Evangelion The 3rd Son


Well-Known Member
I'd had an idea bouncing around in my head for a while and a post in the HP section got me to put the idea itself down, figured it ought to be here as well

Canis said:
SotF said:
The Vale said:
mandalorianjedi said:
I'm thinking those measurements might be insufficient...

After all, "apocalypse" could refer to erradicating all forms of organic life on a planet, or even wiping out the entire planet itself. Not just cities, fleets or even whole countries. I'm talking Jenova level shit.
you know, i'm suddenly struck that there aren't more FFVII/Eva crossovers...
I'd actually been considering one, and this could partially explain why Sephiroth went off the deep end. His "angelic" nature was partially suppressed until close contact with Jenova and mixed with his view of his life and what he was being shattered he lost it.

1st Impact happened centuries after the events of Final Fantasy VII, after Adam and Lilith couldn't sense Jenovas presence and thus a "free" world to take control of and moved in.

Adam landed intact, but was frozen because of it in the arctic.

Lilith unleashed something that bound with the humans that survived the double hit on the planet.

Prior to 2nd impact, an expedition to the antarctic found human remains buried in the ice and dirt before bringing it back. The remains were transferred to a research project to understand this ancient man.

Cue 2nd Impact and the unleashing of a heavy dose of energy similar enough to Jenova to trigger a release similar to what happened in the Northern crater, but for a brief instant causing devastation to the area and wiping out everything near it. People reacted thinking this was a nuclear strike started the major wars right after it leading to the later ascendancy of the UN.

Unfortunately, this triggered a partial regeneration of Sephiroth, his age reduced by lack of biomass during regeneration and being found as the only survivor anywhere near it.

Cue Sephiroth trying to understand this world, and especially everything else.

Not to mention he still hears the whispers of mother...

Cue the first angel attack and a total recal by the one winged angel.
Sounds interesting, but I have one very important question - is Sephiroth meant to be a good guy or a bad guy in this? Or perhaps the better question: Is he meant to be THE Bad Guy or THE Good Guy?
Any, all, and none of the above.

Unlike the current breed of angels on Earth, killing him would likely cause a resurgence of the Death Stream and cause even more problems for everyone.

NERV and SEELE wouldn't be able to control him, and the attempts would probably end badly.

Evangelion's would be among the worst choices to use in fighting an angel the size of a man with the propensity to slice and dice buildings .

Not to mention he's batshit crazy at this point with the desire to become the god by the eradication of all other life on the planet. However, he's just as likely to kill the angels first as they are the most dangerous enemy at the moment (I have the image of one being impaled upon a skyscraper like Sephiroth did to a Midgar Zolom)