Untitle Xander fic

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
This is currently set in BtVS Season Two, between 'Lie to Me' and 'What's My Line', either before or after 'The Dark Page'. I've been thinking about dropping the 'Soldier vs Hyena' bit, and setting it before Buffy even arrived in Sunnyhell, to really mess with the timeline.

Its now a fifth draft, or there about.

Title: The Gift of Knowledge

Author: Prince Charon & Lionheart

Rating: No worse than the show now, Mature (for sexual content) later.

Warning: This story contains language.

Pairing: nothing, yet.? More in later parts, including X/Harem.

Timeline: AU branching off in Season Two, between 'Lie To Me' and 'The Dark

Summary: The One Who Screws Up Prophecies is given the Gift of Knowledge...
without needing to pay an eye for it.

Disclaimer: I'm broke.? If I owned BtVS, I wouldn't be (and I'd treat them better).

Entering the Harris residence was depressingly easy.? You would think that a man with Ripper Giles' power would put some effort into protecting his charges, but there were no wards at all, just a lock, that opened to a simple opening charm.? The mage set some of his own, but they were only temporary, and would fade after a week, at most.? He felt some guilt for what he was about to do, but he could not remain on the Hellmouth, knew that he would not be able to convince the young warrior to leave his friends, and yet could not leave him unprepared for what was to come.? True, the lad had already bypassed one prophecy, but that was no reason
not to hedge his bets.

He stepped around the drunken and unconscious forms of Mr. and Mrs. Harris,
casting Gentle Sleep spells upon them, to prevent them from interrupting his work,
and entered the bedroom of the son, who was sleeping restlessly.? The first spell that
he cast on Xander did not so much rouse the young man from sleep, as waken him
just enough to put him in a hypnotic trance, while the second would help in

Right, first thing's first.

"Xander Harris, you are not your father," said the mage.? "You will not become your
father, because you have chosen not to be, and your will is far greater than his could
ever be.? Do you understand?"

"Yes," said Xander.

"You are a very intelligent young man, when you choose to think. You will do so as
part of your regular routine from this point onward, and stop second guessing
yourself without cause," said the mage.? "Do you understand?"

"Yes," said Xander, again.

"Good," replied the mage.? "I am going to do several things that you may find odd or
distressing, but they will help you to keep your friends alive.? You do want to protect
them, don't you?"

"Yes," said Xander, with conviction.

"Excellent," said the mage, pulling a thick scroll from under his jacket. ôYou will
start off by mastering this.ö He handed him the scroll, entitled æArs MemoriaeÆ, a
definitive work on memory and the techniques of more efficient use of the human
mind, oddly enough written by a long lived but not particularly strong telepathic
demon who had found humans fascinating and studied them the way an
entomologist studied insects.

It was, despite that, a very informative text, and one could never know the unusual
origin of the author from the contents. This being the mageÆs own copy, heÆd long
ago had a friendly summon with an entirely different mental structure remove the
traps that would have tried to entice a human reader to become an experimental
subject of the now long-dead author.

In a trance, and with the memory spell helping, Xander was able to memorize the
scroll in about a minute. He lowered it with a simple, ôDone.ö

ôVery good,ö the mage nodded, retrieving and rerolling his scroll. ôHave you selected
a memory palace?ö

ôYes,ö the mesmerized teen stated blandly.

ôBuild it,ö the mage commanded, ôThen order your mind.ö

The teen blinked once, a long, slow process while his pupils flitted about madly as if
in high speed REM sleep. Then his eyes snapped open, filled with a clarity that has
not been present before. ôDone.ö

ôVery good.ö The mage took a sheet of parchment from his pocket.? "Now, I? need you to memorize this chart of the major and minor chakras of the human body."

It took about a second for the young man to memorize and parse through all of the
complex and exacting material, which was fortunate, given how many books they
needed to go through.

Muttering a Latin incantation, the mage pulled a book from a pocket to small to hold
it.? "You should know that you are capable of casting spells, and you will learn that
you are quite powerful.? Some of the documents I will have you read and memorize
will help with that," he said, and handed Xander the first book, Throckmorton's
'Annotated Codex of Magical Thought', a rather dry and pompous book, but otherwise
an excellent introduction to magical theory, with a few simple spells to serve as

While Xander was reading that book, the mage set up the laptop computer his niece
had given him for his birthday.? He wasn't sure of this 'Techno-Pagan' thing she was
into, but but it might help, and the worst it could do is waste a few minutes.? As the
laptop slowly booted up, Xander finish the 'Codex', and the next two books, which
were mainly compilations of spells, with little theory, one of 'light' magic, the other
of 'dark'.?

Interestingly enough, it was the book of so-called 'dark' magic which contained
healing spells, as in recent centuries, most Western magic-users had labeled
anything that 'disturbed the natural order' as dark, regardless of intent.
By the time Xander had finished the third book, the laptop had booted up, and the
mage had brought up the first of the Techno-Pagan files that his niece had
downloaded to the computer.?

These files were shorter and more concise than the books, but took about as long to
read, as some of them contained animated pictures that took several seconds to
cycle through their sequence.? One of the oddest documents, from the old mage's
point of view, detailed the idea of 'Technomancy', combining enchantment and
technology, to create the effects of fictional inventions.

When Xander finished reading those files, he was presented with more books,
starting with 'The Dao of Jeet Kune Do', by Bruce Lee, and then a treatise by a
mahoutsukai (Japanese sorcerer) on combining magic and martial arts, and
enchanting weapons and armour.? These were followed by 'The Thirty-Six
Strategies', Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War', and Musashi's 'A Book of Five Rings'.? A few
more books followed, mostly on the martial arts, two on demonology (Van HellsingÆs
æJournal on Practical DemonologyÆ, with an appendix of known errors, and the well
respected but distressingly thin and incomplete æHunterÆs Encyclopedia of The
NightÆ), and a sheet of paper listing the addresses of nearby magic shops.

These were followed by Giacomo Casanova's 'Magic of Life, Magic of Love', one of the
greatest books on Sex Magic ever written (For on the Hellmouth, virginity was
something best gotten rid of, before one became a meal, or worse!).? This book,
written in Casanova's youth, detailed all of the then-common rituals young lovers
could use to gain powers, bond to each other, etc, a near encyclopedia from the æhere
is the art, have fun with itÆ perspective.? That book was still quite common in some
circles, having been reprinted and imitated many times.

The next book, also on Sex Magic, was 'The Diary of Versailles', a far darker work,
containing a great selection of what the nobles of Casanova's time liked sex magic
for. There were some rituals using sex as a source of power, even some abilities
that CasanovaÆs first handbook skipped over or he didnÆt know about to record.
However, the majority of the content was about how to take advantage of lovers, use
peopleÆs affections, warp and take control of them through the very sex rituals they
had performed, and all of the dark and nasty stuff that turns a person into a
possession of the sexual predator using the dark side of the sex arts, compiled by the
practitioners of this seedy side, in the court that was the very capital for sex magic
among the aristocracy that perfected it.? Sadly, this book was also somewhat
common, though not nearly so much as Casanova's book.

