The Day Our World Changed!

Neko Hibiki

Cute Snow Princess
Disclaimer : "Here Disclaimer!" *Whistles* "C'mon boy!" *Claps hands now* "Come here Disclaimer!"

Disclaimer : I do not own My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic. Actually, I'm not sure who all does. Has anyone ever seen a proper disclaimer for this series that I can copy hmmm?

Disclaimer : I do not own the series that this will be crossing over with later on.

Disclaimer : The many series that I do not feel like listing here at this time now.

The Day Our World Changed!




Royal Magical Science Laboratory

"We're ready to begin the experiment Princess Luna." said one of the techs.

"Good." said Luna. "Once this experiment works we will have an unlimited amount of magical energy at a fraction of the cost. We shall never have to worry about an energy crisis again."

"Indeed Luna." said Celestia. "A new day dawns for Equestria. With this unlimited energy we will have all the magical and electrical energy we need."

"Begin the process." commanded Luna.

The tech obeyed and turned the dial, flipped the switch, and typed the commands into his runic computer keyboard.

The massive crystal generator sparked to life, the crystal inside glowing as it generated an unprecedented amount of energy.

"All systems holding stable." said the tech. "Power readout is growing. All systems green. The dimensionally phased magical energy stream is holding steady. We did it!"

"Yes!" exclaimed Luna. "I knew my calculations were correct! It really worked!"

"Excellent work Luna, little sister." said Celestia in her calm, regal, and composed voice. "you have indeed done well. All of Equestria owes you for solving our energy crisis."

"I..." began Luna... but just then alarms sounded, the lighting dimmed to emergency lighting, and red siren lights started flashing.

"SHIT!" exclaimed the tech. "The crystal lattice is cracking! If it shatters... we're all gonna die!"

"Impossible!" yelled Luna. "The crystal is made out of cuendillar! Only the Creator of All can destroy it, and Father is not here!"

"I know that!" shouted the tech. "But never the less, that's what's happening! If we don't do something soon the crystal will shatter, and we can kiss the planet goodbye then!"

"Can you stabilize it?" asked a ruffled Celestia.

"No." said the tech after typing some commands into his keyboard. "The energy is cascading too much. There's nothing I can do to prevent it shattering."

Celestia looked thoughtful for a moment then said, "Then eject the core into the void."

Luna went wide-eyed, gasped, and rounded on her. "Are you mad Tia? There's no telling where in space and time it will come out! It could land right in the middle of an inhabited star system! Billions could die! All our fault! We just can't!"

Celestia snarled "I know that Luna, I...!". Celestia visibly calmed herself. "Sorry for snapping at you like that. But if we don't eject the core then this star system will be destroyed completely."

Luna, looking very sad, said "I know Tia." Finally she said "There is no choice here." Turning to look at the tech she said "I also give the command to eject the core."

The tech quickly punched the commands into his keyboard.

A void opened up below the now cracked and shattering crystal.

"Beginning ejection process." said the tech.

The crystal fell into the void.

"Core eject commencing." said the tech.

The crystal went all the way in and the void closed.

"Core eject completed." said the tech. He had a look of horror on his face. "It's gone now." Tears ran down from his sad eyes. "May the Creator forgive us." he mummered very sadly.



The crystal tumbled through the void. The energy arcing brightly around it's cracked and shattering body doing nothing to light up the place between universes. Then it headed toward a new opening, plunged through and out into real space, and the opening closed.


Milky Way Galaxy
Sol Star System
May 03, 2001

A hole in space opened. And out tumbled a giant pink crystal with energy arcing all around it. The hole closed.

The crystal hung there in space for a moment, shining brighter than the sun. The cracks on it multiplied, spread faster, and glowed brighter. Then it shattered.


May 03, 2001

Kyle Roberts was just your average American High School student. He went to school, learned what he was supposed to, and then hung out with his friends. Sometimes his little sister would show up and make his life difficult by her clinginess.

Today was such a day.

The 16 year boy sighed as his 12 year old sister glomped onto his leg and looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "Please Ni-chan, won't you take your cute Imouto-chan to get some ice cream?"

Her obsession with Japanese media didn't help any.

He wasn't against such things. He enjoyed a good episode of Ranma 1/2 the same as any other anime fan. But his sister carried it to ridiculous lengths.

"Hey Kyle." called out his friend Ralph. "Me and the boys are heading down to the court. Want to shoot some hoops with us?"

"I'd love to... but I have to take my little sister out to ice cream." he said.

"So, this is your sister." said Ralph.

"Yeah, this is my sister Genevieve." said Kyle.

