Zombie world event


Well-Known Member
It looks like Blizz has made another world event to herald the release of an expansion, much like the one at the Dark Portal last time.

The story behind it is pretty simple: the Scourge launched a rather subtle attack by shipping infected grain to Booty Bay. These boxes of grain will infect you with the Scourge's taint, turning you into a zombie after 10 minutes if not cleansed. As a zombie, you have a couple of different abilities, and you can infect other players.

So, go forth my zombified brethren! Feast on the succulent brains of the Horde and Alliance! For the Scourge!


Well-Known Member
Rather subtle indeed... and rather odd of Arthas... he spent pretty much the entire first half of the Alliance WC3 campaign burning infected grain... why would he now do the same thing that the world caught onto however many years previous? I thought he was smarter than that.... or at least, that the Lich King was.


Well-Known Member
It's so obvious that everybody thinks it's beneath him. So he reverse psychology'ed us into zombiehood!


Searching for the six-fingered man.
There must have been dozens of tries to overwhelm Org, but some idiot healers decided that WoW had turned into a bad Resident Evil movie and exterminated our infections with extreme predjudice.

I'd like to get the whole guild together and try for a SW or SMC zombie raid. That would be fun! =D


Well-Known Member
turned into a bad Resident Evil movie
...there's a good Resident Evil movie? :p

Too bad you can't do a zombie run of Durnholde and infect Thrall in the past, thus ensuring all future generations of orcs are zombies.


Well-Known Member
I'm finding this especially annoying, actually.

I'm trying to at least get to level 30, so that naturally means lots of questing.

Except, I can't turn in quests because zombie griefpacks are camping all but the major cities, ensuring that none of the quest-givers (or innkeepers and flightmasters, for that matter) are around when I need them.

Not a good time to be a lowbie.


Well-Known Member
toraneko said:
I'm finding this especially annoying, actually.

I'm trying to at least get to level 30, so that naturally means lots of questing.

Except, I can't turn in quests because zombie griefpacks are camping all but the major cities, ensuring that none of the quest-givers (or innkeepers and flightmasters, for that matter) are around when I need them.

Not a good time to be a lowbie.
True. Fortunately, it's not going to be around very long, and the novelty of griefing lowbies will eventually wear off as it always does.


Well-Known Member
Aye. I think it's great fun to do it in the areas where enough 70s can easily come wtfpwn the npc zombies, and where the players actually have to be wary of the Argent Healers... but for a 70 plate-wearer to fly somewhere like Freewind Post (which is freaking tiny and has three ways of leaving without dying from fall damage, none of them easy to get to with shit-tons of zombies there) and, once zombified, start infecting and killing even the (lv 65) guards (spawning lv 40 zombies), then siccing them on lowbies who're just trying to turn in quests or get to the flight master... something's wrong with those people.


Well-Known Member
toraneko said:
I'm finding this especially annoying, actually.

I'm trying to at least get to level 30, so that naturally means lots of questing.

Except, I can't turn in quests because zombie griefpacks are camping all but the major cities, ensuring that none of the quest-givers (or innkeepers and flightmasters, for that matter) are around when I need them.

Not a good time to be a lowbie.
I know how you feel. I started up a new alt character earlier today, and I'd been zombiefied while the damn opening cinematic was playing. :angry: And then there were the repeated deaths caused by the bastards. I should have expected it though, as Aman' Thul is a PvE server, thus any excuse to get a bit of free PvPing without too many drawbacks should be an obvious draw.


Well-Known Member
Dubrichius said:
toraneko said:
I'm finding this especially annoying, actually.

I'm trying to at least get to level 30, so that naturally means lots of questing.

Except, I can't turn in quests because zombie griefpacks are camping all but the major cities, ensuring that none of the quest-givers (or innkeepers and flightmasters, for that matter) are around when I need them.

