her face and said, ôIlya said we were making a wish. We kept him from dying.ö

ôI think you brought him back to life, but heÆs still injured,ö Archer said as he looked down at her. She flushed as she realized that she was still nude except for the mantle he had given her.

Still, she looked up at him and asked, ôIs there anything we can do?ö

ôActually yes. We need Saber,ö Archer said with a nod.

Sakura blinked and asked, ôWhat do you mean?ö

ôYour Emiya Shirou has something of hers within him, something that his foster father placed into him when he found him in the fire all of those years ago. It saved his life, but with Saber close by it activates and would completely heal him,ö Archer explained.

SakuraÆs eyes widened as she asked, ôDoes Saber know this?ö

ôNo and neither does he, not yet anyway,ö Archer said with a shake of his head towards the sleeping redhead.

Sakura bit her lip and said, ôAnd you know because you were him, werenÆt you?ö

Archer sighed, his large shoulders slumping ever so slightly before nodding. He answered, ôYeah, I was, but because of you now he wonÆt become me. So I thank you for that, Matou Sakura.ö

She stared at him and said, ôI could go get Saber.ö

ôIÆll get Saber. You get cleaned off and dressed. Then I can fix us something to eat, IÆm sure youÆre starving after all of this and since I have a mortal body again having a good meal would probably be a good thing for me as well,ö he said with an all too familiar smile.

Sakura felt herself at ease slightly as he headed for the door. She said, ôArcher?ö

ôYes?ö he replied as he looked back at her.

She bowed to him and said, ôThank you, for everything.ö

ôI really didnÆt do anything,ö he said with a snort and a shake of his head.

Sakura ran her fingers over ShirouÆs left arm before looking at ArcherÆs. The longer length with its darker skin and thicker muscles was all too familiar to her. She swallowed and said, ôYes you did. You gave my Sempai the means to save us all.ö

Archer snorted and said, ôBy almost killing him.ö With that, he was gone, leaving Sakura alone with her lover. She sank to her knees and wrapped her arms around him for a moment. She wanted to clean him off before getting him rested, but she didnÆt know if that would reopen his injuries or not.

She wondered how Archer had become so bitter, but was relieved by his comment. And something IÆm going to ask him about. Nee-san got her answers from Ilya. IÆm going to get my answers from Archer directly.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you continueing this! It's gonna be interesting to see if/how Archer can reach out to Saber through their shared experiences in being used as puppets by vast inhuman forces.


Well-Known Member

Twisted Saber/Archer romance. I have only ever seen 3 of them!


Well-Known Member
shiki said:

Twisted Saber/Archer romance. I have only ever seen 3 of them!
. . . Where?!

I've tried to find Archer/Saber for a LONG time.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see another update, Elf, though this line seems rather awkward:

She was aware to notice that her hair had been restored to its normal gold,
Did you mean for it to say: 'She was aware 'enough' to notice that her hair had been restored to its normal gold,...', or perhaps something else?

Definitely looking forward to more.


Well-Known Member
Elf said:
shiki said:

Twisted Saber/Archer romance. I have only ever seen 3 of them!
. . . Where?!

I've tried to find Archer/Saber for a LONG time.
I've seen a Doujinshi with Archer/Saber. I got a link to it from another member on TFF a while back.

I've also seen a short oneshot with the pairing. It was super short and on FF/Net

I may be mistaken but I think that there was one written for the Type-Moon Lemon contest that F-1 hosted every year since 2008.

I also remember someone planning one on BL, but nothing came of it.


Well-Known Member
Chapter Two
Cryptic Words and Half Answers

It was heavy, encasing her in a steel cage and making each step a massive effort. Saber gritted her teeth as she shed the metal gauntlets and let them fall to the ground beside her. Then small hands reached down to untie the plates covering the stiff black skirts under the armor. Fingers picked at heavy leather lacings, trying to work stubborn and hard to reach knots. Saber grunted in frustration as heat filled her cheeks. I had forgotten what wearing actual armor was like, and I truly did not wear anything like this, she thought as she stared down at the black skirts that hit her about mid-calf.