"Hajimemashite. Roberts Genevieve to moshimasu. Watashiwa nihonjin desu." said Genevieve while bowing.

Ralph stared, stared some more, looked at Kyle and asked "What did she say?"

Kyle, with a look of long suffering now, said "She said 'Hello. I am Genevieve Roberts.' And the rest I don't fully understand."

Ralph was back to staring at Genevieve and asked "Why is her hair green?"

Kyle sighed and said "She's cosplaying as Rydia from Final Fantasy 4 today."

Ralph blinked and said "Man, you got one weird little sister."

Kyle then said "Don't I know it."

"NI-CHAN!" Genevieve suddenly screamed while pointing up now. "LOOK!"

Kyle looked to where his sister was pointing... and stared dumbly.

He blinked some.

"Since when was this a double star system?" he asked as he beheld the brightly glowing second sun that had appeared in the sky.

Ralph was just staring, his eyes wide and his mouth open.

Then... it exploded.


Milky Way Galaxy
Sol Star System
May 03, 2001

The wave of dimensionally phased magical energy swept through the solar system. It hit the moon, and caused it to crack into a billion pieces. Then it hit Earth.

The moon had actually blunted a very small part of the energy wave and caused it to form a gap. A very small gap though. Fortunately Earth was a very small planet.

On one side of Earth passed an energy wave that would have destroyed it. On the other side passed a similar wave. Where the moon had been was now a wave of energy at a fraction of it's strength.

It was this fraction that hit Earth. At least the planet was not destroyed. Unfortunately for Earth, even at a fraction of it's strength the energy wave was enough to do some damage.

It hit Earth like the hammer of an angry god. The polar ice caps melted, the seas boiled, and the shockwave shattered buildings. Worst of all, it pushed Earth out of it's orbit... father away from the sun now.


May 03, 2001
A few minutes ago then
Before the wave hit Earth

Kyle grabbed his sister and hit Ralph to get his attention. "We got to get to the basement now! Before that blastwave hits us!"

Ralph quickly recovered and nodded. He followed Kyle as Kyle ran for the basement. Hopefully it would offer them some protection.

"In there!" Kyle shouted pointing to the special all metal room that was used as food storage. The principle had boasted that it could stand up to a nuclear attack when he bought it. Now it was time to see if that was true.

They quickly opened the door and were about to go in when Kyle said "No! The door can only be closed from outside! What are we going to do?"

Just then the explosion of the wave entering Earth's atmosphere was heard.

They knew they only had seconds.

Thinking quickly Ralph grabbed Kyle and Kyle's sister, tossed them into the room, and slammed the metal sliding door shut. And just in time too. The wave hit, and Ralph stared dumbly at the large spiked piece of metal rebar sticking through his chest.

His last words were "Man, not cool." Then he fell down to the ground. His body was dead before it hit the floor.


Some Time Later

Kyle awoke with a headache.

"Ow!" he exclaimed. "Did anyone get the number of that truck? Oh man, what happened to me anyway?"

He looked around but couldn't see anything.

'Oh no!' he thought. "Have I gone blind?'

Just as he was about to panic he noticed a dimly glowing red light on the wall.

He calmed down and thought 'The power must be out for the lights if the emergency sign is glowing.'

Then suddenly it hit him, and he remembered everything.

"Ralph!" he shouted. "Ralph, you okay? Hey man, come on answer me now!"

Nothing was heard.

He suddenly got a cold feeling now.

"Genevieve!" he called remembering his sister now. "Genevieve! Are you alright, answer me!"

Suddenly there were some sparks from the wall, and then more sparks. And the lights came on. Lighting the whole room up.

'The emergency backup generator must have finally come on line.' he thought. 'About time.'

He rubbed his head with his hoof. Then he paused, and blinked. And blinked again.

'There's something wrong with this picture.' he thought. 'Something very wrong. But what is...'

He moved his hoof down in front of him.

He stared at it.

Moved it around.

Stared some more.

"WHY DO I HAVE A HOOF NOW?" he screamed.

He tried to get up, but found it difficult.

He had an idea why, but didn't want to think about it.

He drug himself over to a polished metal container, and looked at his reflection.

There was something else there.

He moved and watched.

The reflection moved.

"Oh my god." he said. "I'm a pony..."

To Be Continued...


Well-Known Member
#2's's been a long time. How have you been?

Neko Hibiki

Cute Snow Princess
Ordo said:'s's been a long time. How have you been?

Too many health problems to count now. Way too many. How are you?

But enough about me, how did you like the fic now?

By the way, I looove the pic you have in your signature right there now.

But, who is the green pony who comes before the Female Shepard pony a a?