You Know That One Show?


Well-Known Member
Okay, basically making this thread for those of us who remember a show, but can't remember the name or find reference and wish to seek the wisdom of our fellow TFF members.

I'm trying to remember this one show, it was part life action and part CGI from the 90's (At least that's when I saw it early Saturday morning on FOX). It featured a group a three teenagers who helped out in a junkyard and somehow (can't remember how) gained the ability to get in the junked cars, one was a VW van IIRC, turn their index fingers into keys and merge with the vehicles into a sort of transformer looking things.

Their villains were, and I know this sounds stupid, Vampire Cars, transformer-looking things that sucked the gas out of cars, which then became more car vampires.

If you know what I'm talking about, or need help remembering a show of your own, post, dudes.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Thank you, my good sir.