He would have preferred to give Xander Casanova's second book on Sex magic,
written late in his life, which taught the reader to defend against the sort of people
who wrote and used the Diary, but copies of this work were vanishingly rare, to the
point that the mage wasn't even sure what the title was, or even if it was real, or a

The mage had personally translated both books from the original French, and

annotated them, in what he thought was sufficient detail, with the help of his wife
and some of their lovers.? The translation of the Diary even included an appendix,
detailing the counters the mage and his friends had developed, and the notes on
how they had done so, with the suggestion that Xander should work on coming up
with new counters, as he has the tools to do so.

The last in this long series was the fairly plebeian æU.S. Army Survival ManualÆ,
which was basically the Boy ScoutÆs Handbook on steroids, including everything one
might need from hunting walrus to setting effective traps using only naturally
occurring materials.

Then it was time to put away the books and the computer, and get to the less
tedious, but more dangerous, acts.

"Xander, I want you to focus on your brow chakra, your Third Eye.? When you feel it,
open it.? You know that you can," ordered the mage.

"Its open," said Xander, after a moment.

"Good," replied the mage, "Now close it, and open it again."

"Done," said Xander, a few seconds later.

"Look around ," said the mage, "What do you see?"

"Everything is glowing, almost... alive, but there are trails of black smoke,
everywhere," Xander said.? "Your aura is hidden, though, by... an aura cloaking

"That's correct," the mage replied, pleased that his student was already using the
knowledge he had been given.? "The 'black smoke' is the energy of the Hellmouth,
which shrouds the entire town, and can bee seen or felt as far away as Los Angeles.?
The wards I've placed should reduce its influence, somewhat, but they'll wear out in
about a week.? You will need to replace them."

"Its... sickening," said Xander.

"Yes, it is," the mage agreed, "but the Third Eye can also look inward.? Do that, now.?
There is a forest in your mind.? Do you see it?"

"Yes," said Xander.? "Someone's fighting.? A guy in uniform, and a
half-man-half-beast thing."

"As you should recall from the Codex, all spells leave a residue behind in the
subject, possession spells especially," the mage explained.? "The Soldier and the
Hyena are fighting for dominance.?

It is possible that they will destroy each-other, eventually, but more likely, one will
win, and be able to influence your personality.? If you join with one of them, though,
you will defeat the other, and consume his power, without his personality.? It is your
mind, after all, and in that place, your will reigns supreme.? Do you understand?"

"Yes," said Xander.

"Who will you join?" asked the mage, already knowing the answer.

"The Soldier," replied Xander, and suddenly he was in the Forest, fighting the
Hyena, which had lost its man-like form, becoming just a beast.? As the Hyena
struck, Xander rolled away, found the M-16 that he/the Soldier had lost with the
first attack, brought it up, and made a perfect shot, right between the beast's eyes.

He skinned the corpse, set the hide to tan, cooked the meat, and burned everything
else.? When he had eaten the meat, he took the hide, and put it on, as a cloak, and
then he was back in his room, only a minute later.?

"I feel... different," he said.

"You have the skill and discipline of the Soldier, the power of the Hyena, and the
new knowledge that I have given you," said the mage.? "I would be surprised if you
did not feel different.? When you awaken, you will not remember me, but you will
remember all the rest of it.? Now, sleep."

Xander returned to sleep, and the mage left, locking the front door behind him.? He
walked to his car, and drove toward LA.? He had a plane to catch.

* * * *

"... and then I woke up this morning, and I could remember all this stuff, and felt
stronger, had the whole Hyena senses and all that," said Xander.? "I tried the
Third-Eye opening thing a couple times, and it worked, but I almost threw up when I
tried it here at school.? Anyway, Giles, I need to know if I'm still me, or if I'm gonna
go all Hyena again."

"Well," Giles replied, "the fact that you are worried about this would seem to indicate
that you are, indeed, yourself."? He opened the door to his office, allowing Buffy and
Willow, who had been leaning on it in order to evesdrop better, to spill onto the floor.
With thanks to Lionheart, who wrote parts of this.

So, thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I like it. Xander is definately a character who deserves better than he's gotten, and I just can't get enough of seeing him do well.

On a somewhat minor note, I have yet to find any fics where a competent Xander gets a harem, and I've been looking for a while. Not even a decent threesome. In fact, most of the improved Xander fics eschew relationships for him, often going entirely with canon matchups, foisting the best girls off on unimportant or icky guys. I've only found one where Xander gets his Willow.

So, if I were to make a suggestion, I would support your idea about dropping the Soldier/Hyena bit and setting this earlier, much earlier, like the day or month before Season One starts, and proceed to screw with the entire series.

Buffy arriving at Sunnyhell High, only to find herself attracted to this buff and confident guy that carries himself like a fighter - and in her "I don't want to be a Slayer" mode, finds herself drawn to this guy who might protect HER! You can even provide a fight scene where he does so, thus earning her admiration and the same devotion she might once have granted Angel/Angelus.

Of course, seeing as how dangerous that area is, she'd probably take up the fight anyway, but first impressions last and can form lasting relationships.

That's an angle I have yet to see, and would like to.

Buffy/Willow competing over Xander is potentially a source of much hilarity, but certainly better than the angst of the original, particularly if Cordelia gets involved in that game.

Second possible angle: this Xander would be a mage, a good, strong competent one with a solid grounding in theory, as you've just described (a description I very much like). Can you not see the "I don't want to be a Slayer" Buffy approach him about leaving her profession? Picture him trying a spell to remove the Slayer spirit from her, and one tiny thing goes wrong - it leaves her only to enter the nearest female, like Willow or Cordelia, and the imprint of the thing still leaves a lasting impression on Buffy so she has access to most of the powers.

Cordy as the Slayer is another angle I've not seen before.

There is one thing I would add, however, to your knowledge base download. There is one thing every hero or fighter of darkness needs, and that is time in which to do your battles, time which schooling sucks up a whole bunch of. I would add to the books he makes Xander read the complete set of textbooks used by his High School, so that he saves time on homework and study, time which can then be devoted to thwarting evil.

Heck, you've got me so excited with ideas over this storyline of your that if you don't continue it, *I'D* like to!


Well-Known Member
yea xander got the shaft in the series...

so many hot chicks man yet one dumps him, one fucks him and kicks him out, and the other dies. i mean really what the hell?


Well-Known Member
On the subject of him getting dumped, he did deserve to get that shaft.

Cordy becoming the Slayer is a unique idea though, and with a backdrop of Willow and Buffy fighting for him from the start...

Well, lots of room for amusement.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Lionheart: On the matter of 'competent/powerful Xander gets a Harem', you might want to look at some stories by Siege, as that's a theme in several of his fics. Also, if you go to XanderZone, you can find a lot, some just by making a 'Fic Request' post.

