Nasuverse The Hound and The Blacksmith


Well-Known Member
Part Three: It Comes In Threes

ôYou know what I donÆt like Japan?ö

Eloise sighed at the all too familiar Cockney accent of their one male companion and looked at the tall, slim form dressed all in black with an ever present loli-pop between full lips. His dark green hair fell in his face and harmonized with his glowing crimson eyes. With his high cheekbones, sharp features, and long black coat Ethan looked very much the part of the lovable rogue he liked to play.

Eloise asked, ôWhat donÆt you like about Japan, Ethan?ö

ôItÆs full of bad food, crowded, and old men try to look up my skirt,ö a small, high pitch voice replied. Eloise looked at the pouting face framed by large, glossy chestnut curls with giant eyes the same crimson that both Eloise and Ethan sported. She was dressed in a pink romper dress clutching a teddy bear with one arm and she stood all of a meter and less than a third of one tall. Eden was the third member of their little trinity and bore the body of a ten year old girl.

And Eloise thought that White Knight Svelten was the only pedophile Dead Apostle running around, but then again he was only the most famous. Besides, he hunted little boys, not little girls like Eden had been. Eden didnÆt speak much of the Dead Apostle who had bit her, other than she had a rather pretty singing voice. Which meant either the Dead Apostle was a lesbian pedophile or had a very disturbing Mommy Complex.

Ethan pulled the bright red confection from his lips, leaving a glossy pink trail behind and smiled. He waved the sucker at the diminutive vampire and said, ôWell you can fix that by wearing pants, Eden.ö

ôI donÆt like wearing pants,ö Eden said as she thrust out her bottom lip and tossed her hair. She then frowned up at Ethan and said, ôI want a lolly too. Please give me one.ö

ôSince you asked so nicely, little love,ö Ethan said with a grin as he pulled a brightly wrapped stick of candy from his duster.

Crimson eyes widened, dimples flashed and tiny fangs were displayed as the small hand reached up to take the candy. Eloise watched as Eden plucked the wrapper from it, revealing a large orb of bright green on the white cardboard stick. Eden asked, ôIs it lime or apple?ö

ôApple. Not much into limes myself,ö Ethan said before sliding the glistening drop of red between his own lips in an almost obscene gesture.

Eloise sighed and said, ôEthan, you never answered what you donÆt like about Japan.ö

ôItÆs full of the Japanese,ö Ethan said with a grin.

Eden was taking small, kittenish licks of her candy before looking up at Ethan. She frowned and said in a stern voice, ôThatÆs racist, Ethan.ö

ôYes it is,ö Eloise said with a smile as she stroked the child fiendÆs thick curls which was rewarded with more flashing dimples and smiles as Eden leaned into her hand. ôI think this is an opportune hunting ground. The Second OwnerÆs away in London, which means that meddling Wizard wonÆt be lurking around, and most importantly Lord Makari lives here.ö

ôThe Worm Magus?ö Eden said with a tiny frown as her adoring laps were paused.

Ethan snorted, ôIÆve heard of him. Why would he help us? And isnÆt there that member of the Church that was here. Heard he was a scary bloke who could use Black Keys and everything.ö

ôDead as a doornail,ö Eloise said with a smile, ôHe was killed by one of the Masters in the Fifth Grail War.ö

Eden frowned and said, ôThis could be dangerous, Eloise.ö

ôOr could be a lot of fun if thereÆs no one watching the town,ö Ethan said with a grin, ôPlus the Japanese are a lot of perverts right? Might have some other fun than just feeding around here.ö

Eden stamped her small foot and scowled up at Eloise. She said, ôYou know how hard it is finding virgins in a country full of perverts?ö

ôThatÆs why we have Eloise,ö Ethan said with a smile as he clinched his sucker between his teeth, ôYou know she can route them out one way or another.ö

Eloise smiled and said, ôI always find what I want.ö As far as mystical talents go, it wasnÆt particularly impressive as what Ethan and Eden could do, but it was quite useful. She could find anything she wanted with very little concentration, but if she pushed herself she could have what she wanted come to her. It was what made them work so well. She could find or attract what she wanted, Ethan was excellent at defense, and Eden . . . well children could be cruel, couldnÆt they?

The three of them continued to walk the streets of Fuyuki City until they reached a road filled with western style homes. A tall, imposing home stood at the top of the hill like a lone sentinel despite it wasnÆt the largest house on this block. Yet Eloise could sense the power radiating from that place and made a note not to go there.

ôWell, weÆre here,ö Eloise said as she pointed to the lavish mansion that could compare with some of the ones from their home country of England. The place was dark as a tomb and there wasnÆt any motion inside of it, but from what she had heard of Makari Zouken it wasnÆt much of a surprise.

She walked up to the door and politely knocked on it. The three of them stood at the door for countless moments as they waited. There was a loud crunch before Ethan said, ôLooks like no oneÆs home.ö

ôWe canÆt stay out here forever, Eloise,ö Eden said, a shrill edge sharpening her voice as she looked around.

A delicately earthy scent with a copper tang drifted past EloiseÆs nostrils. The three turned at once to a young man with wavy blue hair and odd, misty blue eyes. The teenagerÆs eyes widened before a smile crossed his face as his eyes traveled over Eloise. His nose was swollen and red, as if someone hit it lately.

He asked, ôMay I help you?ö

ôI hope so,ö Eloise said with a slight bow, knowing the Japanese ate that sort of thing up, ôWeÆre looking for Makari Zouken.ö

The smile fell from the boyÆs face and he pulled something from the dull earthen tone clothing he was wearing. He said, ôCome in.ö

There were two things the man formerly known in mythology as C¨ Chulainn and currently going by Lancer knew. The first one was battle from the joy of a good fight to knowing just how to use his body to win. The second one was women. He had many lovers in his past ever since the tender age of twelve.

He liked the chase. The more he had to work for a woman the better it was in the end. He chuckled to himself as he remembered all he had to go through to be with Emer, but she had been worth it. She was also rather forgiving despite the fact he had a wandering eye and more. She was content that he always came back to her no matter whoÆs bed he had been in. Which was quite a few, he thought with a grin.

Lancer was waiting between the school and where he had found out where Ayako had lived by pestering wee Rin. He had found out from the Three Track Girls when practices ended and reasoned a good time for Ayako to make her way home. He had the night off and there wasnÆt anything better to do around here. Besides, he wanted to make amends for their botched first date then go stab that Greek wench about twenty times with GaÞ Bolg.

He heard footsteps approaching and leapt from his fence top perch. Amber eyes widened at the figure landing nimbly before her. Lancer smiled as his eyes raked over AyakoÆs womanly form in her school clothing. Her eyes narrowed, her body tensed and she walked past him with a harshly spat, ôGo the hell away.ö

ôWait, lass,ö Lancer said with a smile as he fell in step with her.

She glared and retorted, ôI donÆt want to talk to you. So go to hell.ö

ôIÆd rather not, maybe I want to talk to you,ö Lancer replied.

She spun around to face him, her eyes narrowed and her lips a narrow line. One finger was pointed at his chest as she said in a low voice, ôYou can go chase someone elseÆs skirt. And you know what? Other than school I donÆt like wearing them.ö

ôShame, youÆve got lovely legs,ö Lancer said with a shrug.

Her eyes narrowed even more as she said, ôI bet you said that to Rider too.ö

ôHey, I met Rider before I met you. Besides, she was keeping company with that Matou punk and not too willing about it,ö Lancer said with a shrug, ôFigured IÆd offer her a better bit of company. I was right rejected, but I like to look into a womanÆs eyes as I take her.ö

Ayako placed one hand on her hip and said in that same low voice, ôShe wears glasses.ö

ôShe was wearing a blindfold when I met her,ö Lancer said as he rubbed the back of his head.

Ayako sighed, threw up her hands and said, ôI donÆt want to hear about this or any kinky sex games that you and Rider played. You know what, you two deserve each other.ö She started walking again, her gait and her shoulders stiff.

Sighing, Lancer reached out and caught her by the arm. Her head snapped back fast enough to cause her hair to brush against her cheeks to catch up. Amber eyes looked down at the offending hand before meeting his again. She said, ôLet me go.ö

ôNot until you hear me out,ö Lancer said as he looked at her.

She jerked her arm and retorted, ôI donÆt want to hear you out.ö

He sighed then noticed her knuckles were red. Tilting his head, he lifted her hand closer so he could inspect it. He smiled and said, ôWell, someone got under your skin tonight.ö

ôIt was Shinji. He was running his mouth and I couldnÆt stand it,ö Ayako said as she raised her other hand to cover the tale tell marks. A faint flush colored pale cheeks as a small tongue snuck out to moisten dry lips. The sight was enough to send a shot of pure need through Lancer as he took a deep breath. He drew her close and she looked up at him with wide eyes as their bodies were almost touching.

He said, ôYou did a good thing then. That wanker deserved what you did and more.ö

ôI should punch you,ö she said with a frown as the blush intensified.

Lancer smiled and said, ôIf itÆll make you feel better than do so.ö He dropped her arm and held out his hands to the side with a smile. He tilted his head and said, ôGo on, pretty vixen. Take a lick at me.ö

ôOkay, that just sounded wrong,ö Ayako said with wide eyes as she continued to turn a multitude of lovely shades.

He threw back his head with a laugh and said, ôYou were the one who twisted my words, Ayako. Now if you want to take a lick at me IÆd be more than happy to return the favor.ö

ôGod youÆre really perverted, you know that,ö Ayako said with a shake of her head.

He grinned and said, ôI come by it honestly, but if itÆll make you feel more at ease go ahead and give me a good hard blow.ö

ôAck!ö Ayako cried as she placed her hands on her ears with a sharp shake of her head, ôGod, youÆre still doing it.ö

Lancer grinned and said, ôGive me a good beating?ö

ôNo!ö Ayako said with wide eyes as she shook her head again, but a smile was gracing her features and her voice was colored with laughter.

