Under the soft light of the sun


Well-Known Member
ôA veto? For the love of Erkana, isnÆt it enough that the ValÆEniads keep dragging the proceedings? Just who doesnÆt want this to reach a conclusion?ö Hmmmnh, current chairman of the Galactic Interspecies Council was tired and grumpy, if such words may be used to describe his amphibian species.

ôFromàö a moment of silence, ôOne of the æEntitledÆ sir,ö the Council didnÆt miss the gasp of astonishment coming from the clerk, not a good sign when talking about the Entitled, ôItÆs from the Empire of Three Suns!ö

The reactions to the statement were instantaneous, ôWHAT! That canÆt be!ö the Rasdran delegate all but ripped his chair, ôThere was no contact with the Three Suns for over a thousand meetings!ö it was natural for the Rasdrans to be shocked by this, memories of the Three Suns shock troopers taking Ras during the last Great War still fresh for their long lived race. ôThereÆs no proof that theyÆre even still alive!ö

ôStill,ö the ValÆEniad representative interjected, ôTheir vote has been cast,ö his voice only a faint whisper, yet none doubted that they were satisfied about the outcome. The ValÆEniads too remembered the last Great War and how the tide turned as the Empire of Three Suns joined their struggle.

ôIndeed,ö the new direction of the meeting didnÆt satisfy the chairman, but there was little he could do about it. Resentment, hatred, hope, the mere mention of the Three Suns was enough to bring them to the front of this meeting. In the last Great War his race had been neutral, a reason why he was chairman perhaps, but they knew all too well just what happened when you roused one of the Entitled and just like the others, the Three Suns had no hesitation in turning entire solar systems to asteroid fields but unlike the others they never attended meetings of the council, ôIt would seem that the instruction package they left with the Algorithms activated itself for this issue.ö

ôItÆs impossible! That package wasnÆt updated ever since the end of the war, thereÆs no way they could have foreseen this issue!ö yet despite his protest the Rasdrans knew there was no way to contest the vote of the æIntelligenceÆ left by the Three Suns.

ôAs the esteemed Rasdrani delegate should remember,ö the ValÆEniad was quick to interfere, perhaps a bit too hastily, ôThe Three Suns showed remarkable advances in this technological area, as it is the norm with all Entitled societies. It is not wise to doubt that the Intelligence they left in place isnÆt fitted to deal with these issues.ö Then with a hint of steel in his voice, ôI doubt that should the Three Suns investigate this affair they would be happy about challenging the rights given to them by this council all those years ago at Erkana.ö

ôYes, thereÆs no point in contesting the instructions the Empire left with the Algorithms. ItÆs best now that we wait until a representative from the Three Suns arrives to confirm the vote or their allotted time expires.ö

Even as the chairman spoke, the various delegates at the meeting already put things into motion. The ValÆEniads sent messages towards their Homeworlds and to the great voids towards the Three Suns, the Rasdrans rushed to deliver this information towards the closest fleet and the communication network exploded with encrypted messages from various delegates towards their governments. Nobody dared ask, but everyone wondered. æJust what do the Three Suns have to do with these æColonialsÆ?Æ


Edit: Idea bunny.