This particular Harem would start with Willow (there's no way that she could hide her feelings from him successfully, and without the fear of turning into his father, he has no reason not to go for her), and grow after he learns that Willow is bisexual - after all, it will make both of them happy.

I may end up doing this as a pre-Season One prologue (at least a month, possibly as long as a year), if I can come up with a plausible reason for the mage to have done it: my original reason was going to be that Xander had already shattered/bypassed on prophecy (S1 'Prophecy Girl'), and the mage was hoping that he could do it again, and wanted to help him along.

As for 'De-Slayerising' Buffy, I don't think I'll do that, especially not early in the fic, as I was planning on having Xander's powers develop gradually through training, since 'instant power-up through hypnosis' does to much damage to my suspension of disbelief. His mind knows how to do things from the books, but his body hasn't learned the reflexes for Martial Arts, and his magic needs time to grow. Right after he wakes up, he'll be able to cast some low level spells, see someone's aura, and slowly and carefully perform kata from Jeet Kune Do, & the other arts in the books (hence the month-to-a-year lead time, if the story starts earlier). De-Slayerising Buffy is several years away, at best, and would require many difficult and rare tomes, if its even possible.

As for adding to the knowledge base, so that he can just get his GED, the more books the mage has him read, the longer it takes, and the more implausible it gets, from my PoV. Also, if Xander's not in school, Willow has to either spend the day without him, or get her own GED, which would then make it harder for them to meet Buffy for the first time.

As for you writing it, I may end up just handing it over to you, but perhaps we could co-write it, instead?


Well-Known Member
Prince Charon said:
As for adding to the knowledge base, so that he can just get his GED, the more books the mage has him read, the longer it takes, and the more implausible it gets, from my PoV. Also, if Xander's not in school, Willow has to either spend the day without him, or get her own GED, which would then make it harder for them to meet Buffy for the first time.

Your call on the Slayerization/deslayerization process. I was just throwing out ideas, some of which could be good, others less so good.

I whole-heartedly support your gradual accumulation of skill as he grows into his knowledge idea.

But I think you misunderstand me on the knowledge base thing. I had no intention for him to get his GED or even leave school. No, that wasn't what I was aiming for at all. It was instead to have him receive a boost to his studies, along with perhaps a leap in grades.

After all, a high school dropout, child of drunken parents, and general layabout has 'crime' written all over him and will not receive the benefit of doubt from anyone. However, on the other had, an A student who has overcome tremendous home-life difficulties to enroll in honor courses and get on a future scholarship program can escape loads of suspicion - a key advantage that says as much for his longevity in the hero business as his ability to avoid being killed.

And, like it or not, a defender of the innocent still has to pay his bills.

However, having memorized your textbooks beforehand, even if it takes some time to parse and fully integrate the knowledge from them, does a substantial amount toward decreasing the hours normally spent on homework.

Actually, here is another idea for you. You don't want to put too much into that initial period of memorization, as you feel it saps believability. Fair enough. Let us say, however, that Xander, even though he does not recall the guy who did it, does recall enough of the actual session to be aware that he was hypnotically memorizing stuff.

So, as one of his first forays into the world of magic, he either finds or constructs from theory a very minor study spell, based on the same principle and basically just getting far better value for time, and he does it partly to get authority figures off his back about his poor grades, partly to please Willow, granting her some company at the top of the curve, but also to help him fill in some gaps and holes he felt Mr. Mage Dude (Hmm, do I hear a nickname there?) left in his education. Things like, "Yes, both martial arts and magic are most excellent, however neither will give a guy a car and thus save him from bumming rides."

So, a few auto-repair texts and service manuals, a charm spell here or there to get something from the junkyard and time in a shop, and he restores himself a classic mustang, or some other form of chick-magnet (chosen as much to annoy Queen C as anything, I am sure).

Things such as that.

So, start him a full year early so that by the time Buffy arrives he has had a chance to make use of some of this knowledge and start turning his life around, so we can all see her reaction to the new and improved Xand-man, who is increasingly drool-worthy in the girls' eyes. A nice car (restored from a cheap wreck with the help of some time, tools, books, and a few spells), a few good clothes (obtained through the air of a sewing machine rebuilt the same way as the car, a few pro guides on sewing techniques, and some fabric - perhaps all done by Willow if you want to spread out the wealth of changes granted by study-spells) and a more athletic build. Perhaps he is even being encouraged to join a sports team?

As for the sewing, I have long felt the most practical garment in good ol Sunnyhell would be a modified school jacket with crosses embroidered on the forearm/wrists, shoulders and back, and they just don't sell those off the shelves. Or do they?

Perhaps you could even start a club so you had an excuse to wear them.

You mention having a bit of difficulty getting a reason for Mr. Mage Dude to seek out Xander before the whole prophecy business. There are several. Try these on for size:

One, the general generic want for a hero. Actually, this could come in several forms, from a spell guiding him to a proper candidate, to witnessing an act of bravery on Xander's part that stood out from the norm.

He could know his neice is going to be moving here soon and isn't about to leave her without any local protection.

He could instead be a relative of Willow's and after having failed to convince her parents to move with her out of that dangerous location, insists that he isn't going to leave her unprotected, and so since he can't do it himself does what he can to buff up the one person most likely to be there when she needs protection - her best friend.

Or two. Wouldn't that be interesting? Yes, Jesse died, but this time he took down 30 vamps with him. Or you could allow him to live longer.

This could be a pity-motivated deal. Mr. Mage Dude met Xander's parents, was singularly unimpressed, then saw the kid and was very impressed by the difference, so decided to gain some good karma by helping him out of his father's shadow.

Perhaps the guy just needs a hero for X thing in the future, and has gone around seeding several in the hopes of providing for that need.

Despite the tone being somewhat different (you wrote him as a kindly sort of guy) Mr. Mage Dude could be another Chaos mage, this one out to have some fun by torquing the Mayor's shorts by giving him a hero infestation.

And they might even be sensible enough to NOT go around with their faces uncovered when stirring up trouble with the local nightlife. If he can sense vamps via his third eye then he doesn't need to draw them to him, so he hunts and takes them out by surprise as often as possible, killing by ambush so they don't know who to strike back at (or don't know at first).

Actually, picture this. Xander patrolling in a Zorro costume, crosses embroidered over ever part of the outfit (Spaniards were big on embroidered clothes back then, and this is practical. If they can't punch, pin or grab me without hurting their hand then I've got an advantage), a flaming sword in one hand and a super-soaker full of holy water in the other. Jesse joined holy orders and not only does the blessing of objects, crosses and water, but the trio hang out at his church.

Or more of an Indiana Jones flavor, where they practice looting vampire lairs, getting rich on jewels and valuable objects while at the same time combatting the threat.

Too many ideas to even mention them all.

And even a little attention to equipment could make a big difference.

Use a molotov cocktail or two from time to time. Big, nasty vamps chase you onto surface slick with oil, light via cocktail, then escape while they are burning.

Magic flash pellets. Blind vamps are easier to stake, even if they are only disoriented or blinking very hard it's a lot simpler.