He smirked at her and said, ôWould a good thrashing make my intentions clearer?ö
ôYes, okay,ö Ayako said with a laugh as she held up her hands, ôIÆm sorry I blew up at you yesterday.ö

He frowned, fluttered his eyelashes and said, ôI was looking forward to our little meal together.ö

ôI was too, but then Rider came and . . .ö Ayako sighed with a shake of her head as she rubbed the back of her neck, her shoulders slumping.

Lancer frowned as he looked at her and said, ôYouÆve got a problem with the Greek wench.ö

ôItÆs . . . I . . . doubt youÆll even believe me,ö Ayako said as she wrapped her arms around herself.

ôIÆll believe anything you tell me, but out in the openÆs not the place to go baring yourself,ö Lancer said with a shake of his head.

AyakoÆs eyes widened and her hand came rushing at his arm with surprising speed. The smack of the small, feminine palm against his hard bicep stung, but that only added to the fire building within his gut. She pointed to him and said, ôYouÆre doing it again, Lancer!ö

ôCanÆt help it, itÆs in my nature,ö Lancer said with a grin as he offered his arm to her again. ôNow, letÆs go.ö

Ayako eyed his arm and said, ôYou havenÆt earned that again yet.ö

ôDonÆt want to come with me then?ö he asked with a tilt of his head.

She smiled and replied, ôI didnÆt say that.ö

ôGrandfather didnÆt really talk that much about his dealings with people like you,ö Shinji said as he looked at the trio sitting across the room from him. His eyes lingered on EloiseÆs form with her long legs, high, firm breasts that were neither too large nor too small, and long, gleaming hair the color of a ripe apricot. Feline crimson eyes met his with a flash of a smile that made her look even more radiant than before.

The green haired male who was currently toying with a candy stick in his mouth said, ôWell, weÆre not exactly the best of company.ö

ôOur existence is acknowledged, but weÆre hunted,ö Eloise said with a sigh and a shake of her head.

The child piped up in her lyrical voice, ôWe didnÆt ask to be like this, Shinji.ö

ôWell, you might have, but I went looking for it,ö the Englishman said with a smile flashing pointed teeth as he pulled the stick from his mouth.

Eloise smiled and said, ôEthan came across being a Dead Apostle through experiments with his magecraft. I came from an ordinary family, but apparently had the Circuits deep within me. Being bit awakened them. Little Eden was the unwanted second child of a predominant magus family that has been dead for the last century.ö

ôI should have been the heir,ö Shinji said as his hands curled and uncurled into fists. He had been lucky, barely surviving SakuraÆs attack once Grandfather lost control over her. HeÆd been in a coma only to awake to find out that Sakura was now living with Emiya and having TohsakaÆs Servant break into his home one night. The oddly familiar grim man stated if he ever looked at Sakura the wrong way again he would sorely regret it. Then he had thrown a damned sword into ShinjiÆs pillow right beside his head before leaving.

Eden looked around and asked, ôWhere is your Grandfather?ö

ôDead,ö Shinji said with a snort, ôNot that I miss him.ö

EloiseÆs eyes widened as she placed a trembling hand to her mouth. She said, ôBut . . . we were hoping heÆd give us shelter while we were here.ö

ôWe can find someplace else. Not like this ponce can do anything to help us,ö Ethan said with a shrug.

Eden pouted and said, ôBut I like this place. It smells like misery and magic.ö

ôThis is troubling,ö Eloise said with a shake of her head as she looked up at Shinji with wide eyes.

Shinji glared at the mouthy bastard and the brat. Then he looked at Eloise and gave her his most dazzling smile. He said, ôWell, IÆm sure we could work something out, Eloise. Maybe we could talk somewhere in private.ö

ôThat maybe a good idea,ö Eloise said as she stood up. Her straight jeans and tank top hugged graceful curves with enough muscle to make her interesting. He smiled at her and gestured for her to follow. He led her away from the library and to his own bedroom.

He said, ôItÆs my room.ö

Crimson eyes surveyed his room, lingering on the neat desk and bookshelves made of heavy wood. Shinji hadnÆt dared to keep posters or anything else in this room other than one picture he couldnÆt bring himself to get rid of that had Emiya and himself in it from Middle School. It made him yearn for a simpler time where Sakura was in the back ground and he could have friends and a life.

Her eyes found the photo and she said, ôCute boy. Friend of yours?ö

ôSort of estranged,ö Shinji said with a shrug. Trying to kill my sister and his girlfriend would strain any friendship, even one with Emiya.

Eloise said, ôYou seem lonely.ö

ôI can make by, and I think with you here neither of us will have to worry about anything,ö he said with a smile.

A smile curved her coquettish lips as she said in her lilting accent, ôYouÆre quite right about that, love.ö

He folded his arms across his chest and said, ôOf course, my favor isnÆt going to come free you know.ö

ôOh, I know,ö Eloise said as she moved closer to him. The sweet scent of apricots filled his nostrils as a cold hand stroked his cheek. He groaned as her chilled lips caressed his. He parted her lips with his tongue, demanding entrance. They turned as one towards his bed only to have him pushed so he was sitting on it.

She smiled at him as she gracefully sank down to her knees. He groaned as she nuzzled both thighs as one nimble hand went to the fly of his school uniform. Aching need sprang forth only to be engulfed by cool wetness and clever suction.

He moaned as his body was spiked higher and higher with pleasure. Crimson eyes looked up at him then glowed before his world was plunged into sheer agony. Screams filled the bedroom with the first spray of crimson to hit expensive wallpaper as the Dead Apostle did what she did best.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Well, he walked right into that. Well deserved, to, depending on what, if anything, he rises as.


Well-Known Member
Part Four: Lancer Bares All

Lancer was whistling a favorite battle hymn softly as the two of them walked together to his intended destination. Ayako blinked up at him and said, ôI donÆt think IÆve ever heard that tune before.ö

ôItÆs an old one,ö he said with a smile as the dead patch of earth loomed a head. Twisted and grey bits of wood burst up from the ground as their barren branches reached heavenward. Yellow, brittle grass spread across the earth between the trees reaching for a savior, and the only sound was two pairs of foot steps and a faint breeze rustling dead limbs. Ayako frowned as she looked around.

ôThe park?ö she asked.

Lancer nodded and said, ôAye, for several reasons. One itÆs quiet and two . . . well, weÆll get to that.ö

ôSure,ö Ayako said as she headed to the lone bench in the midst of the bone orchard. Shrugging, the Celt followed her as he folded his hands into his pockets. The lass smoothed her skirt before sitting down while he sort of collapsed onto the bench and stretched his legs out.

Lancer looked at her and said, ôSo, Rider?ö

ôItÆs . . . I donÆt even know it happened this way but . . .ö Ayako said with a sigh as her shoulders slumped and her cheeks flushed.

He waved his hand and said, ôStart at the beginning. Then weÆll see where the tale goes here.ö

ôOkay, I donÆt know if you were here but about a year and a half ago there was like this series of killings all through Fuyuki. Some people were just killed with a sword, others just vanished,ö Ayako said with a shake of her head, ôNot to mention all of those gas leaks downtown.ö

Aye, a side effect of the Grail War, Lancer thought with a nod, ôI know all about that, Ayako. Go on.ö

ôSo anyway I was on my way home from school. IÆd gotten into it with Shinji earlier that day but that wasnÆt anything new back then. Well, half way home from practice someone grabbed me and jerked me into an alley,ö Ayako said as her hands gripped her skirt. He watched as knuckles blanched and fabric creaked under the powerful grip.

LancerÆs jaw ticked and he asked, ôWere you violated?ö Archer is an ass, but he doesnÆt go around forcing himself on innocent girls, if it was Berserker she would have died on the first thrust if his cock matched the rest of his body, Assassin couldnÆt leave the bloody temple, Rider . . .

Rider is far too interested in my vixen.

Ayako swallowed and said, ôI . . . not . . . IÆm still a virgin, damn it!ö

ôI wouldnÆt have thought any less of you if you were, lass,ö Lancer said in a soft voice as he met her eyes.

She curled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs, keeping her skirt down. Auburn hair brushed against the black fabric as she hid her face until only her golden eyes were visible. There was the tiny flash of a jaw working as those eyes became glistening and bright. ôYouÆre going to think IÆm crazy.ö Her voice came out muffled from her legs.

Lancer sighed, reached out and stroked her hair. He said, ôIÆm not going to think youÆre crazy, Pretty Vixen. Not any more than me anyway.ö He winked with a grin and she lifted her head up from her hiding place. Her head tilted ever so slightly as he ran his fingers through the silken strands, marveling at their feel and color. Normally he enjoyed women whoÆs hair covered him like a blanket, but AyakoÆs cropped locks suited her, as BazettÆs had.

Kinsman that I failed, he thought of his former Master who blushed and stammered around him. She had wanted to save him, but Lancer didnÆt need to be saved. He just wanted another good fight and maybe a night or two spent between a nice pair of thighs. Bazett had given him the later with her virtue, but Kotomine, in his ability to be a perfect ass, had denied him the first and most coveted of his ôwishesö.

Ayako looked up at him and asked, ôWhatÆs wrong with you?ö

ôMmm, deep thoughts, but youÆre the one telling your story here, not I,ö Lancer said with a smile as he straightened up.

Ayako sighed and said, ôI swore I saw Shinji there laughing and . . . There she was. All I remember is her hair and her face at my neck and it hurt at first and then it felt good.ö Her eyes looked up at him and she asked, ôDo you believe in vampires?ö

ôLet me guess, long lavender hair and you couldnÆt see her eyes?ö Lancer asked with a sigh.

Golden eyes widened as the girl nodded her head. She answered, ôYeah. It was Rider . . . I was apparently found wandering around and naked afterwards . . .ö She squeezed her arms around her legs again, covering her head.

