Evangelion The Word


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Most know, amongst the scholars of the Forth Age of Mankind, that our age was born of a blasphemy. It was known as MankindÆs Greatest Blasphemyàor Second Impact to the laymen. Man, in their great hubris, reached out to God and tried to capture His image, his glory, his power for their own. In this blasphemous attempt, they destroyed themselves and the greater half of the rest. But their sins did not end there. No. From this great atrocity was born two cursed souls: the Woman Who Does Not Bleed, an immortal woman cursed to never die, Ayanami Rei and the Man Who Loves All, a mortal soul who is cursed to love all beings, to sympathize with even the most horrible and evil of creatures, Nagisa Kaworu. But these abominations, these blasphemous lives are but a footnote to The Word. The Word, to summarize, is the greatest sin that has ever been committed. It was conceived in the fires of Second Impact by a man and a woman who thought that they could bring God low. In their hubris, they believed that a human could control another human. They believed that Free Will itself could be overwritten. And it was so. In that night, they conceived a boy. And he was born to them and to the world. And nothing was the same. This greatest sin goes by the name of Ikari Shinji.


So I've been reading a bit of a comic book called "Preacher" recently. And like my brain does, it mixed stuff together again. This came out.

Basically, Shinji can give orders which MUST be obeyed. Yeah, I know it sounds like Code Geass. Difference being that this has a major Biblical flavor to it. Not to mention that this'd be Shinji, not Lelouch. Shin-chan is no magnificent bastard. He's more like Jessie Custer than Lulu. He's got some major trauma in his past, an axe to grind with his father amongst others, and enough existential angst to choke an emo kid.

Well, opinions?


Well-Known Member
When does he get this gift of his? At his birth?

Well, considering children give orders, being children, unless there's a way to control it- and a child wouldn't be able to, probably- then nothing will happen like it's supposed to.

And do newer order override old ones? Or if Shinji asks for someone to kill him, then for them to save him and keep him alive, will it be like dividing by zero?


Well-Known Member
The question of when he gets those powers must be repeated. I can't imagine Gendo throwing away such useful pawn or not recalling him once he learn about the power, so did Shinji grew away from his father or was he made a pawn since his the power awoke?

Another question: Will it follow Eva and mix it with "Preacher", follow "Preacher" and mix it with Eva or neither?


Well-Known Member
Ok, a few things I need to clear up:

1) Shinji gets the power at birth. He realizes he has this power rather innocuously at age 5. And he doesn't use it at all until he gets to Tokyo 3. The power scares the everliving crap out of him, just like it does Jessie Custer. Shinji being Shinji, he thinks of himself as a total abomination. He believes that he has to prove that he is not an evil person by refusing to use the power and working as hard as he can to help people. He gets disenchanted of the second promise early in life when he realizes that people can be harsh and that some people don't deserve help. That leaves him with his first promise. He finally breaks that when confronted with his father's order to pilot the Eva. Shinji uses The Word to compel his father to explain why Shinji is the only one that can pilot Unit 01. From that point on, all bets are off. Seele, the JSSDF, Gendo, and a host of other factions all come after Shinji to put The Word to their personal use...or simply eliminate him as a threat.

2) As for the orders themselves, they are generally one shot orders. Unlike the Geass, which can give permanent orders to, oh say, "Shut up," The Word only overrides free will pretty much only until the end of the encounter. Once the initial order is completed, the person "resets" as it were. So an order to "shut up" would only stop them mid sentence and end that train of thought, not permanently mute them. But an order to "never utter another word so long as you live" would render them mute. It is much more literal than the Geass.

Any other questions?

Edit: Oh, and it will follow the Eva plot with some elements of Preacher. God will make an appearance or three. But Shinji isn't directly after God like Jessie was. His goals change over time. But the overarching goal for most of the story will be to find out what Seele is trying to keep from him. They've tried very hard to keep separated from Shinji. That way, he can't compel them to tell him their every secret.


Well-Known Member
I hope to see the Saint in here somewhere as well. B)


Well-Known Member
The Saint is in there. He's still a crazy gunman. But Shinji's gonna have to do a bit of manning up before he can really face the Saint of Killers, maybe get laid. I was thinking about chapter 5 or 6 for his first appearance.


Well-Known Member
Shinji? Face the Saint?:blink:

How far are you in Preacher?


