Avatar:TLA Miscellaneous Ideas Thread


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Well Zuko might learn to wait and listen - both skills that he has shown a significant inability for previously. Benefits don't have to be directly related to kung fu after all.

Toph on the other hand, might learn a bit more personal combat. She doesn't seem to make much use of that, so up close she might be at something of a disadvantage.


Well-Known Member
As a bid to more mature audiences, it might be nice to see the older generation getting to be more than a backdrop to the action.

Ursa (Zuko's mother) was exiled 4-5 years before the series. Hakoda (Katara & Sokka's father) lost his own wife a few years (I don't think it's specified) before the series. I've seen the pairing done, as a backdrop. It would be interesting to see it take centre stage.

Some time between the death of Kya and his canonical departure to fight in the Earth Kingdom, Hakoda rescues the exiled Ursa from a shipwreck and over some time grows fond of her, as well as setting aside certain national stereotypes, to the point where he's considering proposing marriage.

Unfortunately, Ursa's husband is still alive. Fortunately, Water Tribe custom allows Hakoda to correct this minor error.

Thus the quest of the heroic Hakoda, off to kill the Fire Lord and save the world, in order that he can sweep the Fire Lord's widow off her feet. An adventure of action and adventure only to be surpassed when the four step-siblings resultant from such a marriage get to bond.
drakensis said:
As a bid to more mature audiences, it might be nice to see the older generation getting to be more than a backdrop to the action.

Ursa (Zuko's mother) was exiled 4-5 years before the series. Hakoda (Katara & Sokka's father) lost his own wife a few years (I don't think it's specified) before the series. I've seen the pairing done, as a backdrop. It would be interesting to see it take centre stage.

Some time between the death of Kya and his canonical departure to fight in the Earth Kingdom, Hakoda rescues the exiled Ursa from a shipwreck and over some time grows fond of her, as well as setting aside certain national stereotypes, to the point where he's considering proposing marriage.

Unfortunately, Ursa's husband is still alive. Fortunately, Water Tribe custom allows Hakoda to correct this minor error.

Thus the quest of the heroic Hakoda, off to kill the Fire Lord and save the world, in order that he can sweep the Fire Lord's widow off her feet. An adventure of action and adventure only to be surpassed when the four step-siblings resultant from such a marriage get to bond.
While not the exact plot you were thinking of, I have seen one that revolves around them. It's sadly dead (or at least in a coma) but I remember it as being good.



Well-Known Member
Yet another idea:

Ten years after Sozin's Comet, life has settled down. The various members of Team Avatar have paired off to the extent in canon and are still good friends. Many of them have children, mostly but not entirely, the married couples. Zuko never found his mother, but he's more or less reconciled to that.

Then Azula breaks out of her confinement, somewhat loopy and with her memories messed up rather severely but at least marginally functional. While panic spreads and reports to Zuko have him call in his old friends and their families so that they can share the burden of defending their loved ones, Azula makes her way to what she considers home: her old bedroom in the Fire Lord's Palace.

She wasn't expecting to find a little girl (Zuko and Mai's second child and first daughter) bearing a reasonable resemblence to chibi!Azula in occupation. Seeing a mirror she mistakes her own reflection, briefly, for her mother and her mood swings to pseudo-maternal. The girl, named Ursa, is at such an age that the arrival of a previously unknown 'Aunty Azula' doesn't faze her and they bond over the general uselessness of older brothers.

This charming scene is spoiled by Mai arriving and, understandably, responding to Azula's presence with pointy steel projectiles. Azula does not recognise the older Mai (she's vaguely aware that she tried to kill Mai and that Ty Lee stopped her, but she's fully aware that she remains fuzzy on details) and presumes her to be an assassin. Naturally, she grabs little Ursa and 'rescues' her out of the Palace. Mai reports the terrible news: Azula has abducted she and Zuko's daughter.

Azula, her only source of current information a rather sheltered five year old, her only moral guidance some rather confused memories (she's pretty sure that she killed Zuko: that's the usual result of someone getting hit by lightning), sets out on an important mission that mostly exists in her own mind, while Team Avatar desperately try to recover Zuko's stolen daughter...


Well-Known Member
That would be both humorous and dark, though the mix between the two could very quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
The following idea hinges on Zuko actually being fairly out of character. Either it's AU because he develops differently, or, what the hell, maybe he's looping. In either case:

Zuko Wins

Early to mid-Book One, Zuko comes up with a cunning plan to capture the Avatar. He recruits a reluctant Ty Lee out of the circus to do him a little favour by appealing shamelessly to her patriotism.