Not a good time to be a lowbie.
I know how you feel. I started up a new alt character earlier today, and I'd been zombiefied while the damn opening cinematic was playing. :angry: And then there were the repeated deaths caused by the bastards. I should have expected it though, as Aman' Thul is a PvE server, thus any excuse to get a bit of free PvPing without too many drawbacks should be an obvious draw.
I'm on a non Pvp server but still, the people there infect and kill me all of the time. I'm forced to play my lvl 64 hunter at the meoment in the Outlands since that's the only place I can play in peace. I hate the damn event.


Well-Known Member
Dumbledork said:
Dubrichius said:
toraneko said:
I'm finding this especially annoying, actually.

I'm trying to at least get to level 30, so that naturally means lots of questing.

Except, I can't turn in quests because zombie griefpacks are camping all but the major cities, ensuring that none of the quest-givers (or innkeepers and flightmasters, for that matter) are around when I need them.

Not a good time to be a lowbie.
I know how you feel. I started up a new alt character earlier today, and I'd been zombiefied while the damn opening cinematic was playing. :angry: And then there were the repeated deaths caused by the bastards. I should have expected it though, as Aman' Thul is a PvE server, thus any excuse to get a bit of free PvPing without too many drawbacks should be an obvious draw.
I'm on a non Pvp server but still, the people there infect and kill me all of the time. I'm forced to play my lvl 64 hunter at the meoment in the Outlands since that's the only place I can play in peace. I hate the damn event.
Yes, it most certainly is. It seems like there's an almost limitless number of level 70 arsewipes who think it's amusing to camp near all of the starting locations and major cities of each race, infecting and killing every NPC and low leveled player they can. I have to say that Blizzard really dropped the hand grenade with this world event; here's hoping it'll all be over soon.


Well-Known Member
Ahh in case no one notice the Event has gone to its somewhat final phase, 2min infect timer and a new boss on Kara, plus epic drops from necropolis rare spawns


Well-Known Member
It's now a single minute. You're pretty much screwed now if you're not playing a 70, and even as a 70, your chances are pretty bad, especially if you're a melee class.

I actually enjoyed this event at first, but it's gotten ridiculous and annoying. I wanted to use my weekend to level my alts, and I couldn't do that without getting massacred within 10 minutes by a level ?? zombie. That just sucks.

The plus side is that I hear this event is supposed to either end tomorrow, or at least start moving in the other direction, and there's a bit of game proof towards that end with the addition of a quest where a potential cure has been found. Also puts you at neutral with a new WotLK faction.

Oh well, I managed to farm the herbs I wanted on my 70 to get inscription, and now have inscription levelled, so it wasn't a total waste of a weekend, but the fact that I had to specifically not do what I actually -wanted- with my weekend sucks balls.

I also enjoyed killing a couple of zombie players and insulting them right back if they bitched at me for ruining their fun. Some of these fucktards are attacking lowbies, and I'm ruining their fun. Yeah, that's the idea, shitheads. :lonegunman:


Well-Known Member

You may dislike the event, because you're trying to level up/farm herbs/whatever.

You aren't taking into consideration that, unless you are on a brand new realm that isn't open for transfers, the vast majority of your realm are 70s.

70s who have been leveling, grinding, instancing, and raiding for god knows how long.

This event is amazing, simply because its so different. It gives you something fresh and new to do, that has never been done before in game. Hell, this is probably a first for any MMO.

So revel in it now. You can quest and grind and farm any time... but only for a 2-3 week period can you interact with storyline events and become a goddamn zombie and eat peoples brains. Bitching about it because it interferes with your normal gaming just means you aren't paying attention to how fun it is, and how crazily different it is. After you get 2 70s and a fuckton of alts, something like this is a blessing.


Well-Known Member
I'm mostly annoyed that there's so much lag that I'm completely unable to log onto any of my characters in Orgrimmar, meaning my main and half my alts. World events are great and all, but maybe Blizz could work on server stability first, y'know?


Well-Known Member
Ike said:

You may dislike the event, because you're trying to level up/farm herbs/whatever.

You aren't taking into consideration that, unless you are on a brand new realm that isn't open for transfers, the vast majority of your realm are 70s.

