Alternate Halloween costumes for the xman


Well-Known Member
bah...i like him staying in sunnydale better...just nerfed a tad to not god mode him

but since im not writing it...


Well-Known Member
hmm...would tobi/madara/xander try and get into the circle of the black thorn?

thats another thing ive never seen in a Halloween fic


Well-Known Member
Oro... again, an original direction to take. Of course, if Xander were to join the Circle of the Black Thorn, he'd need to have God Mode switched on. IT's the only thing that would allow him to compete with them. :sisi:

It would depend on what Madara/Tobi's true goal is. It would also require Xander keeping a ruthless, uncompromising lack of morals. ^_^


Well-Known Member
and would god mode REALLY need to be on for joining?

hell that one politician demon chick got ownd by gunn...


Well-Known Member
i'd think it would be more likely that he would join the terraken(SP) or whatever those assasins were called


Well-Known Member
Teraka would actually make more sense, from a ninja point of view. They kill people for money - fits Tobi!Xander quite nicely. And they aren't likely to get involved in the end of the world, either. Which is always a nice bonus. ;)

If'n ya want the Circle owned, then have someone hire Xander to do the job. He's about the only character, bar Naruto, who could possibly deserve the Sharingan-based God Mode.


Well-Known Member
There was one story where he dressed as Itachi, or his modern day version at least. It ... turned rather lame when there was an asspull that made him something out of a Noir eugenics program, blatantly overpowered, hanging with Chloe and _still_ not making any difference at all. And he was emo. I mean, Sasuke level emo. Almost Shinji level emo.


Please avoid doing something like that.



Well-Known Member
trevelyan1983 said:
I've often wondered what the case might be, if that were to happen.? I suspect that creating something as powerful as Kyuubifrom scratch - there's not even a slightly similar template for it to draw on, and it doesn't really fit with the more realistic Buffy-verse.? I think the closest it could get would be a secondary chakra source for regen and chakra refills.? :huh.:
Well if you want Kyuubi to stay, you could say that it's power regenerates Very quickly, so by the time the spell ends, all the chakra created by the natural regeneration of the Kyuubi would stay, while the rest vanishes...and some Kage Bunshin could probably stay, though that's iffy at best.

It'd mean of course, that Xander would have a source of demonic chakra and some the experience of the KB as they fought. Which would leave him well off, but not overpowering.


Well-Known Member
SoulGriever13 said:
And he was emo. I mean, Sasuke level emo. Almost Shinji level emo.


Please avoid doing something like that.

á -Griever
Heh. I read that one - it was Darkstar Shadowrose's Alexander. The first moment when I thought 'uh-oh' was when he pulled Chidori out of his ass and thanked 'Kakashi-sempai' for it. That was all the explanation we got for it.

And, unfortunately, proper gene-fucking programs couldn't possibly have existed when the super-kid was born. The best you'd get was selective breeding, with maybe a little test-tubing thrown in for good luck.

(One of the things I always found a bit annoying about MGS - Les Enfants Terribles was a fucking dream, because we didn't even get done mapping the Human DNA until the fucking 21st century. It was retroactive use of non-existent research, and even as an ignorant teenager I found it incredibly unlikely.)

And anyway. Tobi!Xander ain't gonna be my baby, if I have any say in the matter. Babyl'ownage!Xander has priority. ^_^


Well-Known Member
trevelyan1983 said:
SoulGriever13 said:
And he was emo. I mean, Sasuke level emo. Almost Shinji level emo.


Please avoid doing something like that.

á -Griever
Heh. I read that one - it was Darkstar Shadowrose's Alexander. The first moment when I thought 'uh-oh' was when he pulled Chidori out of his ass and thanked 'Kakashi-sempai' for it. That was all the explanation we got for it.

And, unfortunately, proper gene-fucking programs couldn't possibly have existed when the super-kid was born. The best you'd get was selective breeding, with maybe a little test-tubing thrown in for good luck.

(One of the things I always found a bit annoying about MGS - Les Enfants Terribles was a fucking dream, because we didn't even get done mapping the Human DNA until the fucking 21st century. It was retroactive use of non-existent research, and even as an ignorant teenager I found it incredibly unlikely.)

And anyway. Tobi!Xander ain't gonna be my baby, if I have any say in the matter. Babyl'ownage!Xander has priority. ^_^
didn't they use a mixture of selective breeding magic and cloning for the gene thing in alexander


Well-Known Member
Probably. Magic is about the only Deus Ex available, but it explains everything in Buffy. Not so much for Noir - about the only thing that fits under the Magic category is Altena's Manor, which is kinda iffy in terms of temporal physics. And maybe the Langonel Manuscript, Generally, though, Noir kinda tries to be vaguely realistic that way. :sisi:


Well-Known Member
Give me more context and I'll try to word it more precisely for you, or give more background. With just that statement, I don't know what else to say. :huh:


Well-Known Member

1. 'Alexander' was a fic where Xander was a genetically modified assassin. I had some issues with it, given that genetic alteration wasn't even possible when the boy was born.

2. Metal Gear Solid had some genetic shenanigans going on that seemed quite unlikely, given what people knew of genetics at the time when Big Boss was alive.

