Harry Potter The Application Process


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And once again a reasonable request for a minimum of consistent quality falls on deaf ears.


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Innortal said:
Very nice.

And now to mentally add to your scars...

"My name is Luna Lovegood, and I am applying for the Brawn."


"I'm applying for all four, Daddy says I'm an overachiever."
What the- get out of my head!

Already writing up Brawn!Luna. She's unconventional, so Beauty and Brains were already out.

Though I suppose I could have her apply to be the Boss, and be some sort of Bondage Queen forcing the Golden Trio to be her lovely little pets...

@zeebee1: What, did the hiccup happen again?


Well-Known Member
I think he's butthurt that it's a rewrite of a previous post rather than something completely new.


Well-Known Member
Then he's probably going to be pissed off, because I just did the same thing once more.

Across from Fred and George, part of another set of twins sat. Padma Patil had arrived with her own stack of papers, and was even now sifting through them with a purpose. Fred opened his mouth, but a quick glare from the girl stopped him from saying anything. Padma continued for another minute or so, before settling the papers before her.

ôGo ahead.ö she said. The Twins shared a quick glance, before George cleared his throat.

"So, Miss Patil, you're applying to be the brains of Potter's operation?"

"That is correct, Mr. Weasley."

The Twins exchanged another look, "You are aware that the position has already been filled, right?"

"By Hermione Granger, I am aware."

"Then why are you applying? Your application with Miss Greengrass is one of our strongest candidates, so why are you applying for Hermione's place? She has a proven record working with Harry for the past three years, so we see no reason to change things in that regard.ö

ôIf it's not broke, don't fix it.ö

ôHonestly, this is mainly a formality.ö

"Just because she's been working with Harry for the last three years, doesn't necessitate that she is the best candidate. I am here to show that I am far and away the better choice." the Ravenclaw stated, daring them to deter her.

"Well, if you insist, we can't really turn you away..." Fred admitted.

"Very well then Miss Patil, since the position is already filled, what makes you think you can supplant Miss Granger?" Fred asked seriously.

Padma reached out and grabbed several papers from her own pile, passing them to the Twins. "As you know from my application, and can see here, I am ranked second in our year, only behind Miss Granger by the smallest of margins, and that is only because she is taking additional classes, boosting her overall score. In our shared classes, our scores are nearly identical, and I have edged her out numerous times in various assignments."

"Very true, but how does that qualify you to replace her? Your academics are essentially even, but she has three years of experience working with Harry."

"That is true, but by choosing me as the candidate, Harry will gain access to additional resources as well as broadening his potential base."

"How so?"

"While Hermione is indeed intelligent and skilled, she is a Gryffindor. She doesn't give him access to anything that he couldn't get on his own, aside from her intellect. However, s a Ravenclaw, I can give Harry access to numerous other academic minds in my house, as well as allowing him an easier time establishing connections within Ravenclaw House. Having easy access to twice as many people is reason enough, but as many regard Harry as Gryffindor's Golden Boy, and will assume he will use Gryffindor allies to accomplish his goals. Even if I were to join his group, that suspicion will enable him to utilize Ravenclaw without undue scrutiny from his rival. The ability to surprise your opponent cannot be underestimated.

Even without these reasons, by adding someone from another house to the group, it extends Harry's perceived allies outside of Gryffindor. I'm sure other candidates besides Miss Greengrass have extended outside of a single house, and if Harry restricts himself solely to Gryffindor, it creates the appearance of isolationism and distance from the other houses. While that has not been a problem in the past, as Mr. Malfoy's group was pure Slytherin, the new group will not likely share this weakness, and could turn popular opinion against Harry as a result.ö Padma paused, before passing another sheet of paper to the Twins.

ôAs you can see here, the individual applications you have received come from all four houses and the top five years. Likewise, most group applications contain at least one member from a differing House. While it is theoretically possible for you to construct a team composed of a single house, the likelihood of such an event is slim, especially as you have advertised the entire process as open to all. Should you show bias by selecting a pure Gryffindor Team for Harry and the other team solely from one of the other three houses, you're entire project will likely fail simply to uproar it would most likely generate.

As it is now, Mr. Malfoy has thrown numerous fits to this process, and it is conceivable that he could rally the neglected Houses into forcing a reassignment of teams or staging a campaign against the preferred houses. While I doubt he would be capable of instigating a campaign, should he manage, the focus would most likely shift from Harry team and their counterparts, toward their Houses as a whole, resulting in a school wide schism, dividing the houses into three camps, the Gryffindors, their new rivals, and the remaining Houses.ö

"Excellent points, every one of them." George responded. Fred nodded in agreement.

ôWe definitely will consider the extended consequences of team composition, beyond their direct impact in the rivalry.ö

ôSee that you do.ö Padma answered.

ôNow, a few additional questions if you don't mind?ö Fred said, almost nervously.

ôOf course not.ö Padma replied.

ôAssuming you manage to attain this position, what will you do in regards to Miss Greengrass's team?ö

ôWhile I would enjoy working with Daphne, I believe working with Harry would be a more rewarding experience, both personally, and in regards to how the school and others perceive me. I would withdraw my participation from Daphne's team if it came to that.ö

ôWhat if her team is also selected?ö George said.

ôNeedless to say, Daphne is well prepared for all potential developments. There are numerous other candidates within Ravenclaw for the Brains position. While I am the preferred candidate for her group, Daphne is aware of my application for Harry's team and has a few contingency alternatives ready should I be selected.ö

ôGood to know. What is your opinion on Harry on a personal level?ö

ôTo be honest, I don't particularly have an opinion in that regard. There is very little interaction between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor outside of classes and the occasional Quidditch match.ö

ôSo how would you propose to develop a relationship with him?ö

ôMost classes, regardless of House, are held within the same approximate time frame. This means that free periods are nearly identical, with a few exceptions. While the inability to interact during classes is a loss, it also prevents the development of interpersonal friction due to overexposure to each other. In addition, my twin sister is both a Gryffindor and in his year, which gives a perfectly legitimate reason to spend time in Gryffindor Tower and thus, with Harry and his group.ö

ôHow do you think Miss Granger would react upon being supplanted by you?ö George asked.

Padma allowed herself a small smirk, ôI think she would explode.ö

ôAnd how would you deal with that?ö

ôI have studied numerous defensive spells, and while it may not be enough to overwhelm her, it will protect me long enough to escape her wrath or wait for a teacher to arrive and defuse the situation. I expect her fury would last for weeks, but as I have no intention of cutting her out of Harry's life completely, I expect it to wane over time. The key to replacing her as the Brains aspect of Harry's group lies in asserting my position while not isolating her completely.ö

ôHow do you think your sister would react?ö

ôI don't see how that is relevant.ö

ôYou spending more time in her common room, with her housemates could be seen as an attempt to intrude on her personal domain.ö

ôI doubt that it would become a problem. Parvati and I have shared almost everything since we were children, and while we did come into conflict about such things on occasion, it never escalated to a dangerous degree.

Regardless, I intend to integrate Parvati into the peripheral group surrounding the core of Harry's team, much like the role Hermione will be relegated into. In addition, I plan to encourage her to spend some time with some of her other friends, as well as some of mine, thus averting any battles over perceived territory, as well as providing a solidifying experience to the peripheral group in both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, drawing both aspects closer to each other to create a unifying spirit of friendship.ö

Fred and George nodded for a minute, not saying anything.