70s who have been leveling, grinding, instancing, and raiding for god knows how long.

This event is amazing, simply because its so different. It gives you something fresh and new to do, that has never been done before in game. Hell, this is probably a first for any MMO.

So revel in it now. You can quest and grind and farm any time... but only for a 2-3 week period can you interact with storyline events and become a goddamn zombie and eat peoples brains. Bitching about it because it interferes with your normal gaming just means you aren't paying attention to how fun it is, and how crazily different it is. After you get 2 70s and a fuckton of alts, something like this is a blessing.
I guess that once your characters hit lvl 70 the whole game will get boring (I'm 65 now so I'll reach that mark soon). After all, what's left to do after you've finished the quests?


Well-Known Member
Dumbledork said:
Ike said:

You may dislike the event, because you're trying to level up/farm herbs/whatever.

You aren't taking into consideration that, unless you are on a brand new realm that isn't open for transfers, the vast majority of your realm are 70s.

70s who have been leveling, grinding, instancing, and raiding for god knows how long.

This event is amazing, simply because its so different.? It gives you something fresh and new to do, that has never been done before in game.? Hell, this is probably a first for any MMO.?

So revel in it now.? You can quest and grind and farm any time... but only for a 2-3 week period can you interact with storyline events and become a goddamn zombie and eat peoples brains.? Bitching about it because it interferes with your normal gaming just means you aren't paying attention to how fun it is, and how crazily different it is.? After you get 2 70s and a fuckton of alts, something like this is a blessing.
I guess that once your characters hit lvl 70 the whole game will get boring (I'm 65 now so I'll reach that mark soon). After all, what's left to do after you've finished the quests?
Theres lots of stuff. Arena and Raiding are the top two choices.

However... You really can't do either right now. Arena because classes are balanced around lvl 80, and because season 4 ended. Raiding because too many people took time off to wait for the xpac after 3.0 came out.

Its just a good time for a break, so people are fresh and ready for the xpac.

That isn't to say there isn't stuff to do... I pugged 7/9 of BT yesterday, for example.

BUT... The zombie event gives you a reason to log on. Its such a unique occurrence, that is so freaking fun, that it shakes up the day and gives you something new to do.

The second the plague rats became available back in booty bay in phase 1, me and a bunch of friends went and took over the Xroads, zombifying everyone. We then worked our way over to Thralls room, and had fun xploding everyone in there, infecting them all.

This was back when teh timer was at 10 minutes.

I was part of a raid that was attempting for a good 3 or 4 hours to down Sylvanas. We had around 40 zombies PC zombies, and around 20 NPC zombies, but too many horde played came down and owned us.

This was when the timer was at 5 minutes.

When the timer hit 2 minutes, being a zombie in a capital city became even more fun, because it became that much harder to avoid you. Just about 3-4 attacks ensured the guy you're attacking became a zombie, and then usually they'd just say 'fuck it', and start eating brains with you. Shattrath's east side, by the flight master, is just a huge pile of zombie bodies, as is Org out in front of the bank. If only Saurfang was there to defend it...

And now the timer is at 1 minute.

So stop grinding your levels or farming your herbs for the moment, take a look around, and have some fucking fun with it. Its worth it, and you should enjoy the change while it lasts.


Well-Known Member
I -did- enjoy it for a while. Like I said, I liked it at -first-.

But the reduction in infection time just makes it less fun since you can only play on the zombie side, not the "fight the zombies" side, and I got bored of the zombie side by the second day.

Not only that, but for me, 'fresh and new' is also rolling up these alts for classes I -haven't- played and playing them. I can't do that right now because NPCs die so fast either from attacks or just infections, that just approaching an NPC is a death sentence after a player leaves.

It's either be a zombie...or be a zombie.

Being a zombie -is- fun. However, when it's your only option on how to game in a game you're -paying- to play and then not being allowed to play what you're (here's some emphasis on the word)PAYING for? Not so much.