While shopping (episode with pirates), Aang, Sokka and Katara run into a pretty girl (thinly disguised Ty Lee) who flutters, makes nice and finally hugs Aang goodbye, disabling his chi. A shirtless Zuko springs out upon them and Ty Lee 'runs to Katara for shelter', hiding behind her. More chi-blocking.

Bereft of their bending, Aang and Katara (further distracted by shameless display of pectoral muscles by Zuko) are disadvantaged and the arrival of Zuko's crew has them captured and carted off to his ship. Here Zuko splits them up and sets about keeping them confined. Ty Lee devotes considerable time to keeping Aang helpless, which among other things means she's pretty much babysitting him the whole time and being who she is, talking to him.

Zuko tells Ty Lee thank you, assures her that he will give full credit for her part in capturing the Avatar and offers to drop her off at the circus again. Ty Lee offers to go along back to the capital, in case he needs more help confining the Avatar again. Surprised, but pleased, Zuko agrees. He arranges for Sokka and Katara to each be sent away on a different ship, using the three as hostages against each other: i.e. if Katara tries to break out then word will be sent and Sokka or Aang (or both) suffer consequences.

Zuko returns to the Fire Nation in triumph. Ozai is slightly impressed. Azula is fuming (not least because Ty Lee seems to be helping Zuko) but outwardly pleasent. The court wastes no time latching onto the new hero... and Zuko realises just how insincere and what a mess the whole thing is. Aang is locked away in a dungeon and Zuko's firm but not unkind captivity is replaced by brutality. News arrives that Omashu has surrendered to the Fire Nation.

Azula arranges for Zuko to take over the North Pole expedition, to get him away from home and also to further alienate Zuko from Zhao and that faction of the military. As Zuko has indicated his personal feelings that the Water Tribes are not a priority, she also hopes he'll disgrace himself. Instead Zuko indicates determination, if not enthusiasm, while privately concluding that he's damned if he goes along with this.

With help from Iroh, Zuko orchestrates a sudden coup disguised as an attack by Earth Kingdom extremists. Ozai is injured and while receiving treatment, poisoned. Officially he is recorded as 'dying from his wounds'. Zuko takes the throne, placing Azula (as his current heir) in the care of Iroh. In light of the Earth Kingdom attack, he cancels the North Pole attack and instead indicates he will seek diplomatic options against the Water Tribes.

Ty Lee is placed in charge of Aang's captivity, immediately improving his circumstances. Zuko makes a point of visiting and apologising. He also tells Aang that he intends to end the war and create a world where they don't have to be enemies. Aang is sceptical, but he also has an affectionate Ty Lee playing nurse. He's allowed to meet Katara and Sokka (although not together) and the two siblings also get to meet, to ensure that they are still well. Zuko offers Sokka a chance to be ambassador to Hakoda, something of a hard sell.

Iroh takes Azula away on a tour of the Fire Nation while he therapises her. Zuko starts re-arranging his strategy against the Earth Kingdom. This includes handing Omashu peacefully back to King Bumi who is surprised, gratified and lionised by the population who sees this as a sign of his mad genius. Bumi agrees to enter into negotiations on behalf of a confederation of southern provinces and tribes within the Earth Kingdom.

Aang and Ty Lee grow closer, much to Katara's distaste when she is allowed to visit. Sokka manages to make contact with Bato who agrees to relay a message to Hakoda, largely on the basis that Katara is a hostage. Zuko agrees to meet Hakoda at sea and sends Sokka to act as an emissary to the Northern Water Tribe while he takes Katara with him to the meeting.

Zuko releases Katara at the start of the negotiations, to show that he does not intend to use her against her father. Hakoda eventually agrees to take his warriors home with supplies provided by the Fire Nation and to meet again. Zuko makes it clear that this is not Danegeld - it's a carrot, and the stick is the fact that the Southern Water Tribe's women and children are largely undefended.

Iroh brings Azula back after she had a nervous breakdown. Zuko is not amused that she has started hitting on him, although Ty Lee and Aang think it's hysterical. When Zuko blames the Fire Sages for 'wanting to keep the line of Sozin pure' they ask him what his marriage plans are. This is added to the negotiations upcoming with Hakoda and Bumi as the notion of a diplomatic marriage is actually popular with a lot of the court.

Sokka returns to the Fire Nation capital advising that the Northern Water Tribe want to have representatives at all negotiations. It is arranged that all parties will meet at once. During a sudden eclipse, Sokka tries to free Aang. He and Zuko fight and wind up crashing into Aang's cell while he and Ty Lee are engaged in making out. With the end of the eclipse, Zuko wins the fight and sends Sokka back to the Southern Water tribe. He also decides to allow Aang more freedom around the palace, hoping that his meeting other member of the Fire Nation will reduce any tendencies to demonize the whole people.