Ninja throwing stars where every point is cross shaped, or engraved with a crucifix. Flaming is even better and could be a later improvement.

If he could master that 'pull big objects out of small spaces' deal then he could kick the gear angle up to an entirely new level, as always starting small then growing later as he adds understanding and experience to his knowledge. Say, start by carrying extra molotovs, go on up to a flamethrower once (which are surprisingly easy to build, by the way), then begin moving over to more magic or techno gadgets like a flaming sword or a zap pistol.

Hey, if your foes are easily flammable take advantage of that fact!

And how does a dose of irony suit you? Say, Xander spots Angel stalking this young girl and just happens to step in, revealing him for a fang-face (or even damaging/destroying/dusting him) and gaining the admiration/appreciation of Buffy! As opposed to the regular Buffy meet Angel thing?

Too many possibilities to even mention them all.


Well-Known Member
Heh. While I, personally am not a fan of Willow (eh, something about the actress just makes me cringe), this has potential. Also, did anyone else think that Xander cheating was horribly, horribly out of character? As well as bailing at the alter?


Well-Known Member
Yep, it seemed that after season 2, the non-powered characters were being weakened to put more of the prestige to those with power unless the story demanded something of them. Season 3 was the beginning of the trend and after Graduation Xander in particular was degraded quite a bit such as the idiotic SLAP FIGHT with Harmony.


Well-Known Member
SotF said:
Yep, it seemed that after season 2, the non-powered characters were being weakened to put more of the prestige to those with power unless the story demanded something of them. Season 3 was the beginning of the trend and after Graduation Xander in particular was degraded quite a bit such as the idiotic SLAP FIGHT with Harmony.
i'll put it like this

after the mayor died...the show went down hill

college, after college, the final season...progressively more horrible


Well-Known Member
voidseeker said:
i'll put it like this

after the mayor died...the show went down hill

college, after college, the final season...progressively more horrible

My point is that while the story was still good during season 3, many of the trends that shredded the rest of Buffy were started during it.

The funny thing is that Angel seemed to get better and better for most of it with a few dips here and there.


Well-Known Member
I find myself amused by the Xander-as-Zorro angle and wanted to share a few chuckles with you.

First, the local legend.

Can you picture the line, "Yah, we've got gangs on PCP around here, but they're not nearly so bad since this Zorro guy showed up." - sees look of disbelief, "No, I'm serious. There's this guy who dresses like Zorro, carries a sword and everything. Some say he even rides a horse. He beats up on gangs, carves a Z onto something and rides away. Heck, there's a club at school that tracks spottings of him. I can take you to a dozen people who'll all claim to have been saved by him."

"But there are Z's all over town!"

"Exactly. Those gangs were pretty nasty, but they're not so bad anymore. There's even talk of moving the Obit collumn in the school paper from weekly to monthly."

But the real comedic joy comes from Ethan's halloween prank. Picture the look on Xander's face as he shows up to collect his kids - and half of them are in Zorro costumes!!

It's this season's theme, based on a local urban legend.

But, but, even worse! Spike going out to play with the Slayer finds ALL THESE KIDS, dozens if not hundreds of miniature Zorros are running around! Some with flaming swords hunting vampires, others speaking Spanish and trying to resist oppression, but ALL of them willing to save Lady Buff from that cad who is manhandling her!

Howls of laughter!

Or! Or, Xander's parents! Mrs. Summers got so excited over meeting the Xand-man that she invited his parents over to her costume party at work!

Picture Xander's father in a fat, overweight Zorro costume! For one night spent battling evil! Or, perhaps better, he and his wife dress as Spanish nobility and get to spend half the evening being resisted by tiny, munchkin-Zorros!

All of that without even speculating on what Xander wears - No way he would be caught dead in a Zorro costume, as it could well blow his cover!

Hmm, if you use the Jesse-in-a-church idea, then perhaps the good padre will give in to the spirit of the festival to go dressed as a favorite saint?

OH! And he pressured Willow too! So she goes as Joan of Arc! Forget the confidence problems! It's Wills in chainmail this evening, folks!

Those little broom-handle horsie things were on sale at the costume shop, too. So picture a good couple dozen half-pint cowboys and indians riding around town, shooting up bars and having a grand old time, Old West style!

Ha!HA! What if Xander went as Tarzan?! Or DILBERT?!? (I had a co-worker do that once) :rofl:


Well-Known Member
To enhanse the Zorro part of it, he could easily go as The Shadow or just as Lamont Cranston.

One of the greatest ideas for a Halloween costume I'd read started with him dressing as Clark Kent


Well-Known Member
theres a couple lamont cramston!xander fics around but the best one ive read has stopped being updated which is a pity really

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Lionheart said:
Perhaps the guy just needs a hero for X thing in the future, and has gone around seeding several in the hopes of providing for that need.
:snigger: I like this one, and might decide to use it. I wonder who else he prepared.

As for the memorization thing, I'm thinking that Mr. Mage Dude might include a book on building a Memory Palace in your mind, as that would both allow Xander to memorize things, quickly, and be in character for the mage.

Not sure about the Xander-as-Zorro angle, but I suppose I could see him doing that.

As for the crosses, I'm thinking that it just has to be a holy symbol of some sort, and that's something that would likely be included in one of the books - possibly the Mahoutsukai's book. Perhaps he'll make pentagram or hexagram (Star of David) shuriken.

Setting it pre-Buffy also means that one of the books will contain accurate information about demonology, as Mr. Mage Dude might not know that Xander is going to meet Giles. Likewise, he'd probably give Xander the address of the local magic shop, and the Techno-Pagan files may have addresses for Techno-Pagan sites.

The books-about-cars thing is something Xander is likely to do on his own, that I hadn't thought of.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
OK, here's a pre-Buffy version. It needs some editing, but it should work.

Entering the Harris residence was depressingly easy.? There were no wards at all, despite the house's proximity to the Hellmouth.? Just a cheap lock, that opened to a simple opening charm.? The mage set some of his own, but they were only temporary, and would fade after a week, at most.? He felt some guilt for what he was about to do, but he could not remain on the Hellmouth, knew that he would not have time to train the young warrior-to-be, even if he remained, and yet needed heroes to be prepared for what was to come.

He stepped around the drunken and unconscious forms of Mr. and Mrs. Harris, casting Gentle Sleep spells upon them, to prevent them from interrupting his work, and entered the bedroom of the son, who was sleeping restlessly.? The first spell that he cast on Xander did not so much rouse the young man from sleep, as waken him just enough to put him in a hypnotic trance, while the second would help in memorization.

Right, first thing's first.

"Xander Harris, you are not your father," said the mage.? "You will not become your father, because you have chosen not to be, and your will is far greater than his could ever be.? Do you understand?"

"Yes," said Xander.

"You are a very intelligent young man, when you think, and do not constantly second guess yourself," said the mage.? "Do you understand?"

"Yes," said Xander, again.