ôWell, is there anything else?ö Padma asked, a note of mild irritation in her voice.

ôTo be honest, we weren't expecting you to be so well prepared. We're a bit overwhelmed.ö

ôWould you mind coming back at another time?ö

ôIs this some ploy to deter me?ö Padma asked, looking between them in suspicion.

"While we hadn't planned on considering your application seriously, you have raised several important points, and we will take them into consideration during the final review process. We simply need some time to process everything that has been discussed here."

"Thank you for the consideration. I'll leave a copy of my additional notes her for your perusal." Padma said, immediately rising from her seat and shaking their hands, before leaving.

"So... I think this just got a bit more complicated brother." Fred sighed, glancing at the significant pile of papers Padma had left for them.

"I doubt Hermione will be happy with this turn of events. I just hope she doesn't hex us when we tell her there are other serious candidates for her position. Padma aside, a few of the older students are trying for the same thing, and their advance spell knowledge could be a huge advantage. Most of them probably weren't expecting anything from it, but after Padma, we can't just ignore them."

ôThey probably won't find anything left f us once she finds out.ö

ôThink she'll blame it all on Padma?ö

"I don't think we're that lucky George."


Well-Known Member
I think this calls for public debates! Maybe including mud-wrestling.


Well-Known Member
Wrote up a new one. Let me know how it turned out.

Luna Lovegood skipped across the room, looking eagerly at the various decorations and failed experiments scatter throughout in utter fascination. Fred and George watched as she picked up a variety of objects to closer observation, before just as quickly discarding them in favor of something new. This continued for several minutes, much to the consternation of the Twins, before she appeared to grow tired and sashayed her way over to their table.

ôHello!ö she exclaimed happily, with an enthusiastic wave.

ôHello Miss Lovegood.ö Fred replied easily, while George returned her wave.

ôHow is Ginny doing? I haven't talked to her very much this year, or last year. Or the year before that. There's always something interesting going on at hogwarts so it's not surprising we don't get much time to talk to each other.ö

ôGinny's fine. I'm sure she's been wondering how you've been doing.ö

ôMy housemates say I've gone mad. I'm not sure about that. I've been acting the same way I always have been.ö Luna answered. ôMaybe I've been Obliviated, so I've gone mad and I can't remember. Do you think I should see Madam Pomphrey about that?ö

ôEr... no, I don't think that will be necessary.ö

ôAre you sure about that? If I've goen mad I should probably find out about it as soon as possible.ö

ôCould we just focus on the matter at hand Miss Lovegood?ö

ôOf course, you wanted to talk about the Blibbering Humdingers, right?ö

ôNot... exactly.ö

Luna nodded, ôIf course not. Blibbering Humdingers are repelled by conversations about them. So what shall we talk about instead?ö

ôWell... how about Harry Potter?ö

ôExcellent? Now what color do you suppose Harry Potter is? Daddy always said that Harry Potters tended to be yellow, but I've read in the Quibbler that they've been known to be red or purple as well.ö

Fred and George stared dumbly at her for a moment, before realizing she was talking about the creature she had mentioned, instead of the actual Harry Potter.

ôWe meant the actual Harry Potter.ö

ôOf course.ö Luna nodded in agreement, though it was hard to tell if she really meant it.

ôSo what can you tell us about Harry Potter, just to make sure we're on the same page.ö

ôWell, he's a fourth year at Hogwarts, he defeated You-Know-Who, he has five wings, that make him spin when he flies, He lives in Gryffindor Tower, and he's best friend's with Ginny's older brother, Ronald.ö Luna answered, ôWould you like me to continue?ö

ôNo... that's enough for now.ö George replied uneasily, before turning for a hasty engagement with his brother. ôWell, she's obviously talking about the Blubbering something-or-other, at least some of the time.ö

ôI think we can work with this.ö Fred replied, ôIt might be a bit difficult to tell which one she's talking about, but I think we can pick up the gist of it.ö

ôYou sure about that? My head is already starting to hurt a bit.ö

ôWell I'll buy you a dress and call you princess if this is all you can handle.ö

ôHa ha. I bet I can last longer than you can.ö

ôIs that challenge, brother dearest?ö

ôOnly if you're afraid to take it.ö

ôWhat are we talking about?ö Luna whispered, having joined in their huddle at some point. This caused the Twins to jump apart, before awkwardly coughing and trying to pass it off as if it were nothing.

ôMiss Lovegood, please remain in your seat until the interview is over.ö

ôInterview? I've never been interviewed by anything other than the Quibbler. How exciting!ö Luna said, before scurrying back to her chair, nearly bouncing in her eagerness to get started.

ôMiss Lovegood, you are applying for the Brawn position? Fred asked, still off kilter from her antics..

ôAre you sure about that?ö George asked, looking at her thin and rather gangly build.

ôOf course.ö Luna answered happily, humming tunelessly to herself.

ôSo what qualifies you for the brawn position? I mean no offense, but you don't seem to be the violent type.ö

ôDaddy bought me some enchanted steel toed boots. Whenever I try to kick someone, they seek out their most vulnerable parts.ö Luan said cheerfully. ôWould you like to see?ö

ôUh, no thanks.ö Fred replied, looking a bit pale as he imagined where they would strike.

ôI also enchanted them to do the River Dance. I seem to have mixed the enchantments somehow, so now whenever I try to kick someone I end up dancing for the next five minutes as well. It's quite fun. I just need to add some musical charms to them.ö

ôRight...ö George said, not quite sure how to respond to that.

ôHave you ever danced before George?ö

ôNot really. Too busyö

ôWould you like to?ö Luna asked, ôIf you'd like, you could borrow my boots.ö

ôPlease focus, Miss Lovegood.ö

ôI'm not focusing? Do you think I have a Wrackspurt infestation?ö Luna asked worriedly.

ôI'm sure you're fine.ö Fred assured the fretting girl.

ôNow, could you tell us you connection to Harry?ö

ôOh, I don't have one. I don't think I've ever talked to him before.ö Luna said, her attention drifting to the side of the room as she tracked a dust mote. ôBut he seems a prime candidate for Nargle infestation, and I wanted to try and catch one for daddy.ö

ôAs a third year, do you think your lack of experience will interfere with working with Harry?ö George continued, not letting himself be distracted.

ôOh I don't think it will be a problem at all. You said this position was all about violence, and my boots allow me to do that without too much effort. I've also been helping edit the Quibbler since I was nine, and you learn all sorts of useful things form it, like how to capture Harry Potter. I'm not sure how useful that will be since I'll be working with him, but you never know. He might be possessed by a Umgubular Slashkilter, or run into a Dabberblimp, his natural predator.ö


ôHow do you think Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley would handle working with you?ö

ôYou mean Ronald?ö Luna asked.


ôWell...ö Luna considered, ôGinny says that Hermione is always doing research, so I think we'd get along quite well. I'm always trying to find more information about the Crumple Horn Snorkacks, so having someone help me with that would be nice, and I think she would enjoy the challenge.

As for Ronald, I never really spent that much time with him, but as long as I give him something to eat, it shouldn't be too uncomfortable. I'm not a very good cook but I could always visit the kitchens or save something from lunch for him.ö

ôThe best way to Ron's heart is through his stomach.ö George agreed.

