Harry Potter Alternate Guardians For Harry


Well-Known Member
With all of the discussions about Shinji Ikari having a different person raise him, how about applying the same thing to Harry Potter.

Imagine the mayhem in Hogwarts with some people.

Perhaps Vernon has a meeting in SanFran leaving Harry to accidentally stow away on the captured Klingon ship from Star Trek IV and is raised by Kirk and company some distance in the future. Or even him ending up on Voyager during their time in the "present". Hell, Harry raised by Q could end up being quite entertaining, perhaps him making the kid into a Q (as he offered several members of Picards crew.)

Him stumbling onto the TARDIS and adventuring with the Doctor could also end up crazy.

How about him being raised by his cousin Robert Muldoon (A squib cousin of James') leading to Hagrid showing up on Ilsa Nubular just before the events of Jurassic Park. Would Hagrid ever leave the island once he found out, or him trying to smuggle a Raptor back as a new pet. Harry taking a "prototype dinosaur pet" to Hogwarts with him leading to a Malfoy Vs. Mini-Raptor on several occasions.

If Muldoon dies as in the movie, then perhaps he'd convinced Hammond to take Harry in leading to Harry as the pseudo-cousin of Tim & Lex.


Well-Known Member
Here's a few alternate guardians I had in mind:

Revan (post KotOR)
Gendo Ikari
Gordon Brittas
Edmund Blackadder
Father Alexander Anderson (yes, that one)
Peter Griffin

Make of it what you will. <_<


Well-Known Member
Quinn Mallory [Sliders]

Gil Grissom [CSI]

Tim Hunter [Hunter age of magic]

Harry Potter [Danm Time travel]

"Cliff" Huxtable [Cosby show]

Zatanna Zatara

Mr. Roarke [Fantasy Island]

Professor Trevor Bruttenholm [Hellboy]

Rick Jones


Well-Known Member
Alexander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Marv (Sin City)

Johnny C. (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac)

Freddy Krueger


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-- The turtles :p

I would be very interested in seeing a story like this... Any change for harry to start dimension hopping? (somehow controling his age, and manipulating various people in training him in their specialities. the result? run awaaaay!!!!


Well-Known Member
Takamichi Nanoha and Fate T. Harlown from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Their style of magic could even be "The Power He Knows Not".

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
TFF, collectively.


Well-Known Member
heh well I've done my fair shar eof alternate guardians for Harry in prior threads including:

Tobi and akastuki: http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Fanfiction...lluser&mid=1322

Dr Drakken and Shego: http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Fanfiction...lluser&mid=1322

'Shipwreck' Delgado: http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Fanfiction...wtopic=1667&hl=

The great theif Mouse: http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Fanfiction...wtopic=4826&hl=

laharl and Co: http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Fanfiction...wtopic=2790&hl=

Raven: http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Fanfiction...wtopic=4291&hl=

and a personal favorite Susan Sto Helit: http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Fanfiction...wtopic=1531&hl=

plus a few mini bunnys in my Miscalanious idea thread..

to add to that list:

-Yeager, Artax, Piffany, and Nodwick
-The Joachim Vampire clan (Shadow Hearts. the real question is which one of the vampires will Harry take after?)

and out of left field
-Magican Humphrey and his various wives of the month (Xanth)
quick thought what would Harry be like if he was raised by Red and kitty Foreman?


Well-Known Member
While not as amusing as it could be, in "Potter, the Stone" (by C. Rose), Harry is taken away from the Dursleys and raised by a (then) barely adult Ranma Saotome.

For those of you who like Angry Harry, how about Iori Yagami? (Not that I have any idea how or why he'd do it, but it would be an interesting "power he knows not".)

Ugh, stupid idea just popped into my head: have him raised by Flintlocke. Here's one of the wonderful family traditions he'd teach Harry. (Note the full explanation requires you to read the next 5 comics too.)

Lord of Bones

Well-Known Member
Here's some more alternate guardians:

1) Edmund Blackadder (Blackadder)
2) Raistlin Majere (Dragonlance)
3) Szass Tam of Thay (Forgotten Realms)
4) Loki (Norse Myth)
5) Dante (Devil May Cry)
6) Arthas-Nez'rhul (Warcraft)
7) The Dark Lord of Nessus (Planescape)
8) Lord Flasheart (Blackadder)
9) Samuel Vimes (Discworld)
10) Lord Havelock Ventinari (Discworld)
11) Death (Discworld)
How about a Harry raised in the one place Dumbledore belives to be safe from the remaining Death Eaters,
Askaban Prision, Harry raised by the dementors! (and still having a happier childhood than he got with the Dursleys!)
roting_CORPSE said:
perfect_solider said:
quick thought what would Harry be like if he was raised by Red and kitty Foreman?
cue in the golden trio sitting on a basement doing pot instead of being in class :rofl:
:snigger: :snigger: Parent teacher between Snape and Red :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
How about Grindelwald. Say Dumbledore didn't really kill him but instead has him make an oath never to leave his estate unless his family was in danger. The Potter's happen to connect to him so he saves baby Harry from the burning house and raises him and then sends him to Hogwarts. :huh.:


Well-Known Member
In Canon, though most don't care, Grindewald was in prison, not dead, until Voldemort killed him.

I think Sean Dillon would be highly entertaining. He would almost be guaranteed to be Slytherin though. At the time, Dillon was a terrorist and mercenary. Only later was he forced to work for the UK. If he made Harry his protege, that could work well. Dillon joined the IRA after his father was killed for revenge. Harry would be all too happy to go after Voldemort, death eaters and all the bigots. Dillon cares about the innocent, so Harry would too.
Haven't worked on it in ages, but I have a WIP where Harry was raised by Geese Howard, an American crime boss from the Fatal Fury games/anime.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, a few notions...