"Good," replied the mage.? "I am going to do several things that you may find odd or distressing, but they will help you to keep your friends alive.? You do want to protect them, don't you?"

"Yes," said Xander, with conviction.

"Excellent," said the mage, pulling a sheet of parchment from his pocket.? "Now, I? need you to memorize this chart of the major and minor chakras of the human body."

In a trance, and with the memory spell helping, Xander was able to memorize the page in about a second, which was fortunate, given how many books they needed to go through.

Muttering a Latin incantation, the mage pulled a book from a pocket to small to hold it.? "You should know that you are capable of casting spells, and you will learn that you are quite powerful.? Some of the documents I will have you read and memorize will help with that," he said, and handed Xander the first book, Throckmorton's 'Annotated Codex of Magical Thought', a rather dry and pompous book, but otherwise an excellent introduction to magical theory, with a few simple spells to serve as examples.

While Xander was reading that book, the mage set up the laptop computer his niece had given him for his birthday.? He wasn't sure of this 'Techno-Pagan' thing she was into, but but it might help, and the worst it could do is waste a few minutes.? As the laptop slowly booted up, Xander finish the 'Codex', and the next two books, which were mainly compilations of spells, with little theory, one of 'light' magic, the other of 'dark'.?

Interestingly enough, it was the book of so-called 'dark' magic which contained healing spells, as in recent centuries, most Western magic-users had labeled anything that 'disturbed the natural order' as dark, regardless of intent.

By the time Xander had finished the third book, the laptop had booted up, and the mage had brought up the first of the Techno-Pagan files that his niece had downloaded to the computer.? These files were shorter and more concise than the books, but took about as long to read, as some of them contained animated pictures that took several seconds to cycle through their sequence.? One of the oddest documents, from the old mage's point of view, detailed the idea of 'Technomancy', combining enchantment and technology, to create the effects of fictional inventions.

When Xander finished reading those files, he was presented with more books, starting with 'The Dao of Jeet Kune Do', by Bruce Lee, and then a treatise by a mahoutsukai (Japanese sorcerer) on combining magic and martial arts, and enchanting weapons and armour.? These were followed by 'The Thirty-Six Strategies', Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War', and Musashi's 'A Book of Five Rings'.? A few more books followed, mostly on the martial arts, one on building memory palaces, another on Sex Magic, two on demonology, a sheet of paper listing the addresses of nearby magic shops, and then it was time to put away the books and the computer, and get to the less tedious, but more dangerous, acts.

"Xander, I want you to focus on your brow chakra, your Third Eye.? When you feel it, open it.? You know that you can," ordered the mage.

"Its open," said Xander, after a moment.

"Good," replied the mage, "Now close it, and open it again."

"Done," said Xander, a few seconds later.

"Look around ," said the mage, "What do you see?"

"Everything is glowing, almost... alive, but there are trails of black smoke, everywhere," Xander said.? "Your aura is hidden, though, by... an aura cloaking spell?"

"That's correct," the mage replied, pleased that his student was already using the knowledge he had been given.? "The 'black smoke' is the energy of the Hellmouth, which shrouds the entire town, and can bee seen or felt as far away as Los Angeles.? The wards I've placed should reduce its influence, somewhat, but they'll wear out in about a week.? You will need to replace them."

"Its... sickening," said Xander.

"Yes, it is," the mage agreed, "but the Third Eye can also look inward.? Do that, now."

"I see... light.? A pulsing light, in sort of a cage," said Xander.

"That is your power," explained the mage, "confined by your fear of yourself.? You have the key.? Open the cage."

"Its open," said Xander.? "I feel... different.? Stronger, somehow."

"You've taken your first steps into a larger world," said the mage.? "When you awaken, you will not remember me, but you will remember all the rest of it.? Now, sleep."

Xander returned to sleep, and the mage left, locking the front door behind him.? He walked to his car, and drove toward LA.? He had a plane to catch.


Well-Known Member
Well, I was already somewhat married to the idea of Willow's family being at least a bit magical and having magical allies, one of whom looks in on Xander. But if you want to go another way that's certainly possible.

There is enough material here for us to write parallel stories, if you prefer. Your original seed has as many ways that it could branch, almost, as the Wishbringer sequence out of Metroanime's Bet. And if you were of a mind to, could make for an excellent challenge.

Anyway, I modified your scene to introduce the memory palace book at the start, as it just makes more sense to teach him how to memorize before giving him a raft of things to put in memory.

If we do do 'Xander as Zorro' I think I'd want for that to just be a phase that he goes through, an early way to get in the action that protects his identity and doesn't cost too much in the way of materials or spells to get him started. He'd probably dump the whole ID after Helloween if we do go with the 'embarrass him with all the Zorro clones' angle.

Although I could very much picture him before then, riding on a pooka (ghost horse, thus could be summoned and dismissed at need) and out getting practical experience as a hero, learning the ropes as it were, and confusing everyone while he's at it.

That's also a big reason why I wanted to keep him at a distance from the local magic community, as most of the potential humor in this I see is centered around everyone chewing at the mystery of 'Who IS this guy' from different angles in their own way.

I could so easily see the Mayor or someone concluding that maybe this is the ghost of the actual historical figure that started the whole Zorro legend, back to resist oppression in California once again. That could lead to all sorts of amusing plot twists.

For holy symbols, I am prepared to go on the theory that any given symbol's potency is derived from three factors: the faith of the person who blessed/prepared it, the belief of the person using it, and how widespread is the religion, with weakness at any one of those points still yeilding a usable object, and the person preparing and using could be the same one at need.

Thus, Ethan could prepare and use a two-faced medallion of Janus to hold a vampire at bay, because he has strong belief in spite of it not being a major religion anymore. Then your ordinary Joe on the street could use a cross the same way, and if it was prepared by a faithful clergyman Joe could be nearly an atheist and still have it work (thus the reason crosses would be very popular).

You couldn't use any symbol you personally disagreed with, so a true atheist is out of luck. Also, not every dude with a cross is going to be thwarting vampires, because if you prepared it yourself and have no faith you're not going to get any results out of it. It would also be a nasty (albeit short) surprise for a guy without faith to learn that his friendly neighborhood priest was just holding down the job for the money, not out of any religious commitment, and the things he blessed no better than a toy bought at K-Mart.

So if a nearly non-religious tailor sews crosses onto Willow's jacket he's not doing her any favors.

The best examples would obviously be to be strong in every department. So a strong Rabbi giving an orthodox Jew a blessed Star of David is going to see some serious performance out of that at need, because Judaism is still a major religion. And thus Wills would be well-served by six pointed throwing stars, while a Techno-Pagan like Jenny would probably prefer five-pointed ones (and likely embedded with a micro-chip, at that). But if you argue equal personal faith, Willow's thrown stars are going to hurt vamps more than Jenny's.

That's the theory I'm prepared to go by, anyway.

The Knights of Scooby
Chapter One

by Prince Charon and Lionheart


His clan were Gypsies, proud of their heritage. However, since the Nazis killed more gypsies than Jews during their reign of terror, their power in Europe had largely been broken.