ôWhat about some of our other candidates?ö Feed asked, passing her a short list of some of the other people who had done well in their interviews. Luna studied the list for several long minutes, before handing it back.

ôI'm afraid I don't know most of those people, and they aren't nearly as famous as harry and his friends, so I suppose we'd start from scratch. It's always nice to try and make new friends.ö

Fred grinned at her answer, ôRight you are.ö

ôHow would you deal with any threats? As the Brawn of the group it'll be your duty to deal with them.ö

Luna frowned, ôI would ask them politely to stop. Ginny taught me her Bat Bogey hex, so I could always use that if people keep being nasty after is ask, or maybe I could show them my new boots! Once they see the River Dance, I'm sure they'd rather talk about that instead of being mean!ö

ôWhat about your rivals? You're supposed to fight with them.ö Fred attempted to focus the girl again.

ôDaddy mailed me a box of exploding pies recently. I suppose I could throw those at them.ö Luna considered thoughtfully. ôThough I also checked out a book of rather nasty curse from Madam Pince... I'd hate to waste Daddy's delicious pies...ö

Fred and George shared an uneasy glance, before they decided they had had enough for the moment. ôWell Miss Lovegood, it was quite a delight to speak with you. It has been most... illuminating.ö

ôA bit unusual too.ö

Luna beamed, ôThank you! I always believed unusual experiences make life more interesting, don't you agree?ö

ôWell, I suppose...ö Fred considered her statement.

ôCertainly better than being boring at least.ö George added.

ôWell, I have to be going. The Nargle's migration season is about to start, and I don't want to miss it if I can help it.ö Luna said excitedly, before skipping out of the room.

The Twins sat in silence for several minutes as they tried to recover from the unique experience of Luna Lovegood.

ôThat was... unique.ö Fred attempted to describe their interview with the young Ravenclaw.

ôThat it certainly was.ö

ôDo you think we could assign her as comic relief?ö Fred asked, rubbing his temples.

ôShe's not all that funny, just a bit odd, and restructuring the entore process to add in an additional position seems likefar too much work. If we really need to, we can each join one team or another.ö George said, shaking his head.

ôSo I guess we should put her in the rejected pile?ö Fred asked, already moving to dispose of her application.

ôI think she might be good for the Brawn position.ö George replied, causing his brother to freeze up in shock.

ôDo you really?ö

ôIt seems strange, I know, but she is a strange girl, and getting kicked by those boots of hers certainly sounded intimidating.ö

ôI'll grant you that one, brother, but surely some of the other applicants would be better.ö

ôYou're forgetting the most important thing about working with Harry.ö

ôAnd what would that be?ö

ôYou have to be memorable. We want everyone to be recognized, so it isn't just 'Harry Potter and those people he hands out with.' We want Harry Potter, So-and-So, What's-His-Face, and The-Pretty-One.ö

ôTrue, true. Even just talking to her was memorable.ö Fred admitted.

ôAnd that was just an interview. We've been doing interviews pretty much all day straight, and hers is the only one really sticking out in my head.ö

ôThat's probably because we just finished. Give it a bit, and she'll probably fade out a bit like the rest.ö

ôLuna isn't exactly a forgettable character.ö George said, and Fred couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Lord of Bones

Well-Known Member
It seem almost every fic with Luna boils down to "took, the crazy girl is funny and totally cool and not really mildly disturbing!" She's up there with Saint!Hermione with how overused she is.


Well-Known Member
Lord of Bones said:
It seem almost every fic with Luna boils down to "took, the crazy girl is funny and totally cool and not really mildly disturbing!" She's up there with Saint!Hermione with how overused she is.
I think it has to do with the fact that everyone wants to be special and unique, but society has a habit of forcing us into conformity or risk being ostracized. Luna provides a safe, risk free outlet for our desire to be accepted for who we are, quirks and all, without the risk of being rejected.

I though the Twins were slightly put off by her, did it not come off that way?


Well-Known Member
Parts of it seemed right, but other parts seemed like she was crazy just because you think that's what she has to be. Luna is a difficult character primarily because she's more than a bunch of issue stuffed together.


Well-Known Member
Of course, then Cedric makes a run at being Harry's rival and shit gets real.


Well-Known Member
zerohour said:
ôWe want Harry Potter, So-and-So, What's-His-Face, and The-Pretty-One.ö
:mellow: Hm. Teen Girl Squad.

And let's face it - everyone wants to write Luna. The problem is that it so often comes out forced, and she sounds either really fake and stilted or just all-over-the-place. It ain't easy to balance her out right.


Well-Known Member
ôMr. Creevey, Mr. Creevey, are you prepared to discuss your application?ö Fred asked the Creevey brothers, who were a bit too excited to sit down.


ôWe certainly are!ö

ôVery well, what positions are the two of you applying for? Beauty, Brains or Brawn?ö

The Creevey's exchanged a look. ôOh, you're misunderstanding us. We don't want to be part of Harry's team.ö

ôWe want to be his photographer and publicist!ö

Fred and George didn't reply, staring dumbly in disbelief.

ôYou see, with the Triwizard Tournament, the presence of an international star, and the redefining of Harry's key friends and rivals, it will be necessary forö

ôOf course, we would also work for whatever group of rivals is eventually selected, in the effort to keep things even.ö

ôWe really don't expect too many other people to apply for this sort of thing, so we have to keep things fair.ö

George sighed, ôThank you for your time, but we aren't really looking for-ö

ôHold on brother.ö Fred stopped his twin as he considered their proposal. ôLet's hear them out.ö

ôFred, are you serious?ö

ôWell, think about it. We did come up with this idea to give us something to entertain ourselves without Quidditch this year.ö

ôSh! That's supposed to be a secret!ö Fred gasped, trying to quiet them down.

ôDo you really believe that?ö George asked.

ôWell... no, not really. But we have to keep up appearances.ö Fred admitted with a wry grin.

ôTrue enough.ö

ôAnyways, this is a great way for us to generate attention for Harry's new rival. Most people are used to Malfoy and his goons being Harry's rival, so these guys could help speed up the transition.ö

ôI suppose so...ö George accepted reluctantly, and they turned back to the eager looking Creevey brothers.

ôAlright. Suppose we decide to allow you to do this. What are some of your plans?ö

ôWell, a photo shoot for both teams would be an ideal starting place. It would help to familiarize the rest of the school and our guests. A series of short articles about the individuals and the groups as a whole will help further establish their roles and legitimacy compared to Harry's previous rival.ö Colin said, excitement gleaming in his eyes.

ôFollowing that, we would like to organize a few public conflicts, much in the same vein as the tasks mentioned by the Headmaster. It would serve as an opportunity for the two groups to familiarize themselves with each other, and provide entertainment for everyone else during the long gaps between the tasks.ö

ôA solid plan, wouldn't you say brother?ö

ôCertainly sounds good, but what about competition with the Prophet?ö

ôWe're planning on keeping circulation solely within Hogwarts. The entire project is reliant on the additional publicity created by the Triwizard Tournament. We only plan to keep up this production pace for this year, and then either stop altogether or reduce the frequency to something more manageable. We'll decide which one once we see the results and can gauge the interest levels for further continuation.ö

ôAlright, which of you is which?ö

ôColin has always been the better photographer, and people are already used to him asking for photos, so he'll take care of that aspect. I'll be in charge of the printing and publishing parts.ö Dennis answered quickly, ôThe two of us together will plan and schedule the various events.ö

ôColin, are you concerned that your previous reputation might interfere with this?ö George asked cautiously.

