Ultimate Final Civil War Invasion Crisis Thing


Well-Known Member
I read the comic daily.

But this is just more indication that LiCD just... tries wayyyy too hard.


Well-Known Member
I gotta agree. Usually I can tell the general intent and direction of plot that LICD is going to take, but this is really taking itself too seriously or is trying to parody crossovers or "massively important" comic events way too much.


Well-Known Member
licd is terrible gary stu self-insert webcomic and if you follow it daily you might be terrible too.


Left Shoe

Well-Known Member
Maybe I should have asked: Is anybody else not taking this seriously and getting a laugh out of it?


Well-Known Member
Left Shoe said:
Maybe I should have asked: Is anybody else not taking this seriously and getting a laugh out of it?
Im with you. Seriously I really think that LICD is a comic that doesnt try to do serious stuff. Obviously this isnt serious.


Well-Known Member
If taken as a whole (ie reading huge sections of the comic at once), then no, it doesn't come off as 'too serious'.

But just reading it from day to day? Ugh, it tries way too hard to be what it is. Its like the anti-Sinfest.

I read it daily because it's part of the list of webcomics I go through each day, but it and lfg are probably the first I'd cut out if I ever bothered.


Well-Known Member
Quite possibly my favorite webcomic, for having somewhat of a changing situation but not taking itself too dramatically.

And this whole thing is poking fun at how bad the real comic super events are, it's great.