Vengeance was still owed for that.

With the power of the gypsies in decline, the remaining families had been forced to seek allies, and they had found them beside them in those same extermination camps. Found them, and died beside them. But among those few who had survived the alliances remained, and the bonds grew deep among those who still honored those treaties.

The Rosenberg family was a powerful and widespread clan of Cabalists, very valuable allies to the gypsies, but even among the strongest and wisest clans (which the Rosenbergs were not) there were always the rebellious few, the foolish, those who knew a little and constantly misapplied that knowledge.

One pair of those resided in Sunnydale California, the mouth of Hell itself.

The parents were perhaps less unwise in their foolish choice of location than some might suspect, spending very little time in their domicile, dropping by only to perform rituals drawing on that source of power, then getting back out of town, answering their fears of both known and unknown dangers.

But still that tremendously irresponsible couple, flirting with danger and daring the mouth of hell to bite them, had no excuse to expose their daughter to that kind of threat.

So many people who knew a little, and imagined they knew it all, caused such problems! Ignorance was no protection against demons! That applied only to Fey creatures, and you wouldnÆt find many of them on an active Hellmouth!

No, leaving their only daughter to dwell alongside demons and vampires with no knowledge to protect her was tantamount to murder. But the foolish pair insisted that they were right, and their elders were wrong, and so left Willow to fend for herself alone at one of the most dangerous places on Earth.


But, by the ancient rules, they were her parents and the rest of the clan could not go directly against their wishes concerning their child. That was absolute, and because of ancient laws they could not directly transgress it.

So, the mage had been asked by a much older and wiser member of the Rosenberg clan to look in on that foolish coupleÆs daughter and see if anything could be done to improve her situation. And he had done so, taking time he could hardly spare and visiting under guise of wanting to see her Junior High graduation ceremony.

The lonely child had been pathetically grateful for the company and attention, furthering his disgust for her negligent treatment.

His report to her clan was her situation was desperate, just one more sheep among the fold, only the other sheep there to protect her from the wolves that hunted the night. It was only a matter of time before they found her a more convenient target than some others. That was all that was protecting her life now, other prey was still more convenient to the hunters.

But that would change next year as she entered High School.

The greater Rosenberg clan could do nothing, and her parents would not, stubbornly insisting on their misapplied belief that innocence and ignorance were a perfect shield that would serve to protect her more than adequately.

The stubborn fools.

There were comparatively few universally applied rules of magic, and that was not among them. If you wanted to play around in fairy courts innocence was indeed a near perfect shield. But the Fey were not destroyed by sunlight, either, nor was a line of salt sprinkled around your bed going to hold a major demon at bay. Different rules applied to different creatures, and to insist on treating one type as another was only courting death, like wearing perfect desert survival gear in the middle of an arctic wasteland, or winter gear on the bottom of an ocean, or scuba gear out in the middle of the blazing Sahara sun.

If it was only their own lives they were asking to be destroyed that would be one thing, but this... they left their daughter unprotected while spending practically no time in the danger zone themselves.

If they were members of his clan a Gypsy Curse would already be in effect on the negligent parents. Children were too precious by far to the vastly diminished clans to risk on such foolhardy games. But by the treaty he could not grant them the curse they so richly deserved, as it was not a member of his clan they were foolishly trying to destroy.

As the situation stood, this was a purely internal matter for the Rosenberg clan to deal with, and they could not respond appropriately because by those ancient laws parents had the right to decide the treatment of their children.

These parents were just being damn fools about how they did so.

However, though direct intervention was impossible, that did not mean that nothing could be done. By asking only that a friend from another, unrelated clan look in on her, the Rosenberg elder was already one step removed from direct intervention. It was an important step, but not enough for the mage to intervene by affecting Willow Rosenberg himself.

They could not ask that he do more, but the mage, having seen the need, was not about to stand back and do nothing. They could not ask, but he could volunteer. The trouble was he had no time to spare from his own projects, and to some extent, as an ally, he was bound by the same laws regarding the rights of the parents to decide the life of their child.

Not as tightly bound, however. So, while he could not snag the girl and drive her to a safe haven, as she deserved, he could intervene in her life so long as he did not do so directly.

That meant no granting her beneficial enchantments or magic weapons, no guardian spirits could be summoned to watch over her, and nothing could be said to the girl directly as that would go against the parentsÆ directly stated wishes that she remain ignorant, and thus, in their minds at least, safe.

But he wasn't going to leave her unprotected, and so since he couldnÆt do it himself nor directly enable her to defend herself, would do what he could to buff up the one person most likely to be there when she needed protection - her best friend.

Entering the Harris residence was depressingly easy.? There were no wards at all, despite the house's proximity to the Hellmouth.? Just a cheap lock that yielded to a simple opening charm. You would think that in a town as dangerous as this one some portion of the population would know how to protect themselves. But no, they were behaving like cattle, just walking bags of meat as far as the nightlife was concerned. There wasnÆt even a hero operating on the Hellmouth to reduce the danger, certainly nothing so simple and practical as a mage dispensing household wards.

YouÆd think that everyone who lived here was asking to get killed.

The mage set some of his own, but they were only temporary, and would fade after a week, at most. He felt some guilt for what he was about to do, but he could not remain on the Hellmouth, knew that he would not be able to convince the young girlÆs parents to take her to safety, and yet could not leave her entirely alone and unprepared for what was to come.

He stepped around the drunken and unconscious forms of Mr. and Mrs. Harris, casting Gentle Sleep spells upon them, to prevent them from interrupting his work, then, having researched all he needed to know before even entering the house, and able confirm by what he could see from their auras, followed that up with a curse.

A Vengeance Curse, a fairly minor one, but his clan specialized in those in all of their varieties, and from what he knew, bolstered by what he could see evidenced in their auras, they more than deserved it. So he cast it on behalf of their son, that they would remove their own ability to harm him, and try to do so in such a way as to restore to him equal value for as much of the damage theyÆd done to his life as possible.

Favor for favor. Balance was a key element of so much magic. Having done a good deed for the Harris boy, he could expect his spells to enable him as the Rosenberg girlÆs protector to be that much more effective.

The mage nodded, pleased with this effort, and entered the bedroom of the son, who was sleeping restlessly.? The first spell that he cast on Xander did not so much rouse the young man from sleep, as waken him just enough to put him in a hypnotic trance, while the second would help in memorization.

Right, first thing's first.

"Xander Harris, you are not your father," said the mage.? "You will not become your father, because you have chosen not to be, and your will is far greater than his could ever be.? Do you understand?"

"Yes," said Xander.

"You are a very intelligent young man, when you choose to think. You will do so as part of your regular routine from this point onward, and stop second guessing yourself without cause," said the mage.? "Do you understand?"

"Yes," said Xander, again.

"Good," replied the mage.? "I am going to do several things that you may find odd or distressing, but they will help you to keep your friends alive.? You do want to protect them, don't you?"