ôHuh?ö Colin asked in confusion.

ôWell, people recognize that you're a bit pushy when it comes to your photos. Don't you think they might avoid getting pictures taken if they think you'll be the one in charge of them?ö

ôWhat do you mean?ö

ôYou're a bit pushy about it mate.ö Fred informed him, creating an expression of shock on the third year's face. ôA lot of people try to avoid you because you're always badgering them about pictures.ö

ôWell, why didn't anyone say something? I wouldn't have tried taking pictures if I knew it bothered people.ö

ôI'm sure they tried, but you just get so excited it's difficult to get a word in edgewise when you've got your camera.ö

Colin slumped down in disbelief, before drawing a deep breath, ôThank you for telling me about it. In the future, I will try to contain my enthusiasm, especially in a professional setting. If it continues to be a problem, my brother will take over photography duties, or we will find a suitable substitute.ö

Fred and George blinked in mild surprise, that the photography enthusiast would be willing to go so far for the sake of their project. ôYou're really serious about that?ö

ôWell of course. The Triwizard Tournament is a publisher's dream, and sometimes you have to make a sacrifice or two to reach it. If we need someone else in charge of photography, I'll just have to accept that.ö Colin replied, ôbesides, it's not like I'd have to give up everything for it. I can still help with event planning and writing the articles.ö

ôTrue enough.ö Fred replied, ôWell, we hadn't planned on adding any auxiliary positions such as the ones you are proposing, but we can't deny that it sounds interesting. We'll consider your proposal for a few days, and we'll be in touch if we decide to go along with it.ö

ôReally?!ö Dennis exclaimed, before regaining control of himself. He awkwardly cleared his throat, before saying, ôThank you. We won't let you down.ö Colin nodded his agreement, and the Creevey brothers left the office.

ôIt sounds interesting.ö Fred admitted to his brother, who was stroking his chin in consideration.

ôThe real question is, will it be funny. I know we're trying to take this seriously, but we still need to have some fun along the way.ö

ôIt will be definitely be funny, at least some of the time.ö Fred answered with a crafty smile, ôI'm sure they'll need some help writing articles or organizing events, and seeing the look on everyone's face the first time they show up is reason enough. I say we give them a chance, and if things don't work out, we can shut it down,ö

ôSo, shall we give them a chance?ö

ôLet's sleep on it. We still have a lot of interviews left, and we don't want to get ahead of ourselves.ö

ôFair point. We'll think about it for a bit, and see where things go.ö

And here are some currently incomplete snippets. Not sure which one I want to expand first, so please tell me which amuses you guys the most.

ôAnd now, for the final and most important event of the competition...ö Fred said

ôMud bikini wrestling!!!ö George exclaimed to the cheers of the assembled male crowd.

ôOh, I don't know about that Hermione...ö Padma said, he eyes thoughtful.

ôYou can't seriously be considering this!!!ö The young witch protested.

ôOf course I am, after all, they never said I couldn't have a proxy.ö Padma replied, and with a quick switchign charm, George paled as his clothes were suddenly replaced with the skimpy bikini he had chosen for her. With a quick shout of ôAnimatus!ö his body locked up, only moving along with the gestures of Padma's wand.

Hermione stared in shock for a moment, and grinned sadistically, ôI like the way you think Padma.ö

Fred tried to flee, but the disbelief at what had just happened delayed his reaction, and by the time he began running, he was already in Hermione's grasp.

Surprisingly, the first to move were Ron and Lavender, who came together in a passionate embrace.

ôDon't worry Harry! I'll overpower her!ö Ron managed to gasp between kisses.

ôI've got him right where I want him Daphne!ö Lavender moaned before tackling Ron to the floor.

ôMy, Ronald's method seems surprisingly effective.ö Luna commented absently, as she walked over to her counterpart. ôI think I'll test it out for myself.ö

ôSo, what do you need me for?ö Harry asked the Twins, who were looming over him.

ôWell Harry, we've narrowed down the list of candidates for your new posse and rivals, but to finally determine which one is best, we need you.ö

ôWhy me?ö

ôWell, if you're going to be working with them, on a regular basis.ö

ôor againstr them as it may be.ö

ôThen we need to make sure that you are capable of interacting with them in an appropriate manner.ö

ôCan't have your crew and you at each other's throats all the time after all.ö

ôHere.ö Draco said angrily as he tossed his revised application to the Twins. They immediately began looking it over, hemming and hawing to themselves. Malfoy tapped his foot impatiently,

ôWell, at least it's properly formatted this time.ö George admitted.

ôSo you'll be The Boss, and I reading that correctly?ö

ôOf course!ö Draco replied indignantly.

ôSorry, you just don't strike me as the leadership type. More like head thug at best.ö

ôWhy you-ö

ôYou added Miss Parkinson to your lineup?ö Fred interrupted. ôI assume she will be filling the Brains role, as Crabbe and Goyle don't exactly have stellar grades.ö

Fred and George stared as Crabbe and Goyle across the table. The two Slytherins were inexplicably naked from the waist up, and were wearing masks. The foursoem sat in awkward silence for several long minutes, before the Twins decided to press on, as their current candidates clearly had no desire to initiate their conversation.

ôAlright then, Mr... El Pollo Loco?ö Fred questioned himself as he read the application's name.

ôWell that can't be right, can it... Senor Grande?ö George asked just as confused.

The masked duop nodded, and from nowhere, a spotlight fell upon them and a voice began to echo through the room.


The empty room broke out into cheers.


Well-Known Member
zerohour said:
Surprisingly, the first to move were Ron and Lavender, who came together in a passionate embrace.

ôDon't worry Harry! I'll overpower her!ö Ron managed to gasp between kisses.

ôI've got him right where I want him Daphne!ö Lavender moaned before tackling Ron to the floor.

ôMy, Ronald's method seems surprisingly effective.ö Luna commented absently, as she walked over to her counterpart. ôI think I'll test it out for myself.ö
This one.

Continue this one.

Especially since it looks like Luna would be getting the 'brawn' position, which puts her 'against' Susan... should be fun.


Well-Known Member
While having the counterparts go directly against each other is classical and amusing, it makes more strategic and tactical sense to aim strength against weakness, rather than strength against strength.

For example, having Ron take out their Brawn (Susan) would free up Luna to address either their Boss or their Brains, allowing Hermione to distract Lavender. Or vice-versus, if you want a win for Daphne's team.


Well-Known Member
My logic for Ron vs. Lavender was that they were both the Beauties of their group, and heterosexual, so it was only natural that they want to... "engage" with each other. Like mixing gasoline and fire.

Sadly since I didn't get a reply soon enouhgh I ended up expanding Crabbe and Goyle's entry. I'll try to get hypothetical face off done next time.

Fred and George stared as Crabbe and Goyle across the table. The two Slytherins were inexplicably naked from the waist up, and were wearing masks. The foursome sat in awkward silence for several long minutes, before the Twins decided to press on, as their current candidates clearly had no desire to initiate their conversation.

ôAlright then, Mr... El Pollo Loco?ö Fred questioned himself as he read the application's name, glancing up at Crabbe.