Lancer sighed as he reached his arms around her as he heard soft, muffled cries. Ayako weighed nothing as he carefully lifted her onto his lap. If anything she curved perfectly into him as he rested his chin and cheek on the top of his head as his arms encircled her. A deep breath filled his nostrils with the scent of apples and autumn.

ôGods you smell wonderful,ö he said with a sigh.

She stiffened in his arms but her tear stained eyes met his. ôShe drank my blood, Lancer.ö

ôOf course she did. She was after your prana, or rather, your life force,ö Lancer said with a snort, ôBelieve you me, RiderÆs not human. Bloody hell, sheÆs not even alive. SakuraÆs pumping her with magical energy and life to keep her here.ö

Ayako frowned and said, ôYouÆd better not be making fun of me.ö

ôOh no, Lass, IÆm not, watch,ö Lancer said as he extended his left hand. He glared at the air above his palm as his eyes traced the all too familiar rune. Oxygen sparked and fed as orange and gold leapt out of the air above his palm.

Ayako blinked and stared at the flickering rune of flame not even a meter away from her face. One pale hand reached out and hovered right before it as more and more concentration was being poured into keeping it alight. ôItÆs hot,ö she said with a gasp, ôThatÆs real fire . . . And itÆs hovering above your palm . . .ö

Lancer smirked and said, ôThatÆs nothing.ö His palm reached up and he crushed the flames in his hand until only smoke remained. Five fingers flattened out to show wide eyes unmarred skin that still had smoke rising from it.

ôNot even a mark,ö she muttered as she reached out to touch his hand.

ôI killed the rune before grabbing the fire,ö he said as he moved her so she was sitting on the bench. He stood up, smirked, winked and said, ôNow watch this.ö

He took a couple of steps back then sprang into motion. Long legs moved rapidly as feet barely touched the earth as it began to blur all around him. Cool air sprang up to meet his face as he gracefully turned back to run back to the bench. He ran back and forth, building more and more speed until he was simply a blue blur. A loud boom enriched him, echoing across the air once he hit the required speed to make the thunder clap.

Lancer was grinning as he made a pass by the bench again before skidding to a stop. Ayako was watching him with wide eyes. She shook her head and said, ôThatÆs impossible.ö

ôWell, for you, but my da was a god,ö Lancer said with a grin.

Her eyes narrowed and she said, ôYou broke the sound barrier. On foot. Then proceed to tell me your fatherÆs a god.ö

ôLugh to be precise, God of Light,ö Lancer said with a smile.

Ayako frowned and said, ôI donÆt even know who that is.ö

ôYou Japanese need to read some other myths,ö Lancer said with a sigh and a shake of his head.

Ayako looked up at him and said, ôI want answers. All of it.ö

ôAnd IÆll tell you exactly what I know,ö he said with a shrug.


Ayako said, ôIÆm going to beat the crap out of her.ö

Crimson eyes met hers and rich, masculine laughter filled the air before Lancer asked, ôLittle Rin?ö

She nodded, gritted her teeth, clinched her fists and said, ôYes! SheÆs been lying to me all of these years. I mean, it makes sense and explains her weird behavior most of the time, but she should have told me!ö

ôWell, her telling you could have put a death sentence on your head or so these blokes say,ö Lancer said with a shrug.

Ayako stood up from the bench and asked, ôThen why did you tell me!ö

ôBecause it was the right thing to do, and IÆd like a good fight. Damn Bowman all but dares all of those wankers at the Magus Association to start something while IÆm told I canÆt come,ö Lancer said with a snort.

Ayako frowned and said, ôThatÆs TohsakaÆs creepy butler, right? Archer?ö

ôCreepy Butler?ö Lancer said with a laugh and a shake of his head, ôThatÆs rather perfect description of him actually.ö

ôWell, he is creepy,ö Ayako said with a shudder, ôHe all but stalks her and . . .ö

Lancer winked and said, ôI bet wee Rin enjoys it.ö

ôI just tasted bile,ö Ayako said with a wince before swallowing the burning in her throat and grimacing at Lancer, who was laughing again.

She sighed and sat down beside him, her head still spinning from his story. He had told her about the Holy Grail War and how he had been a Servant until some magic sent him ôass over teakettleö back to life again. HeÆd told her how his Master had been betrayed and heÆd been taken by ôa fucking asshole priestö who made him ôjust prance around the other Servants to see what they can doö. Something which heÆd seemed very irate about.

ôSo, this is all new to you then?ö she asked as she looked at him.

Lancer nodded and said, ôAye. WorldÆs grown a bit more comfortable since the last time I drew breath.ö

ôAnd you donÆt like it,ö Ayako said with a shake of her head.

He sighed and said, ôI miss battling. God, I feel bunched up in my skin and I donÆt know what IÆd aught to do.ö

ôI feel like that a lot too,ö Ayako admitted as she picked at a loose thread in her uniform skirt.

He smiled, flashing his canines, and said, ôAye, I know. One of the reasons IÆm drawn to you.ö

ôI bet itÆs one of the reasons I keep putting up with you and your ADHD,ö she replied with a lopsided smile.

He laughed, a joyous rolling sound that shook his slim frame. His eyes focused on her as the laughter drained away. He said, ôI canÆt promise you the moon and the stars. IÆm just making my intentions towards you known.ö

ôIÆm too young to settle down anyway. IÆm not like Sakura-chan whoÆs already to be a perfect wife and sheÆs not even eighteen yet,ö Ayako said with a snort and a wave of her hand.

Lancer asked, ôWell, what do you want to do with yourself?ö

ôThe thing is I donÆt know,ö she said with a sigh, ôIÆve been accepted to the college my mom wants me to go to but . . .ö

LancerÆs voice was quiet as he said, ôYouÆre not like Rin to be content learning like that.ö

ôNo, it bores me to tears,ö Ayako said with a sigh, ôIÆm happiest on the range with someone worthy against me.ö

He grinned and said, ôI know how that is.ö

ôThen that Rider had to come and . . .ö she rubbed her neck with a hard swallow and shook her head.

Lancer placed his hand over hers, his skin warm and rough as he held it. His eyes met hers and she was aware of how other they looked with their glowing red irises and their wolfish, almond shaped appearance. Lancer was like some great predator. Beautiful, wild, untamable, and powerful, but yet he was letting her close for the moment. Ayako wasnÆt seeing Happily Ever After in their future, but she was seeing Happily Now.

ôDonÆt ever look into her eyes,ö Lancer said.

She replied, ôI like looking into yours better.ö

Lancer smiled and said, ôSo, you know the story.ö

ôIt . . . I feel better. That IÆm not going crazy,ö she said with a shaky laugh. She moved her hand from her throat, but Lancer hadnÆt moved his away from hers. Automatically smaller fingers intertwined with larger and rougher ones.

Lancer grinned and asked, ôSo, shall we try going out on one of those dates tomorrow?ö

ôIÆll meet you at that flower stand after you get off work,ö Ayako said with a grin.

ôAnd not even RiderÆll ruin it for us this time,ö he said with a grin that squinted his eyes shut.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Its good. Ayako needed something like that, and its sad that it took so long for someone to tell her that its the world that's crazy, not her


Well-Known Member
Prince Charon said:
Its good. Ayako needed something like that, and its sad that it took so long for someone to tell her that its the world that's crazy, not her
I really like the Lancer/Ayako relationship. I've always liked Ayako and she's awesome, but yes someone needed to tell her the truth.

Plus a story like this needs a Bad Asssed Normal!


Well-Known Member
Elf said:
I really like the Lancer/Ayako relationship.? I've always liked Ayako and she's awesome, but yes someone needed to tell her the truth.?

Plus a story like this needs a Bad Asssed Normal!
Yeah, although I'm not entirely clear just how much Lancer explained to her.

For instance, she knows that Rider attacked her, and she also knows that Sakura is now Rider's master, but she doesn't seem to know much else about Sakura (judging from her (rather dismissive-sounding) comment about her becoming a "perfect wife"). Did Lancer tell her enough to come to the correct conclusion, or is she now going to be suspicious of Sakura due to her connection to Rider?


Well-Known Member
Cherry_lover said:
Elf said:
I really like the Lancer/Ayako relationship.á I've always liked Ayako and she's awesome, but yes someone needed to tell her the truth.á

Plus a story like this needs a Bad Asssed Normal!
Yeah, although I'm not entirely clear just how much Lancer explained to her.

For instance, she knows that Rider attacked her, and she also knows that Sakura is now Rider's master, but she doesn't seem to know much else about Sakura (judging from her (rather dismissive-sounding) comment about her becoming a "perfect wife"). Did Lancer tell her enough to come to the correct conclusion, or is she now going to be suspicious of Sakura due to her connection to Rider?
Yeah, Lancer was dead most of the Grail War. He knows Rider's still getting prana from Sakura, but he's not really close to the Emiya family like Archer and Rider are. Also, there's going to be more with Ayako learning about the Weird around her as well.

Come on, a story like this needs a Bad Assed normal.


Well-Known Member
I thought that Ayako would get attacked by a pasty leeching dick, but looks it was Shinji who got on the receiving end of that instead. (Funny how Shinji and the things in his basement are so much alike).

Cherry_lover said:
Elf said:
I really like the Lancer/Ayako relationship.? I've always liked Ayako and she's awesome, but yes someone needed to tell her the truth.?

Plus a story like this needs a Bad Asssed Normal!
Yeah, although I'm not entirely clear just how much Lancer explained to her.

For instance, she knows that Rider attacked her, and she also knows that Sakura is now Rider's master, but she doesn't seem to know much else about Sakura (judging from her (rather dismissive-sounding) comment about her becoming a "perfect wife"). Did Lancer tell her enough to come to the correct conclusion, or is she now going to be suspicious of Sakura due to her connection to Rider?
Yeah, Lancer was dead most of the Grail War. He knows Rider's still getting prana from Sakura, but he's not really close to the Emiya family like Archer and Rider are. Also, there's going to be more with Ayako learning about the Weird around her as well.

