Naruto The Card 5


Well-Known Member
The Card
Written By: Matdeception


Interlude: Proactive Deactive Reactive.


He set the report down, letting his one eye trail over the only pertinent bit of information that mattered to him; Mission Failure. He felt a twinge of irritation at that, but expertly clamped down on that emotion, similar to how he clamped down on so many others. Danzou was a master of that, never giving into rage, or a base desire for petty vengeance against those who followed him. In ROOT you either adapted to the harsh demands placed upon you, or you quickly crumbled to dust, this was no more true for the Nin under his command than it was for himself.

"A demand to the Council for restitution is not out of the question." He allowed, closing his eye and sighing thoughtfully.

"It has been done. She has lost everything but her pride, to take more would potentially endanger her health." His Soldier reported, standing at attention despite his numerous injuries. "Uchiha Mikoto has refused bribes, threats, and outright demands. Force is the easier, simpler solution."

Danzou shook his head. "That is out of the question."

"Sir." his subordinate protested, "I simply state facts as I see them."

"I do not ask you to see." The Old War-hawk sternly glared, "Only to obey."

The man simply bowed in response.

"Dismissed." He waved the man off, glad to be rid of his presence. He did not need to be reminded of what was simple, did not need to be advised on how best to achieve his goals, and would not entertain the ignorant suggestions of his troops in any matter. They were tools, and tools did not question the tactics of their masters.

"Sai." a simple word, softly spoken yet with hard command.

A boy of pale-skin, dark hair in a short cut, and passive face appeared in a flicker of movement, already down on single knee as he awaited his orders. This was a tool, Danzou recognized. Hardened by despair, moulded and tempered for duty despite his past, one who did not question, did not think, and most importantly, did not care.

"Uchiha Mikoto." Danzou gripped his cane, leaning his weight on it as he stood up. "Discreetly destroy what supplies she still maintains. A sign of pre-meditated vengeance encouraged, if possible wound her superficially."

"As you will." His tool intoned evenly as flickered from view.

Danzou hopped back a step as Sai returned, a blast of white hot flame tearing him from Shunshin and blasting the boy against the wall. That fire swirled around the room, twisted and shrinking down as it began to take the vauge shape of a human, white darkening to black as a slippered foot stepped free of the supernatural inferno, followed by a woman of auburn colored hair and similarly dressed kimono.

Sai was up on his feet in a split second, lunging at the woman and launching a series of needle sharp senbon that flew true, striking the woman in her neck, eyes, and chest.

"Pfeh." she idly tapped the boys wrist as he moved to engage her in hand to hand, freezing him solid on the spot.

Danzou realized he hadn't even raised his cane to defend himself as the woman left Sai, the boy standing still as if time itself had frozen. He did not flinch as the senbon melted, flowing into the woman and vanishing beneath the skin as her wounds flowed together like water, restoring her with nary a scar to mark the perfection of her silky smooth skin.

"Danzou." she intoned with soft irritation. "Can't a girl visit her minions with out having to slap them around first?"

"Nodoka-sama..." the old man grimaced despite himself, the cold look she shot him at his words doing well to remind him of her particular eccentricies. "Nodoka-chan..."

Nodoka smiled brilliantly, pinching his cheek like he was some petulant child asking for more candy. "That's my boy."

"You... honor me." The Old man began simply, "I did not think to see you again..."

"Oh Danzou." she sighed, disappointment evident. He couldn't help but notice how tightly he was gripping his cane, couldn't stop the desperate questions. Could he draw his weapon fast enough? Could he plunge it into her heart before she playfully slapped him down? Would it even matter? "I gave you a simple task, one you failed quite spectacularly to even come close to completing."

"I've been making progress." He defended. "Whittling the resistance down, pushing the matter to the brink, it will not be long before she accepts her place."

"You pushed her to the brink, hmm?" The Auburn haired woman snorted, "The brink of suicide, you fool."

Suicide? Oh... oh that wasn't good. Danzou gulped nervously despite his attempt not to. Curiously he wondered if this is what his subordinates felt when they found him in less then a generous mood? "Is she..."

"No longer your concern?" Nodoka grabbed him by the neck, slamming him against the wall and raising him off the ground. He would not pass out, he would not pass out... "I warned you, fool! Do not endanger my prize! Do not endanger the only thing that keeps me from wiping you and your pathetic village from the face of this miserable little mudball! And what have you done?!"

"As... as you asked!" He forced out through clenched teeth. It was so hard to breath, the strength of the monstrous womans sheer presence almost enough to stop his heart. "Her faith... gone! Her dependancy... exploited! Only that Uchiha Pride..."

Nodoka slammed him against the wall hard enough to crater, "You failed!" she snapped angrily, eyes burning the color of oblivion, "Her faith twisted into self hate, her dependancy not on her own strength, but the scraps you were willing to feed her! She is Uchiha you worm, the only one that matters, and you have bungled her care so much a direct intervention by an outside source was all I could do to save her!"

