Worst movie(s) you've ever seen?

I propose that we find these movie-ruining bastards, and unleash ironic justice on them.


Michael Bay- Take him to Pearl Harbour, and shove the sunken remains of U.S.S. ARIZONA up his arse


Well-Known Member
If you think what you have seen is bad.

Behold the one and only 1994 Fantastic Four. Yes, over a decade ago, there was a film unleashed that was horrible they did not even make it direct into Video.

The Wiki has much to say about this monstrosity.

If you thought the 2000 movies were BAD? Take a look at the trailer for 1994 version. What is seen can not be unseen.

Mind you, I have not been exposed to the full insanity inducing film, for which I'm glad. But the trailer should be bad enough to say everything needed.


Well-Known Member
worstest movie ever.... Koyaanisqatsi

at least an hour and half of random images with a soundtrack that wants to put you asleep

worst part, i had to stay up for the entire thing and "analyze" the film :spank:


Well-Known Member
I actually liked Spirits within, I saw it on tv without knowing that it was made by SquareEnix(soft, you pick.) as I just opened the tv and saw an animated movie. :huh.:

It thought it was fairly interesting.


Well-Known Member
Nikas_Zekeval said:
blue7zone said:
The Bumblebee thing though I just do not get. I'm guessing that's just a nod to the legions of twenty and thirty somethings that grew up with the outdated Hot Rod, and Bumblebee of the original franchise. It's what I grew up with, and was familiar, so it didn't bother me.
Actually the Bumblebee change was due to legal issues.

Volkswagen didn't want their product associated with a 'war' movie. They refused permission to use their product for Bumblebee's vehicle mode.
Isn't that a bit ironic?

My biggest issue with the transformers movie was, simply, the utter LACK of the theme song. :no:

Another movie I hated was Being John Malkovich, though that might have had more to do with the fact that I was eleven when I saw it... but still. Stigmatised.


Well-Known Member
kaiseryuu said:
I actually liked Spirits within,á I saw it on tv without knowing that it was made by SquareEnix(soft, you pick.) as I just opened the tv and saw an animated movie. :huh.:

It thought it was fairly interesting.
I had no problem with it aside from the fact that it simply didn't feel like it had any connection to any Final Fantasy. (barring Cid, the chocobo logo seen ONCE on the side of a ship as it moved by and the lifestream-esque energy)

A spiritual sci fi movie? Fine by me. But don't call it Final Fantasy anything. That just reeked of "cheap spinoff meant to earn us more money"


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm necroing this shit. A day or two ago I saw a movie, that just shouldn't exist. I mean, there's just no reason for it to possibly be a real movie. But it was. I can't believe it's not on this list. I actually went through the movie talk just for a thread like this. You guys ready? I don't think you are. I thought my Body was ready for this, and I was wrong. So goddamn wrong.

Tommy Wiseau's The Room

I... I never thought I could see a movie this bad. It's not even lovably bad.

<a href='http://www.heyuguys.co.uk/images/2010/07/Tommy-Wiseau.jpg' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://www.heyuguys.co.uk/images/2010/07/Tommy-Wiseau.jpg</a>



Well-Known Member
"Wing Commander" and "Timeline".

Let me put it this way; once I have actually paid my own money to see a movie, I am too cheap to waste it. I have sat through the entirety of Jean-Claude Van-Damme's "Cyborg" in theater simply because I'd bought the ticket, and I was too stubborn to leave. Before 'Wing Commander', only one movie had ever driven me from a theater before the end credits... the infamous 'Highlander 2'. And even then, I'd lasted nearly an hour and a half.

But both of the above movies? Had me up and running out the exit within the first thirty minutes. Dear God, the horribleness... the characters were completely unlikeable retards, living in retard land, who did things that made no sense simply because the script required it. 'Partially Kissed Hero' had more plot verisimilitude... the horror, the horror...
SleepyNin said:
Yeah, I'm necroing this shit. A day or two ago I saw a movie, that just shouldn't exist. I mean, there's just no reason for it to possibly be a real movie. But it was. I can't believe it's not on this list. I actually went through the movie talk just for a thread like this. You guys ready? I don't think you are. I thought my Body was ready for this, and I was wrong. So goddamn wrong.

Tommy Wiseau's The Room

I... I never thought I could see a movie this bad. It's not even lovably bad.

<a href='http://www.heyuguys.co.uk/images/2010/07/Tommy-Wiseau.jpg' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://www.heyuguys.co.uk/images/2010/07/Tommy-Wiseau.jpg</a>

Why, Lisa, WHY!

That film is fucking awesome... but in the way that watching it makes you reassured that you could be a better actor/writer/director/human than Tommy Wiseau, even without literacy or arms. Seriously, this shit is embarrassingly funny.


Well-Known Member
I see your films and raise you King of Fighters the Movie and Tekken Live-Action Double feature.

Somewhere, the Angels are weeping.


Well-Known Member
FF: Spirits Within was a decent movie, but it was not a Final Fantasy.

FF: Advent Children was definitely a Final Fantasy story, but it was not by any stretch of the imagination a good movie. The plot was incoherent, the acting was flat, and it seemed like half the cast was only there because the director had a checklist of people who had to have cameos.

The problem with Transformers was that it wasn't about Transformers. It was about a loser named Sam Witwicky who somehow manages to pick up a girl through his interactions with the Transformers, despite the fact that the only useful thing he does in the entire flick was sucker punch the Big Bad with a Macguffin. The movie would have been infinitely better had it been about the Transformers and the military units fighting the Decepticons and left Sam out of the story completely.

