Harry Potter A Hellish Imprint

*tsk* Voldemort forgot about Keith. If the world ended, there would be 5 cockroaches, Severus Snape and Keith Richards. And Keith would go "I smoked your uncle, did ya know that?"


Well-Known Member
Voldemort stood there before the throng of gathered followers.

"My friends," he said, "Do you see what has happened?"

A pause as silence swept through those present.

"Do you remember the tales of what those of us worthy to wield the gift of magic could do?"

His eyes swept through them before he turned away.

"Those who tore islands from the sea," a pause, "Part the waters, call down fire from the skies themselves?"

A breath, his tone growing almost angry.

"Of course you have," with those words he spun, "And they are not just tales, the histories and records tell them as fact."

He turned to glance at Fenrir, "Do you know why such power is no longer ours?"

A pause once more before brought a clenched fist down upon a palm.

"The weak and the cowardly to afraid of our power to understand it," he yelled, "They choose not to let us grow, to manifest the power that is our birthright and limit us to mere parlor tricks."

Another pause, "Even the Three are pathetic pieces of magic, barely worthy of those of us who wield the power of magic."

Tom sighed, "Look at the power that even one such as Potter has gained by ignoring those rules and he is but a child, imagine what we could be?"

The Death Eaters were thinking now, his words reaching them.

"It is not the bounds of these laws that we want," he declared, "What we need is to shatter them, to face chaos and grow."

A moments hesitation in their expressions slowed him.

"Advancement needs two things, chaos and order," he stated, "Order brings peace and stability, but to much and we face what had corrupted us."

A sigh of his own.

"Our magic has stagnated as we allowed the corrupt to steal our power and take our birthrights," a pause, "And do you wish to know the cure, my friends?"

A few nods from the crowd bid him to continue.

"We need chaos, in adversity we grow and let our powers flourish."

Momentarily, a look of almost macabre sadness crossed his features.

"Harry Potter showed me that in the graveyard," he yelled, "And do you know what we must do to embrace it?"

Dead silence was the response, all of them waiting for his next words.

"My friends, his actions showed me that we need to fight," a declaration that echoed through the assembled, "To bring those pitiful fools to war, a war that will help us reach our true power."

A breath brought another pause.

"My friends, with that in mind it occurs to me that I love the idea of the war that we must bring."

"I love the thought of aurors brought low by endless waves of curses that break even the strongest of shields."

"I love watching a those of our number charge even into certain death for what we believe in."

"I love watching the muggles scream and flee as neither side gives them quarter upon the field of bloody battle."

"I love the duels upon endless duels that prove our creed."

"I love the image of London burning with thousands laid low as a testament of our power and willingness."

"My friends, I even love the prospect of facing my nemesis in combat once more because either way it shows who can be stronger between us."

"Only through war can we become that which destiny proclaims we must be."

"So, my friends," he declared, "Who will stand with me as I take the opening steps of bringing our world into a true war for the first time in its history?"

The screaming cheers and chanting of the word over and over echoed for miles.

"WAR! WAR! WAR!" their words reached the heavens.

"Yes, my friends," the scion of Salazar Slytherin roared, his voice joined them, "I will give you this war!"


Well-Known Member
You ripped off the Major and I can't help but think you fell flat with this part.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it is still in a first draft though, it's a pain to get the wording for that type of speech to have the right feel to it.


Well-Known Member
I await a revised version of the Major's Speech.


Well-Known Member
Turning Voldemort into the Major really fell short, not necessarily because of your characterization of him but rather because they're too different. The Major spent 50 years planning his scheme after he saw Alucard during WW2. Voldemort turning into that in a span of a few days or even weeks just doesn't feel the same. If you need a Major then let it be someone else, but if you want it to be Voldemort then let it be him.

Voldemort WILL be upset if he fights Harry and loses, so having him say otherwise is very out of character.

Before you turned it into the speech I was thinking that Voldemort's war isn't just with the Ministry. Or Dumbledore. Or Harry.

To shatter the bounds of known magic Voldemort declares war on the world.

War without restraint or reason. Withholding nothing, giving everything.

Not because he loves war, but because he wants to see how far magic can go.


Well-Known Member
Part of the reason for him giving that type of speech was more to keep his followers for running away after finding out just what Harry was capable of. Inspire them to fight well enough that they just might slow and weaken Harry enough that he could have a chance, no matter how minuscule, of winning the fight at that point.