Saber had acted like a man, dressed like a man, but for some reason she could not fathom the Holy Grail decided to clothe her in a dress each time she had accepted its summons. It was as if Fate had been taunting her then, stripping her of what she had worked so hard to accomplish despite her gender. Shirou's adopted father had been displeased due to the fact she had been a woman and Shirou himself had acted foolishly because of it. Sakura had been pleased with her, but Saber understood why.

Her fingers caught on the leather thong before the knot for the left plate plate finally gave. It fell to the floor with a loud crash that seemed to echo through the paper walls of the room and down the hallway. Her head jerked up and she looked around before twisting to reach the plate on her left side. Her fingers fumbled against it almost uselessly and she quietly cursed as her shoulders began to ache.

Saber had been unusual for a Servant, but there was still a shock to being brought back to life again, true life, especially after tasting the devastating power that Sakura had given her. It had felt too good to be like that, to be an utter force of destruction and to unleash her true feelings upon the world. She understood all too well Lancelot's desire to be summoned as a Berserker in the Fourth War. It would be a sweet thing to throw all your pain into madness and battle, she thought before gritting her teeth as her almost feeble efforts did nothing to release the armor plate on her left.


She froze at the low, male voice from behind her. She turned to look at the fellow Knight standing at the doorway with an unreadable look on his face as he folded his arms across his chest. He was still without the crimson mantle Saber was use to seeing him in, giving her a view of long, powerful arms that had a few scars littering the bronze flesh.

She jerked to her full height as her fingers stopped working at the knot, yet her cheeks burned as she eyed the right set of plates lying on the ground. ArcherÆs state of undress had to do with him sparing SakuraÆs modesty while Saber was finding her armor too taxing to wear. Its blackened state was even painful to gaze upon. It was heavy and brutal, nothing honorable or pure in its sharp plates and harsh lines. It was the armor of a killer who had no qualms about who was shattered under her foot.

ôItÆs heavy and damaged, possibly beyond repair,ö Saber said as her fingers ran idly over the tear in the breastplate. Something chalky and dark came up from the surface of the metal and a quick look confirmed dark red dust on pale finger tips. The small hand clinched into a fist before falling absently at SaberÆs side.

Archer titled his head thoughtfully at it before moving to her left side. She blinked as he dropped down to his knees and jerked the fastenings holding the plates up. She stared at him for a moment as he worked, his eyes narrowed at the task before him. ôI can do this myself,ö she said as she started to step aside.

He smirked up at her and said, ôIf you move too quick Saber you might cause me to lose one of my fingers. I just got my arm back, so IÆll go ahead and thank you now for being still.ö

ôWhy are you doing this?ö Saber asked as he gingerly lifted the set of plates from her hip. He carefully laid it beside the first discarded set of plates before looking back at her.

He answered, ôBecause Emiya Shirou still needs your help.ö

ôI doubt I can be any aid to him,ö she said as she looked away. No aid other than to bloody his innocent hands.

Broad shoulders shrugged as Archer answered, ôIlya and Sakura were able to resurrect him from death, but he wasnÆt healed.ö

ôThen why are we back? That power should have been directed to making Shirou whole again,ö Saber said with a frown.

Archer looked down with a distant look in his steel colored eyes. He flexed his hand and said, ôIlya wanted her younger brother alive no matter what the circumstances or time.ö

ôI donÆt understand your worlds,ö Saber said with a frown, ôYour cryptic words are vexing, Archer. You speak as if you know me, but I have no idea who you are.ö

A faint smile touched his features as he said, ôItÆs a bad habit of mine.ö Then he moved to her back. She froze as she felt the warmth of his hands through her armor as he began to take off the breast and back plates.

ôHow the hell you guys can wear such cumbersome armor is beyond me,ö Archer said with a grunt as her body was rocked back with the force of his efforts.

She frowned and asked, ôWhy do you need my aid for Shirou? You seem to have everything in control here.ö

ôItÆs a good faþade, but IÆm just one man who really needs to learn his limits this time around,ö Archer said as Saber felt a lifting of weight from her back. She took a deep breath at the lack of restraint and tilted her head to look at him.

