2009 : Legend of Zelda


Well-Known Member
Rather old news, actually.

That's the April Fool's Zelda trailer that IGN had up this year for April Fool's. It's very, very, very well done, but an April Fool's joke, nonetheless.



Well-Known Member
I hate Link's face.

It doesn't exude stoicism and badass-ness.

Tunic looked awesome-I need those gauntlets.

I doubt it's real,but I'd see it should I be wrong.CG looked so awesome-makes up for Ganon.

I'm guessing that whited haired warrior was Impa then,s'alright.

Malon and Zelda weren't sexy enough IMO.

Biggest issue is they don't have kid link-wtf?

Gonna be hard to fit so many dungeons in a what two hour movie?

I want to see some Gorons and Zoras.

Stupid Actor Face. :no:


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that actualy apreciates the idea of Link looking like the grubby Peasant he is in the assumed movie setup? :sweat:

Anyway, It's been officialy stated that its an april fools joke, though it's my sincere hope that on april first next year it shows up in theaters and all the execs laugh and give a variation on "Jokes on you" to us fans.
Oh yes, I remember this. But wasn't the last one different? I could've sworn it was different than this.

One of the comments said they decided to actually go and do it (though I'm taking that with a grain of salt) because of the response.

If they made a good LoZ movie, it would make them massive amounts of money. If they made an LoZ move that was absolutely horrible, it would also make massive amounts of money, because we'd all go see it regardless. Don't deny it: you know you would.


Well-Known Member
Scygnus Darkhawk said:
If they made a good LoZ movie, it would make them massive amounts of money. If they made an LoZ move that was absolutely horrible, it would also make massive amounts of money, because we'd all go see it regardless. Don't deny it: you know you would.

That said, there is a trailer for another LoZ movie, a fan made movie no less, also floating around the interwebs.

it looks to have much lower production values, and the link in it looks far worse than the one is the "Oficial" april fools trailer, but at least the creators have said that they're still working on it.

Even if they have no idea how long it will take...