Nasuverse Unlimited Clock Works?


Well-Known Member

Summon Legendary? Akroma, Angel of Fury.... would fit a faker like Shirou. :lol:

Mea Nihil

Well-Known Member
biigoh said:

Summon Legendary? Akroma, Angel of Fury.... would fit a faker like Shirou. :lol:
Memnarch would probably fit Shirou better, in a sense...


Well-Known Member
Nah. He's White, through and through.


Saber Arturia. (3)(W)(W)
Summon Legendary Servant
(X): Place X +1/+1 tokens on Saber Arturia.
(W)(W): If Saber Arturia is placed into the graveyard or removed from the game, return Saber Arturia to your hand.


Mea Nihil

Well-Known Member
nick012000 said:
Nah. He's White, through and through.


Saber Arturia. (3)(W)(W)
Summon Legendary Servant
(X): Place X +1/+1 tokens on Saber Arturia.
(W)(W): If Saber Arturia is placed into the graveyard or removed from the game, return Saber Arturia to your hand.

White isn't known for permanent pumping. Make it a Pump Knight ability (+1/+0 until end of turn for each W - if you want, add the classic First Strike until EoT for WW), and we can talk...


Well-Known Member

White you say?

Also, don't forget her noble phantasm is likely a legendary artifact.

Mea Nihil

Well-Known Member
biigoh said:

White you say?

Also, don't forget her noble phantasm is likely a legendary artifact.
Akroma's sword isn't special at all. You're thinking about the Dark Angel Selenia's sword, which was the Sword of the Chosen.

There's also the Kaldra equipment, which literally creates a powerful avatar if it's gathered, and Umezawa's <s>cheat device</s> Jitte, but Tetzuo Umezawa is Black, even though he was overall a decent man who just tried to do the right thing... Pity he got involved with the Myojin of Night's Reach.


Well-Known Member
I would say he was at least just as bad and possibly worse before he got involved with the Myojin. This is a guy who used to be a member of the strongest criminal organization in the region, sent a guy to be tortured to death by a monster (admittedly he was bound by an oath), and one that showed almost no interest in helping anyone but himself until possibly the last book. At best I would call him a chaotic neutral, certainly not good.


Well-Known Member
Mea Nihil said:
biigoh said:

White you say?

Also, don't forget her noble phantasm is likely a legendary artifact.
Akroma's sword isn't special at all. You're thinking about the Dark Angel Selenia's sword, which was the Sword of the Chosen.

There's also the Kaldra equipment, which literally creates a powerful avatar if it's gathered, and Umezawa's <s>cheat device</s> Jitte, but Tetzuo Umezawa is Black, even though he was overall a decent man who just tried to do the right thing... Pity he got involved with the Myojin of Night's Reach.
I meant more Saber's Excalibur and Avalon since people are trying to make her into a legendary summon. :rofl:


Well-Known Member
:blink: :blink: :blink: I use to be big into magic, then Urza died........ is it me or are some of the new cards so broken compaired to the ones I remember or are cards like Avatar of Might and Vitalizing Windjust so weak now?


Well-Known Member
There were changes in the system. Power and Costs went up. And yeah, cards are pretty broken and it's getting worse with those damn planeswalker cards running around.


Well-Known Member
That is a lovely combo and would still work against current decks... it just needs to watch out for things like these Naya cards with their indestructible tags;


Mea Nihil

Well-Known Member
Progenitus is way too expensive as it is to be viable against Armageddon decks. Especially since the Wrath/Dirtcowl/Armageddon combo also nukes alternative mana sources.

Besides, White players can always use Final Judgment to remove all creatures from the game instead of Wrath...


Well-Known Member
Mana acceleration can help a fair bit... but agreed. Along with counters, but that's beside the point.


Well-Known Member
One of my best freinds played a white/green deck. He had a good number of medium-sized creatures, and four Armadillo Cloaks.

Once he got a couple of them on 3/3s or 4/4s, it was game over.


Well-Known Member
nick012000 said:
One of my best freinds played a white/green deck. He had a good number of medium-sized creatures, and four Armadillo Cloaks.

Once he got a couple of them on 3/3s or 4/4s, it was game over.
I love those cards, would put them on Thorn Elemental and watch my oponents cry, Another card you could use instead of Wrath is Mageta the Lion, Prophecy rocked!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nahhh.. For fun, one of the last deck I made used Phantoms creature with armadillo cloaks... Say hello to unkillable by damage trampling creatures that also give you life. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
Bah, I prefer Black weenie. Dauthi Slayers make everything better.

Getting back onto the original topic and changing the idea somewhat, what if Shirou was a planeswalker. By that I mean the original, practically god planeswalkers that remake themselves with just a thought, not the weak planeswalkers that could be mistaken for an unusually good mage.


Well-Known Member
Except god!Planeswalkers were boring as hell. The currently nerfed planeswalkers, what with the fact that they don't destroy the universe if they fart in the wrong direction, create a lot more conflict and are therefore far more interesting in terms of possible character development. Shirou as one of them would make for an interesting story that *didn't* run out of steam five chapters after exhausting the original gimmick.

To add to this, Shirou not being halfway omnipotent would mean that the writer would have to work to keep him in character, instead of running with some godlike hack of a character with zero relation to canon that just happens to be named Shirou, in the style of so many Harry Potter fics...


Well-Known Member
Actually, SOME of the original planeswalkers were interesting. Case in point being the minotaur Sandruu, who despite having the power of a 'Walker, was so hung up on a minotaur's lifestyle he rarely made the right use of it. He still believed too much in 'bash enemy face in, everything else comes second'. XD

Urza was also interesting, because despite his practically divine powers, he was like a little kid in a toy shop when it came to machinery, and he always built it himself, because he felt simply willing it real was cheating.