"Yes," said Xander, with conviction.

"Excellent," said the mage, pulling a thick scroll from under his jacket. ôYou will start off by mastering this.ö He handed him the scroll, entitled æArs MemoriaeÆ, a definitive work on memory and the techniques of more efficient use of the human mind, oddly enough written by a long lived but not particularly strong telepathic demon who had found humans fascinating and studied them the way an entomologist studied insects.

It was, despite that, a very informative text, and one could never know the unusual origin of the author from the contents. This being the mageÆs own copy, heÆd long ago had a friendly summon with an entirely different mental structure remove the traps that would have tried to entice a human reader to become an experimental subject of the now long-dead author.

In a trance, and with the memory spell helping, Xander was able to memorize the scroll in about a minute. He lowered it with a simple, ôDone.ö

ôVery good,ö the mage nodded, retrieving and rerolling his scroll. ôHave you selected a memory palace?ö

ôYes,ö the mesmerized teen stated blandly.

ôBuild it,ö the mage commanded, ôThen order your mind.ö

The teen blinked once, a long, slow process while his pupils flitted about madly as if in high speed REM sleep. Then his eyes snapped open, filled with a clarity that has not been present before. ôDone.ö

ôVery good.ö The mage took a sheet of parchment from his pocket.? "Now, I? need you to memorize this chart of the major and minor chakras of the human body."

It took about a second for the young man to memorize and parse through all of the complex and exacting material, which was fortunate, given how many books they needed to go through.

Muttering a Latin incantation, the mage pulled a book from a pocket too small to hold it.? "You should know that you are capable of casting spells, and you will learn that you are quite powerful.? Some of the documents I will have you read and memorize will help with that," he said, and handed Xander the first book, Throckmorton's 'Annotated Codex of Magical Thought', a rather dry and pompous book, but otherwise an excellent introduction to magical theory, with a few simple spells to serve as examples.

While Xander was reading that book, the mage set up the laptop computer his niece had given him for his birthday.? He wasn't sure of this 'Techno-Pagan' thing she was into, but it might help, and the worst it could do is waste a few minutes.? As the laptop slowly booted up, Xander finish the 'Codex', and the next two books, which were mainly compilations of spells, with little theory, one of 'light' magic, the other of 'dark'.

Interestingly enough, it was the book of so-called 'dark' magic which contained healing spells, as in recent centuries most Western magic-users had labeled anything that 'disturbed the natural order' as dark, regardless of intent.

By the time Xander had finished the third book the laptop had booted up, and the mage had brought up the first of the Techno-Pagan files that his niece had downloaded to the computer.? These files were shorter and more concise than the books, but took about as long to read, as some of them contained animated pictures that took several seconds to cycle through their sequence.? One of the oddest documents, from the old mage's point of view, detailed the idea of 'Technomancy', combining enchantment and technology, to create the effects of fictional inventions.

When Xander finished reading those files he was presented with more books, starting with 'The Dao of Jeet Kune Do', by Bruce Lee, and then a treatise by a mahoutsukai (Japanese sorcerer) on combining magic and martial arts, and enchanting weapons and armour.? These were followed by 'The Thirty-Six Strategies', Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War', and Musashi's 'A Book of Five Rings'.? A few more books followed, mostly on the martial arts, finishing off with Van HellsingÆs æJournal on Practical DemonologyÆ, with an appendix of known errors, and the well respected but distressingly thin and incomplete æHunterÆs Encyclopedia of The NightÆ.

While he would have loved to include a sheet of paper listing the addresses of nearby magic shops, or even a few mail-order contacts, such was unwise in the present environment as unfriendly forces watched those sources, and it would doubtless bring more attention that its benefit deserved, at least at first. It would be better for the young man to seek those out on his own some time later, once he had achieved a degree of proficiency at the arts he had already been taught.

Similarly, a book on sex magic, while useful and appropriate, when Xander would realistically have only one potential partner, thus almost certainly involving young Willow, would have trod too close to the line of non-interference as her parents had been quite firm on not endangering her sexual innocence any more than her mental ignorance.

They had even employed charms to that effect, virtually ensuring that no romantic attachment would ever work for the girl until those were removed. At present they were so strong that dating was next to impossible, but time on the Hellmouth had already begun to fray them. Eventually, as those tattered she would be able to form temporary, short term relationships. But even so the magic of those chastity charms would prevent something permanent from forming, probably until the day the sweet girl died.

However, those spells were far from subtle, the skills he was about to impart would be more than sufficient to detect them and from there would require no effort on the part of any competent mage to remove. Xander already knew enough theory to construct a spell to remove those charms himself.

The last in this long series was the fairly plebeian æU.S. Army Survival ManualÆ, which was basically the Boy ScoutÆs Handbook on steroids, including everything one might need from hunting walrus to setting effective traps using only naturally occurring materials.

Then it was time to put away the books and the computer, and get to the less tedious, but more dangerous, acts.

"Xander, I want you to focus on your brow chakra, your Third Eye.? When you feel it, open it.? You know that you can," ordered the mage.

"Its open," said Xander, after a moment.

"Good," replied the mage, "Now close it, and open it again."

"Done," said Xander, a few seconds later.

"Look around ," said the mage, "What do you see?"

"Everything is glowing, almost... alive, but there are trails of black smoke, everywhere," Xander said.? "Your aura is hidden, though, by... an aura cloaking spell?"

"That's correct," the mage replied, pleased that his student was already using the knowledge he had been given.? "The 'black smoke' is the energy of the Hellmouth, which shrouds the entire town, and can be seen or felt as far away as Los Angeles.? The wards I've placed should reduce its influence, somewhat, but they'll wear out in about a week.? You will need to replace them."

"Its... sickening," said Xander.

"Yes, it is," the mage agreed, "but the Third Eye can also look inward.? Do that, now."

"I see... light.? A pulsing light, in sort of a cage," said Xander.

"That is your power," explained the mage, "confined by your fear of yourself.? You have the key.? Open the cage."

"Its open," said Xander.? "I feel... different.? Stronger, somehow."

"You've taken your first steps into a larger world," said the mage.? "When you awaken, you will not remember me, but you will remember all the rest of it.? Now, sleep."

Xander returned to sleep, and the mage left, locking the front door behind him.? He walked to his car, and drove toward LA.? He had a plane to catch.


ôSo Mr. Mage Dude taught you a whole bunch of stuff then bailed, just like that?ö Jesse appeared flummoxed, playing with the straw in his soda, as Xander finished retelling the events of the previous night. ôThatÆs just crazy, man. Why would he do that? I mean, whatÆs the point?ö

Xander had no good reply, so just shrugged. A demonstration of a few simple spells had already erased all doubt of the existence of magic or that the event had really happened.

WillowÆs face had been going through a myriad of emotions as Xander explained his experience, alert for both the changes in her lifelong friend (of which there were many) but also the reassuring similarities (which were not a few). In the end she smiled, shyly, as she concluded that he was still very much her Xander-shaped friend.

