The Horrors of Gaming!


Well-Known Member
As with the other Horror topics, this is about games - specifically the most horrible, terrible, awful games you ever played. I don't mean mildly dislikable games, I mean veritable pieces of shit that no sane man should play voluntarily... essentially, the gaming version of "Artemis's Lover" by Oscar.

I'll post my nomination later, but I can anticipate it's Cho Aniki for SNES... now, let the horror begin!

Mereo Flere

Well-Known Member
Unlimited Saga.

Anyone who's read the SE thread should know how I feel about it, and I'd rather not repeat myself; there are better things to rant about.


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Mortal Kombat. I know there must be several worse games, but I never played anything worse than MK.


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Dune2000. For a game that came out when it did, it sure stank compared to other industry standards... <_<


Well-Known Member
I've never played a video game I don't like. Usually, if I take the time to get a game, I will enjoy it.

However, I must mention Rainbow Six: Lockdown. Seriously, what the freaking HELL?! Coming off of playing Rainbow Six: Raven Shield - a fine game, I might add - then comes Lockdown. Seriously, what happened? They took a perfectly fine tactical shooter with all the necessary bits, and turned it into a generic action game. Planning? Gone. Realism? Gone. Hell, actual weapon names and good graphics? The usual standard of a Tom Clancy game, hell, any sort of tactical shooter?!


Oh, woe! Rainbow Six, how far have you guys fallen?

Rainbow Six Vegas was closer to the actual tactical shooter style, at least. However, while I'm at it, it too, deserves to be mentioned here. Of course, Vegas is a good game. It's got the cover system, it's got all the fancy graphics and nifty gameplay bits. It's a good game long as you're playing on the Xbox 360.

Otherwise, if you're like me and if you're trying to play it on your PC...oh, ye Gods! Howl! Howl! Howl!

Don't even think about it unless you've got a Shader Model 3.0 video card. No, seriously. The game doesn't even RUN unless you've got that specific part. Hell, I've seen a good gaming laptop - fitted with a GeForce 7800, 2.8 Ghz Pentium IV, gig of RAM, etc - get absolutely destroyed by this game. Funny part about that? That was the freaking menu.

Of course, the Unreal 3 engine is insane on its own, so it shouldn't surprise me all too much that Rainbow Six Vegas practically kills almost every machine out there currently. I suppose it's a sign of the coming times - we all must upgrade, lest we be without the next generation's best games.

...either that, or buy an Xbox.


Well-Known Member
Shaq Fu would probably have to be towards the top of the list, along with an old genesis game my friend had called Awesome Poseum.

Other games would include unlimited saga, grandia Xtreme and Arc the Lad: End of Darkness.

And of course, let us not forget FFX-2...


Well-Known Member
Any comic book turned into a video game, ever. There have been none - no, not ONE - that I can remember as being anything other than bland at best or Godawful at worst.


Well-Known Member
The X-Men Legends games for PS2 are good. Nothing transcendental, but well done.

Also, Marvel Super Heroes was a fine beat'em-up, if a bit too over the top.


Well-Known Member
Worst game I've played? "A Bugs Life" for the PSOne. Why did I play it in the first place? Well, I was quite young at the time. Okay, I was in High School and I was bored. There. :sweat:


Well-Known Member
Dancing games get on my nerves. Dance Dance Revolution... or that Britney Dance Game (yuck!!). Make it all stop!! :headbanger: :headbanger:


Well-Known Member
Excalibur 2555 and Street fighter the movie.

Serious avoid them both at all costs.


Well-Known Member
...okay, I've tried to write my reasons for why Cho Aniki is a horrific game, but... it just defies words. I think a few images should convey its rampant gayness a lot better than words can. And the article written by a pro does help.

Read at your own risk.

...yeah. Feel free to kill me with fire. I suppose after this, I deserve it.


Well-Known Member
That's that weird game with the flying, muscle-bound guys shooting splooge from a hole in their bald heads, isn't it?

All ships pull up! It's a trap!


Well-Known Member
Read this. It's an article about the Playstation Cho Aniki game, written by a snarky editor. Pictures are provided, commentary is funny... I just can't help but wonder how much of what he wrote is truth, and how much is exaggeration.

And I don't think I'll be playing any Cho Aniki games to find the answer.