Come on, a story like this needs a Bad Assed normal.
I didn't really see this as a problem myself. Sakura must've been at the archery club long enough for Ayako to get a good grasp of her prior to the war. The fact that Rider was first at Shinji's side, and now at Sakura's side -in combination with the fact that Sakura moved in with Shirou is more telling in itself -undoubtedly a story Ayako would definitely want to sniff out.

I'm really liking where this is going, Elf! Please keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
Elf said:
Yeah, Lancer was dead most of the Grail War. He knows Rider's still getting prana from Sakura, but he's not really close to the Emiya family like Archer and Rider are. Also, there's going to be more with Ayako learning about the Weird around her as well.

Come on, a story like this needs a Bad Assed normal.
Well, wouldn't both he and Ayako be rather suspicious of why Sakura's servant would attack her?

Arkhe said:
I didn't really see this as a problem myself. Sakura must've been at the archery club long enough for Ayako to get a good grasp of her prior to the war.
Well, that's why she'd be so damn confused. After all, she knows that Sakura is a good person, and she certainly wouldn't seem like the type to have her friend raped.

The fact that Rider was first at Shinji's side, and now at Sakura's side -in combination with the fact that Sakura moved in with Shirou is more telling in itself -undoubtedly a story Ayako would definitely want to sniff out.
Yeah, I would imagine she would be seriously wondering what the hell went on there.


Well-Known Member
Cherry_lover said:
Elf said:
Yeah, Lancer was dead most of the Grail War.á He knows Rider's still getting prana from Sakura, but he's not really close to the Emiya family like Archer and Rider are.á Also, there's going to be more with Ayako learning about the Weird around her as well.

Come on, a story like this needs a Bad Assed normal.
Well, wouldn't both he and Ayako be rather suspicious of why Sakura's servant would attack her?

Arkhe said:
I didn't really see this as a problem myself. Sakura must've been at the archery club long enough for Ayako to get a good grasp of her prior to the war.
Well, that's why she'd be so damn confused. After all, she knows that Sakura is a good person, and she certainly wouldn't seem like the type to have her friend raped.

The fact that Rider was first at Shinji's side, and now at Sakura's side -in combination with the fact that Sakura moved in with Shirou is more telling in itself -undoubtedly a story Ayako would definitely want to sniff out.
Yeah, I would imagine she would be seriously wondering what the hell went on there.
Sorry if I didn't make this clear, but both Ayako and Lancer know 2 absolute things. Rider was with Shinji and now Rider is with Sakura - with the attack Rider carried on Ayako had happened when Rider was with Shinji. This does not in any way mean that they know that Rider is Sakura's true master before and immediately after that event, only that at some point (after the attack), Sakura came into possession of Rider.

Which leads to why I said Ayako would be curious about it. (Quite the understatement.)
Since Ayako would no doubt itch to get to the bottom of that, Sakura shouldn't be responsible for whatever happened during the war, and only that everything is so far Shinji's fault -which is still as far as Ayako knows, and is more or less right in that account.


Well-Known Member
Does Ayako know that Rider was with Shinji at that time, though? She knows Shinji was involved somehow, but it doesn't immediately follow from that that Sakura wasn't.


Well-Known Member
Part Four: Concerns of a Fantastical Nature

Pistons glided in perfect motion as the rumble of an engine sounded more like an angry beast than anything mechanical. A subtle shift of the gear and pressing a heavy foot onto the gas peddle caused the monster to roar in annoyance at being kept still. Strong hands lowered the gear and cut off the creatureÆs mechanical heart before dismounting.

Archer tilted his head at the Dream Super Sport Honda CB77 before running a hand over the polished chrome of the handlebar. The bike was almost half a century old, but care had obviously been taken to keep it in pristine condition. If pressed, he would answer that he preferred working on older vehicles like this, even though his first vehicle had been a Suzuki Katana that had the firings missing.

That ôcrotch rocketö had gotten him far during the beginning of his career of being a superhero in the United States. He had repaired the bike to working condition after finding it in a junk yard and ran it into the ground. Literally. He remembered the first time he had crossed the path of a pair of Dead Apostles named Karel and Melanie and ended up sacrificing his bike to save an innocent bystander.

Maybe I should rebuild another motorcycle like that, he thought as he looked around the shop full of any tool he could ask for an American muscle car and more modern racing bikes. Fujimura-dono paid him well and Archer had a feeling that the old boss knew more about his city than he let on, or that his granddaughter knew about. The crime rate in Fuyuki was low compared to neighboring cities and there was very little or any drug trafficking in the city. Heaven forbid if anyone was caught doing anything to a child because they would have been dealt with swiftly and leaving nary a trace. Archer had to admire the old manÆs sense of right and wrong. The punk might have balked at it, but the reality of it coincided with the revision of ArcherÆs ideal.

He studied the gorgeous machine in front of him and ran his fingers over the soft, leather seat. Maybe I should scrap myself a bike together, Archer thought with a tilt of his head. It meant he could easily get out of the city if needed and they were more economically sound with how gas prices were generally climbing. Physical discomfort was something Archer was all too familiar with, so riding in the elements wasnÆt that much of a concern for him. I guess IÆm going to need to go scouting in the junk yard to see what I can cobble together, he mused with a smile.

Suddenly bright light washed over the dim interior of the garage, causing Archer to blink and shelter his eyes. The door had been open and standing there was the stout figure of one Fujimura Raiga standing there in his dark green kimono with the tiger print haroi over it. His white hair was cut close to his skull in a manner that naturally caused it to stick up and his features had lines sharply etched into them. Standing to the right of the solid figure was slim and lithe Seto in his three piece blue suit and to the left was compact Mokuba with his long, wild black hair tied back in a tail. The brothers were FujimuraÆs constant attendants and body guards.

Seto carried a .9mm Beretta under his suit jacket while Mokuba preferred his fists. Mokuba nodded and Seto grinned as one hand took off his wrap around sunglasses. ôYou treating my ride well, Archer?ö the man asked.

ôI treat everything with care that deserves it,ö Archer replied before bowing at Fujimura. ôYou honor me with your presence, Fujimura-dono.ö

Fujimura bowed in return and said, ôYou honor me with your work. Even though I wouldnÆt mind having some of your other talents at my beck and call.ö

So you do know then, Archer thought as he straightened up. He said, ôIÆm trying to keep a low profile.ö

ôSo did Kiritsugu after the War,ö Fujimura said as he adjusted his haroi ever so slightly.

ArcherÆs eyes narrowed and Mokuba laughed. ôWe all know that magic exists, Shirou and that cute Tohsaka girl is the ruler of this land.ö

ôYou should arrange a meeting when she returns home from London,ö Seto said with a shrug.

Archer stared at them, his eyes narrowed as the image of his beloved falchions filled his mind and Fujimura chuckled. Archer said, ôThatÆs not my name.ö

ôIt was. I bet Kiritsugu is turning in his grave finding out his son became a heroic spirit,ö Fujimura said with a shake of his head and a smile.

Archer frowned and Mokuba said, ôDonÆt worry, weÆre the only ones who know who you are.ö

ôWe figured it out when we saw Taiga-chan flirting with you,ö Seto said with a shrug.

FujimuraÆs sloe eyes met ArcherÆs as he said, ôAnd you were able to graft your arm to Shirou without it killing him instantly. The only way thatÆs possible was if the spiritual match was perfect.ö

Archer looked at his whole and perfect left arm before flexing it, feeling the muscles pulse and move in response. With a turn of the wrist five fingers moved in harmony before the appendage was rested on the seat of the motorcycle. Archer frowned and asked, ôHow much do you know, Fujimura-dono?ö

ôThereÆs nothing in this town that I donÆt know about, or will eventually know about,ö the old man said with a shrug and a smile.

Seto stepped up and pulled out a manila envelope from his suit. ôWhich is why weÆre here, Archer. WeÆre not experts, but we believe there is a threat to this town that we cannot handle,ö the yakuza bodyguard said as his deep blue eyes met ArcherÆs.

Archer took the envelope and opened it. The paper was rough under the callused fingertip, but the discomfort was ignored once it was open. Archer pulled out the contents and frowned at a series of highly detailed black and white photos. His frown deepened as he looked at each picture.

There were three separate subjects and different angles, but theme was all the same. The metal gurneys were all too familiar as the paper thin shrouds. Skin came off looking deathly pale even with the lack of color in the picture. There were four corpses, two women and two men. Their ages and even races differed radically, but each body had something in common. All of them were exposed from the chest down, perfectly displaying two black puncture wounds on their throats.

ôDamn,ö Archer said with a scowl as he gripped the slick paper between his fists. He looked at Fujimura and asked, ôWhen did these happen?ö

ôWithin the last two nights,ö Fujimura said with a sigh and a shake of his head.

Archer asked, ôAre they at the same morgue?ö

ôNo,ö Seto said with a shake of his head.

Mokuba answered, ôNo, oneÆs in Miyama-cho and the other three are in Shinto.ö

Archer looked at them and said, ôIÆll take care of this.ö

ôThen consider your rates tripled,ö Seto said as he straightened up.

Archer frowned and said, ôIÆm not doing this to get paid, Seto.ö

ôNo, but maybe you should be,ö Fujimura said with a lopsided grin.


ôNii-san wasnÆt at practice this morning,ö Sakura said as she tucked the lock of hair tied by her pink ribbon behind her ear. Her lover straightened up, his recent growth spurt becoming more and more evident from his height to the width of his shoulders. Emiya Shirou frowned before running a hand through his coppery red hair.

He said, ôWell, we have homeroom together, Sakura.ö

ôItÆs not like him to skip though, Sempai,ö she said with a shake of her head.

Shirou smiled, his golden-brown eyes flickered around before he bent forward to graze her cheek with his lips. She took a deep breath as the simple touch filled her with warmth as her body automatically responded to him. Small hands tightened into fists as slow breaths were taken to try to calm the burning need from within. Damned worms, she thought as she looked up at her lover, Even though theyÆre gone, they still leave their mark.