Well-Known Member
SotF said:
Part of the reason for him giving that type of speech was more to keep his followers for running away after finding out just what Harry was capable of. Inspire them to fight well enough that they just might slow and weaken Harry enough that he could have a chance, no matter how minuscule, of winning the fight at that point.
In that guess something that makes it clear that Tommie doesn't actually believe what he's saying would be good.

The Unicorn

Robo Jesus

Well-Known Member
SotF said:
Part of the reason for him giving that type of speech was more to keep his followers for running away after finding out just what Harry was capable of. Inspire them to fight well enough that they just might slow and weaken Harry enough that he could have a chance, no matter how minuscule, of winning the fight at that point.
The issue with the Major-esque Voldemort speech is two fold. The first half of the speech is great, but the issues lay in the second half where you start to directly quote the Hellsing speech. One, the tone of it is MAJORLY out of character (no pun intended). As semil pointed out, Voldemort may be developing some of the Major's habits and attitudes, but he is not the Major, and directly quoting the Major's speech almost line for line as you did in the second half of that speech is a disservice to both Voldemort and the Major. The second issue lies in the reaction of Voldemort's followers. They are not WWII Vampires of the Third Reich, nor is the context appropriate for them to be screaming out "WAR!" as the soldiers in the Hellsing OVA/Manga did, nor does it feel 'in character' to have them do so.


Well-Known Member
Robo Jesus said:
They are not WWII Vampires of the Third Reich, nor is the context appropriate for them to be screaming out "WAR!" as the soldiers in the Hellsing OVA/Manga did, nor does it feel 'in character' to have them do so.
Mostly because Voldemort's followers don't want war. They want to win. Basically as long as they don't bother Harry there's even less to stop them here than in cannon. Sure, Voldemort's pride will make him try to kill Harry, but the rest of the followers aren't likely to be very enthusiastic after seeing what happens to EVERYONE ELSE who gets in front of Harry.

A war is necessary if the establishment is too strong to be subverted or you don't have the resources necessary for subverting it. Neither is really the case here, except possibly with the loss of Lucius.

On a side note, Voldemort seems more like the type who would realize to himself that he'd become constrained by the "rules" of magic, but definitely NOT the type to tell his followers that. He saw what going beyond the rules of magic did for Harry, likely is realistic enough to realize most of his followers are in it for themselves, and only wants to get stronger himself while everyone else is just there to do the tedious drudgery.


Well-Known Member
Silence swept through the chaos as all three battling forces and the fleeing muggles stopped. Later, the survivors would state they didn't know why, just that something primeval screaming in their heads.

Nymphadora Tonks crawled backwards as she frantically looked for a wand after a bullet had shattered her own.

The Death Eaters had attacked the muggle government, and the muggle military was involved by the time the Aurors were ordered in. It had been a foolish move since the soldiers didn't know how to distinguish between the Aurors and the Death Eaters.

She had frozen when a mist swept in across the battlefield, almost as if a cold wind touched her skin.

At first the familiar white cloud, but it turned nightmarish as the color shifted to green and the stench of freshly spilled blood rose around them.

Something stepped into view and drew all eyes in its direction.

It looked like some great, black dog standing there without a care in the world.

Then it opened its eyes, horrifying eyes seemingly made of solidified hellfire made manifest in the real world and not the two eyes of a mortal canine.

She honestly lost count of them as thousands of footsteps reached her ears and human looking forms seemed to materialize within the shadows of the mists.

They only looked human until they came close enough for their features to become clear.

The walking dead swarmed forwards into the mixed throng, not caring whether they faced Auror, Death Eater, or Muggle while surging forward as a wave of hungry beasts hellbent upon devouring the living.

She tried to get back to her feet to run, but only tripped over one of the corpses and into an alley.

Her clumsiness saved her, but damned her to watch the carnage as the ghoulish force swarmed over her friends and foes alike.

She saw the dog walk by and turn to look at her, those eyes burning into her very soul before it was gone, replaced by a demented figure dressed in blood red for a mere instant before he was gone.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
:ph43r: OK, that's going to give her nightmares.


Well-Known Member
Prince Charon said:
:ph43r: OK, that's going to give her nightmares.

... though why can I see Tonks developing a strange fixation on him, trying to discover the idenitity of the person who annihilated everything right in front of her.