Negotiation day. Katara (who is accompanying Hakoda) throws death glares at Zuko at every moment except when Aang and Ty Lee are present (the Avatar formally opens proceedings). The newly formed Earth Confederation formally severs ties with the Earth Kingdom's government (although not, as such, the semi-divine Earth King) in Ba Sing Se. A treaty makes peace between the Water Tribes, the Earth Confederation and the Fire Nation, conditional upon marriages between the Zuko and brides from all three nations (the fire nation bride's children will be his successors). Zuko manages to insist that the Water Tribe bride should be from the North.

Yue and Toph arrive as their nation's bridal candidates at about the same time that Zuko is rejecting firmly Azula's self-nomination as the fire nation bride. Zuko is more than relieved that only one of his brides is of age for actual consumation of the marriages and vaguely hoping that whoever he winds up marrying from the Fire Nation will get on with at least one of the other two wives. Aang is profoundly unsympathetic.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Your Zuko fanboyism is reaching unprecedented levels.


Well-Known Member
I don't see that stopping people.


Well-Known Member
foesjoe said:
Wow. Your Zuko fanboyism is reaching unprecedented levels.
Eh, I'm not averse to giving him a break any more than I am to mocking him. As stated, Canon Zuko really couldn't pull this off.
drakensis said:
foesjoe said:
Wow. Your Zuko fanboyism is reaching unprecedented levels.
Eh, I'm not averse to giving him a break any more than I am to mocking him. As stated, Canon Zuko really couldn't pull this off.
Needs more Zuko fanboyism. (Speaking of, why can't I find more good Zuko fics? Argh, at least I have Vathara).
Christopher Robin said:
(Speaking of, why can't I find more good Zuko fics? Argh, at least I have Vathara).
Have you read lazyartisan's "Second Nature"? I believe it's quite good, and Zuko is the central character.


Well-Known Member
You need a different Zuko. looping isn't likely - a looped Zuko would probably recognise the rest of Aang's gang as useful assets, at a minimum, and put rather more effort into recruiting them -but some dramatic change is needed. Maybe Ursa dies in childbirth while delivering Azula, who ends up either dead herself or handicapped. Ozai still gets the throne, under slightly different circumstances, and Zuko grows up differently - no mother, more time with his father or tutors picked by him.

That's a big enough change to justify the different Zuko, and it's not as if Ursa or Azula or needed for the story

On a tangent, in Avatar, the heroes don't have much motivation to loop; they won, and got happy endings all round. The losing side, though, they do have motivation, raising possibilities. A simple looping-Ozai story could either be bleak, or very funny - bleak if he wins, funny if he discovers he's just volunteered to be fate's plaything.

Suppose though that one of the corrupt fire sages, call them X, sentenced to catalogue the temple archives, discovers a way to bend time. X knows that as young-X, they won't have much chance of changing things - Ozai wouldn't listen to some sage telling him what he needed to do - so he reads the next chapter, and finds out how to pick a target body. His plan: become Zhao, kill the Avatar, destroy the Northern Water tribe, and marry Azula.

Zuko manages to interrupt at a critical moment, and gets pulled along for the ride. Being in his own body would make things too easy; instead, he gets stuck in Sokka's body, with Sokka reduced to a voice in his head. Further, Zuko doesn't know what X was planning, all he knew was that X had unearthed forbidden rites, so he won't know X is now Zhao.

Triumphing with all those handicaps will be quite a challenge, making it an excellent opportunity for Zuko to show just how good he is.
Inspired by an earlier idea

Azula wants to get with aang to make super babies of doom.

Another Idea: Also inspired by an earlier idea Azula is another kind of crazy something like out either of theses manga


Well-Known Member
Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
Azula wants to get with aang to make super babies of doom.
I support this idea and raise her her viewing Toph and Katura, who as superior benders, are also potential breeding stock for her superbaby program.

Subordiante to herself of course.


Well-Known Member
Psyckosama said:
Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
Azula wants to get with aang to make super babies of doom.
I support this idea and raise her her viewing Toph and Katura, who as superior benders, are also potential breeding stock for her superbaby program.

Subordiante to herself of course.
Azula: So, waterbe- uh, Katara. This bloodbending thing... could it be applied to other liquids within a body?
Katara: I... suppose so.
Azula: How interesting! And apropos of nothing whatsoever, how do you feel about having lots of children?
Toph: You know it's freaky. Every word that comes out of your lips tells me you're up to some sort of scheme, but nothing about your body suggests anything but utter innocence.
Azula: You're just paranoid.
Katara: I'd quite like a large family. With the right man.
Azula: Well that goes without saying. People like us don't settle for second best. What about you Toph? Do you see a large family in the future?
Toph: Rugrats? Eh... no, not really.
Azula: Ah well. Excuse me, I just need to go have a quick word with the Dai Li about something.