Danzou tried to breath, tried to draw air into his tired lungs. Black spots colored his vision, a light headedness threatening to cast him into unconsciousness despite his iron will rebelling against the notion. To do so would be his end, the death of ROOT and Konoha in short order. He would endure, he would survive, it was all he could do to keep the village he loved from vanishing in an explosion of black death.

Nodoka dropped him suddenly, his old form collapsing to the ground in a heap. Dimly he heard his cane hit the ground, a series of thumps as it fell to who knew where. He took a deep, shuddering breath, unable to supress the giddiness of his survival despite his earnest attempts. "For... forgive us." he breathed.

"Get up, you old fool." the woman snapped even as she paced back and forth, looking everybit the worrisome lovely woman she appeared as.

He slowly, painfully pushed himself to his feet, taking a few moments to regain that hard earned calm and emotionless state he had spent his life perfecting. It would not do to show continued weakness of failure, not while she was present, not if he wanted to survive this encounter.

"An... outside source?"

"I am hardly the only entity with a passing interest in the affairs of Konoha." she snidely returned.

"Their intent?" He questioned, hoping she would let even a hint slip.

"Their intent is now mine." Nodoka sighed, rubbing her forehead tiredly, "Mikoto is intertwined within His plan, if I want to succeed then He must succeed." she turned to face him, eyes narrowed dangerously, "And if you know whats best for Konoha, you will do everything in your power to make sure he succeeds."

Danzou was reminded of the truth of things. For all his knowledge, for all his experience and patient plotting, he was still nothing more then a tool like his own subordinates. A tool for the whimsical beings who dared to call themselves God.


She heard the door click shut, the soft breathing of the guy as he moved down the hall, his slippered feet sliding against the hardwood floors with a sound similar to a wind blowing across a field of highgrass. Hana waited, leaning against the wall near the hall where her mothers visitor had to cross if he wanted to leave.

"Good morning, Hana." he began saying even before stepping from the hall, as if he knew she was there.

"Morning lover boy." she cooed, offering up the extra cup of coffee she held.

He looked at her in amusement, his curelean colored eyes staring into her own. She felt a bit unnerved by the look, but calmed as he accepted the drink, his fingers briefly touching her own and delievering an almost electric shock from so simple a touch. He sipped the drink, never taking his eyes off her, before he spoke, "Enjoy the show, hmm?"

"Uh." Hana blinked, head tilted slightly as she fiegned an innocent look, "I don't know what you mean, Stranger-san.

"Your eyes are like fire to me, Hana." The Blond smiled, ignoring the obvious attempt to fish for a name. "From the moment you stacked the crates and peered in I felt you, even as you ignored Kuromaru's warning."

"How did you..." Hana began nervously, only to pause as the Blond stepped in, his free hand pressing his forefinger against her lips to silence her.

"I told you how." He murmured.

"Then why?" the Inuzuka girl leaned back a bit, suddenly uncomfortable with his touch.

"Because Tsume would have been angry." he shrugged, "And that moment was for her, to tell her we were being spied upon by her voyeuristic daughter would have ruined her good cheer."

Hana frowned softly, turning her head away from his gaze with evident shame. "I... I'm sorry."

The Blond simply continued to smile, finishing his cup of coffee. "If that's all, I really should be going."

"Wait." she turned back, grabbing his shirt at the elbow when he moved to leave, "How did you meet mom?"

He glanced back at her, grinning widely, "It all began with a kiss." he whispered before simply vanishing as if he had never been.


Anko whistled a cheerful little tune as she walked the streets of Konoha, the morning sun only now breaking the horizon, coloring the sky in it's lambent hue that intermingled with the rapidly vanishing purple of night. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but today just felt utterly different, fantastic even! Everything she looked at, from a street sign to the doors of business yet to open, it all looked fresh and new despite having seen them hundreds of times in the past.

Actually, while it did feel good, it also left her feeling off balanced. All this from a weird encounter with a guy in a bar, culminating by getting stab happy and then a night long filthy hot sex marathon that left her passed out in pleasure overload; It was too weird to be true, only the somewhat foreign if not entirely unfamiliar aches in her special places spoke otherwise. She wasn't one to give in to casual sex all that often, but this time... hell, she hadn't given it a second thought. The Special-Jounin knew why, and as sappy as it sounded she knew it was only because in the brief time they had spent together they had fallen utterly in love with each other. It was in his eyes, that love she always seriously contemplated, coupled with the alien feeling she had dared hoped for in her heart.

Anko paused at her apartment door, frowning. Actually, that was really freaking weird. She wasn't a hopeless romantic by any means, such notions had long since been beaten out of her - For it to actually happen smacked of a plot. The mere thought hurt, but she couldn't deny her well trained paranoia from souring her mood with such dark tidings. She blinked then, staring at her hand as a white card she most assuredly had not been holding a second before appeared. The warmth suffused her core, and despite her curious questions brought on by her paranoia she couldn't help but feel calm and relaxed.