As for Nicol Bolas... he's a dragon. He's supposed to be an arrogant ass who misuses his power. But he also treated the humans who swore loyalty to him well, allowed the Umezawa clan's descendants to settle on his lands and kept an eye out for Dominaria, eventually getting fed up with the faggotry of the other 'walkers, and ENDING it in rather radical fashion - by taking leshrac and bodily throwing him in a time rift, among other things.

Never let it be said Nicol Bolas does things half assed. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
Bolas is a villain, and is thus exempt. :p Everyone knows that the more powerful the villain in comparison to the hero, the more daunting the task and the more impressive the story. For heroes, however, it's the reverse as reasonable power instead of retarded near omnipotence (I'm looking at you, shonen series. Bleeegh.) makes those epic moments really count.

Also, because I have nothing more productive to do other than dick around:



Well-Known Member
Pulled this idea together somewhat, though it's probably a little rushed still.

It started as a normal afternoon.? Shirou was at his job as a bartender when the man entered.? The exact details escaped him even now.? It might have been something he said or did, but whatever it was got his undivided attention.? Words were exchanged, wishes expressed, and Shirou felt his world spin out of control.

"Sorry, son." Those were the words he was sure he had heard even as Shirou felt as though his body was burning, as if something deep within himself was changing and growing.? It felt like an eternity, but must have only lasted a few minutes.? Long enough for a concerned regular to ask if he was ok.

Strangely enough, he felt fine now that the odd sensation was over.? Instinctively, he knew something was different, but for the moment, there were patrons to serve.

It wasn't until his shift ended and he returned home that he realized what had changed.? The tool shed had various leftover broken motors and similiar debris from when he practiced his tracing magic to locate the breaks.? He didn't see those anymore.? Instead of piles of scrap, he saw plans.? Thousands of designs lay before his eyes.? Mechanical birds, dragons, and other shapes moving themselves through clockwork.? Animation spells, to give them the ability to reason and feel.

And perhaps the most valuable, the knowledge of how to forge a metal, though difficult to create, proven to be almost impervious against just about any sort of harm imaginable.? The name came to the forefront of his thoughts unbidden, dark steel.

He eventually made his way to bed and fell into a deep slumber.? Meanwhile, an old abandoned mineshaft miles away slowly became infused with prana before syphoning mana back to Shirou's sleeping form.
I imagine I could create more scenery and tie this event in with something specific in canon, but I only know of what has been discussed here and what I saw in the anime. I only spent about 20 minutes typing this is notepad, so it could probably use some corrections.


Well-Known Member
Garahs said:
Pulled this idea together somewhat, though it's probably a little rushed still.

It started as a normal afternoon.á Shirou was at his job as a bartender when the man entered.á The exact details escaped him even now.á It might have been something he said or did, but whatever it was got his undivided attention.á Words were exchanged, wishes expressed, and Shirou felt his world spin out of control.

"Sorry, son." Those were the words he was sure he had heard even as Shirou felt as though his body was burning, as if something deep within himself was changing and growing.á It felt like an eternity, but must have only lasted a few minutes.á Long enough for a concerned regular to ask if he was ok.

Strangely enough, he felt fine now that the odd sensation was over.á Instinctively, he knew something was different, but for the moment, there were patrons to serve.

It wasn't until his shift ended and he returned home that he realized what had changed.á The tool shed had various leftover broken motors and similiar debris from when he practiced his tracing magic to locate the breaks.á He didn't see those anymore.á Instead of piles of scrap, he saw plans.á Thousands of designs lay before his eyes.á Mechanical birds, dragons, and other shapes moving themselves through clockwork.á Animation spells, to give them the ability to reason and feel.

And perhaps the most valuable, the knowledge of how to forge a metal, though difficult to create, proven to be almost impervious against just about any sort of harm imaginable.á The name came to the forefront of his thoughts unbidden, dark steel.

He eventually made his way to bed and fell into a deep slumber.á Meanwhile, an old abandoned mineshaft miles away slowly became infused with prana before syphoning mana back to Shirou's sleeping form.
I imagine I could create more scenery and tie this event in with something specific in canon, but I only know of what has been discussed here and what I saw in the anime. I only spent about 20 minutes typing this is notepad, so it could probably use some corrections.
My personal suggestions, feel free to disregard them.
Add a piece how the guy had gemstones instead of eyes (Rin's reaction at a later point might be interesting. Also, not sure if I'd rather it be an expy or a crossover...), throw away dark steel (Urza created ant-artifact soldiers made of ICE, besides Thran metal and powerstones needed WTFhueg volcano forge in Shiv, I shudder to think what is needed for Dark Steel) and hide Yawgmoth in the grail.

Now that I think about it... Yawgmoth isn't that different than whatever it is that is the Grail. The only difference is that in Apocalypse, he actually fucks up the world. That, and Phyrexia, his plane of hidden undead mechanical fun stuff.


Well-Known Member
I would liken Yawgmoth to Angra Mainyu - ie, a practically divine entity that's best left alone, even with the Grail's power as backup.

I mean, he scared the incarnation of all magic in all of Dominaria into near insanity just by being there, while heavily wounded and lurking about. And when he actually entered the world, he was killing things just by touching them in that death cloud form of his.

I'm pretty sure Yawgmoth's mortal body is long gone. He's not a planeswalker - he's something else entirely, something that should never have existed, and yet somehow came to be.

As for Darksteel, forging it is easy - but once it's cooled, NOTHING can change its shape. Ever. At all. Kinda like adamantium on crack.

It should be noted that it was made possible by Phyrexia tainting Mirrodin, though. And Memnarch himself used to be the Mirari... what Karn was thinking when he made an animated Mirari the guardian of Argentum, I'll never know.