Please let this take place before Harry visits Grimmauld for the first time-- Tonks' reaction would be priceless.

EDIT: Also, I think it would be rather funny if Harry kept referring to her as "Police Girl." I don't care if she gets turned or not, but I'd love to see her trying to convince him to use her proper name while at the same time being too deathly afraid to really do anything.


Well-Known Member
Well he could call her Nymphadora, but I think she would prefer Police Girl.


Well-Known Member
Delcera said:
Prince Charon said:
:ph43r: OK, that's going to give her nightmares.

... though why can I see Tonks developing a strange fixation on him, trying to discover the idenitity of the person who annihilated everything right in front of her.


Please let this take place before Harry visits Grimmauld for the first time-- Tonks' reaction would be priceless.
That will be her first encounter with Harrcard. The last three books wouldn't happen anything like in the books because of how Harry acts. Voldemort doesn't have the luxury of working from the shadows after a straight up massacre of his followers by someone obviously toying with his best troops.

Robo Jesus

Well-Known Member
SotF said:
Delcera said:
Prince Charon said:
:ph43r: OK, that's going to give her nightmares.

... though why can I see Tonks developing a strange fixation on him, trying to discover the idenitity of the person who annihilated everything right in front of her.


Please let this take place before Harry visits Grimmauld for the first time-- Tonks' reaction would be priceless.
That will be her first encounter with Harrcard. The last three books wouldn't happen anything like in the books because of how Harry acts. Voldemort doesn't have the luxury of working from the shadows after a straight up massacre of his followers by someone obviously toying with his best troops.
So that would make it a fifth year snippit? Also, the scene where Harrycard is pointing a gun at Lucius, what year is that set in? Plus, I'm curious as fuck as to how the confrontation with Sirius Black played out in the third year now.


Well-Known Member
Lucius' encounter is between 1st and 2nd year when he normally encounters Harry directly for the first time.

For the revelation of Sirius' innocence, well, how that comes about is going to be fun...

1st Year: Harry comes into his power, Hermione begins stalking him.
2nd Year: Harry has his first real fight with that power, not to mention introducing Luna.
3rd Year: Harry is "entertained" by the Dementors, solidifying Harry's various relationships.
4th Year: The tourny keeps Harry's more lethal impulses under relative control, Voldie returns in a unhidable way
5th year: The war between Harry and Voldemort begins with the Massacre of London. Hermione's family is killed and she almost dies forcing Harry to convert her.

Not sure about the 6th year

Hermione is one I'm not exactly sure of the relationship.
With Luna its slightly more than a protector/parent type relationship.
Snape is basically the "plaything"/chewtoy of Harry, at least until mid-third year where the guy has essentially become jaded to most of the things Harry does.
Dumbledore, after 4th Year, is slowly becoming aware of just what Harry is capable of
Ron and the rest of the Gryph boys are terrified of him, the girls are mixed between terror and awe.
Most of the Ravenclaws are deathly afraid of him considering his relationship with Luna...
Draco is someone who has essentially mutated as this has continued. Unlike in canon, he's being challenged and people aren't putting up with the crap he used in the novels because they aren't risking their necks because of him. He's also had a religious awakening of sorts and see's the coming disaster of Harrycard Vs. Voldemort for what it will become.


Well-Known Member
"Pathetic," Harry commented, voice full of disgust, as he turned away from the man laying there, "And they said you managed to blow up a street."

It irked him as he watched the man try to move, surprise and fear visible, Harry could even smell it in the air.

"All year, the fools filling this place spoke of how dangerous Sirius Black was," his tone became close to ranting, "And I wondered if, just maybe, I'd found someone who was capable of relieving this boredom for more than a few idle minutes."

He sighed slowly, blood red eyes meeting those of the man.

"And what do I find when our paths cross?"

A pause as his entire body moved, "A pathetic wretch interested in trapping a rat."

His hand moved as a snake, drawing his pistol and jerking to track something moving in the underbrush.

"No running," the crimson clad being declared before firing at something impossible for Sirius to see.

A squeak that distorted into a human scream was the apparent result as Peter reverted to human form, knee shattered and bleeding where he lay.

The wind seemed to take a colder eye and Harry's grin returned while a gleam appeared in his eyes behind the sunglasses.