"I see you had a good time."

The voice drew her out of her thoughts, surprising at just how relaxed and calm she had become in the open. Mentally berating herself, Anko glanced at the violet-haired woman behind her. "Yuugao."

The Uzuki woman smiled, leaning up against the guard rail and staring expectanly.

"Okay, fine, yes I did!" Anko snapped, fiddling with her door and stomping into her apartment. Her friend followed, shutting the door behind her and glancy around at the messy interior before returning her gaze to Anko.

"Any questions?"

"Meh." Anko fell on her couch, resting one elbow on the arm with her chin in hand, "How'd you know it was my birthday?"

Yuugao blinked, "Birthday? I didn't know it was your birthday."

The Special-Jounin thought as much, it wasn't something she advertised in any way shape or form, so it begged the question of how that Blond Adonis had... "What's his name?"

"A question we've all asked ourselves." her visitor sighed, falling onto the couch next to her. "Tsume never can keep it together long enough to ask, and it just didn't occur to me to ask." she frowned thoughtfully, rubbing her chin, "I wouldn't be surprised if he went out of his way to make sure we don't think to ask."

"He does have magic fingers..." Anko tapered off, eyeing the woman expectantly.

"And hands, and tongue, and pretty much everything." Yuugao grinned lecherously.

"So he slept with you too, and Tsume I imagine?"

"Yes." Yuugao allowed, card flipping into her hand as she stared at the four filled in lines. "I don't know who the fourth is, but I assume Tsume will let us know in due time."

Anko frowned at that. It hurt to think the guy had been going around sleeping with other women, especially after the most wonderful night in her memories. It made her wonder, question whether or not he had actually loved her when he bedded her. The card in her hand pulsed with its subtle warmth, and with the heat came a calm, one that washed away her concerns and let her know she hadn't been seeing things. He really did love her.

"What now?" she couldn't help but ask, feeling distinctly lost suddenly.

"Now you give the card to someone you think needs it." Yuugao looked at her seriously, "There's no rush, so think long and hard about who you want to give it too, it will change their lives."

Anko frowned, "Why'd you give it to me, then? We weren't really friends, y'know."

"Because there are few women in Konoha I've watched as closely as you." the violet-haired woman admitted, with shame laced tone.

"Watched me?" the purple-haired woman blinked, "Why the heck were you watching me?"

Yuugao sighed, looking away even as she admitted one of her darker secrets. "By orders of the Council, I was too assassinate you if you showed even the slightest hint of disloyalty after Orochimaru's failed invasion."

"What?" Anko deadpanned, "What the fuck?" she shot right up, looking down at the woman angrily.

Yuugao shrugged helplessly, "I didn't want too, but orders were orders. Until Tsunade became Hokage and rescinded them, I didn't have a choice."

Those sons of bitches! She gave her entire freaking life to this village, and still had her loyalty brought into question because of that snaked face son of a bitch! Oh, if she ever found him she'd kill him! Heck, she had a mind to run off and track the bastard down right now, even if it meant her death! The card in her hand pulsed once more, a calm reminder of what she had left behind in the forest of death when she had done something similar. No... running off all gungho wouldn't do her any good, a lesson she had only barely learned.

Anko sighed, shaking her head, "Forget about it." she grimaced, thinking about those three wrinkly old fuckwads on the defunct Council. "It's not your fault, right? Just following orders." But oh, she'd be making damn sure to pay those old fuckers a visit in the near future.


The water was hot, lapping her sensetive flesh even as the steam rose and created a sauna like effect in her bathroom. Mikoto stared at the white tiles, eyes unfocused as she delved into thoughts of the previous night, what she had almost done, and the man who had showed her the truth. Try as she might there was an errie familiarity about the man, how she wasn't quite sure, but damned if she couldn't shake the feeling she knew him from somewhere.

"Mah." she mumbled, dipping her head underwater before leaning up. Now that she knew the truth of things, what could she do? To know Sarutobi had ordered the death of her Clan, even at the insistence of the old Council left a bitter taste in her mouth. Not for the old man, but for her clan in general. They couldn't accept their lot in life, always pushing for more and more power regardless of the potential consequences - Their arrogance that nothing could stop them had been their downfall.

She was Uchiha, knew a part of her demanded retribution, but such was out of her reach. Homura and Koharu were all but retired civilians at this point, having lost much of their political clout when That Boy had been kidnapped, Sarutobi seeing their efforts to keep the boy from consuming their strained resources as the reason no ANBU had been present to prevent the kidnapping. It was an widely known secret that Sarutobi had gone into a rage the likes of which none had seen since Orochimaru's defection at the event. Danzou, that bastard, was the only one to retain any real power, and likely only because Sarutobi simply couldn't eject him on his crippled ass with out risking a civil war. No, as for the first two the greatest revenge had already been dealt; They were left to live with their mistake.