Even now, after so long, she wondered how Shirou could even touch her after everything that had been done, what had been put inside of her.

Shirou said, ôI know, he still likes showing off to the first years.ö

ôWell, Mitsuzuri-taicho and he had a fight last night,ö Sakura said with a slight smile, ôShe punched him.ö

ShirouÆs eyes widened and he muttered, ôMitsuzuri can be scarier than Tohsaka sometimes, Sakura.ö

ôShe seemed to have a lot on her mind,ö Sakura said.

He said, ôWell I did see Lancer talking to her the other day. HeÆs . . . rather quick with girls, Sakura.ö

ôDo you think he did something?ö Sakura asked with wide eyes. Even Rider would be crushed under him. Lancer also doesnÆt seem like the type to take no for an answer.

Shirou shrugged and said, ôI donÆt think so. He flirts a lot, but if a girl told him know heÆd stop.ö He frowned, shook his head and said, ôFor a little while at least.ö

Sakura frowned and said, ôI might have to ask Rider to watch over her.ö

ôOver my dead body,ö came a familiar voice that could have frozen water behind them.

The lovers spun around to see the very subject they were just speaking about standing there with a scowl marring her pretty features. Amber eyes were narrowed as her hands were on her slim hips. Sakura blinked and said, ôMitsuzuri-taicho, we were just talking about you.ö

ôI think she knows, Sakura,ö Shirou said as he rested his hand on SakuraÆs shoulder before casting Ayako a sweet smile. ôHey Mitsuzuri, whatÆs up?ö

Ayako said, ôYou keep your pet freak away from me, Sakura-chan. Or Lancer will

SakuraÆs eyes widened as she met ShirouÆs, his expression mirroring hers. He swallowed, gave a nervous laugh and said, ôWe donÆt know what youÆre talking about Mitsuzuri.ö

ôLancer told me everything,ö Ayako said in a low voice as she looked around.

Ice washed over SakuraÆs spine as she stared at the girl. Shirou frowned and said, ôHe did what

ôI donÆt like being lied to,ö Ayako said as she folded her arms under her breasts, ôI get you two have to keep your Hogwarts experience a secret, but . . . Keep Rider away from me.ö

Shirou frowned and said, ôRider wouldnÆt hurt anyone if she doesnÆt have to, Mitsuzuri, but IÆd stay away from Lancer though. HeÆs dangerous.ö

ôNo, heÆs not. At least he has enough of a pair to tell me the whole damned truth,ö Ayako said before taking a deep breath.

Sakura jumped as her level eyes met hers and Ayako said, ôLook, I know you wouldnÆt hurt a fly, Sakura-chan . . .ö

ôHey look, that girlÆs naked . . . LetÆs get closer . . .ö

Red tinged black. Tendrils moving rapidly. Enveloping. Devouring. Painful hunger . . .

Sakura swallowed as her chest began to tighten at the memory. A firm, warm hand wrapped around hers pouring strength into her. ShirouÆs eyes met hers as he gripped her hand with a firm nod. A large weight lifted itself from SakuraÆs chest and she could breathe once again before staring at Ayako.

ôYou have no idea what IÆm capable of, Mitsuzuri-taicho,ö Sakura said in a low voice.

Shirou said, ôShinji was the one who had Rider attack you, not Sakura.ö

ôI know that, Emiya,ö Ayako said bristling, ôBut sheÆs still stalking me.ö

SakuraÆs eyes widened as she met ShirouÆs. Shirou frowned and looked back at the Archery captain. He said, ôWhat?ö

ôThat crazy vampire womanÆs stalking me,ö Ayako said in a soft voice.

Sakura scowled and said, ôShe is now, is she?ö

ôOh uho,ö Shirou said with an audible swallow.

A smile spread across SakuraÆs face as she said, ôDonÆt worry Mitsuzuri-taicho, IÆll have a long talk with her. Now, IÆm trying to find my brother as he skipped practice.ö

ôHeÆs probably burying his head after I punched him yesterday,ö Ayako said with a sigh.

Shirou grinned and said, ôYouÆre not the first person to have that impulse.ö

ôI know. Sorry, I didnÆt mean to be a bitch just . . . IÆm just glad IÆm not going crazy,ö Ayako said with a smile and a wave.

Shirou said, ôMitsuzuri?ö

ôYeah, Emiya? Gonna join the team now that youÆre Sakura-chanÆs boyfriend?ö Ayako asked with a grin.

ShirouÆs expression mirrored ArcherÆs grim stare as he said, ôYou canÆt speak a word of this to anyone. People could kill you for it.ö

ôI wonÆt,ö Ayako said before turning to head off to the other direction.

Sakura sighed and said, ôLancer . . .ö

ôHeÆs a real pest,ö Shirou snapped with a glare that was generally reserved for his older, alternative self.

Sakura laughed and said, ôYou only give Archer that look.ö

ôHonestly, I can stand Archer better than that guy,ö Shirou said with a shake of his head.

Sakura sighed and said, ôI know, just this is troublesome. He canÆt go telling everyone about this.ö

ôLancer seems like the type that doesnÆt know when to keep his mouth shut,ö Shirou said with a shake of his head.

Sakura nodded and replied, ôIÆll ask Archer if he could talk to him. After I have a long talk with Rider.ö


Archer was standing at the squat, brick building that served as a free clinic in Miyama-cho and housed its morgue. People moved in and out of the building, some in rather careworn conditions. The rest of the buildings around were squat and sagging ever so slightly as well in different stages of decay. This block seemed to be slowly dying, a part of Fuyuki that only the most desolate had remembered and still used.

Taking a deep breath Archer moved to the alley beside the building and walked until he found the back exit that lead to the morgue. The still quiet here was a stark contrast to the bustling noise at the front of the building. The dead tell no tales, Archer thought dryly before opening the heavy glass door.

He was greeted by harsh green lighting that buzzed from above and a cold blast of air to the face. Harsh, chemical smells burned the nostrils, but under the antiseptic burn there was the earthy stench of human waste, the sweet smell of rot, and the rank, ammonia filled odor of urine. No matter where in the world he was, Archer realized that all places like this smelled the same. His nose curled ever so slightly at the smell of death as he walked down a black and white checkered tile walkway. Only the buzzing from the fluorescent lights and the quiet pound of steel toed working boots on tile were the only noise reaching keen ears.

Archer walked to a thick concrete door with reinforced glass. He put his hand on the heavy steel handle and began to turn it. A wet thud and a pricing scream shrilled out from behind right as a door opened from right across the hall. Limbs and white fabric tumbled out of the room as one red stained hand reached heavenward.

ôHelp me!ö came the cry, over and over again as sobs cut it off. Large, bespectacled eyes in a pale face met ArcherÆs as the wet, blood covered hand reached up to Archer. More crimson stained the left side of the once pristine lab coat as more of the liquid squirted from beneath a hand clenched over the girlÆs throat.

He was at the techÆs side in an instant as a length of red cloth entered his mind. Prana flickered up and flared through circuits to make the holy cloth a reality between callused palms. Archer knelt by the girlÆs side as he began to wrap the shroud around and around, binding the girlÆs hand to her throat. ôDonÆt move,ö he instructed as he looked up to see the trail of blood leading back from the room only to be greeted by a low, moaning growl.

Standing in the door way was a ragged wretch that could have been once called a man. Long hair smeared and tangled with gore brushed against starkly pale shoulders with each quivering step. Its chest was carefully cleaved open revealing glistening meat and neatly cracked bone from within as its flesh swayed with each movement. Even from this distance, Archer could make out the two neat puncture wounds that had been driven into the carotid artery.

ôTrace. On.ö

More prana welled through twenty-seven fully open and formed circuits at the all too familiar spell, the full usefulness of that potential granted through rebirth. In a spray of a golden shimmer one white falchion formed in a right hand while its black mirror formed in the left. A pair of short swords that were forged just to be beautiful and perfect swords, but due to the sacrifices in their creation were lifted to the realm of gods and heroes. Swords without a hero that were perfect for a hero without a name whoÆs body was made out of swords.

Kansho and Bakuya fit into ArcherÆs hands with the same ease as they always did, the gorgeous swords an extension of his left and right hands. Wielding them again was like coming home or returning to a lover after being parted from them for far too long. He flexed his hands around the leather wrapped grip before long legs spurred into motion.

The butchered Dead reached out towards him with lumbering arms, but a graceful pivot caused Bakuya to block the limbs. Kansho all but sang as it was swung in a clean arch before meeting and cleaving through meat and bone like butter. Thick, black fluid spurted once before the ruined body jerked and crashed to the ground. There was a wet splat as the head followed suit before rolling in a trail of its own gore.

More shouts and yelling were heard as a loud voice called out, ôFreeze, hands in the air and drop the swords!ö

ôStupid low luck rating,ö Archer said as the prana was relinquished, the image of the swords shattered in glittering flecks. He spun around to see a security guard rushing towards him as people in scrubs went to help the girl. The overweight man roughly shoved Archer into the wall and twisted his arms behind his back.

He sighed and looked towards the ceiling with its humming and sickly green lights as he relented to the all too familiar feeling of being arrested.


Well-Known Member
Another awesome portion, Elf! I've always thought the Fujimura knew more than it appeared, and it was good to see Raiga in a pivotal role as an uncanny police chief to set that duo on their assignments, haha
Though I can't imagine him being the standardised chief, ala: 'You assholes stop busting up my town! Do you know what I have to do to keep everything under the books!-?' ...though come to think of it, one of his lackeys could fill in that role, hahah

Also nice to see Ayako wouldn't hold Sakura responsible for Rider or Shinji's actions.

On that note Cherry Lover, I honestly never thought I'd see you trying to set up Sakura in an antagonistic viewpoint -even if it was from Ayako's position.