Saber gripped the black skirt of her dress and said, ôWell, I am glad that you were given a second chance. I believe you proved yourself worthy of it.ö

The breast plate began to slip down and Archer carefully removed it as well. Saber swayed slightly at the lack of weight pulling her down. She rubbed her arm and turned to look at him still on his knees before her. It made her taller than him, but not by much and the eye contact was shockingly frank. Heat flooded SaberÆs cheeks as she said, ôWere you someoneÆs squire at some point? You knew how to handle that armor expertly.ö

ôNo, I was just a sheath for a sword a lifetime ago,ö Archer said as he rose to his feet.

Her brow furrowed at his cryptic words yet again and she sighed. ôI believe it would pain you to be straightforward for once, Archer.ö

ôItÆs just not the right time to reveal myself to you, Saber,ö he said with a slight grin that quickly vanished, ôBut Emiya Shirou does need your help.ö

Saber swallowed and asked, ôWhat can I do to help him?ö

ôStay by his side during the night,ö was ArcherÆs answer as he headed for the door once again.


This isnÆt mine.

Archer stared at the nearly pristine piece of white cotton in his hand with a frown. Large hands tightening on the fabric and causing it to crinkle as keen eyes narrowed at it. It isnÆt mine. But I want it to be.

Looking down at the lightweight armor and heavy pants, Archer realized that what was on his back was all that he had. He had rounded up everyone, gotten everyone safe at home, and now he was standing in a room that he could find everything blindfolded. Despite his familiarity with everything here he knew it wasnÆt his.

He was misplaced. He should have been back at the Throne awaiting use as a Counter Guardian or being summoned as Archer once again. His mind was filled with records upon records that had no rhyme or reason and would take lifetimes to sort through, and he had a feeling all the blood in those pages would break his mind even more than before. He was a man out of time, in a world that was all too familiar yet all too alien.

Yet IÆm free.

Archer slid the strap over his neck before tying the apron strings behind his back. A deep breath was taken before the kitchen was inventoried. A cold blast of air greeted heated skin when Archer opened the refrigerator and took stock of the ingredients inside. Without thinking, large hands began to pull out wrapped slices of meat, vegetables and milk before gathering proper spices, utensils, and pots, pans and a wok. The rice cooker was plugged in, filled, and the lid closed before the former Servant fell into familiar yet long unused patterns.

Is Rider alive too? Should I make enough for her? I have enough ingredients for large portions for all of us . . . A loud, gnawing rumble erupted from ArcherÆs gut as he stood holding a leek in his hand. The vegetable was rested upon the carving block before a hand absently rested on the ridged stretch of armor as an empty stomach made its demands known again.

I need to make enough to take back to Rin as well, if sheÆs awake and can eat, Archer thought as he started chopping vegetables with a real knife, not one of his own making. A pang hit him at the thought of his former Master being carried in RiderÆs arms, her red turtleneck soaked with her own blood. Rider had assured everyone that Rin was recovering nicely, but he needed to see her for himself.

Then there is Saber.

The image of those haunted emerald eyes looking up had burned into him as surely as the sight of her radiance that first night eons ago. That was not the Saber who pledged herself as her sword to me. Nor am I the boy who had been her Master, he thought with a shake of his head. The knife nimbly carved through heavy roots and crisp, green leaves leaving even slices in its wake.

ôArcher?ö a small, feminine voice said from the doorway.

He looked up to see Sakura standing there dressed in a long skirt and heavy white sweater. Violet hair was still damp and pale cheeks were still flushed from the shower. Her violet eyes looked around, down and everywhere but him. Then again the last time they had met before today he had been trying to kill her.

She was too much of a threat to Rin and there was something he couldnÆt put his finger on at the time. In hindsight it was just Alaya who was picking at his brain to let him know that a horror such as the Shadow was threatening humanity. Which just had pissed him off at the time, but heÆd been all but powerless to stop it, but apparently he had made the right choice to graft his arm onto Emiya ShirouÆs.

ôIÆve got this. IÆm sure you can use a rest,ö he said, giving the timid girl a chance to flee from him. He looked down before gathering up his aromatics and placing them in the pot with a bit of chicken stock. The rich, earthy fragrance filled the room in puffs of steam in a way that only caused ArcherÆs stomach to clinch even more.

Sakura said, ôWhat happened to you?ö

Archer looked up from stirring the pot and she asked again, ôWhat happened to you?ö Even though she was biting her lip slightly, her violet eyes met his and held them.