Danzou, the very name brought the fire of her anger into focus. She'd see him burn for his part in the massacre of her clan, for every not so subtle hint she spread her legs and pump out children for the village, for every indignity he forced upon her when he used the Village Civil council to rob her of what inheritance she had gained with the death of her clan. But how? He was out of her reach, hidden in whatever bolthole he enjoyed, not even Tsunade had been able to rid herself of that particular vermin.

Mikoto blinked as an idea came to mind. Danzou made no secret of his desire for her, or rather her body, couldn't she use that to her advantage? Get close to him and then unleash a Genjutsu strong enough to fry his mind... she shook her head at the thought. As tempting as it would be, she highly doubted the old bastard was quite that careless. She'd need backing of some kind before she could strike at him, or at least a considerable amount of re-training to get her skills up to shape. She hopped out of the bath, grabbing her towel as she moved to her bedroom. She had to get dressed if she wanted to meet the Hokage and get out of this rut life had forced her into, at least long enough to see the old warhawk dead.


It was just a simple grove hidden in the thick Ironwood forest that surrounded Konoha. Animals roved it intermittently, Ninjas passed by it with nary a glance, it was almost utterly devoid of anything to give anyone who passed reason to take another look. A forgotten grove that held an ignored shrine for a boy who had been forgotten by the people of his village.

Sakura pushed a strand of pink hair behind her hair as she moved towards a series of stones, set up against the trunk of great tree and lined with dirt caked momentos left by those who dared to remember. The shining jewel was the plant, a green leaf honeydew varient that had been carefully, oh so carefully placed in the center of the private memorial. The remains of a cracked pot still sat at edge, the etched name 'Mr. Ukki' still legible despite the time it had been left out for the elements.

How long had it been since she visited? Two? Three years? The last time she felt the urge had been just after the failed Konoha crush, when Gaara had been driven off with neither rythme nor reason. She didn't know what had spurred her then, almost like something in the air had reminded her of the boy that had spent so much time annoying her in the Academy. And now... here she was again, this time simply because of a basic description Shikamaru had shared with her. She knew it was silly, knew their were glaring problems with the description itself, but at the same time she just knew it was him. Like a echo in her heart, a memory of the past reached out and touched her, assured her she wasn't imagining things simply for the weak hope it was truly him.

She shook her head, idly brushing away the excess dirt from the various trinkets around the adhoced memorial, keeping her ears open expectantly. How long did she sit there? She wasn't sure, the sun was overhead when she finally heard her guest arrive, a soft snap of sandal on dried leaves that was both a greeting and a warning. Sakura threw her guest a glance, inspecting the long black, almost blue colored hair framed around her pretty face, her porcelain skin almost shining with a vibrancy she knew was anything but truth. Most importantly, to her, was the wrapped small box she kept under her arm. The wrapping paper was old, it still possessed the luster of the freshly crafted, but the box itself held a deep melancholy that anyone with a lick of training at seeing the unseen could detect.

"Sakura." Hinata frowned, hand on her hip and cold eyes meeting her Jade green. "What are you doing here?"

"I needed to speak with you." the pinkette said softly, not rising to her feet, remaining as non-aggresive as possible. Hyuuga Hinata was fairly reserved most of the time, she doubted anyone but her and perhaps Yuuhi Kurenai, Hinata's Jounin-sensei, realized that when it came to her the calm reserved Hyuuga shattered, revealing a very angry girl who blamed her for the loss of the boy. It wasn't fair, Sakura knew, but emotions rarely played fairly.

"About what?" the Hyuuga didn't restrain the glare this time, "If this isn't important, I will be most... put out."

"It's about Naruto." Sakura began softly, continuing before the other girl could interrupt, "Shikamaru saw him, he thinks someone is purposefully hiding information about him."

"Saw him?" Hinata snapped, "Like that time in Wave? Like that time during the Invasion? This isn't the first time you've claimed someone 'saw' him, Haruno, and each and every damn time turned out to be lie!" she set the small box she carried down before stomping over and grabbing her angrily by her vest, "Why do you do this? Does it please you to make me cry? To feed me false hope only to see my tears when it turns out to be a lie? WHY?!" she barked before bodily pushing the girl down.

Sakura grimaced, but didn't resist being manhandled. "You're not the only one who wants the truth, Hinata! I never wanted to hurt you, I never wanted to make you cry! They took him from all of us!"

"They took him because you hurt him!" she snapped right back, getting all up in her face. "You threw his gift in his face, spit on his kindness and broke his damn nose!"

"If you think they wouldn't have taken him if I hadn't done that..."

"Shut up." Hinata interrupted, "I'm not stupid. I know they would have taken him regardless of your involvement, but you only care about this because you were involved. If you hadn't hit him with that kunai, hadn't seen him taken, would you care at all?"