Well-Known Member
Part Five: The Golden Rule

Lancer was merrily whistling to himself as he stocked flimsy metal shelves with various confections and other assorted goods. Keen eyes raked over labels proclaiming steamed cakes, melon bread, and red bean filling. People were milling about as they collected their wears as the Irish hero worked diligently at making sure they had wears to choose from. It was simple yet honest work, and it raked up a paycheck bigger than the one at the Florist had.

Of course, what heÆd rather be doing would be crossing blades in battle with the smell of sweat and blood thick in the air.

Not much of that going on lately, he thought with a sigh as he filled a shelf full of banana crÞme rolls. Ayako feels almost as at odds as I do, he thought as a smile filled his face. Had he a tail it would have been wagging at the thought of his amber eyed vixen. A slow, steady charge was tingling along sensitive skin in anticipation. He had won her favor again, and this time he wasnÆt going to lose it until they both decided to part ways.

Unlike most women she wasnÆt asking for forever, just for some fun now. That fact alone intrigued the hell out of him and the fact she was gorgeous and had the sort of body meant for both battle and taking a man just made her even sweeter. He wondered if sheÆd ever been touched before, or if he was going to be the one to introduce her to the pleasures of the flesh. That thought alone spread his grin wide enough to almost crack his face.

ôDid you hear about what happened in that clinic in Miyama-cho?ö

Lancer shrugged and was going to ignore the low gossiping of housewives until another equally low female voice said, ôOne dead and that poor girl in critical care.ö

ôMy sister works at that clinic. They arrested some giant man wielding a pair of short swords,ö the first woman said.

Giant man with short swords . . . Lancer frowned, that sounded all too familiar.

The second woman made a clicking sound with her tongue before sighing. She said, ôI thought we were past all of that nonsense that happened last winter.ö

ôWell, you know the killer was never caught, just the murders stopped happening,ö the first woman said with a snort.

The second one replied, ôYou think he came back?ö

ôI just hope he gets whatÆs coming to him,ö the first one snorted.

Lancer frowned as the fishwives conversation turned elsewhere, to some actress or TV show. He rubbed the back of his neck as the implications rang heavily. A quick glance to the wall signaled that within fifteen minutes there would be time enough to ask questions with a hefty price. Lancer turned back to his cart filled with pastries and took a quick look around. For the moment the isle was completely empty with no interlopers or ônormalö people.

He hadnÆt been the quickest Servant because the rest of them were all slow blokes. The Hound of Ulster moved in a blaze, kicking up tiny puffs of dust with each rapid step as items were packed into place. Then he moved to the next isle to tidy it up, careful not to get caught. Yet the clock continued to drag at its agonizing pace, the fifteen minutes not running themselves up in a hurried fashion. One foot tapped against tile as Lancer stared at the clock before he got his time to himself.

When the hand made its final rotation to where it needed to go, Lancer all but ran to the back room. The heavy white apron that was regulatory wear was thrown off to flutter to the table. At the back of the room on a tiny, flimsy table was a simple black phone. He stopped as he dug into his trousers to find his wallet. He opened it and pulled out a thick piece of parchment paper with neat, precise handwriting and a number. It would be international distance, but Lancer didnÆt want to make a good lass cry if he didnÆt have to.

As much as IÆd like to dance with the Bowman again, I donÆt want to condemn an innocent man either, Lancer thought as he stared at Tohsaka RinÆs information scrawled on that sheet of paper. She had given it to him one day after school without her ArcherÆs knowing. She then all but placed a geas on him to make him promise to call if Archer was ever in any danger. ôBollocks,ö he said as he had no idea what to do.

His eyes drifted from the phone back to the paper before it was secured back into his wallet. The billfold made its way home back into a snug pocket while the phone lay untouched in its cradle. ôThe hell with it,ö Lancer said before picking up the phone and pounding the correct sequence of numbers in.

A shrill ring filled his ears and made him flinch. He pulled the earpiece away from him with a grimace as it continued to ring, ring, and ring. An irate foot tapped restlessly against the floor to accompany the harsh shrill ring, but there was no answer. ôWell, bugger it. Lass, if you want me to call you, then bloody be there,ö Lancer snapped at the phone before slamming it into its cradle.

He stood to his full height and said, ôBowman can take care of himself . . .ö

Unless heÆs gotten over his head, Lancer thought as he began to grin. If Archer had found himself defeated, then what an opponent that would be. Fists clinched in anticipation to feel steel between their palms and the hot spray of blood on them once again.


ôWhere the hell did those swords go?ö

Archer sighed as he rested his bound hands on the metal table before him. Keen eyes raked over the cuffs digging into bronze wrists. Trace On. Analyze. Break into the required eight parts. Three inherent flaws in the links. The left cuffÆs lock is weak and a good blow would break it open.

ôHey, asshole, didnÆt you hear me?ö the gruff voice snapped at him again.

ArcherÆs eyes narrowed as he replied, ôI believe you were imagining these swords you keep talking about.ö My imagination brought them into reality, he thought as he looked at the stout police officer standing there. His suit was wrinkled, the tie did not match and he had a good dayÆs growth of beard littering his face.

His partner, better kept save for the hair that was receding farther and father back into his head, rested a slim hand on his partnerÆs broad shoulder. ôEasy there, Hiro, we donÆt know if this guy killed Dr. Hirano or not,ö he said in a low, haunting voice.

ôBesides, the wounds on Dr. HiranoÆs throat werenÆt caused by a blade,ö Archer said as he eyed the two detectives, ôAnd Hoshi-sanÆs wound was made by teeth, which your forensics agents already explained to you.ö

HiroÆs dark eyes narrowed and he said, ôI donÆt think I like your tone of voice . . . what the hell was this guyÆs name again?ö

ôArcher,ö the slimmer detective said.

Hiro snapped, ôWhat sort of name is that, Keichi?ö

ôA foreign one,ö Keichi said with a hint of a smile.

Archer shrugged and said, ôMy adopted mother was German.ö Or would have been, if she would have survived the War.

ôWeÆre running your record, and weÆre going to keep you here until we get some damned answers from you. And you sure as hell can explain why you had these,ö Hiro said before throwing the manila folder that Seto had given Archer mere hours before on the table before him.

Keichi said, ôCome on Hiro.ö

ôFucking freak,ö Hiro said with a sneer before storming out of the room. Keichi gave him an apologetic smile before following his partner.

Archer sighed as he looked at the handcuffs encircling his wrists. It would be all too easy to shatter them and escape, but that would simply make him look even more guilty. He narrowed his eyes at the Dead that had attacked at the morgue, apparently waking up during its autopsy with a severe need to feed. Considering all that physical damage, thatÆs not surprising, he thought as the image of the ruined mess of its chest coming to mind.

He wanted to call Fujimura to have him arrange so Archer could legally leave, but Detective Kurosawa Hiro would have none of that. So all Archer could do was wait. While IÆm stuck here thereÆs a chance those other three might rise as the Dead and do the same.

He flexed his hands as the image of the girl with the wide eyes behind glasses came to mind. The feel of her blood had been hot against his skin as he had bound her wound with blessed cloth. Cloth that probably suddenly vanished as soon as they pulled me away from the morgue, Archer said. His eyes narrowed as he thought, And if she does die, then chances are at will that sheÆll wake up as one of the Dead.

I should have cut her head off, not treated her wounds.

And if the other three had enough potential to wake up as the Dead . . .

I wonder if Satsujinki is active in this reality,
Archer mused. He sighed and stretched out his long legs, knowing fully well he wasnÆt going to be going anywhere for a long time. HeÆd been arrested like this many times before due to misunderstandings or the like. It was just best to let them shake him around a little bit, realize they have nothing substantial on him and then let him go. However there were situations like this where time was of the essence.

The chance for a person bitten to become even a Dead was rather slim, but the one who had apparently awakened during his autopsy had enough potential to rise again. Due to the corpseÆs physical condition due to the autopsy it was probably starving for blood to heal itself. The medical examiner and his tech had been the unfortunate ones who were in the clichÚd wrong place at the wrong time. The fact that the girl was still alive was a cold comfort because there was always the chance she could turn and would be in an area for more potential victims.

ôA vicious cycle,ö Archer said with a shake of his head and a sigh.

Footsteps sounded outside of the interrogation room, more sure and lighter than the two detectivesÆ footfalls. Frowning, Archer turned to look at the glass window at the door to see a flash of golden blond. His body tensed as the door was flung open with a bang and a pair of nearly glowing crimson eyes met his.

ôFaker,ö was the King of HeroesÆ greeting as the other manÆs gorgeous countenance spread into a slow smile.

Archer tensed and reinforced, throwing his arms apart in a smooth movement. Links of steel shattered like glass before skidding across the table and the floor as bound hands were now free. The chair clattered to the floor as its occupant rose to his full height and prana flared through circuits in preparation.

ôSuch a welcome for a king, Faker?ö Gilgamesh said with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

Archer smirked and said, ôForgive me for bowing, but you should understand in all of your wisdom why I donÆt trust you.ö

ôHmph,ö Gilgamesh replied with his lower lip thrust out ever so slightly as he folded his arms over his chest, ôI come to do you a favor and IÆm treated poorly.ö He shook his head with a sigh before raking his eyes over Archer.

Archer studied him, taking in the Armani charcoal grey suit with the red shirt and black tie underneath it along with equally designer loafers with no socks. Apparently, Gilgamesh was adapting rather well to this time without the GrailÆs taint affecting his sanity. True the former king had aspirations about ruling the world, but he had quickly found out that money was the new power in this day and age. With his already ingrained wealth and charisma he had become the CEO of a company called Golden Rule which apparently handled everything from aviation to zoology.

Behind closed doors Archer knew that Gilgamesh had a cadre of powerful magi at his beck and call as well.