Eddie Brock/Venom. Whether the symbiote spawns another for Harry, or he's just brought up to believe in Eddie's method of getting rid of criminals...ie, permanently. Possibly runs across the Dursleys abusing Harry, and kills them all, or they just wind up getting shot...accidental magic time, perhaps, and Brock's intrigued. Or maybe just the symbiote; after all, if the initial bonding allows the suit to utilize all their powers, even on someone else, I can see how it might want that for its offspring. Or, alternatively, he just kidnaps Harry away from Dursley abuse, and raises him as best he can, gaining no particular special powers.

Jim DiGriz/The Stainless Steel Rat. Perhaps on his jaunt back in time, he encountered Harry and decided to bring him up? Hmm, I just think it'd be fun if he had some of the gadgets Jim has, though just having his criminal aptitude and enlightened attitude towards crime would be fun as well.

Fantastic Four. Particular Mister Fantastic; say that Harry and family were visiting the general area, and the Dursleys wind up getting killed or seriously injured in a fight between the Fantastic Four and some supervillain or another. Harry lets loose with a burst of accidental magic, and they decide that he needs to learn to harness his powers, so that he doesn't wind up doing something regrettable. Not to mention, I'm sure he'd love to study Harry's powers. Not to mention, could be an interesting version of a wandless Harry, who's been trained to utilize his 'powers'...and if anyone could figure out how magic works, I'd think it'd be Mr. Fantastic.

Mister Sinister. Hmm, too many Marvel guys? Ah, well. Perhaps he runs across Harry, sees an example of his accidental magic, yet finds out he isn't a mutant...and gets intrigued, kidnapping Harry to try and figure out his abilities and reproduce them. Whether he's raised as a pure lab experiment or as his heir...up to the author.

The Fae. Perhaps they run across an example of Dursley abuse, and whisk Harry away from them, after distributing appropriate punishments...pig heads for everybody! Vernon in love with a lampost! Or whatever. At any rate, they find out he's a mage, and train him in his talents. By the time the letter arrives, well, you get a rather unworldly Harry that may or may not bear a strong resemblance to Luna Lovegood...who, perhaps, he already knows when she gets there?

Minsc. And Boo. Harry falls through a portal somewhere, or manages to escape via a huge burst of accidental magic, whatever. He winds up in the Forgotten Realms, found by Minsc and Boo. Whether this happens before the Baldur's Gate books, and Harry winds up going through the adventures with them, or afterwards is up to the author. At any rate, either Dumbledore manages to track Harry down, or Harry himself wants to visit his home plane, and has embarked on a quest to return, perhaps with his own rodent companion (or ice weasel, whatever your tastes are). Might be an interesting twist if he arrives too late, after Voldemort's already taken over...so he must save the world! Whether with the help of friends from the old world, or by making alliances in the Harry Potter world...well, whatever works, right?

Hippies. Harry was abandoned by the Dursleys, and found by a hippy commune. Meet the ultimate laid-back, relaxed, and chilled out Harry, who doesn't let anything ruffle him, and who will make Snape EXPLODE.
How's about a Harry raised by the "Swiss Army Man" himself; Angus MacGuyver.

Or for wierd lolz, the entire A-Team, where he imprints on them oddly; such as wearing gold chains and drinking milk, making improbable plans that always work out, and being a master of disguise, all while appearing completely barking mad...


Well-Known Member
How about Urd...

A very young Harry gets a wish and wishes for Urd to be his "mommy". Cue accidental magic pranks against Skuld (Harry ends up with "stupid" all over him while Skuld ends up neon green). "Grandma Hild" coming to visit. Aunt Belldandy and Uncle Keichi dealing with a small child at the Temple.

Or Hild...

She recieves Harry as a mission. The perameters, "train Harry to the best of HIS abilities". How does Hild's realm deal with the fact that Hild is making sure Harry has a happy childhood. Actually, Harry's magical aura is usually happy, enough so that most demons get physically sick with prolonged exposure.

Or Lara Croft...

Lara actually goes to a church service where the Dursley's and Harry are going. She notices that one of the artifacts that is said to be magical reacts strangely to the young Harry. A little digging finds that Harry isn't well liked by his family...or the neighborhood for that manner. Unfortunately for Dumbledore, the things she discovers on what goes on around Harry make her very curious.

Or Yosho Misaki (Tenchi Muyo...include the third season OVA)

One of Harry's early magical accidents for some reason "tickled" Funaho (the tree). After a few incidences, Yosho triangulates where exactly Harry is and goes to visit him. Getting Harry took less work than he expected. It takes awhile before anyone in the English ministry to get ACCESS to Yosho. The Japanese ministry holds his privacy almost as sacred as the Emperor's (actually, the Emperor didn't destroy a large group of wizards for being annoying a few centuries ago).

When Dumbledore goes to visit Harry to give him his school letter, he gets one suprise....across the table is a woman with long, turquoise hair.

Dumbledore v. Lady Seto...FIGHT-O!!

Or Yohko Mano (older sister)...

A young Harry for some reason ends up in Yohko's mothers care. He grows up learning how to fight and a few things about Japanese magical creatures. Later on, he "inheirents" on of the magical talismans of the Mano family, with the same transformation sequence as his sisters. The first time he accidentally finds out about this is in the great hall...with lots of the female students all of the sudden throwing him predatory grins.