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"Oh," said the third-year girl, "I was thinking of that really romantic one where there's this very nice, sweet boy who makes a Floo call, only he mispronounces his destination and stumbles out into this room full of Dark Wizards who are performing a forbidden ritual that should've stayed forever lost to time, and they're sacrificing seven victims in order to unseal this ancient horror which is supposed to grant someone a wish if it's freed, so of course the boy's presence interrupts the ritual, and as the horror is eating all the Dark Wizards and everyone is dying the boy's last thought is that he wishes he could've had a girlfriend, and the next thing you know the boy is lying in the lap of this beautiful woman whose eyes are burning with a dreadful light, only she doesn't understand anything about being human so the boy always has to stop her eating people. This is just like that play, only you're the boy and Harry Potter is the girl!"
This snippet reminded me of a webcomic (it's basically a total rip of the comic's start modded for the HP-verse) that I KNOW I found through TFF. It's a hand-drawn work about a guy who ends up being responsible a Great Old One in the body of a young woman. Commence running from government and visitors whose true forms would destroy your mind.

I know someone here reads it. Someone tell me what the comic is so I stop trying to remember it so hard.