Yet Another Fiendish Idea Thread

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
You know, if I actually cared about you lot, I'd just stick with the ideas I currently have and not have any new ideas.

This next idea can be best summed up with the term "Captain Jean-Luc /b/-tard" :p

The basic gist is Q changes Picard and Data so that they are /b/-tards.

Yes, it is a follow up to T'internet Tourette's Syndrome.

What are you going to do about it?

Also, in b4



Well-Known Member
Oh god....

I feel like that ascii of Picard right now.

I can see Data, in his room...staring at spot "Spot, I do believe that 'A cat is fine too' as they say on the internet." and spot is thinking 'God damn you Q, god damn you and everyone in the Q continuom(sp?)'

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
A few random lines when trolling GH brought forth this idea:


"These are the breasts I'm looking for."

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
New idea.

I've been on a bit of an Iron Man binge lately.

The SGC has a great deal of alien technology to research.

So much so that sometimes, it's not tracked properly.

NID have found some of it and they've asked a contractor to look at some of the more interesting bits.

This contractor?

Tony Stark.

Unfortunately, I don't have any more details right now, but I'm sure that more will come to me during the week.