Bleach Ultimate Showdown


Well-Known Member
I just finished watching a preview for the new Hellsing OVA on youtube; specifically, the fight scene between Luke Valentine and Alucard. After watching him stare down demonically at his partially-dismembered opponent and demand that he get back up and keep fighting, I had a terrifying thought.

What would happen if you managed to pit Full-Release-Alucard in a fight against Eyepatch-less-Zaraki-Kenpachi?


Well-Known Member
Things that are not Alucard or Kenpachi die. There is mass destruction of any structure that is at least tall enough to run into and not trip over.

The rats of the skys and the real rats all make a mass exodus, making it looks like a plague. Pets kill themselves in an attempt to escape.

Little things like that.
Don't forget Mr. Rogers!

Seriously, I saw this thread and thought of a song "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" Not sure where the site is now, but it's public domain, so it shouldn't be hard to google.

And yes, wherever they fought (probably Tokyo) would be decimated.


Well-Known Member
You know, if you want to do this as the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, who else would you throw into the mix? Although, since I started this thread, I believe that I have ultimate veto rights. I'll try not to abuse them; mainly though, I just want to say that whoever suggests ANYONE from a Dragonball or Dragonball Z universe is going to end up with a fork in a very tender area. :lonegunman: :flameon: :lonegunman: :flameon: :lonegunman: :flameon: :lonegunman: :flameon: