Things you are not allowed to do in the League


Well-Known Member
Inspired by the various "Not allowed to do" stories out there. If it's already been made here then I apologize.

Hope people have fun time with this.

1) Master Yi is not allowed to use Highlander to cop a feel on female champions.
1.2) Nor is Ghost Speed allowed
1.3) Nor is Flash.
1.4) NOOOOOOOO!!!! - Master Yi
2) The champions from Piltover and Zaun are not allowed to upgrader weapons and gears, be it their own or others.
2.2) Towers too
2.3) That goes for you too Rumble
3) Vi can only wear her gauntlets during matches when she went to the Institute. The number of doors we had to replace last week was staggering.
3.1) It was an accident!! - Vi
4) Do not stand between Pantheon and a lower surfaces. Especially if he's wearing his Myrmidon skin. Also, whoever it is that shows him the 300 movies, please report to the Council for disciplinarian actions.
4.1) It was really fun though. - Leona
5) Playing "The Fox Sound" whenever Ahri is around is not funny.
5.1) Nor is making "Dat Ashe" joke around Ashe.


Well-Known Member
6) All summoners are asked to refrain from using innuendo around Cassiopiea after her team loses. This is for their own safety.
7) Please consult the list of media bans concerning certain League Champions
7a Whoever decided to show Fiddlesticks The Nightmare Before Christmas needs to report to the council for a review of intolerable conduct.
7b) Thresh is no longer allowed to view any material from the Mortal Kombat franchise.
7c) No one is allowed to show Nocturne 'A Nightmare On Elm Street'. Ever.
7d) All copies of Portal and Portal 2 are to be kept away from Orianna and her ball.
7e) Jinx is not allowed to watch Megas XLR or touch any material concerning Warhammer 40k.
8) It is considered hazardous to one's health to ask Vi if she's related to Jinx.
9) No one is allowed to show Veigar the Evil Overlord list. Ever.
10) No one is to ask Graves, Miss Fortune, or Jinx about their Mafia ties. Nami and Fizz are tired of dealing with the bodies.