3. Do not talk about Fight Club.



Well-Known Member
how would druscilla react to tobi/xander?

for that matter how would the PTB or the scooby gang react to xander's new way of acting/speaking

aaaaaaaaaaaarg! so many idea's but i know i would never get the diaouge/characterization of the buffy chars right


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I'd like to see an Imperial Space Marine Chaplain/Apothecarian/Techmarine!Xander.

'cause these two are the kind that THINK (not necessarily BEFORE they exterminate some vile undead abomination, but at least AFTER doing so).

And C/A/T!Xander with two hearts (just imagine some vamp getting all uppity and ramming something pointy through his heart and Xander answering "Now, now, this is how you do it" and going through with the stabbity) having to come to terms with the fact that half of him is devoted to an entity that most likely will never exist in his reality and that said half is beyond trigger-happy (Angel, Spike and anyone else not 100% human will learn to appreciate the fine art of dodging... and if they don't, well, bolter-shells are pretty damn effective)...

Basically, Xander would have - more or less - the bodily augmentations of a marine (with the exception of the black carapace) and the constant urge to slay pretty much everyone around him (Buffy? No way she's a natural human. Wicked Witch of the West Willow? Psyker. Rogue psyker. Bam, headshot. Angel? Spike? Anya? Undead and the daemonic are not really the marines best friends.... but the bolter-shell is.).

And, to be honest, I consider "severe mental trauma" from narrowly missing killing your best friend a few times a bad enough trade-off for physical augmentations he could do without (after all, XANDER SURVIVED THE ENTIRE GODDAMN SERIES without losing more than an eye. Got to count for something.)

And before anyone asks, WH40k is older than Buffy is, and I think that Xander would look dashing in a SMPA (Space Marine Power Armor - just for the lulz as Xander tries to build one from scratch... and getting only a measly boltpistol out of his efforts.)


Well-Known Member
Cornuthaum said:
Honestly, I'd like to see an Imperial Space Marine Chaplain/Apothecarian/Techmarine!Xander.

'cause these two are the kind that THINK (not necessarily BEFORE they exterminate some vile undead abomination, but at least AFTER doing so).

And C/A/T!Xander with two hearts (just imagine some vamp getting all uppity and ramming something pointy through his heart and Xander answering "Now, now, this is how you do it" and going through with the stabbity) having to come to terms with the fact that half of him is devoted to an entity that most likely will never exist in his reality and that said half is beyond trigger-happy (Angel, Spike and anyone else not 100% human will learn to appreciate the fine art of dodging... and if they don't, well, bolter-shells are pretty damn effective)...

Basically, Xander would have - more or less - the bodily augmentations of a marine (with the exception of the black carapace) and the constant urge to slay pretty much everyone around him (Buffy? No way she's a natural human. Wicked Witch of the West Willow? Psyker. Rogue psyker. Bam, headshot. Angel? Spike? Anya? Undead and the daemonic are not really the marines best friends.... but the bolter-shell is.).

And, to be honest, I consider "severe mental trauma" from narrowly missing killing your best friend a few times a bad enough trade-off for physical augmentations he could do without (after all, XANDER SURVIVED THE ENTIRE GODDAMN SERIES without losing more than an eye. Got to count for something.)

And before anyone asks, WH40k is older than Buffy is, and I think that Xander would look dashing in a SMPA (Space Marine Power Armor - just for the lulz as Xander tries to build one from scratch... and getting only a measly boltpistol out of his efforts.)
Not exactly the same, but there is one where he turns into the God-Emperor.


Well-Known Member
You know, once upon a time there has been one called Sarevok Anchev. That would be a costume I'd like to see Xander wearing.

That is, Sarevok Anchev from Baldur's Gate (Released 1998, after "Halloween")

And not the goody-two-shoes-drizzt-wannabe-Chaotic-good Sarevok, but the "I will be the last.... and you will be the first to go *neck snap*" Chaotic Evil one.

If only for Sarevok channeling the essence of a cross-dimensional lord of murder (adn getting into deep manure for doing so) and summoning a nigh-impenetrable armor by doing so.

And, of course, the irrational urge to slay everyone more powerful than him, less powerful than him and not immediately useful to his plans.

After all, Sarevok was honest - he hated everyone.


Another one would be Ignus, as in "Ignus burnsssssss......", from Planescape: Torment. (release date: 1999, after "Halloween")

The chaotic neutral (read: bloody fucking insane) pyro-mage who got turned into a living conduit to the elemental plane of fire (that means he is CONSTANTLY - ON - FIRE but can't die because of his magic prowress... I think constant immolation fried his brain even further).

The Ignus side of the X-Man would give everyone pause once he gets his hands on anything flammable, not flammable or possibly flammable, because it WOULD light up, and do so quickly.

And, of course, try to sleep if every time you close your eyes you watch yourself burning down a giant hive full of civilians just because you COULD do it. Nuh-uh.


And, one more: Diablo, from said game(s). (Release date: 1996, before the Halloween episode)

Pro's: Big. Red. Awesome. Totally kick-ass.

Con's: Your best friend wants to slay you. You have the irrational urge to corrupt the mayor, his son(s) and the local priest(s). You can't stand any kind of crystals around you for long. They tend to.... break.


Yes, two out of the three are post-HW, but they're all pretty damn old, and, seriously screwed up, beyond the simple "bam instant power". Especially Ignus - because unlike Ignus, Xander is NOT imbued with the magic necessary to survive having the raw stuff of the elemental plane of fire course through him for long.