As a Wing Commander (game) fan, I enjoyed the movie - at least when compared to Starship Troopers. Now that was a terrible movie.

I once came up with a list of four simple things that would have improved SW Episode II immensely. Then I realized that implementing them would involve throwing out 3/4s of the movie. (1: Recast Anakin Skywalker. 2: Rewrite the love story or eliminate it completely. 3: Leave Boba Fett's origin story as it had been written in the EU for over a decade. 4: Have the clones be the ones doing the attacking).

Muppet Wizard of Oz was so bad I repacked it for return to Netflix before the tornado even showed up.


Well-Known Member
bissek said:
As a Wing Commander (game) fan, I enjoyed the movie - at least when compared to Starship Troopers. Now that was a terrible movie.
Dude. You are so wrong. You just don't even know. You cannot comprehend how wrong you are when you say Starship Troopers was a horrible movie. Holyfuck man, how high do you even have to be?


Well-Known Member
A war movie with continuously boneheaded tactics (Honestly, Navy, either contribute to the battle, or get out of range of the anti-spacecraft fire. Don't sit there and get shot at), heroes whose actions have negligible impact on the war while the real heroics are done by a bit character off camera, what's there to love?


Well-Known Member
bissek said:
A war movie with continuously boneheaded tactics (Honestly, Navy, either contribute to the battle, or get out of range of the anti-spacecraft fire. Don't sit there and get shot at), heroes whose actions have negligible impact on the war while the real heroics are done by a bit character off camera, what's there to love?
What's there to love about that? How about everything. Maybe it's just me seeing the movie as a bit tongue in cheek? Either way I think it's fantastic that it's not what you would expect from the movie.


Well-Known Member
BF110C4 said:
Got to see the movie of Piranha 3D, now that is a really bad movie, the entire first part of the movie was just a show of naked bimbos and drunk Spring Breakers, and the rest was badly done gore, ideal to attract horny and stupid teens and nothing else.
> complaining about a B Horror/Monster movie, about BEING a B Horror/Monster Movie


Well-Known Member
Mars Attacks is probably the worst movie I've ever seen.. I know its supposed to be a comedy.. But still, it was just plain BAD


Well-Known Member
crazyfoxdemon said:
Mars Attacks is probably the worst movie I've ever seen.. I know its supposed to be a comedy.. But still, it was just plain BAD
Hahaha, I remember when I saw that. Oh wow, that's been years ago.

It was pretty stupid, I think there was a large number of idiot balls going around, but it's been awhile since I watched it, so I can't quite remember.


Well-Known Member
bissek said:
A war movie with continuously boneheaded tactics (Honestly, Navy, either contribute to the battle, or get out of range of the anti-spacecraft fire. Don't sit there and get shot at), heroes whose actions have negligible impact on the war while the real heroics are done by a bit character off camera, what's there to love?
Not to mention that the director admitted to never reading the book, to hating the book (despite never having read it), and had the moral of his movie's story be almost exactly 180 degrees off from what the book was saying...

Also, 'Starship Troopers' is the sci-fi novel that effectively invented the powered armor genre(*), and there's no bloody powered armor in the film.

(*) Although there was a brief earlier appearance of the concept in E.E. "Doc" Smith's 'Galactic Patrol'.


Well-Known Member
Chuckg said:
bissek said:
A war movie with continuously boneheaded tactics (Honestly, Navy, either contribute to the battle, or get out of range of the anti-spacecraft fire. Don't sit there and get shot at), heroes whose actions have negligible impact on the war while the real heroics are done by a bit character off camera, what's there to love?
Not to mention that the director admitted to never reading the book, to hating the book (despite never having read it), and had the moral of his movie's story be almost exactly 180 degrees off from what the book was saying...

Also, 'Starship Troopers' is the sci-fi novel that effectively invented the powered armor genre(*), and there's no bloody powered armor in the film.

(*) Although there was a brief earlier appearance of the concept in E.E. "Doc" Smith's 'Galactic Patrol'.
To be fair.. Power armor appeared in the third Starship Troopers movie..

Bill Felix

Well-Known Member
I thought the movie Starship Troopers is a satire of fascism. I liked the movie for what it was. The crime is less great when the overall concept and tone of the original are adapted and changed by a director to make a decent movie vs. steadfast loyalty to source material that produces a terrible film.

Or as the less rational part of me would say: Paul Verhoeven made Total Recall and RoboCop! Don't disrespect Verhoeven, bitch!

Oh and I'd put up 3000 Miles to Graceland. Fuck that movie.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go with Mars Attacks..

When I was a little kid, that movie gave me nightmares. And when I was an adult, that movie just made me groan with how bad it was...

So yeah.. Worst movie I've seen..

Bill Felix

Well-Known Member
NanuNanu14 said:
Anything with Ben Affleck, excepting Good Will Hunting and Armageddon.

EDIT: And also excepting Dogma. That was the shit.
Changing Lanes was pretty good, from what I remember.
American godzilla movie dear lord that POS also the wanking to the army and airforce i hated that beyond everything.

still there is hope <a href='http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8d/Godzilla_2012_design.jpg' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8...2012_design.jpg</a> a 2012 godzilla movie that might redeem america that pic looks awesome