ôWell that can't be right, can it... Senor Grande?ö George asked just as confused as he glance at Goyle's own application.

The masked duo nodded, and from nowhere, a spotlight fell upon them and a voice began to echo through the room.


The empty room broke out into cheers. The two goons stood up, soaking up the applause like seasoned pros.


With a quick series of spells, the Twin's office had been shunted to the side of the room, and a massive wrestling ring had materialized in the now empty center of the room. The two masked fighters climbed into the ring, before mounting the corner poles, glaring at each other. They waved to the nonexistent crowd, who went wild at the display.

El Pollo Loco and Senor Grande sprang down into opposite corners, tense for their impending battle. Fred and George watched wordlessly as the phantom announcer spoke up once more. ôAND NOW, WHAT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, THE TITLE MATCH FOR THE BELT OF LUCHARA, THE PEOPLE'S CHAMPION, EL POLLO LOCO, AGAINST THE GREATEST MAN OF ALL TIME, SENOR GRANDE! WHO WILL EMERGE VITORIOUS? WHO WILL HAVE THE HONOR OF THE CHAMPION'S BELT?! THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT, AND THAT WAS IS...ö

The invisible crowd joined the likewise unseen announcer with a cry of, crowd ôLET'S LUCHA!!!ö

Both wrestlers jumped down into the ring, and began circling each other. Each sougth an openign in the other's defenses and engaged in a series of feints and exchanged light blows as they felt each other out.

Senor Grande made the first move, springing forward to grapple with his foe. El Pollo Loco tried to dodge, but couldn't escape the grasp of Senor Grande, who grabbed him and threw him with a powerful choke slam. El Pollo Loco let out a painful groan, before rolling out of the way of a body slam. Taking advantage of his prone rival, El Pollo Loco tried to pin him, but was thrown off. The combatants broke off their engagement and returned to the edges of the ring. They exchanged looks briefly, before resuming their brawl.

ôGRANDE PUNCH!ö Senor Grande shouted, hurling himself at his enemy, bringing his fist forward to clobber him. El Pollo Loco managed to dodge, but Senor Grande rebounded off of the ropes and elbowed him in the back of the head. El Pollo Loco staggered, but managed to recover in time to intercept his second attack, clothes-lining the masked man and sending him to the floor of the ring. He placed his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath, and granting Senor Grande a moment to recover.

Senor Grande warily watched his foe as he struggled to his feet. El Pollo Loco watched as he regained his footing, before launching a powerful barrage of attacks. The imaginary crowd roared in excitement, as Senor Grande took blow after punishing blow. As the slightly larger luchador fell back,

A punishing uppercut stopped El Pollo Loco dead in his tracks, lifting him off the ground and sending him sprawling on the ring floor. Senor Grande raised his arms in triuph, before following him to the ground with another body slam. El Pollo Loco was unable to move out of the way this time, and took the full brunt of the attack. Senor Grande rose up only to repeat the attack, landing another devastating blow on El Pollo Loco.

The injured luchador groaned as he rolled over, only to unceremoniously grabbed by Senor Grande, who lifted him over his head, before throwing him across the ring. A shout rang out from the imaginary crowd as El Pollo Loco fell to the ground once more. Senor Grande left the ring, and picked up one of the chairs against the wall. El Pollo Loco struggled to his feet, just in time to see the approaching wrestler with his weapon in hand.

Senor Grande slammed the chair towards El Pollo Loco, only for the injured luchador to stop it. His attack was thwarted as El Pollo Poco seized his forearms. Senor Grande glared at the masked man, as his attack was slowly but surely forced back. The clash of power was abruptly ended as El Pollo Loco bashed Senor Grande's skull with his own. Senor Grande stumbled backwards, as El Pollo Loco attacked with a second headbutt, stunning the wrestler with his attack.

El Pollo Loco seized the chair from his loosened gasp, and brought it down on top of him. Again and again, he pummeled the wrestler with his own weapon, to the rising cheers of the crowd. Senor Grande fell nerveless to the ground, before being dragged to his feet. El pollo Loco continued to beat on his opponent, before hefting him over his head as he himself had been just moments ago. With a roar, El Pollo Loco threw him out of the ring, watching as Senor Grande crashed into the furniture against the wall.

ôONE! TWO! THREE!ö The announcer began counting, as Senor Grande attempted to recover himself and return to the ring. He attempted to raise himself up, but continually collapsed from exhaustion and his injuries.

ôFOUR! FIVE! SIX!ö the crowd chanted along with the announcer. Senor Grande managed to regain his feet, and staggered towards the ring. He nearly fell after each step, but managed to keep moving.

ôSEVEN! EIGHT! NINE!ö with only a single number left in the count, Senro Grande began to clamber into the ring. El Pollo Loco was ready for him, and dragged him in to renew his attack. Senor Grande responded in kind, and a powerful barrage of blows fell upon each of them. Senor Grande attempted to grapple El Pollo Loco again, only for the masked fighter to break free. The two of them staggered apart, before locking eyes.

ôGRANDE PUNCH!ö Senor Grande roared, stepping back to add more power to his final blow.

ôEL POLLO PUMMELLER!!!ö El Pollo Loco mirrored him, preparing his own finishing move.

The two charged at each other with a bestial roar, each launching their final attack with all of their might behind it. These attacks would decide who would win.

The blows landed simultaneously.

ôI DON'T BELIEVE IT! A CROSS COUNTER!!!ö The announcer roared as the powerful blows landed, sending both combatants to the floor. Both of them lay there for a moment, before El Pollo Loco began to struggle to his feet. He wobbled unsteadily on his feet, before staggering toward his still senseless foe. Falling to his knees he pinned the unmoving Senor Grande.

ôONE! TWO!! THREE!!!ö The announcer shouted, as cheers erupted. El Pollo Loco released Senor Grande and stood victorious over him. He raised him arms in triumph, to a roar of approval from the crowd.

ôAND THE WINNER IS... EL! POLLO!! LOCO!!!ö the crowd screamed almost ecstatically as Crabbe, or rather, El Pollo Loco took a victory lap around the ring, as his opponent dazedly struggled to his feet. In a golden flash, a belt of massive proportions sprang into existence at the center of the ring, glimmering in its magnificence. Almost reverently, El Pollo Loco reentered the ring, and slowly walked over to the floating belt. He held his arms aloft, and it descended into his waiting hands. With unmistakable pride he fastened the belt around his waist, to the crescendo of cheers from the crowd. El Pollo Loco reveled in the glory of the belt, as a host of pyrotechnics erupted around him. He turned to the recently recovered Senor Grande, and magnanimously offered his hand. The defeated wrestler stared at it for several long seconds, before accepting it, to the cheers of the crowd. The two fighers exited the ring together, before facing the Twins.

With a quick bow, the two masked wrestlers absconded from the room, leaving behind two thouroughly confused red heads.

ô...ö Fred sat silent, finally struck dumb by the entire sequence of unusual events.

ôThank you for the demonstration? George almost asked, unsure of what the proper response would be. It seemed that it was the right decision, and the phantasmic crowd burst into cheers once more, as the two luchadors gracefully bowed before dramatically exiting. Several seconds later after their disappearance, the massive wresting ring vanished as well, with all of their furniture sprinign back into its proper place shortly afterwards.

