White Wolf


Well-Known Member
A few of us, myself included, do.

You may wish to be a bit more specific as to which games though.
Ah right.

I'm interested in the "Werewolf" series, mainly for background information for my "Fox amongst Men" fic.

Things like, how they announce themselves when entering a new territory (I think they call it "The Howl"), and so on.


Well-Known Member
I'd played a few times, didn't really enjoy it that much. We were using different books for each character and I used the Immortal stuff someone threw togather online a while back.


Well-Known Member
And he would ask for the one that I haven't been able to find for some time.

IIRC, the wolves introduce themselves by a sort of coded howl, traditionally. Depending on circumstances, they may introduce themselves in other ways.

EDIT: Unless you mean the NWoD, in which case I have no clue what so ever. If I get any string, I'll hand you a bit.


Well-Known Member
David Alan Abramczyk said:
Ah right.

I'm interested in the "Werewolf" series, mainly for background information for my "Fox amongst Men" fic.

Things like, how they announce themselves when entering a new territory (I think they call it "The Howl"), and so on.
Usually they give a howl including such information as their name, pack, tribe, auspice, breed (not in nWOD obviously), rank and any particularly renowned deeds - the sort of thing that the locals will want to know when they decide if they should run the newcomer off.

Usually one or more locals will howl back a response, ranging from 'piss off' to pimping out their kinfolk. Shortly after, the local leaders or someone they send will check out the new arrival, make sure that they are what they purport to be (a number of Gifts allow this). This will also be when any ground rules are laid down such as local spirit bans. Someone will also try tracing their history to an extent.

If the new arrival checks out then there will likely be a mandatory invitation to the next local Moot so that everyone can meet him and figure out where he fits in the pecking order. Expect to be pushed around a bit and to get points for pushing back.
While on the topic of Werewolf, any idea where to get scans or originals over the net? We played it over at a friends a few times and the ideas got me curious, sadly I never got around to beg myself a copy before I moved away and it's hard as hell to get an original here since they don't get printed.

Edit: All selfishness aside, were you going to implement eastern or western shapeshifters? I seem to remember werefoxes ...

2nd Edit: Okay, I really should look for the story first. Nevermind the question.
Well, as you may have seen, I changed me mind, and decided to go with Eastern Spirituality. This could be my strangest fic yet...