The Pissed Off Primarch Challenge!

Robo Jesus

Well-Known Member
MasterJaxx said:
I was reading my Berserk comix when i started to notice just how many similiaritys it has with WH40K.

What if the mark of sacrifice on Gutts neck is actualy a symble of Chaos. What if the demons of his world are actualy warp demons. What if the Apostles are actualy Demon Lords. What if the God Hands are actualy different names for the four Chaos Gods.

Think about it.

Could be the world where Berserk takes place is one of those poor unfortunate rocks situated inside the Eye of Terror. Make it a playground of sorts for the forces of chaos, but make it a limited one. They can hunt there, feed of the human sheep but not wipe them all out, that way others can play and keep playing for centuries to come.

Put it close to the edge where the laws of reality are still semi-stable but chaos has easy access. Close enough to the edge that one of the early crusades to purge the Eye could have reached it during the push and actualy tried to cleanse it of the chaos taint before being pushed back.

Have a force of Space marines make planet fall and start slaughtering the forces of evil, cutting a bloody swath across the land that eventualy joins up with a smaller yet no less brutal swath cut out by none other than The Black Swordsman, Gutts himself. A man every bit as large as a space marine, wielding a sword to put even the Emporers to shame and with a demonic bodycount unmatched by all but the oldest and most battle tested Space Marines.

Set it early enough and they might just hail him as a newly discovered Primach.

Just think about it. Ohh the pottential.

IF its already been written i want to read it. If it has not. . . Then it Needs to be written.
I quote this man for the sheer brilliance of his idea. Is anyone interested?


Well-Known Member
Guts embodies the Semper Iratus. He subsists on nothing but wrath and anger.


Well-Known Member
Cornuthaum said:
Guts embodies the Semper Iratus. He subsists on nothing but wrath and anger.

That being said, sounds promising.


Well-Known Member
WannabeKurt said:
Cornuthaum said:
Guts embodies the Semper Iratus. He subsists on nothing but wrath and anger.

That being said, sounds promising.
The only difference between a Khornate and any given Space Marine is that the Marine has something to protect. Everyone in the 40k-verse is permanently out to butcher anyone not on his side.

Guts has someone to protect.