ôWell, they are thematically matched.ö George commented in an off hand sort of way, still trying to process the weirdness they had witnessed.

ôThat is true, and you don't see too many wizards willing to engage in hand to hand combat like that. Most like to cast hard hitting spells instead.ö

ô...maybe we should choose them? At least it would keep Malfoy from using them.ö

ôWe'll keep them in the running. There are a lot of different students with strong applications, so we can't just cast them aside for... that.ö

ôYou don't know what that was either?ö

ôNope. Not a clue. Looked impressive though.ö

ôYes, it did. I wonder where they go the idea... Watching two blokes pummel each other unconscious is always fun to see, wouldn't you say? I wouldn't mind watching them go at it again sometime.ö

------- -------- --------

Might expand the end a little bit more, though I think it came out alright.

Just so you guys know, I already have plans for them applying for all three of the remaining positions. It will be hilarious.


Well-Known Member
Hrm... How about multiple groups? Sure, Harry Potter and his Rival are #1, but perhaps they could have ally and/or subordinate or even conflicting groups. If they have enough applications, it could cause all sorts of random crack-humor to suddenly occur as each try to undercut or defeat the others as appropriate. Might be a touch too much deus-ex crack, but I figure with the mexican wrestling idea you're not shying away from random stuff.


Well-Known Member
This is mostly just random snippets, so I could easily do something like that. Any Harry vs. Rival scenes will be labeled as hypothetical, since I'm sure there are plenty of additional scenes I can cook up for different characters or different roles.

Does anyone have a list of the Bulgarian/French students besides Fleur and Krum? Failing that, anyone have French and Bulgarian names I could use? I want to write up a three way Quidditch Match and some related scenes, and I would like to have some authentic names to use for it.


Well-Known Member
The first time I read that I thought the only thing they were wearing were their masks.


Well-Known Member
Had a weird idea while half asleep last night. Lavender makes an entire team based around Beauty. All the roles are filled, but everyone qualifies for Beauty first, and whatever else a distant second. NO IDEA where you'd go with this, but could make for an amusing yet mostly ineffectual team on either side.


Well-Known Member
Well, clearly Harry is so manly that even his enemies have the hots for him if they're hot.


Well-Known Member
And another new chapter, with a couple of chapter seeds at the end. Let me know what you think about it, as well as which of the numerous chapter seeds I've posted I should develop next.

Hypothetical Encounters #1

It was another wonderful Hogsmead weekend, and Harry was nervous. It wasn't because of the Triwizard Tournament, though that was a part of it. It wasn't the plot Dumbledore suspected was surrounding him. After three years of the same, he more or less expected it. It was his new rival, that he was worried about.

He was glad he didn't have to deal with Malfoy any more, make no mistake about that, but Malfoy, though annoying, was at least familiar, and while he had plenty of time to get to know his new rival, interviews and staged meetings were nothing like the real world, and he had no idea just what he would have to deal with.

ÔÇ£Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Potter and his incompetent cronies.ÔÇØ A voice called out, causing the foursome to turn. Harry grimaced lightly as he saw Daphne Greengrass, his newly appointed rival, and her cadre of companions. The two groups stared at each other, and harry couldn't help but feel there should be a tumbleweed blowing between them.

Surprisingly, the first to move were Ron and Lavender, who came together in a passionate embrace. The remainders of their teams stared dumbfounded as the two teens grappled with each other in a way that caused a number of them to begin blushing. It wasn't all that surprising. An exceptionally attractive male meeting an exceptionally attractive woman was likely in end in such a way, but to have a front row seat for such an event was disconcerting and uncomfortable for the rest of them.

ÔÇ£Don't worry Harry! I'll overpower her!ÔÇØ Ron managed to gasp between kisses.

ÔÇ£I've got him right where I want him Daphne!ÔÇØ Lavender moaned before tackling Ron to the ground.

ÔÇ£My, Ronald's method seems surprisingly effective.ÔÇØ Luna commented absently, as she walked over to her counterpart. ÔÇ£I think I'll test it out for myself.ÔÇØ She began walking towards the somewhat dumbfounded Susan Bones, before the Hufflepuff realized just what the young Ravenclaw was intending. With a brief shout and wave of her wand, numerous ropes sprung into existence and wrapped up the blonde girl.

ÔÇ£Oh poo.ÔÇØ Luna said in mild disappointment. ÔÇ£I guess it only works for the Beauty.ÔÇØ

Harry pointed his wand at Susan threateningly, but was soon distracting as Ron's shirt found its way onto his head. With a brief shout, he tore it off, and took several steps away form the epicenter of the conflict. Susan likewise took several steps away from Luna, in fear that she would have somewhat less innocuous than a shirt thrown onto her.

All of them watched the two Beauties clash. At first, simply to avoid being assaulted with whatever happened to come off of them, but then, it slowly began to develop into a morbidly fascinating scene, and they shuffled closer together, enraptured by what was unfolding in front of their very eyes.

ÔÇ£Well, this isn't going anything like I expected it to go...ÔÇØ Harry struck up a conversation with Daphne as they watched their Beauties continue their... ÔÇ£battle.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I feel the same way, Mr. Potter.ÔÇØ Daphne replied, unable to tear her eyes away, much like the slowly gathering crowd. ÔÇ£Do you think we should go to the Three Broomsticks for a debriefing? I have a feeling these two aren't going to stop anytime soon, and it could prove problematic for our future encounters.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Sounds good to me.ÔÇØ Harry answered, signaling Hermione to grab Luna. ÔÇ£I'm buying.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Now Mr. Potter, as your rival, do you think I'd let you get one over on me so easily?ÔÇØ Daphne smirked as Padma and Susan fell into pace behind her. The two trios left the out of the way Hogsmead street, intent on quenching their thirst, their rivalry currently suspended.

ÔÇ£You should try tying her up next time Ronald! It worked wonderfully on me!ÔÇØ Luna called out as they left. Ron gave a halfhearted wave of thanks, before doing his best to ÔÇ£subdueÔÇØ his very attractive rival.

As they continued to struggle for dominance, a number of the less gentlemanly wizards in the crowd began to cheer for them, to which Ron and Lavender were blissfully oblivious to.


The Three Broomsticks was surprisingly empty for a Hogsmead weekend, but given the show their missing friends were putting on, it made sense that most of the students would be watching that instead of having a nice drink. Harry managed to secure a sizable booth in the corner, and the girls soon joined him. The quickly gave their orders to Madame Rosmerta, before Daphne called their impromptu meeting to order.

ÔÇ£I think the first order of business we have is to discuss Mr. Weasley and Miss Brown.ÔÇØ Daphne began, to a round of frantically nodding heads. ÔÇ£I think we can all agree that their choice of combat is unorthodox at best, and somethings need to be devised to deal with it.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Well, I have an idea.ÔÇØ Hermione said.

Madame Rosmerta delivered their butterbeers, and Daphne and Harry gestured for her ton continue as they began to sip form their drinks.

ÔÇ£I think that we should speak with both Ron and Lavender about today. They never really had a chance to speak with each other due to the activity involved in setting up these groups. If we can just talk to them about it, I'm sure we can come to a resolution that everyone is happy with, and avoid this problem in the future.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Lovely idea. I'm sure they won't lose themselves in the heat of battle.ÔÇØ Padma commented with a look of disdain.