Sakura opened her mouth to respond, but shut it tight with an audible click. No, she wouldn't have cared anymore then the rest of their classmates cared. Ino was sympathetic, but she only cared because she herself hadn't let it go. Shikamaru only cared because of the mystery involved, no one else had even mentioned him in the years since the abduction. Only Hinata cared, for reasons the pinkette still hadn't truly figured out.

"I thought so." the Hyuuga sneered, "You only care because you're conscious can't forgive itself. Now you come to me, again, with more leads to help calm your guilty feelings." she took a deep breath, closing her eyes tightly as she tried to visibly calm herself. "Tell me why I shouldn't punish you for this, give me a reason not to hurt you for yet another false hope Haruno." she opened her eyes, calm once more as she stared, "Make me believe."

"Because Shikamaru believes." Sakura said softly, "And even if you don't believe me, will you risk not believing him and miss the chance to see him again?"

Hinata stared for a time, sighing tiredly at last. "This is the last time. If this turns out to be another lie..."

"I'll never speak of it again." the pinkette honestly lied.


Tsunade frowned, drumming her fingers across her desk. "Let me get this straight Uchiha-san; You want to be reinstated as an active nin, knowing full well such a act will be met, at best, with blatant hatred. The distrust for you and yours were bad enough when Itachi went rogue, but at least then you were given extreme sympathy by the village. This time, however, you will recieve nothing but the scorn of the civilian populace and your fellow nin, every decision you make will be scrutinized and questioned simply because of who you are."

"I am well aware." Mikoto said softly, "I can not condone the actions of any of my children, they each betrayed Konoha in their own way for their own reasons. Yet I am not my children, I have not betrayed the village I swore loyalty too when I first recieved my hia-tae."

"I see." the Hokage couldn't for the life of her see why she was bothering. Even if she devoted her life to making amends she would die long before she could restore her family name, likely never earning even one persons forgiveness for the events of the past. She wasn't blind, she knew the Uchiha Matriach practically lived on the streets as things went, but even she didn't think the woman was desperate enough to risk the nightmare of returning to a Military Organization that all but detested her existance. Truthfully she knew she should decline the request, it would be a small kindness to a woman who had been given the raw end of the deal, it would certainly be better then the reception she would recieve if she agreed.

The double doors to her office suddenly burst open, Tsunade frowned at the utter lack of her guards moving to interfere with the crippled man slowly moving into her office. She didn't miss Mikoto's momentary glare at the man even as her face fell into passive neutrality.

"Danzou." The Hokage spat, "I do believe I warned you never to enter my office uninvited."

The old man simply shrugged, "Forgive my pertinance, but a matter has been brought to my attention, one most urgent." he glanced at the Uchiha, nodding respectfully before turning his gaze back to the older woman.

Mikoto smiled thinly, a subtle motion from her right hand caught Tsunade's attention, especially when she noticed the Card she was gripping tightly. She suppressed the hiss bubbling in her throat at the sight of that card, forcing herself to pay attention to Danzou alone.

"What oh so important matter is it this time?" Tsunade frowned, "You aren't here to file another complaint against Uchiha-san, are you? From reports, your subordinate was the one who instigated the fight at Moritake's Bar and Grill, even used A-Rank jutsu in complete disregard to the safety of Konoha citizens."

If Danzou looked at all bothered by the information, he didn't show it. "I am aware of the events in question, and assure you Kaede-san has been reprimanded and punished for his regretable actions." he shrugged slightly, "I am simply here seeking permission to reimburse Uchiha-san for the unfortunate events in question."

"That won't be nessesary." Mikoto returned sweetly. Tsunade wasn't fooled one bit; The woman clearly wished he would die in a fire. "As I told your agents, on many occasions, I will not serve Konoha in the way you desire. Not now, nor ever if not by my own choice."

Danzou nodded slowly, "I see, and respect your descision." he turned to leave, pausing only long enough to add, "I have ordered all my subordinates to refrain from approaching you on that particular matter; We respect your desire to serve Konoha in the way you choose, and welcome you." he smiled slightly, "If you find the Hokage unwilling to allow general service, you will always have a respected place among my subordinates."

Tsunade stared at the Old Warhawk as he spoke. The little bastard didn't come in here to offer Mikoto money, it was merely an excuse to deliver his real threat; Accept her or he'd find a way to do it himself.

"Quite generous of you, Danzou-sama." Mikoto demurred, bowing slightly, "But I assure you, I'd sooner accept service as Tsunade-sama's footstool then ever accept you as my Commander."

The Hokage decided suddenly; She rather liked Mikoto. Danzou simply left, not bothering to retort after Mikoto's blatant insult. She eyed the Uchiha as she frowned at the door, the card in her hand disappearing back into the fold of her kimono as she turned to gaze at the Hokage expectantly. "Well, Hokage-sama? Have you need for a footstool."

