Nasuverse The 1,001 Deaths of Matou Shinji


Well-Known Member
39) Death by Electricution. In which silly Shinji steps on a wet patch of floor in the bath room and falls into a filled tub where Sakura had "accidentally" left a hair dryer.

40) Death by falling down several flights of stairs. In which Shinji, running away from Shirou and Saber is helped in his endeavour by Ilya and Berserker who teach him a new way of getting down the stairs. In an instant.

41) Death by cannabalism. In which Shinji hits on Caster who turns him into a pig and sells him to the local abbatior. Mmm... Long pork.


Well-Known Member
42) Death by Soap. In which Shinji learns what ancient Greeks did to pretty little boys,
and why Soap on a rope is always a good idea.

43) Death by Embarrassment. In which everyone figures out Shinji's little secret,


Well-Known Member
44.) Death by Cardboard Box: "No Place To Hide" - Shinji should have taken the warning literally. The angry cloned super-soldier was not in a forgiving mood.


Well-Known Member
45) - Death by transplant. In which Shinji learns that EMIYA lives on - through this arm!