Hermione glared at her counterpart, before continuing, ÔÇ£While this does run the risk of a repeat of today, I think that both Ronald and Lavender are mature enough to restrain themselves after today. Also, if they do decide to pursue a relationship, it will allow them to vent their... emotions outside of conflicts, thus reducing the likelihood that they will lose control of themselves as they did today. We'll need to consult with both of them to see if this is a viable option, but I think it could resolve our problem nicely.ÔÇØ

Daphne and Harry nodded in consideration, while Luna and Susan drank their butterbeers. Padma snorted derisively at the proposal.

ÔÇ£Well, if you don't like it, why not share your own idea?ÔÇØ Hermione said, glaring at the Ravenclaw.

ÔÇ£I will.ÔÇØ Padma said, giving Hermione a dismissive look. She stood up, and waited until she had everyone's attention, before explaining her own solution.
ÔÇ£I propose we separate they two of them. The chemistry between them is far too strong for anything else currently available to deal with. If we keep them apart, then they will only see each otherÔÇØ

ÔÇ£The second apart of my plan is to have them develop romantic relationships with people outside of our rival groups. This will not only provide them with an outlet aside form each other, but it will also provide a tangible reason for them to avoid engaging in such a manner again. The entire process will take some time, but I think if both groups collaborate together, we can establish a solid baseline within a month, and have both of them in strong relationships by the winter holidays.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£And that's just a lovely idea.ÔÇØ Hermione said sarcasm dripping from every word. ÔÇ£It will be easy to ensure they never see each other for an entire month. It's not like they're members of a rival groups, or house mates. They only time we'll have to worry about them is the rare times they're in class together, when we're focused on learning and taking notes. I'm sure they won't take advantage of that.ÔÇØ

Padma glared at the brainy Gryffindor, before Harry tried to defuse the situation. He signaled for another round, and began trying to placate both parties.

ÔÇ£Alright, those are both some... interesting options, but I'm sure there are a number of other choices. We still need to talk to both Lavender and Ron about this before we can make any real progress, but thank you both for your thoughts on how best to deal with this.ÔÇØ

Their butterbeers arrived, and Harry hoped that the drinks would help cool their tempers a bit. He sighed in relief as the two intelligent girls stopped glaring at each other to pick up their mugs, but his relief was to be short lived.

ÔÇ£Bitch.ÔÇØ Hermione commented between sips of her butterbeer.

ÔÇ£Tart.ÔÇØ Padma replied easily.




ÔÇ£Idiot.ÔÇØ Padma sneered, turning Hermione a furious red.

ÔÇ£YOU TAKE THAT BACK!ÔÇØ Hermione shrieked, standing up in righteous rage, ÔÇ£YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS I EDGED YOU OUT IN THE MIDTERMS!ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£THAT WAS LUCK AND YOU KNOW IT!!!ÔÇØ Padma yelled in return, mirroring her counterpart. Both Harry and Daphne sighed as they realized where this was going. The Ravenclaw leaped across the table, taking the furious Gryffindor to the floor. Hermione roared in outrage, before seizing Padma's long dark hair, and giving it a vicious pull.

Padma shrieked in pain and outrage, before slapping the bushy haired bookworm, and receiving one in return. Hermione rolled over on top of Padma, knocking over an empty table in the process, only for Padma to grab her hair and introduce her face to the floor. There was a sickening smack, and when Hermione's face came back up, her mouth was bleeding.

ÔÇ£YOU.. TART!!!ÔÇØ Hermione screamed, as she kicked herself free of the Ravenclaw. The two of them regained their footing, before rushing at each other for another clash.

ÔÇ£You'd better stop them Harry.ÔÇØ Daphne said.


ÔÇ£You're the Boss, right? As the Boss, it's your duty to control your underlings. If you can't even manage this, maybe I shouldn't be your rival.ÔÇØ Daphne said, before sipping form her butterbeer once more.

Harry considered it for a moment, before deciding discretion was the better part of valor. ÔÇ£You stop them.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£What?ÔÇØDaphne asked is disbelief, setting down her mug.

ÔÇ£I'm never seen two girls go at it like this. You've got a younger sister, right? I'm sure you'd be much better at getting them to stop than me.ÔÇØ Harry said, locking eyes with the Slytherin.

Daphne stared him, then looked at the brawl on the bar's floor, watching as Hermione spit the blood from her broken lip in Padma's face, and earned a slap that sent her sprawling.

ÔÇ£...I'm sure they can resolve their differences on their own. They're both smart girls.ÔÇØ Daphne said, attempting to save face.

ÔÇ£Agreed. Let's leave them alone to settle their differences.ÔÇØ Harry concurred, before the remaining four quickly exited the building.


Deciding to get far, far away from the Three Broomsticks, the Boss and Brawn of both groups set out for a walk around Hogsmead, taking special care to avoid the area where they had first met up.

ÔÇ£Oh look! The Shrieking Shack!ÔÇØ Susan exclaimed, trying to distract the rest of them from the last few events of the day. ÔÇ£You know it's the most haunted structure in all of Britain, right?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£You know, I always wondered how it became haunted.ÔÇØ Daphne said, ÔÇ£It's too bad Hermione and Padma are indisposed right now. I'm sure one of them knew the answer.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I've always wanted to explore the Shrieking Shack.ÔÇØ Luna commented as they passed the empty building. ÔÇ£Daddy would love to interview some of the spirits inside of it. It would be a great piece for the Quibbler.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I don't think there's anything interesting in there Luna.ÔÇØ Harry chuckled, recalling when he found out the truth about the Shrieking Shack.

ÔÇ£Nonsense!ÔÇØ Luna replied cheerily, ÔÇ£In light of our abject failure to engage in proper battle, I think a short expedition into the Shack is the perfect opportunity to raise morale.ÔÇØ

Harry laughed as they continued walking, ÔÇ£Thanks Luna, but I think you already managed to do that.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Luna?ÔÇØ Harry asked, before noticing she was not walking alongside them anymore. He rapidly turned to see where she had gone, but a sinking feeling in his stomach told him where she had probably gone. He looked towards the Shrieking Shack, and saw the young Ravenclaw was already next to the abandoned building, and happily dislodging a few decaying boards

ÔÇ£Luna! Stop!ÔÇØ Susan shouted, before rushing to catch the young blond before she entered the Shack. Unfortunately, Luna managed to make a hole just large enough for her to squeeze into, and Susan's hand closed on empty air as the young Ravenclaw disappeared

ÔÇ£Luna? LUNA?!ÔÇØ The Hufflepuff cried, before frantically widening the hole and plunging headfirst after her. The further loosening of the boards caused the whole wall to shudder, and other loose boards began to sink, slowly causing the recently crafted doorway to close.

Harry and Daphne stood dumbfounded, still trying to process how they had lost the last pair of their companions so easily. The quickly rushed over to the entrance they had created, which was already almost collapsed itself completely closed. The peered into what remained of the hole and called out, but neither Luna or Susan replied.

ÔÇ£Do you think we ought to get a teacher?ÔÇØ Daphne fretted, ÔÇ£I don't wan them to get detention, but we can't just leave then in there, can we?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£We don't need to get a teacher. Luna's probably exploring the Shack and is too fascinated to hear us, and Susan is probably just trying to get her before something happens. I'm sure they'll be just fine.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£But what if one of the spirits gets them?ÔÇØ Daphne asked, her fearful eyes locking with Harry's.