Well-Known Member
Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
Another Idea: Also inspired by an earlier idea Azula is another kind of crazy something like out either of theses manga
So she's even creepier and more obsessive than she was originally?


Well-Known Member
One way Zuko could orchestrate the coup would be if Iroh initiated him into the Order of the White Lotus soon after he was banished from the Fire Nation.

As for heroes looping... Aang might be interested in looping, in hopes of averting the death of the Air Nomads. That could produce some interesting psychological issues, since Aang would essentially be forced to choose between saving his people and meeting the Gaang.

It would be really interesting to see the aftermath of that. I could see Aang visiting his old friends as the 112 year old avatar. It would be a bittersweet meeting/reunion.


Well-Known Member
There'd need to be some good reason why Iroh would initiate Zuko, when he didn't in canon, most likely that Zuko was ready to accept the aims of the order. However, a Zuko in that position wouldn't want to capture the avatar, any more than Iroh did.

Aang looping could be interesting, and reincarnation can allow other characters to appear. When Aang meets the three bending masters who would have taught him, pre-freezing, he can recognise them as previous incarnations of his friends, Zuko, Toph, and Katara, though the element bent might vary between incarnations.

Other characters recognisable characters would be around too - Azula as a self-righteous airbending nun, say, or Sokka as a fire nation general, and secret lotus member. They'd all be similar enough to their future selves to make Aang feel homesick, but different enough that he can't forget they're not the same people, adding to his emotional turmoil.

Going back to the original suggestion, using chi-blocking on the avatar seems a rather chancy strategy to me. The characters can't know what will happen if Aang goes into the Avatar state while blocked - that's not exactly an experiment likely to have been performed before - but it seems plausible that the spiritual energies unleashed in that state might be strong enough to brush aside the blocks.

We, of course, know that the Avatar state can be affected if the right points are targeted, though it might take something more vigorous than a simple finger jab to do it, but the characters don't have that advantage. I suspect that anyone reasonably smart would reject the idea of chi-blocking Aang, because that means gambling everything on chi-blocking affecting the Avatar state, and such all-or-nothing gambles are a tactic of desperation.


Well-Known Member
Zuko at that stage, wouldn't have a lot to lose.

He has to capture the Avatar, which means he needs some kind of solution to the Avatar State. Chi blocking might not work, but it's worth a try.


Well-Known Member
I always thought that Chi blocking worked like this.

Striking the pressure points will have one of the following effects, depending if the target is bending at the moment:

Not Bending: The attack disrupts the chi, and since the chakras are in balance, the damage isn't channeled into them, and is instead dealt to the surrounding area, which immobilizes the limbs.

Bending: The attack disrupts the chi, but since the elemental chakra is currently dominant, it takes the brunt of the blow, which causes disruption and prevents its use in bending. In most cases this prevents the use of all bending, since most people can only bend one element. However, if it was used on an avatar, it would only disable the element in use, leaving the remaining three available. You would have to block their chi 3 additional times to prevent the use of all bending.

As for it working on the avatar state, I doubt it, since that is more related to the spirit world, and less likely to be damaged without much more force being applied to it, like lightning.

@Carandol: I don't think that including previous lives of his friends would be a good idea. Maybe one, two tops, but meeting all of his friends? I doubt it. Plus, it's kinda creepy, because in order for the incarnations he knows to com back, the current incarnations would have to die at the precise time they would be born.


Well-Known Member
drakensis said:
Zuko at that stage, wouldn't have a lot to lose.

He has to capture the Avatar, which means he needs some kind of solution to the Avatar State. Chi blocking might not work, but it's worth a try.
Zuko at that stage, wouldn't have a lot to lose.
But he's not up against an hard deadline. If he was - say if Ozai told him to bring the Avatar back within three years or never return - then I could see him getting desperate. Otherwise, it's 50-50 whether he'd take the gamble on blocking the avatar state.

However, |I wasn't just thinking about your particular scenario, but about the use of chi-blocking to capture the avatar in general. Overall, because the characters don't know if it will restrain the avatar state, I'd say they'd need to be pretty desperate or short-sighted to try that tactic. Zuko might qualify on both counts, but Azula, for example, would probably pick a surer method.

If they're ruthless, as Azula is, simply cutting off Aang's limbs should work. Even in the avatar state, he'll have considerable trouble bending without them, though perhaps not as much as the characters would expect. For the less ruthless, drugging him into a stupor would be an obvious option, that, or addictive drugs. Either way, he shouldn't be able to get into the Avatar state - no external stimulus will penetrate his drug-addled haze.