"Oh, I think I can find a better position for you." Tsunade smiled softly. At the very least she could keep an eye on one of His marks, and through her find the others, hopefully find some way to figure out how to salvage her own part in the plan.


It was early to be drinking, but Shikamaru didn't much care. He took a drag of his cigarette, slowly releasing the heavy smoke to twist and combine with the already thick plume of the other bar patrons. He idly sipped from his saucer, not quite willing to get plastered so early in the afternoon, yet he wasn't quite willing to endure his raging thoughts of the recent events. Frankly he was wishing he hadn't ever spotted Tsume and her lover in the ramen stand, the entire situation was proving entirely too troubling.

"So?" he felt a sudden jab in his side, Ino poking him as she slid into an empty chair, her cornflower blue eyes staring at him expectantly.

"So what?" he shot right back, not quite in the mood to deal with her nagging.

"Don't give me that." she scowled, "A little birdie told me you paid Shiho a visit, so what did the nerd find out?" If she thought she concealed the hateful tone in her voice she had another thing coming.

"She saw stuff, said stuff, and agreed with stuff." he flippantly threw back, "It didn't go anywhere, so it doesn't matter."

"Really?" Ino drawled, a sure sign she knew more about what happened then he was comfortable admitting. Damn it, why couldn't girls just leave him the hell alone?

"Troublesome." he grumbled, ignoring his saucer and going straight for the bottle. No one paid him enough to deal with such troublesome bullshit this early in the day.

"Well I happen to know a certain nerd and a certain jack-ass had a late night visit with the Hokage." Ino continued, ignoring the stink-eye he shot her at that, "And if said jack-ass wants to survive the day with his balls intact, he'd kindly let me know just what the hell was going on!"

"I'd rather die in a fire then give you the satisfaction of making me answer you." Shikmaru shot right back, scooting away from the annoying female as she drew a kunai out and slammed it into the table.

"Mah, so mean Shika! I'd almost think you didn't like me!" she cooed sweetly.

"I'd like it if you'd just go away." he grumbled under his breath.


The pineapple-haired boy just groaned, half glaring at Sakura as she and Hinata stepped up to the table. "I hate my life."

Sakura frowned, glancing at Ino expectantly.

"I don't know." the blond shrugged, "He didn't want to tell me anything."

Hinata looked between the three of them curiously, "Ah, Nara-kun, I'm sorry to bother you. Haruno-san said you were checking a lead about some one." she blushed shyly, "I, I'd be grateful if you'd please let us know what you found out."

Ino rolled her eyes. As if just asking nicely would ever work...

"Fine, beat it out of me why don't you?!" Shikmaru sighed, ignoring or ignorant of the shocked look on Ino's face. "Uzumaki Naruto is a triple S secret, whatever Sarutobi was doing with him continued on with Tsunade. She knew about him even before Shiho and I approached her with information on several instances were he'd exert influence on Konoha itself." he pointed to Sakura, "You're sensei, Hatake, disappeared shortly after taking his picture."

Sakura blinked, "Kakashi-sensei? You're saying..."

"That he was likely removed by Uzumaki, or someone involved in his abduction and the following cover up, yes." Shikamaru shrugged, taking another generous swig of his sake bottle before continuing, "Second appearance was during the invasion; He showed up long enough to force Garaa away."

"Wait." Hinata interrupted softly, "If Naruto was responsible for Hatake-san's disappearance, why would he then help Konoha by stopping Garaa?"

"That crazy guy had us by the short hairs." Ino pointed out dumbly, still stunned by how easy the Hyuuga girl had gotten Shikamaru to fess up.

"Why are you so annoying?" he shot right back at Ino, continuing before she had a chance to respond, "Neither question makes much sense in the context as we know it."

"And the third instance?" Hinata pressed on.

"When he began shagging up Inuzuka Tsume." the slightly drunk boy shrugged.

"What?" the Hyuuga girl squeeked in surprise. "Kiba-kun's mother?!"

"He wasn't there this morning." Sakura finally threw her voice in, "I waited all night and through most of the morning. If I didn't catch Hana on her way out I wouldn't have known he had already left, otherwise I would have waited to confront him directly."

"And that, as they say, is that." Shikamaru shrugged, "I know Tsunade's hiding something, but unless we somehow manage to find and break into her private archive, find his file, and get out with out being caught and likely executed for even attempting it, the investigation ends here."

Ino wondered if her drunk team-mate would mind sharing some of his Saki; The calculating look on Sakura and Hinata could only mean trouble, and it was trouble she'd much rather face plastered out of her mind.


Tsume tossed the ball, bouncing it along the ground as the group of puppies lept for it with a wild ferocity that was more 'cute' then 'intimidating'. Idly she wondered if there was a Jutsu to use puppies inheriant cuteness to make enemies go 'D'waaah' in the middle of combat. Hmmm... it would be something to think on, at any rate.