ÔÇ£Don't worry about it.ÔÇØ Harry assured Daphne. ÔÇ£I know for a fact that there aren't any evil spirits in there.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Is that so Mr. Potter? Then just what causes all of the screaming the town hears?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Werewolves.ÔÇØ Harry answered without thinking, not seeing how Daphne froze up at his offhand comment. He began to turn around, before noticing that Daphne was frantically trying to force her own way

ÔÇ£Daphne, wait!ÔÇØ he shouted, futilely trying to wrestle her away from the Shack.

ÔÇ£We can't let them go in there alone Harry! They don't have your years of experience to survive a werewolf!ÔÇØ


Harry sighed as they finally reached their destination. The hill wasn't all that impressive, but it gave them a good view of Hogsmead, and they could even spot Hogwarts off in the distance.

He looked over at Daphne. It hadn't been easy convincing her that the Shack wasn't a werewolf stronghold, waiting to devour anyone who walked to close by. Even after explaining that it had been built for Professor Lupin years ago, and had been deserted ever since, he still found her glancing fearfully at it from time to time, and visibly restraining herself from rushing in after the Brawn of both their teams. Only after a half hour passed without any screams from inside or riots breaking out in the town did she finally allow herself to relax.

Harry watched as she gazed down on Hogsmead, trying to think of a decent way to break the ice. Their entire history was based around their respective groups and their clashes, and they had never had a single encounter where it was just the two of them. Harry struggled to think of how to converse with the pretty girl beside hi, before deciding to rely on the basis of their relationship, their rivalry.

ÔÇ£That went... well, I suppose.ÔÇØ Harry said, trying to pretend things had gone better than they had.

Daphne chuckled, ÔÇ£Don't flatter me Potter. It was a disaster for both of us, and you know it.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Well, yeah, but at least it was entertaining.ÔÇØ Harry replied, ÔÇ£And I'm sure Ron and Lavender are happy with how things turned out at least.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£That is true... I always suspected Lav had something for that Weasley of yours since his makeover, and I'm glad she finally got a chance to act on it. The Brains on the other hand...ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£As long as they don't burn down Hogsmead, I'll be happy.ÔÇØ Harry answered.

ÔÇ£I don't think we need to worry about that. They seemed more concerned with hair pulling and slapping than acting like witches.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I've never seen Hermione like that before. I guess she was a bit more stressed about Padma's attempt to replace her than she let on.ÔÇØ Harry considered, ÔÇ£I think I'll still be concerned about them burning down Hogsmead. They're both smart girls, and eventually one of them is going to remember her wand, if only so she can hex the other for pulling out her hair.ÔÇØ

Daphne sat silent for a moment, ÔÇ£Do you think we should stop them?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£There is no way I'm getting between two smart witches with a grudge against each other. I'd rather fight Voldemort before doing that.ÔÇØ

Daphne flinched at the Dark lord's name. ÔÇ£Sorry about that.ÔÇØ Harry apologized.

ÔÇ£No need for that. I'm just a little impressed that you can say his name so easily.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Well, I grew up like a muggle. I didn't even know about him until Hagrid told me. Harry said modestly.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Still, even the muggleborns start calling him You-Know-Who after a few months.ÔÇØ Daphne said, ÔÇ£it's quite impressive that you continue to say it after four years.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Professor Dumbledore once told me that fear of a name only increases the fear of the person, so I try to keep saying it despite how everyone reacts. I'm just glad he doesn't come up in everyday conversation.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£...I'm not a very good rival, am I?ÔÇØ Daphne asked, causing harry to look over at her in surprise.

ÔÇ£Why do you say that?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£It's our first real encounter, and look what happened. Our beauties are probably naked in the streets right now, our Brains are probably burning down the Three Broomsticks, and our Brawns are exploring a haunted house.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Allegedly haunted.ÔÇØ Harry corrected her, earning a halfhearted laugh.

ÔÇ£And here we are, just sitting like a couple of chums instead of fighting like we should.ÔÇØ

Harry sighed as he tried to think of how to answer her. Nothing immediately sprang to mind, so he decided to simple say whatever came to mind.

ÔÇ£Daphne, it's our first encounter. There was no way it was going to go well. Your groups is still learning how to work together, and mine is still adjusting to Luna. We're still not used to working with our allies, let alone our rivals. Things were bound to go wrong, and they did. It just means we need some time to get comfortable with each other.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£You really think so?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I do.ÔÇØ harry replied honestly. ÔÇ£No matter how things turned out, I still had a lot of fun today, and you certainly beat out Malfoy.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£You're comparing me to Malfoy already?ÔÇØ Daphne managed a smile.

Harry smiled back, ÔÇ£I'm sorry, I should have compared you to rocks. It's less insulting to you.ÔÇØ

Daphne laughed, before standing on her tiptoes, and pecking him on the check.

Harry froze for a moment, as Daphne looked at him, her cheeks slightly pinker than before, ÔÇ£That doesn't mean I like you Potter. I just... sympathize with your situation.ÔÇØ

Harry flushed as well, ÔÇ£Of- Of course. It was nice working with you.ÔÇØ he said, awkwardly offering his hand. Daphne stared at it for a long moment, before reaching out and shaking it.

ÔÇ£Excellent work today Mr. Potter. I look forward to our next encounter.ÔÇØ Daphne managed, before turning and stiffly marching off. Harry stood still for a few minutes longer, before leaving himself, making absolutely sure to go in any direct but the same one as Daphne had chosen.


ÔÇ£So, did you manage to get all of that?ÔÇØ Fred asked his brother with a wide grin.

ÔÇ£Why yes, I did.ÔÇØ George answered with his own smirk. ÔÇ£I didn't expect them to split up like that, but I managed to record everything despite that minor hiccup.

ÔÇ£Excellent. I think we'll have quite the entertainment lined up for dinner this evening.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Indeed we will brother. We just need to get these to the Creevey brothers to spice it up a bit more.ÔÇØ George's grin widened to the point where it looked as if his face would break.

ÔÇ£Best be going then, don't you think?ÔÇØ Fred asked, before the Twins dashed back to Hogwarts. The evening meal was only a few hours away, and they wanted to make sure everything was perfect for the returning rivals. After all, the Weasley Twins produced nothing but the finest. If they didn't make at least one of their unfortunate targets blush hard enough to explode, they clearly weren't doing their job right.

New Chapter Seeds:

ÔÇ£Don't worry harry, you'll love these guys.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£They're rocks.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£ENCHANTED rocks. The enchantments are very important.ÔÇØ


ÔÇ£Hagrid, you know this was meant to be mainly for students, right?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I now, I jus' wanted to try meself fer a bit o' fun.ÔÇØ

Fred sighed, ÔÇ£Alright Hagrid, show us what you've got.

ÔÇ£Well, I brougth Fluffy fer the Beauty position. Your brother Charlie said he'd let Norbert visit me, so I'll use him fer Brawn, and me old friend Aragog agree to be the Brains fer a bit.ÔÇØ


"What're you working on Fred?"

"Personality Potions. Some of our potential Applicants aren't exactly eager to participate, so i thought I'd cook up something that might help them get over their inhibitions."

"You're talking about the teachers, right?"

"I never said that, but yes."