There she Is! Final Step- Imagine


Well-Known Member
The ending has finally come!

There she Is!! Final Step: Imagine

After the dark turn from step for it starts of slow and calm but builds into a high energy finale. Many familar faces show up as the race goes to the finish. A beautiful end to a wonderful series.


Well-Known Member
I feel no shame in admitting I sang along to the finale.

Brunch is awesome.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the soundtrack. Some of those songs are hard to find on their own.

I'm really happy with how things turned out Story-wise. They really touched back on all the previous steps bringing in Hana, Pizza, Grey Rabbit, the Jjintta set, and even doki's pets into chase (yes I am dorky enough to know all their names). The last little bit has a few throwbacks to Doki's dream sequences in episode one...

Story-aside the animation is smooth, fast-paced and full of little details. Pause the video as 2:47 I believe for a funny little bit of irony... A bunny anti mixed relationship protester seemed to fall for a cat pro mixed relationship protester.