"You're an over-sexed kitten." Kuromaru at her side sneered, an almost sickly look on his face.

The Inuzuka Matriarch blinked, "Eh?"

"Seriously, every time you get laid you just lay around like a.... feline!" the Dog snarled, then grinned, "Does the big bad bitch want a ball of yarn?"

Tsume shrugged, not quite in the mood to snark back. Where did he got off calling her a kitten anyway? If she wasn't feeling so mellow she'd smack him, but as she usually got after a nice long relaxing night with a ferocious lover, she really just couldn't bring herself to do anything but lay around and relax.

"Speaking of over-sexed kittens." Kuromaru stared at the gate leading out of the compound, the violet tressed woman who had been coming over an awful lot of late passing through the gate.

Tsume stretched lazily, "Hey Yuugie!" she cheerfully chirruped.

Yuugao paused, eyebrow rising at the carefree sounding Inuzuka. She glanced to the Dog pointedly.

Kuromaru rolled his eye. "Your Blond whore was here last night."

"Ah." Yuugao frowned, glancing at the woman. "That's a little strange."

Tsume tilted her head, "Nothing strange about it, girl. He might be our lover, but it doesn't mean he can't see his favorite bitch on the sly!" she pointed a finger accusingly, "You're just jealous I'm the sexiest bitch in Konoha!"

"Sex fiends." Kuromaru snorted in disgust as he got up and walked away.

The Violet-tressed woman watched the dog before turning her attention back to the Inuzuka. "I'm not jealous."

"Sure you are." Tsume preened, rolling on the porch until she was resting on her back.

"You do realize I have a card as well?"

"Oh sure, summon our man-whore with a kiss." The Older Woman shrugged, "Nothing pathetic about that, no sir, nothing pathetic at all about that."

"Isn't that what you did?" Yuugao asked, taking a seat on the porch.

"Nah." Tsume giggled, continuing only at the other womans expectant look. "Got some info from a friend, found out he's a complete addict to Ramen, and where he was currently induldging that addiction." she stretched out a bit, a happy sigh on her lips. "Simple matter to hunt him down and claim him after that."

Yuugao stared for a moment. Lips pursed as she spoke, "Okay, now I am jealous." The card was in her hand again, calming and soothing her as it always did. She sighed after a moment, "Anko."

Tsume blinked, "What?"

"Anko." the younger woman said simply. "I gave my extra card to Anko."

"Uh..." The Inuzuka frowned toughtfully, "... Anko as in Mitarashi?"


"Huh." Tsume idly felt the card appear in her hand, gazing curiously at the nine spiral groves that now had four gold indentures. A part of her felt she should be irritated at that, angry in fact, yet she just didn't. A thought occured to her then, "Gave it to her, when?"

"Last night." Yuugao returned softly.

"How the hell was he with me and Anko at the same time?" The Older woman snapped, a bit of her normal heat coming back to her.

"Does it surprise you?" Yuugao seemed generally curious, "I did tell you there at least two of him in my own..." she blushed lightly, "... experience with him."

"Meh." Tsume sighed tiredly, putting the issue out of her mind. There were plenty of excuses she could imagine, clones for one. "Okay then. How'd she take it?'

"She was..." Yuugao looked up to the setting sky, eyes traveling the orange hue as the sun began losing it's battle with the encroaching night. "... happy."

"Kinda suprised." The Older Woman leaned up abit, "I mean, Anko doesn't strike me as the kind of person who'd 'need' it."

"And what does that mean?" the violet-tressed woman countered, a bit of an edge to her tone the other woman couldn't help but notice.

"Isn't she that slut-puppy who goes around and sleeps with everyone?" Tsume tried to dredge up what information she knew of the woman, who her lovers where, what sick degenerate fetishes she showed off with no restraint to anyone who'd want to share their time with her. She was drawing a blank though.

Yuugao snorted, "You're confusing a reputation spurred by those who simple do not like her with the woman herself." she gave Tsume a pointed stare, "Would you be surprised to know she's really a hopeless romantic beneath her domineering exterior?"

Tsume blinked, "Really?" Nothing she knew of the woman suggested anything but an unhinged slut more willing to screw any man, or woman, so long as they were willing to pick up her bar tab. Though, now that it was being pointed out, she honestly didn't know of anyone who had claimed to ever have slept with the woman. Rumors, oh she knew a lot of people who spoke about her, but not one who admitted to having seen Anko be as degenerate as they oftened described her as.

"Really." the Violet-tressed woman said simply. "I've had to monitor her in the past, for quite a bit of time, and she quite simply has little to no one in her life." she idly pushed some of her hair behind her ear, "I frankly couldn't imagine anyone more deserving of His love."

