What shows didn't get the attention they deserved?


Well-Known Member
I am curious what cartoons people think deserved more attention than they got, and why. IÆll start us off.

Exo Squad

This is still one of my favorite shows. The series did not sugar coat war like the GI Joe Cartoon did. People suffered, were tortured, betrayed others, died or were slaughtered. Not even the heroic able squad made it out of that war without some losses. I also loved that the Neo Sapiens did have a legitimate gripe against humanity. Phaeton, who was a greater leader and monster than Cobra Commander could ever hope to be, just took that justified anger and twisted into something terribly ugly. Even so some Neo Sapiens like Marsala and later Thrax showed just how noble the Neo Sapiens could be.

I still hold this up as my all time favorite serious cartoon series.

Favorite Characters: Marsala & Alex DeLeon

Shadow Riders/War Planets

I was on the edge of my seat through most of this series. Mainly because at no point did the heroes survival seem assured. I mean you had great battles, some wonderful political intrigue and an enemy that was seemingly unbeatable. The beast planet just kept coming no matter what they tried. I am normally against planet killer weapons, but this show made me reconsider my stance.

Favorite Character: Graveheart

Beast Wars

Ah Megatron and his ôYeesss!ö. This show introduced me to Mainframe entertainment and showed me what they were capable of doing. Again, they didnÆt sugar coat the horrors of war, while still showing that beings were capable of doing good. They also presented us with some wonderfully malevolent and effective villains.

Favorite Characters: Dinobot & Rampage(Protoform X)

Favorite Line: Ramapage (To Megatron):öI eagerly anticipate your eminent demise!ö

Mighty Max

I have to give props, this show turned a fairly crappy toy line into an awesome action/adventure series. I loved how the character interacted with one another, and their adventures were very entertaining. ItÆs still a good series to watch while munching snacks and relaxing

Favorite Character: Norman
The Pirates of Dark Water

Ah high adventure on the high seas! This was a fun little series, I really wish theyÆd managed to finish. It was such a bright vibrant world with such an epic world spanning adventure. Good times, good times.

Favorite Character: Ren

For balance I now present Cartoons that should never have seen the light of day

Street Sharks

Good lord, what in the blue blazes were they thinking? Slapping a new creature type on the ninja turtles premises does not a good series make.


I still canÆt believe this show lasted as long as it did. This comedy cartoon has the dubious honor of being one of the few programs of its kind I never laughed at. Not one joke got a chuckle out of me.