The whole point of an MMO's appeal is the sheer options you have to play with. When you're limited to just one set of actions, and you can't do -anything- about it but are still having to pay for something you DO NOT WANT, that seriously puts a damper on fun.

Besides, I personally love killing zombies way more than actually being a zombie...somewhat, anyhow.

My idea of fun was be to taking down a bunch of them down with me before I'm turned, and joining in on the fun then. Hell, I'm not even on an RP server, but I was totally hamming it up. "Have at thee, scourge scum! Holy Shock! Holy Wrath! Aaaah! You bit me! Scum! Exorcism! Die! Die! Di...b-b-braaaaaaiiins...."

On the first day, I could even do that sort of thing with (some of) my lower level alts. On the second day and a bit of the third, could still do it with my main. By the fourth, even my level 70 pally gets taken down really fast simply because he can only take down -one- zombie (well, when there's a bunch of them, when it's just a single one of them, it's easy enough to make it scream) before he turns from the infection since he couldn't even cleanse himself in time.

Basically, I do love the whole zombie invasion idea, just not how it was implemented. At this point, I want it over because I find it annoying to try and do anything -but- be a zombie, and the zombie thing is just getting -old-.

Notably, as I said, the tide might be changing, given the latest available quest regarding a possible cure for the infection. If we can start fighting back again, I may very well stop finding it so annoying.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that was my beef with it. Yesterday when the infection was at 2 minutes I could fight of the zombie attacking me and then cast cure disease on myself, which was rather fun. However the infection happens so fast today that I cant even cast it properly and survive.

I think if there was a chance to fight of the zombies it would be rather fun...


Well-Known Member
My favorite part is that no one ever figures out that they could infect alliance bases and towns, why bother each other when we could just annoy the opposite faction for more fun.

At 10 min we had a raid of stormwind, and when u die infected you beocme a zombie so we had double the chance for the achievement and we infected nearly the entire town.


Well-Known Member
Meh. The character I play the most is a 70 (duh) so I'm not too annoyed by it. That being said, it's still annoying when, I want to go BG, I get zombiefied instead. <_< The one minute timer doesn't help either.

And yes, I have alts that I am currently leveling up (Ret Pallies kick so much ass! Too bad that they will be nerfed come Tuesday. Even though given how damn powerful they are, they probably should be nerfed. :p) so to them it is a bit more annoying. However, since I haven't played them as much (and they spend their time away from the main cities and areas that are zombie happy), they are not as problematic when I play them.


Well-Known Member
As someone who only plays once in a blue moon, it's frustrating to have to hide on a rock so zombies don't kill me when I want to play. At least I can fish.


Well-Known Member

Even if I was finding it annoying lately, the whole "bam, plague is cured" was just so... anticlimatic.

I was expecting something more out of it where we started with vaccinations making disease harder to inflict or some such. Where, you know, we could fight back against zombies again, and go from there. Oh well, anticlimatic ending aside, just glad I can do stuff again.


Well-Known Member
There's one sentence that comes to mind when I think about this event: "Stay away from the zombie, mon!" :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ike said:

You may dislike the event, because you're trying to level up/farm herbs/whatever.

You aren't taking into consideration that, unless you are on a brand new realm that isn't open for transfers, the vast majority of your realm are 70s.

70s who have been leveling, grinding, instancing, and raiding for god knows how long.

This event is amazing, simply because its so different.? It gives you something fresh and new to do, that has never been done before in game.? Hell, this is probably a first for any MMO.?

So revel in it now.? You can quest and grind and farm any time... but only for a 2-3 week period can you interact with storyline events and become a goddamn zombie and eat peoples brains.? Bitching about it because it interferes with your normal gaming just means you aren't paying attention to how fun it is, and how crazily different it is.? After you get 2 70s and a fuckton of alts, something like this is a blessing.
Actually, something like this happened a few years ago, though it was a bug rather than something Blizz did deliberately. Here's the wiki entry Corrupted Blood incident. Sounds like they decided to try something like that deliberately this time.

I probably would have enjoyed it, but since I'm not currently playing... :p