With his sanity regained, Archer knew that even with his still substantial ego, there was no way he could win a battle against the Golden King. If he so choose, Gilgamesh could make him a bloody stain on the wall and spin it into his favor for the public. However Gilgamesh had some sort of strange fascination with the ôFakerö much to ArcherÆs dismay.

ôI didnÆt ask for your favor,ö Archer replied as his eyes shifted to the door.

Gilgamesh smiled and said, ôOf course not. That is one of the reasons I adore you, Faakkkkeeerrrr.ö

The word was all but a purr on the KingÆs lips, more of a loverÆs endearment than an insult.

ôIÆm so damned lucky,ö Archer said with a snort and a shake of his head.

Gilgamesh smiled and said, ôAnd such cutting wit. You know, if you worked for me you would want for nothing. Beautiful women, finery, automobiles . . . I would even allow you to indulge in your penchant for manual labor.ö

ôIÆm not going to be your damned pet,ö Archer retorted, ôWhy donÆt you go bother Lancer and Rider?ö

ôThe mongrel and the harlot? While I have a fondness for wild animals, that mongrel does nothing for me not to mention he is loud and bothersome. The harlot . . . it is a kingÆs right to take only what is pure and new,ö Gilgamesh said with a snort.

Archer laughed and said, ôAnd who the hell said I was pure and new?ö

ôWell, you are useful. Despite what little you have and copy, you make a place for yourself here. You protect what is mine from harm,ö Gilgamesh said with a shrug, ôThat . . . intrigues me.ö

Archer groaned, ôGoddamn it.ö

ôSo you were inspecting some monster eating my subjects?ö Gilgamesh asked with a smile.

Archer frowned but nodded, knowing that lying would get him bound in chains and bent
over that desk.

Which had happened once before.

Rin had watched with wide eyes and a look that scared Archer more than just a little bit.

It was something he wasnÆt going to talk about and only Rin and Sakura knew about it. Gilgamesh was going to approach Rin to work for him, Rin, unknowing who he was exactly, was going to take the offer. Archer cut her off and it ended in combat. Or rather, bound in divine chains with Gilgamesh laughing in his ear as something poked him that he really didnÆt want to think about.


Like he was right now.

Goddamn it.

ôI see that old man told you about it,ö Gilgamesh said with a frown as his perfectly manicured hand swept across the table to pick up the manila folder. The heavy folder was opened and the glossy photographs paged through as a wide mouth settled into a thin line. ôDisgusting filth. It would be an insult to beasts to call these things such.ö

ôWell, considering your fondness for beasts . . .ö Archer said with a shrug.

Gilgamesh smirked and said, ôI have a fondness for a great and many things that are defiant to me to the end.ö Then the smirk was wiped clean from his face as the blond shut the folder and threw it back on the table. ôHe would have enjoyed your company I think. He was quick with his tongue too.ö

ôWhich you enjoyed,ö Archer muttered.

The smile grew across GilgameshÆs face anew as he said, ôI would like to see how well you use yours.ö

ôYouÆre not my type,ö Archer said and swallowed hard as the king took a step closer to him.

Gilgamesh simply smiled and said, ôIt is a kingÆs right to take the virtue of a virgin if they so choose.ö

ôWell, IÆm not a virgin,ö Archer said with a laugh.

Lashes fluttered over crimson eyes as Gilgamesh said, ôIn rebirth everything is pure once again, Faker, and I am not the only one who values purity.ö

Archer frowned and said, ôItÆs not your style to be cryptic, King of Heroes.ö

ôI spent too much time with the priest. It was an easy habit to pick up,ö Gilgamesh said with a shrug, ôPity, I think you two would have enjoyed each otherÆs company.ö

Archer surprised himself by saying, ôI think we would have.ö

ôWell, I will do you this favor, but one day I will collect,ö Gilgamesh said with a smile as he headed out of the interrogation room.

ôSomehow IÆm not surprised,ö Archer said with a sigh as moments later Gilgamesh reappeared with a slender black man with his head shaved bald in a blue pinstripe suit. Behind them Hiro and Keichi came in, Hiro looking like he wanted to punch an all but purring Gilgamesh in the face as ArcherÆs bail was arranged.


Well-Known Member
Gilgamesh as a rich, possibly bisexual CEO? That's...unique...

I do like how his Golden Touch or whatever still works which breaks the hell out of him as a CEO. Bonus points if he ends up owning a country at some point.


Well-Known Member
I had forgotten about the bisexual Gilgamesh until now.

Is he going to be as creepy as the Gil in Steel and Cherry Blossoms?

Also there was a missed opportunity, with Lancer. I had a hope that Lancer and Archer would team up and bust out of prison in an overcomplicated but awesome way.

Oh well, creepy Gil is funny too.


Well-Known Member
Wait wait wait...
Back up...

Gil's playing Chief!-?

Oh wow, that's incentive to actually do well on missions without overdoing it, since drawing his attentions might draw his affections as well... hahahah

*imagines Ayako getting creeped out by the rich guy eyeing Lancer and Archer*
Lancer: Me and you both, Lass.
Archer: Just remember to never turn your back to him.
zerohour said:
Gilgamesh as a rich, possibly bisexual CEO? That's...unique...

I do like how his Golden Touch or whatever still works which breaks the hell out of him as a CEO. Bonus points if he ends up owning a country at some point.
I get the feeling he's going to end up owning most of the world... again. And the worst thing? It would probably not be that bad a fate.


Well-Known Member
Part Six: Dates and Business Dealings

Ayako took one last look at her reflection in the mirror and made a face. Amber eyes were lined with dark liner and faint bits of neutral bits of faint pink and a rosy gloss had been applied to soft lips. The girl standing in the mirror was standing straight in a pink blouse with a white camisole underneath, but the jeans could never be taken away. However instead of well worn sneakers a pair of cunning low boots were worn with just enough of a heel to make already lean and long legs look a mile wide. A pink tongue flickered out as eyes crossed slightly at the image reflected there.

ôDo you have a date, Nee-chan?ö a sullen voice said from behind her.

Standing behind the girl oddly dressed up with make up was Minori, scowling with his matching eyes narrowed. Ayako frowned and replied, ôWhat if I do?ö

ôIs it Emiya?ö Minori asked with a grin.

Ayako laughed and said, ôNo, that boyÆs not leaving Sakura-chanÆs side ever. Sorry kiddo, youÆre going to have to look elsewhere. Besides, sheÆs older than you.ö

ôShe can do better than that jerk,ö Minori said with a scowl.

On closer study there was a slight smudge to the lip gloss. Scowling, Ayako leaned forward and brushed it away with her finger. She said, ôEmiyaÆs good people, Minori. HeÆd be even better if he rejoined the Archery Team.ö

ôHey, is it true that you punched Matou Shinji yesterday?ö Minori asked with a grin.

Ayako laughed and said, ôThat guy just was pushing all my buttons and I was tired of his crap.ö

ôThatÆs awesome. Too bad Tohsaka-sempai wasnÆt there to see it,ö Minori said with a sigh.

Ayako raised her eyebrows and asked, ôAnd how come you donÆt have a crush on the school idol, Min?ö

ôHer boobs are too small,ö Minori said with a smirk.

ôMen,ö she said with a sigh and a shake of her head. A quick look down caused Ayako to critically study her own bust line. It was larger than she would have liked, if anything she wished to be built more like Rin in that aspect. It would make pulling a yumi string a thousand times easier without my boobs in the way, she thought with a snort.

The teenager said, ôAnd not to mention her butlerÆs like really creepy.ö

And one of the most dangerous men on the planet, Ayako thought with a shake of her head, I bet Tohsaka gets off on that. Having some insanely powerful guy following her around like a puppy dog.

Ayako eyed him and said, ôI want you to stay away from him, and that Greek woman who works at the library.ö

ôRider-san?ö Minori asked with wide eyes as his shoulders slumped.

She nodded and answered, ôYes. Her

ôWhy? SheÆs awesome and I can listen to her talk for hours. You know, she asks me about you,ö Minori said as he leaned against her door frame.

Ayako gritted her teeth and grumbled, ôI bet she does.ö

He asked, ôWhatÆs wrong with her?ö

ôSheÆs just dangerous people, okay,ö Ayako said as she looked at her reflection, tilting her head thoughtfully. Goddamn it, this dressing up for a date stuff is hard. I bet LancerÆs not fretting like this . . . The thought caused slim shoulders to square before Ayako shook her head and studied her reflection. ThatÆs right. Lancer likes the way I look anyway, IÆm not going to do anything he doesnÆt like. Besides, he seems like he likes the low-maintenance no frills type.

But he was some epic hero, of course IÆm nervous damn it.

Minori sighed and said, ôFine fine. Jeeze, Nee-chan, you can be a real bitch.ö

ôLanguage,ö she said shaking her finger at him, ôBesides, I gotta go.ö

He grinned and said, ôBe careful.ö

ôI will, donÆt wait up,ö she said as she grabbed her purse and set off to go meet Lancer.


ôThe bodies at the other morgue have already been taken care of,ö the crimson eyed blond said as he palmed his SmartPhone into his pocket.

Archer sighed and asked, ôTaken care of how?ö

ôIncinerated. I had those doctors advised that they were contaminants and needed to be disposed of before spreading their infection,ö Gilgamesh said with a smile as he stretched out in the plush grey seats surrounding them. The limo cruised through Fuyuki like some giant shark, uncontested by smaller and lesser cars as if the people were aware of the divine king in his chariot.

Archer nodded and said, ôIronically, thatÆs the truth.ö He shifted ever so uncomfortably alone in the darkened interior of the luxurious conveyance with the King of Heroes.

ôI donÆt want my kingdom overran by ravenous dead. In my time in this new world IÆve seen movies about such things happening. Horrific sights,ö Gilgamesh said with a shake of his head, tiny Pigeon Blood rubies catching and reflecting the light in his ears.

ôI didnÆt think you were a horror movie fan, Gilgamesh,ö Archer said with raised eyebrows.