Although, if this had been done a few years later, a proper sense of Hellmouth induced paranoia could have thrown doubt on that conclusion. For the moment, however, she was convinced that her crush was, in all important ways, the same young man he had always been. And just about every change noted so far had been a distinct improvement.

Concluding she was happy with the change, she began an excited stream of Willow-babble that threatened to turn into a squeal of delight when it became Xander was actually following all of her honor student terminology.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
You're very good at this, Lionheart.

Perhaps I'll mostly do the post-Hellowe'en version, you can do this one, and we'll make suggestions to each other?

I'll want to use some bits of this, though without the Rosenberg connection, as Xander has already bypassed a prophecy, and post-Hallowe'en gives Mr Mage Dude time to hear about it, study Xander, and find him worthy.


Well-Known Member
I'm a fan of Xander's but not so much a fan of Xander-with-powers, mostly because I don't think the character needs them. Just using his head more and getting creative with weaponry and tactics would make him a force to be reconed with.


Well-Known Member
but that generally leaves him as some james bond level assassin kinda guy. personally i'd much rather have him with powers then having a shoot out with vamps



Well-Known Member
Deadpan29 said:
I'm a fan of Xander's but not so much a fan of Xander-with-powers, mostly because I don't think the character needs them.? Just using his head more and getting creative with weaponry and tactics would make him a force to be reconed with.
You know what? You're right. There's no point in writing this at all. What could I have been thinking?


Constructive criticism generally does not include anything that can be paraphrased as "throw out your whole premise and start all over."

And frankly, I prefer to view magic as a skill, much like singing. There are those who have more talent than others, and quite a few who never bother to learn, but anyone CAN. Just like just about anyone CAN become a pilot; some might require more instruction than others, and there are a heck of a lot of people who never get the opportunity, and there are quite a few that even if you could train them they'd never be any good at it, but it CAN be done. Scarcity of instruction is a big limiter here, though not the only one.

Consider it an AU if you must, but that has pretty much always been my take on magic. And, taking that into account, there is nothing here that your objection applies to, as everything presented is just a set of skills.


Well-Known Member
Xander being even halfway competent is too much power, by some folks' standards. As it is, this seems like a pretty well-balanced approach - whatever he wants, he's gonna have to work for it. Unlike, say, Magical Girl Willow, to whom mindboggling power seems to gravitate two or three times a season.

(I know Joss is a wanker, but would a little consistency be too much to ask for?)


Well-Known Member
Thats what I love about Tenhawk's 'Future' series so much. In it he has Xander as a mage for a little over 20 years while the expected age is only 6. He had to work hard for his power and skill. He even says it took him 3 years to float a pencil.

um.... you could ignore that if you want :sweat2:

By the way I really like this story

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
DeathGod666 said:
Thats what I love about Tenhawk's 'Future' series so much. In it he has Xander as a mage for a little over 20 years while the expected age is only 6. He had to work hard for his power and skill. He even says it took him 3 years to float a pencil.

um.... you could ignore that if you want :sweat2:

By the way I really like this story
Thank you. He isn't going to need three years just to float a pencil, but it is going to take time. In my version, which is the post-'Halloween' one, he'll probably be able to float a pencil before the end of Season Two. Not sure how fast Lionheart wants to develop his version.


Well-Known Member
Use all the bits you like, Charon, and it was your amazing idea that started this. I feel fine with doing two versions, each allowing for generous help from the other.

As for how fast or slow to start things, I figure that Mr. Mage Dude has started a spark - there is going to be *something* there from the very beginning, but you aren't going to even be able to roast hot dogs on it and he'll be some time coaxing that flame higher and higher.

Then again, you can scratch out a simple tune on a violin on your first lesson, and a baby can hold the wheel as you drive down a road. True competence and *effective* magic or martial arts is a long way down the road, but given the amount of fuel poured into his brain he'll be getting that fire going much faster than an ordinary student would without.

Otherwise, what was the point behind all that memorization and study spells? I mean, they had to give him SOME advantage, right?

Still, that being said, he's probably years away from feeling comfortable in those skills, and considering how dangerous his home town is he won't actually consider himself safe for a long, long time to come, as he'd have to be quite remarkable before he had any kind of edge of his opponents rather than the other way around.

So, years of feeling outclassed, scrambling to survive even as his confidence and his abilities rise.

Anyway, I was hoping for some feedback on this scene. It's something that I figure has to happen and the earlier the better, as it grants motivation (and nothing learns like a motivated student). But it's been awhile since I saw any of those early episodes and frankly I didn't see enough of them then so I'm not sure I've captured the feel of those early characters (before they became caricatures).

Still waiting on Season One to get delivered, as I can't find it on torrents.

ôOkay. Here we are. The moment youÆve all been waiting for! The one, the only, the amazing... Vamp-Vision!ö Jesse exclaimed proudly, and with a stage performerÆs sense of flair waved to his toy telescope and set of binoculars that they had scrounged together for the evening.

The trio sat upon chairs they had dragged up the old wooden steps into the bell tower of a church that had a fair view of one of the townÆs many cemeteries.

ôSo now we get to see if this all is real,ö Willow popped a few kernels of popcorn into her mouth, having brought movie treats for the occasion.

Xander nodded. He had just as much confusion about this topic as his friends, and wanted it resolved. It was one thing for him to cause a seed to sprout on demand, freshen a slightly fading blossom, or create a small witchlight that was scarcely lighter than a match (the only spells he had gotten to function just yet, and all tremendously minor ones, triggering effects that all wanted to happen anyway, just requiring a slight supply of energy, more proofs of magical concepts than actual spells). It was quite another to believe in actual bedtime story bogeymen terrorizing the night.

Thus, they had all agreed upon this nighttime session of vamp-watching. If what he had learned in those books from that mage was true then a few of the bodies buried three days ago were about to be unearthed - and the graverobbers would be digging out from inside.

Standing as they were in an active church, and thus holy ground, they ought to be perfectly safe. The telescope and binoculars ought to be enough to get a good view of the newly fanged tanless ones as they appeared. Too bad they didnÆt have enough sets for all three to use simultaneously, but there was more than one grave due to be opened if those books heÆd memorized were correct. They could take turns watching.

Then theyÆd have their proof, one way or another, and once more theyÆd get it from perfect safety.

ôOoh, I see something stirring in Grave Number One!ö Jesse crowed, peering through the telescope. Then all joy and excitement left him as he watched further.

Willow had snatched up the binoculars and, fiddling with them quickly, dialed in on what Jesse was seeing. Then she, too, grew very quiet, paling dramatically as she watched the scene unfold.

They watched, one by one, as those graves opened, as more vampires came swaggering out of mausoleums or sewer pipes, and they watched as those vamps ate a late night jogger.

Willow screamed. Jesse threw up, and Xander felt a cold chill of fear settle into his bones, as well as an iron core of resolve form in the pit of his stomach. None of them felt the least bit safe leaving the church that night.

Willows snacks went uneaten.