You are Superboy Prime

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Y'know the end of Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds, where Superboy Prime wakes up on the recreated Earth Prime? Well, instead of waking up with his own mind, he wakes up with yours (which could be very disturbing, if you're female). You have your own memories and personality, along with his, but are somewhat emotionally disconnected from his memories.

So, what do you do?

Note that you will likely be attacked by the Black Lanterns, eventually, as they won't realise or care that you're someone else. If you fight intelligently, you might be able to find a way to win, without using his rather insane tactic.


Well-Known Member
So do I have his powers too, or just his mind?


Well-Known Member
Haven't read the comics myself, but I'd be trying to rebuild the solar armor, and check to see if the comics they've been reading tells of the mind switch, if it does, I'll have a much easier time convincing people I'm not about to go bat @&%# crazy on them.

As to fighting the black lanterns, I don't know much but my first tactic would be get in as close as I can and give them the risk of friendly fire. Incap them whether by taking their heads off since their dead or wrestling holds if I can, and smash their rings one by one.


Well-Known Member
Now the first thing I will do is marry someone to a gorilla then I will steal the pope's hat and then go from there.


Well-Known Member
I do my best to get one of every ring so I can be FABULOUS. :p
I die horribly as my powers are nowhere near what they used to be and my sturdy psyche prevents me from offing the Black Lanterns with my emotional instability.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Vog said:
So do I have his powers too, or just his mind?
You get the powers, but they're at a low level when you arrive (as they were in canon), and unless you do something different, they take just as long to recover as per canon. On the bright side, BL Luthor is still going to give you the solar armour, if you don't already have it, which empowers you quite a bit.

There are sun lamps that closely enough imitate the frequency spread of sunlight to empower you a little, but local power sources don't really allow the same effect as the solar armour. Its better than nothing, though. Mirrors and lenses could help, as well, and might be more efficient, as long as you're willing to stay in one place, and accept that they don't help much on cloudy days.

@GhostElder: Yes, it does tell them you're not the same guy, which they've got mixed feelings about. On one hand, you're not the psycho Clark was, but on the other, they don't know you, and they still loved Clark, even though they were terrified of him.


Well-Known Member
How unpowered was he? If I can fly at any decent speed, I go spend some time in the sun. If not, I do so as soon as I absorb enough solar power to make the trip.


Well-Known Member
Sleep in sun for a few thousand years.

Turn into gold.


SEG-CISR said:
Sleep in sun for a few thousand years.

Turn into gold.


You forgot

Black Lanterns Awaken

They kill everyone in the universe


Enjoy being the God of Nothing


Well-Known Member
Well, charge up powers and maybe get the armor, depending on the time until BL arrival, would be the very first and obivious step. Next, I'd power up some more by figuring out how to dimension hop to aquire items of power and the like. Super bonus points if I could interact with the writers through bribes/threats to gain useful, non-DC Comics items; chief on my list would be a Solar Exaltation from Exalted and/or a Planeswalker spark from MtG. Anyone want to imagine the Power of an Exalted Kryptonion whose soul can produce limitless magical, yellow sunlight? :cumdrool: :evil2:

But the real prize would be traveling to the point where I could get Dilustel Armor like that of Capt Atom. Follow that with FTL timetravel to lvl up and train with my new sparkly shit.

If the whole power up thing dosen't work or the BLs arrive right then, I'd do the old stand by of using near or faster than lightspeed to first remove the heads/black rings followed by moving bodies into the sun to prevent them from reforming. Keep up this tactic as long as needed or at least as long as it works.

Any other plans and ideas are secondary to taking out the immediate threat of the BLs and shoring up what few weaknesses I have.


Well-Known Member
Edit: Ah, sorry, misunderstood. Thought I'd been dumped into the regular DCU. Doh!

*deletes post*