ôI was an idiot,ö he said with a shrug.

Sakura toyed with the sleeve of her sweater and said, ôBut you became a hero, right?ö

ôNot exactly. I stupidly made a deal thinking it was something, but it turned out to be something worse and cursed myself for it,ö Archer answered before turning back to the refrigerator.

Sakura answered, ôIÆm not Nee-san. She might be able to get through your half answers, but I want the whole truth, Archer.ö

ôSo you can make sure that your sempai doesnÆt leave your side? If that was the case I would have killed him myself,ö Archer said as he met her eyes.

She frowned and said, ôYou wouldnÆt have.ö

ôI would have without thinking twice about it. In fact, that was my wish in this,ö Archer replied.

Sakura frowned and said, ôIf you wanted to prevent whatever happened to you from happening, why not just tell him?ö

ôTime doesnÆt work like that Sakura,ö Archer said before turning back and checking the rice cooker, ôAll it does is create another reality.ö

She said, ôThen . . . IÆm glad Ilya was able to bring you back too.ö

He stopped and stared at her, but her violet eyed gaze was honest and her expression utterly sincere. She smiled, lighting up her whole face, and said, ôEven if youÆre not my Sempai, I still donÆt want Emiya Shirou to suffer. Neither would Nee-san. She tried hiding it, but she was upset with what you did for her.ö

ôIÆm good at pissing your sister off,ö Archer said as he felt his own lips quirk up.

Sakura walked over to him and held out her hand. Blinking, he took it and was surprised at the firmness of her handshake. She said, ôI want to thank you too. Without what you did I would have lost Sempai and it would have been my fault.ö

ôWhat the Shadow was doing wasnÆt your fault, Sakura,ö Archer said with a frown as he let her hand go.

Her smile was fragile around the edges as she said, ôYes it was. It was acting on what I wanted. I was angry at Nee-san. It would have killed her. I wanted Sempai unable to fight anymore but alive. It took his arm. Yet you sacrificed yourself so Nee-san lived and Sempai had the power to fight for me.ö

ôThe majority will always win over the minority, Sakura,ö Archer said with a shake of his head.

She headed over to check on some beef he had stewing and shook her head. As she lifted the pot her eyes met his again. She said, ôAnd maybe youÆll find your own special person someday, Archer.ö


I failed, yet I am still here.

Saber was sitting in perfect Japanese style beside her former MasterÆs side. She found her gaze wandering to his bare left arm with its sleek muscles and pale skin. It was proportioned to the rest of his body, not foreign and mismatched as it had been during their last fight. She wonder how it had been possible for Archer to graft his own arm onto Shirou, but if he hadnÆt Shirou would have died far sooner than their confrontation in the cavern.

The redhead shifted in his sleep, reaching out for something that wasnÆt there. Biting her lip Saber reached over and recovered him with his blanket. There was color returning to his cheeks and he wasnÆt deathly still anymore. His breathing had evened out the moment she had sat beside him.

She bowed her head as she remembered forcefully telling him that she was going to sleep with him to protect him. The discussion had turned into a heated argument until Shirou all but forced her to sleep in the room beside his. It had irked her at the time, but she respected the sentiment after being in SakuraÆs head and seeing her memories.

A shudder ran through the young womanÆs small frame at the phantom feel of those things. Even though SaberÆs body had never been touched in such a fashion by anyone, Sakura had been violated since she was a child. The happiness Shirou granted Sakura was yet another reason Saber had been hesitant to fight him. It was just something else on her long lists of regrets and failures.

There was a slight creek and a whisper of paper sliding against paper that filled the room. Saber looked up to see a tall figure haloed from the light in the hallway standing there holding a tray. ôI figured you were hungry,ö Archer said as he entered the room.

The rich aroma of food spiraled through her nostrils and made SaberÆs mouth water. Her eyes widened at the arrangement of fare on the tray that Archer had set before her. Then she closed her eyes, knowing she had done nothing to deserve such care from him. Yet the smell was too much and she turned towards it.

She picked up the chopsticks and began to eat, cursing her weakness for not letting herself waste away.

ôIÆll come back for the tray later,ö Archer said as he headed for the door.

She bit her lip and nodded, not knowing exactly what to say to him at the moment as her eyes lingered on him as he left the room.