"It seems like there is a chance I'll be entertained enough to let you live."


Well-Known Member
The hats mind, as it were, was racing as it was placed upon the boys head, the childs wide brimmed red cap dangling at his side.

A child, no this creature was no mere child but something else, that was quite powerful, enough to warp his own self in the image of his mad delusions.

It was an impossible power, in his relatively humble opinion, that held potential for much havoc and bloodshed if unleashed. But that fear was late in realization, the being had unleashed himself and now lurked behind eyes of hellfire and blood.

Slytherin was out from the start, their recent prejudice combined with this beings bloodlust could only end with the slaughter of the students.

Ravenclaw wouldn't work, their desire for knowledge would cause them to delve into what made Harry Potter what he was.

Hufflepuff could go either way, depending upon whether Harry or the others influenced who first.

No, only one house didn't hold the risks that could spell disaster for everyone.

"Griffindor," he shouted, keeping the shudder of fear from the tone of the sorting.

He existed to sort, not to judge the students themselves, no matter how he would love to run away screaming, that is, if he had legs upon which to run.

Nightmares seemed to have formed the essence of this change, he would have added miraculous but that would have implied that the power came from a heavenly source.

But what could feel like hell itself was singing.

Robo Jesus

Well-Known Member
SotF said:
Lucius' encounter is between 1st and 2nd year when he normally encounters Harry directly for the first time.

For the revelation of Sirius' innocence, well, how that comes about is going to be fun...

1st Year: Harry comes into his power, Hermione begins stalking him.
2nd Year: Harry has his first real fight with that power, not to mention introducing Luna.
3rd Year: Harry is "entertained" by the Dementors, solidifying Harry's various relationships.
4th Year: The tourny keeps Harry's more lethal impulses under relative control, Voldie returns in a unhidable way
5th year: The war between Harry and Voldemort begins with the Massacre of London. Hermione's family is killed and she almost dies forcing Harry to convert her.

Not sure about the 6th year

Hermione is one I'm not exactly sure of the relationship.
With Luna its slightly more than a protector/parent type relationship.
Snape is basically the "plaything"/chewtoy of Harry, at least until mid-third year where the guy has essentially become jaded to most of the things Harry does.
Dumbledore, after 4th Year, is slowly becoming aware of just what Harry is capable of
Ron and the rest of the Gryph boys are terrified of him, the girls are mixed between terror and awe.
Most of the Ravenclaws are deathly afraid of him considering his relationship with Luna...
Draco is someone who has essentially mutated as this has continued. Unlike in canon, he's being challenged and people aren't putting up with the crap he used in the novels because they aren't risking their necks because of him. He's also had a religious awakening of sorts and see's the coming disaster of Harrycard Vs. Voldemort for what it will become.
Hmm, I imagine that if Hermoine's parents are dead, her worldview is going to be in shambles, and she'll be preoccupied after the event by trying to put back together her world/life. However, if Harry 'turns' her, Hermoine will initially take up a Seras-esque attitude in trying to retain as much of her humanity as possible (I.E. not becoming a monster like Harry is). However, given the fact that there is a WAR going on, and given how many have died and will continue to die unless she does something to help end it quicker, I can see her attitude changing into something far more Integra like as events develop.


Well-Known Member
SotF said:
No, only one house didn't hold the risks that could spell disaster for everyone.

"Griffindor," he shouted, keeping the shudder of fear from the tone of the sorting.
Nice to see a sorting where Harry is sorted out of three houses and goes someplace other than Huffelpuff.

The Unicorn

Robo Jesus

Well-Known Member
Unicornzvi said:
SotF said:
No, only one house didn't hold the risks that could spell disaster for everyone.

"Griffindor," he shouted, keeping the shudder of fear from the tone of the sorting.
Nice to see a sorting where Harry is sorted out of three houses and goes someplace other than Huffelpuff.

The Unicorn
Eventually someone will write a story where Harry going to Hufflepuff results in the creation of the ULTIMATE DARK LORD OF DOOM! Just have faith.

Robo Jesus

Well-Known Member
BF110C4 said:
What is going to be fun is how Harry deals with Lockhart, after all the thing Alucard hates the most are humans who lack the will to face monsters on their own , and pompous fools who believe they are powerfull beings without the raw power to back it up. And Lockhart is both.
Fuck, how the hell did we initially overlook this?