Well-Known Member
I'd love to see a scene where they used the positron rifle against the Saint, only for him to tank it and say "Not enough gun."


Well-Known Member
Liam-don said:
Shinji? Face the Saint?:blink:

How far are you in Preacher?
I'm on volume two right now. But I've read spoilers. I know that somebody drops a nuke on the Saint of Killers. That just makes me want to have him show up at the Battle of Tokyo 3 just so the JSSDF can nuke him. Then he gets up and starts the spree all over again with a "Not enough gun." But that's for later.

The main question for me was who to have talking to Shinji in his head. John Wayne wouldn't work. I wracked my brain for someone to fill that gap. But alas, I've got nothing yet. I thought maybe Kenshiro. But I don't know if that'd work. Oh well, I'll come up with something.


Well-Known Member
Well, it was more the fact that no amount of clumsy sex could prepare a cowardly kid like Shinji to face the personification of carnage that is the Saint. The guy radiates bloodfreezing despair and inevitable death.

But then again I'd forgotten about the imaginary mentor. Someone Shinji idolized when he was young(er), wanting to be like him when he'd be grown up and who'd he imagine for a "get a hold of yourself" speech. Kenshiro could be a good choice. Some others could be Gai Shishioh, Makunouchi Ippo or Eikichi Onizuka.

In the same weightclass as John Wayne in the japanese's culture, possibly Toshiro Mifune or Kiyoshi Atsumi.


Well-Known Member
For a moment, I thought that Kamina might work.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the double post but I've got some new ideas...this time they might actually be good ones.

Well, I've been watching some other mecha animes lately, along with reading a bunch of comics that I've seen recommended. Well, I'm thinking now that The Word by itself doesn't make the story. So I've come up with some "plot thickeners" as it were:

Kaworu, as a character, always seemed a little flat to me. He seems that way in the anime because he's only there for 13 minutes, total. In the manga, he's flat, evil but flat, because he's inexperienced with the world. I was thinking of doing something with Kaworu. Bring him in earlier, like before Bardiel attacks even. In fact, I was thinking of having Kaworu be the 4th child. And he's going to reveal himself a little earlier than scheduled. Oh, and I've garnered some inspiration for his "motives" from Schwartzwald.

Shinji's "spiritual adviser" will remain unnamed. He will simply remain "the tattooed man." At times, he will resemble Kamina. At times, he will resemble various other shonen heroes.

Shinji himself will have some real trauma in his past. He has known about "The Voice of God" for most of his life. And he only swore it off after he made a girl do something particularly horrible. She tried to kill herself. But he ordered her not to. A chapter will tell her story. But she won't be involved in the current events. It's just a bit of back story. It involves Valentine's Day.

I will say nothing of pairings. Any relationships in this story will be very, very messed up, probably codependent to the Nth degree, and may or may not end badly (depending on how I'm feeling when I write that part).

There will be just one more ACC. Don't worry, he's a tame one. He's somewhat based on Cassidy, from Preacher. He's an immortal shapeshifter. His only major contributions to the plot are treachery, backstabbing everybody in sight, and stalling for time. He gets involved when the Seraphim send him to kill Gendo and Shinji. Shinji stops him with The Word. So the Seraphim try sending The Saint, instead.

A short dialogue between my immortal and Misato:


"So how exactly do you plan on making me cooperate? Nothin' you got I never seen before," he sneered. "So's unless you can match the current 'highest bidder,' I ain't changin' sides any time soon."

"How about we cut you up and put you in little jars in Ritsuko's lab for her to experiment on?"

He said,"Honey you strike a hard bargain," his eyes wide.

The hammer on Misato's gun made a distinct 'click.' "So what'll it be?"

"Ok, I'm in."

She smiled. He already knew this was gonna be painful, even without the slicey dicey thing.


Oh, and a few more things.

1) The Seraphim won't get involved until after Ramiel or so. Shinji will make the Seraphim show themselves and explain what is going on with everything, including why the Angels are attacking. Just a hint, they're not really after Adam or Lilith or anything else. Kaworu's motivations are wildly different from the other Messengers.

2) Things will get neither better nor worse. Things will...change.

3) I'd need prereaders for this. My few friends that used to read my stuff have gotten themselves very busy. So PM me if you're interested. I've got other projects I'd like to do as well.