"Huh." Tsume frowned, then shook that thought off. If Yuugao believed it, then she would believe it. It was rather unerving to realize her perception of a fellow Konoha-nin had been colored so darkly from the truth, but maybe she should have actually checked the information rather then accept it? "Well, good for her."

Yuugao nodded, returning an expectant stare.


"Who?" The younger woman simply asked.

"Who what?" Tsume blinked in confusion, "I don't know what you're going on about."

Yuugao brought her card out, flipping it through her hand before presenting the side of the card with the indented spiral design. "Last night I gave Anko the card, a lined burned gold. Hours later another line burned gold." she explained simply, "Who did you give your extra card too?"

"I didn't give any..." Tsume froze. "... no." she jumped to her feet and scrambled inside, practically tearing the door from it's hinges as she lunged inside and turned into the living room.


Hana blinked from her seat on the couch, her book forgotten, "Mom?" she blinked again as the violet-tressed woman followed her mother inside, "What's going on?"

Tsume ignored her, tearing up the living room, pushing the chairs over and scampering along the ground in a mad search for something. "That bitch!" she snarled intermintantly during her search.

Hana glanced to Yuugao, the older woman shrugging helplessly, before turning her attention back to her mother.

"That fucking whore!" Tsume finally screamed, slamming her fists against the ground. "The bitch, she used me! Tricked me into giving her my extra card!"

Yuugao ignored Hana's presence, "Tricked you? You mean..." she paused, frowning darkly, "... someone stole one of His cards?"

'His card?' Hana boggled, but remained quiet. She didn't even need to guess who He was, but certainly had no clue about any Card. Well, not counting the Cards her mother snuggled all the time... wait, was that His?

"I knew she was up to something!" Tsume raged, "She knew where he was, she knew I wouldn't give chasing him down a second thought!" she slammed her fists against the ground again, the flooring cracking with the force of her blows. "She stole it and had some other bitch kiss the card!"

Yuugao grimaced, "Who is she?"

Tsume stumbled to her feet, fists clenched angrily as she stomped out of the living room with Yuugao in tow. Whatever they talked about Hana didn't hear, her thoughts
drifting to what she had just learned. The Cards, kissing the cards...

'It all began with a kiss.' his words echoed through her memories. Hana blinked as realization came to her, the inevitable question following suit. "What the fuck is going on?!"



AN: Been ages. Work killed me for over a year, but things are finally looking up with my new job. I basically get paid more then the state was paying me to do little to nothing but listen to music. That being said, I've been dying of boredom of late, so much so this payday I'm going to pick up a Chromebook just so I can write while I'm out there and cut off from most of the internet.

Anyway, posting this for feed back/criticism. I know most people don't use this particular sub-forum anymore, though I'm optimistic once the Manga comes to an end interest will be renewed. Following the Manga, I'm quite well aware it's already been set up to go into another time skip, bridging current generation with an upcoming generation. I expect at the end of this Arc Kakashi will become the Hokage, and the next Arc will finally see Naruto 'step down' from the main character roll and become the Hokage. Ah well, I still enjoy much of the world and characters.

This chapter was actually mostly done when I last stopped writing, but I've finally gotten bored enough that I'm more interested in writing then reading. Anyway, C&C and all that. Off to work!


Well-Known Member
About damn time we see you back, personally I hope you work on your other fics but any update is good I suppose. Are we going to see Ranma in this or is this Nodoka in name and face only?


Well-Known Member
Anytime Matdeception posts anything, there is an ancient tradition spanning almost exactly a decade (10 days off!) that must be fulfilled, despite the extreme facepalm that will result.

Does this mean the Ultimate Antidote might be updated?!?!?


More relevantly, yay updates!


Well-Known Member
I make no promises on what is, and isn't, being worked on.

In other news, yay! Got the means to work on fics when I'm suppose to be working!

Time Shifter

Well-Known Member
Matdeception said:
I make no promises on what is, and isn't, being worked on.

In other news, yay! Got the means to work on fics when I'm suppose to be working!
That's all we could ever hope for. Glad to see you back!


Well-Known Member
Matdeception said:
I make no promises on what is, and isn't, being worked on.

In other news, yay! Got the means to work on fics when I'm suppose to be working!

I'm just happy to see you writing.

Yorae Rasante

Well-Known Member
Er... could anyone link me to the other chapters? Search only tames me to chapter 4


Well-Known Member
Click his (Matdeception's) name, and then click 'Find all threads'.

They are all there.


Well-Known Member
The other chapters are in the lemon section, fyi. I've become less lemony and more citrusy in mind lately.


Well-Known Member
It's strange, we've lost Black Dragon, but Mat has come back. If Nugar returned it would be even better.

Yorae Rasante

Well-Known Member
Ah, that explains it. I had restricted the search to the Naruto Previews section


Well-Known Member
Glad I peeked in on the previews section. Excellent work
I really do love the non lemon version of this story, really hope to see more soon