A slow, feline smile spread across GilgameshÆs face as he said, ôI am a great and many things you couldnÆt classify me as, Faker.ö

Ice slithered up and down ArcherÆs spine at that endearment. The two syllable word being stretched to four in a lilting purr at his expense. ôSomehow IÆm not surprised,ö Archer said under his breath.

The other former Archer class Servant laughed and said, ôAnd yet, youÆre complexly simple.ö

ôThatÆs an oxymoron,ö Archer said as he looked away from the other manÆs thoughtful gaze.

Gilgamesh tapped a button beside him and with a low hiss a mirrored panel raised up to reveal a small bar. He picked up a crystal decanter filled with dark red fluid and two long stemmed glasses. ôWell, youÆre a man of contradictions,ö Gilgamesh said as he poured the thick liquid into the glasses until they were half full. He smiled as he held up a glass to Archer.

Archer said, ôI donÆt drink.ö

ôYou need to indulge more,ö Gilgamesh said before setting his glass down, reaching forward and grabbing ArcherÆs wrist. Grey eyes narrowed at the grinning blond before Gilgamesh placed the wine glass into ArcherÆs hand. ôWhen a king offers you a drink, you should take it, Faker.ö

Archer frowned, braced himself and lifted it to his lips. In a previous life he was an utter lightweight and tended to do embarrassing things when intoxicated. The scent of a myriad of berries and honey filled nostrils, the scent missing the normal acidic scent of most wines. Curious, he brought the glass to his lips and sipped. The liquor was thickly sweet, had a slight spice to it and tasted like blackberries.

Gilgamesh took a long draw off his glass and said, ôItÆs a brew I picked up from Norway, the recipe virtuously unchanged from when the Vikings originally brewed it.ö

ôItÆs . . . good,ö Archer admitted before taking another slow drink. He looked at the King and asked, ôWhy the hell are you doing all of this?ö

Gilgamesh smiled and said, ôItÆs a kingÆs right to grant favors to his favorite subjects.ö Crimson eyes grew distant as they were reflected in the darkened windows of the car. The Cheshire grin faded from GilgameshÆs face as he said, ôThere are things I adore about this new era and things I loathe. People bow and scrape to my whims. It gets to my head.ö

ôWell, youÆre always an arrogant bastard, even if youÆre not crazy from the Grail this time,ö Archer said with a snort as his glass was now empty. His head swam and languid warmth filled his limbs.

ôThen thereÆs you, the Faker,ö Gilgamesh said as he canted his head, ôA man of contradictions and no self worth. That mongrel might run his mouth at me out of anger, but he keeps his guard up. You are cautious, but out of everyone in this world I fear you.ö

Archer almost choked. He stared at the other man and asked, ôWhat?ö

ôEven though I am vastly superior to you in every way, if we were to battle I believe you would win,ö Gilgamesh said with a shrug, ôSo I fear you, which makes me desire and want you.ö

Archer swallowed and said, ôThatÆs rather fucked up.ö

ôYouÆre telling me,ö Gilgamesh said with a laugh.

Archer shook his head and said, ôIÆm sorry, youÆre not my type.ö

Gilgamesh shrugged and said, ôIÆm aware of that.ö

ôAnd I donÆt want to owe you any favors,ö Archer said with narrowed eyes.

Gilgamesh said, ôYouÆre the one whoÆs doing me a favor. ThereÆs monsters prowling my kingdom, Faker. I want you to flush them out and kill them, and I will pay you a high price to do so.ö

ôIÆm not a mercenary,ö Archer said with a smirk, ôAnd superheroes donÆt ask for money.ö

Crimson eyes locked with ArcherÆs as he said, ôBut you havenÆt been a superhero for sometime, and who said you couldnÆt be a sensible superhero.ö

ôSo, youÆre hiring me to kill the Dead Apostle in Fuyuki?ö Archer asked in a slow voice as he glared at the other man.

Gilgamesh nodded and said, ôYes! The gangster was right to ask for your help, I just have even more resources than he did. So, do you accept my proposal?ö One long fingered hand was offered before Archer matched with a gleaming smile and burning ruby eyes.

Archer sighed as his palm met the other manÆs and he said, ôIÆve made worse deals.ö


Ayako checked her watch before rocking back and forth on her heels and looking around. I was ten minutes early, she thought before slightly gnawing on her bottom lip before glancing around for a head of blue hair and laughing crimson eyes. She hadnÆt looked up the myth of C¨ Chulainn, other than it was about some Irish bad ass who ended up tying his entrails tor a rock so heÆd die on his feet. SheÆd almost been afraid to find out about who Lancer had been, like sheÆd fall short or he was some giant medieval player or something.

Conversation swirled around her outside the restaurant of LancerÆs choosing. It was some casual joint that was fairly popular and fixed a lot of Western types of food. She took another glance down at her watch and sighed. He still had two minutes before he actually had to be here, and he did warn her that heÆd be late if the manager was being a ôraging twatö and had him do something extra before he could escape. She smoothed her hair down with a sigh, rocking back and forth on her feet.

ôStood up, love?ö a low male voice with a lilting accent that was vaguely like LancerÆs said from behind her.

Ayako jolted and spun around to see a tall, slim man with dark green hair hanging rakishly in his face dressed in a lot of black and chains. A paper stick poked from his lips and his crimson eyes quickly moved over her. His gaze felt as if someone had slithered slimy ice up and down her skin and she shivered ever so slightly. Her heart picked up as she desperately wished for Lancer to be early for once in his life.

She answered, ôNo, I was early.ö

ôLucky guy then, or girl?ö he asked with a tilt of his head as a long fingered hand pulled a sucker from his mouth. The bright red confection gleamed in the lights as he slowly slid it back in his mouth. The candy left a bit of reddish gloss on his lips, giving him an almost androgynous appearance.

Ayako frowned and said, ôI donÆt think itÆs your business.ö

ôOy, I didnÆt mean to offend, love,ö he said with a chuckle as he held up his hands that were adorned with black leather half gloves and metal studs.

Long lavender hair trailing all over her quivering body, the sharp pain in her throat accompanied by ecstasy laced in her veins.

She swallowed as the memory came rushing forth as if it was some warning. A heartbeat rumbled like thunder in pounding ears accompanied by slightly shallow breathing. ôStill, a lovely girl like you should have better attention paid to you, donÆt you think?ö he said with a smirk as he waved his lollipop at her. She stared at the obscene red bulb slick with saliva and syrup.

ôLike I said, I was too early,ö Ayako said before moving to the side to step into the restaurant.

A hand like icy iron wrapped around her forearm as the green haired man said, ôSince youÆve been stood up, maybe we should go some place else to talk.ö Those queer crimson eyes met AyakoÆs as pressure welled up in her head.

That damned idiot stood me up again. This guy seems interesting . . .

ôLancerÆs never stood me up,ö Ayako said with a glare.

As if saying his name had summoned him, her eyes caught glimpse of a familiar head of blue hair. Her heart slowed at the sight of him, wearing his black leather pants, the familiar wallet chain, a blue button up shirt with a bit of white poking out of it, and his long, blue hair was unbound, framing his handsome features. The large, cheerful smile melted from his face as his ruby eyes narrowed at the sight of the foreigner holding onto AyakoÆs arm.

There was a blur of azure and black and then the hand holding AyakoÆs arm had been dislodged. Warmth was at her side as one arm wrapped around her and Lancer bared his teeth ever so slightly. Heat washed over AyakoÆs cheeks as she wrapped her arm around his waist.

Lancer said, ôBack the hell away from her.ö

ôInteresting,ö the green haired man said with a cant of his head as his eyes lingered on Ayako, ôAnd IÆll see you again . . .ö His eyes met LancerÆs with a smirk, ôPretty Vixen.ö

A low, rumbling sound erupted from LancerÆs chest as the green haired man gave a cheerful wave before disappearing into the streets. Lancer spun to face her and asked, ôAre you alright, Ayako?ö

ôWhy am I a magnet for the strange?ö she asked in a soft voice shivering ever so slightly.

LancerÆs face fell and he said, ôIÆm sorry, if . . . IÆll go if you ask me to. But IÆll make sure that arse never bothers you again.ö

Her eyes widened as she shook her head and took his hand. ôNo,ö Ayako said with a smile, ôIÆm going to have this date even if it kills us.ö

He laughed and said, ôThatÆs my pretty vixen. TodayÆs been a right strange day. RinÆs Bowman got herself arrested, then thereÆs that arse . . .ö

ôHe wasnÆt normal,ö Ayako said in a soft voice.

LancerÆs crimson eyes narrowed and he said, ôI donÆt know what he was, but I can tell ye this, Ayako my lass. HeÆs even less human than I am.ö

ôI donÆt like the sound of that,ö Ayako said.

Something clouded over LancerÆs face as he said, ôDonÆt condemn me, but . . . I do.ö

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
:hail: You're good at this.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, thank you very much.

Honestly I've found myself in love with two new characters: Ayako and Lancer.

Also, the stuff with Gil and Archer is just too fun to write.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if this Dead Apostle is powerful enough to reverse time to regenerate like the more powerful Dead Apostle Ancestors can. After all, while the wounds inflicted by the cursed spear Gae Bolg can't be healed while it still exists, you can't have wounds if you were never wounded in the first place, now can you? :p


Well-Known Member
Gilgamesh's conversations with Archer are a pure goldmine of character outlining. I love those parts even more than Lancer being lancer on Ayako.


Well-Known Member
Cornuthaum said:
Gilgamesh's conversations with Archer are a pure goldmine of character outlining. I love those parts even more than Lancer being lancer on Ayako.

Most people are like creeped out by the Gilgamesh and Archer scenes.

Hell, but I have fun writing them though. And with how this world's turned out, Archer might build up some strange assed relationship with him like he did with Kotomine in "Steel and Cherry Blossoms". Now what would be hilarious and awesome would be Gilgamesh giving him advise on women once he hears about all the stuff with Rin.