Akamatsuverse UQ Holder!: Negima 2


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RE: UQ Holder!

Antimatter said:
Well now, we knew it wasn't going to be that easy, now didn't we?

And yeah, someone else has a cassiopeia. Heck, they might have one of the originals, or the one Negi had so long ago.

And woo! Time traveler fights are awesome.
Go! Go! Baka UQ Rangers!


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RE: UQ Holder!

New chapter!

Sweet mother of God, Dat eva spread this week.

Also, plot advancement, you know.


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RE: UQ Holder!

I'm still not used to Zazie talking so clearly yet. It's weird.

Also, Kirie continues to be a great Tsundere, and the mini Setsuna and Konoka are just as adorable as ever.


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RE: UQ Holder!

Best murder Imo is back. So are the best (Clone) Konoe Imouto.

Good stuff. Man, that loli harem thing really isn't a far a stretch as it used to be.

Not sure I'm liking where it might be going but if it ends up with a Noble Sacrifice, I'm okay with it.


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RE: UQ Holder!

This is terrifying how much Setsuna and Konoka's granddaughters look like them... While the suposed Negi clone has only a vague ressemblance with Negi.


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RE: UQ Holder!

Why is Murder Imouto's name Cutlass? It like really bad, I bet she wants to kill Touta because he was the one who got the only good name in that facility that made them. Also does this mean that the Lifemaker was the one behind the project that made Touta? How does this work?

Finally, Kirie is the cutest, and now it's time to add two new members to the loli harem!


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RE: UQ Holder!

I think those girls were illusions made to manipulate Negi, I wouldn't put it beyond the Lifemaker to do something like that.


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RE: UQ Holder!


Poor Negi. Wouldn't be surprised that memories can be manipulated by the Lifemaker.


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RE: UQ Holder!

Whats interesting is the choice of girls here, with the, well, previous ending saying that neither won Negi in the end.


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RE: UQ Holder!

I am assuming that the scene is a memory that is being co-opted.

Or... something horrible happened to the bookstore girls.


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RE: UQ Holder!

hes only been in the lifemakers possesion for like 30 years right? Wouldn't the girls have been pretty old by then? Those look like they are in their 20's still.

I'm going phantom memories here or such. I assume we will no soon enough.


Well-Known Member
RE: UQ Holder!

Antimatter said:
hes only been in the lifemakers possesion for like 30 years right? Wouldn't the girls have been pretty old by then? Those look like they are in their 20's still.

I'm going phantom memories here or such. I assume we will no soon enough.
Could they have become like one of the Averruncus homunculus, but just with a new series or something?

Either way, I don't think Jack or Al are hallucinations. So...fuck, this is going to be interesting.

Also, Konoka-imouto just became best imouto. So helpful and nice to her big brother and everyone else!

She also propagates the future harem with her magic, but that's just a bonus!


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RE: UQ Holder!

Negi would be proud, everybody is using his most infamous spell. Really this chapter reminds me a lot of Negima, I bet the 3-A girls would have loved this event.


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RE: UQ Holder!

Note the spell was also used during the magical world race as well.

Seems the same tricks apply here.


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RE: UQ Holder!

Also, it's mildly disturbing how casual Kirie is about, well, committing suicide to train for this or that. God only knows how many times she's killed herself to date for this or that reason.

lord geryon

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RE: UQ Holder!

Well, when your death is a power unto itself, you kinda lose the fear of it that mortals have.


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RE: UQ Holder!

She mentions that dying still hurts though and yet, she seems to do it multiple times a day with ease.

Her worst nightmare must be torture or such, where she's in tremendous pain but isn't allowed to actually die. That or being petrified with no means of escape.


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RE: UQ Holder!

I think that Kriie's worst nightmare might be slow deaths- like the original ones by starving. She probably is used enough that she always carries around something to painlessly die- like her deathpills.
RE: UQ Holder!

So, having read the latest chapter, I have to say that Kirie is growing on me. I'm still mostly in the Eva/Yukihime camp, but she is damned adorable.


Well-Known Member
RE: UQ Holder!

In my case, I am totally in the Kirie camp, she really deserves to win because she is the cutest UQ Holder. If not her then Shinobu should win, Touta should totally make her a vampire somewhere down the line.