Naruto That list of Fan Fiction tropes that you love!


Knower of Stuff
So I figured that there have been topics about what we don't like in Fan Fiction and figured; why not have a section for the tropes we do enjoy (even if it's a guilty pleasure.) So here is my first three of the said tropes!

1. Deus Ex Shikamaru because lets face it, I like how he can put the picture together in his head faster than anyone else.

2. The ever rare, well-written OC that forms a bond with Naruto (or whomever is the MC).

3. The even rarer well-written OC from number 2 that dies and becomes a major impact in Naruto's (or whomever is the MC's) life.


Well-Known Member
1. I enjoy well done AU's and crossovers, where the author clearly isn't just bsing jibberish and has a clear knowledge of the both sources

2. No pairing - not every story needs a romance (or multiple)

3. I really enjoy stories where the Naruto universe has a darker, more grittier side.


Well-Known Member
Anti-hero Naruto stories where there is enough Naruto-ish to believe that its actually Naruto and not a terrible OC.


Well-Known Member
I really like a well done prankster/infiltration naruto a la mouse of konoha

Well done taijutsu naruto's are rare as well.

I also really like lucky!Naruto befriending the shit out of his enemies too


Well-Known Member
I also enjoy most time travel stories, though only a few of them I would ever recommend