Bigest Bullshit in comics


Well-Known Member
QUOTE (Konous)
Sounds like a good defense FOR Bendis in my case.? But then again I think all characters should be abused to some extent, and Wolverine saying that after all he's been through makes sense to me.

I'm not entirely getting what you're meaning here. If you're referring to abuse as in putting the characters through the wringer, then yes I feel every character should experience that once in a good while. But that's not the sort of abuse I was discussing with that example.

I've read Wolverine for a long time. I can see Wolverine being angry and pissed about what happened that lead up to that. I could see him even going into a berserker rage. But screaming "Stop raping me!!" like that?

No. Just no.

That's the abuse of the other sort. That was writing Wolverine out-of-character. As much as I used to like Bendis, he's developed a habit of writing established characters out-of-character.

I'm thankful that he's bring back into the spotlight some interesting C-listers but that doesn't get him off the hook in my eyes.

Heh, I disagree with you enormously, Wolverine is too much of a bad ass in my opinion. Within every shell of every character, they all have problems, and one thing I've always figured about the 'Bad ass' no holds barred character like wolvey is that they're more often than not trapped in a cage and they bash against it to gain some sense of control.

Rape is nothing less than the lack of fullest control. And yes, any possible abuse so long as in due time they manage to become stronger and can over come it.


Well-Known Member
quinlanvos said:
Konous said:
Sounds like a good defense FOR Bendis in my case.? But then again I think all characters should be abused to some extent, and Wolverine saying that after all he's been through makes sense to me.
I'm not entirely getting what you're meaning here. If you're referring to abuse as in putting the characters through the wringer, then yes I feel every character should experience that once in a good while. But that's not the sort of abuse I was discussing with that example.

I've read Wolverine for a long time. I can see Wolverine being angry and pissed about what happened that lead up to that. I could see him even going into a berserker rage. But screaming "Stop raping me!!" like that?

No. Just no.

That's the abuse of the other sort. That was writing Wolverine out-of-character. As much as I used to like Bendis, he's developed a habit of writing established characters out-of-character.

I'm thankful that he's bring back into the spotlight some interesting C-listers but that doesn't get him off the hook in my eyes.

Deathsheadx said:
they made him turn traitor, set sentinels on the xmen, try to kill a baby, shoot xavier, shoot forge, lose an arm and go off chasing cable through the timestream.
I think some context should be given to these events. First off, he's speaking of the events that have taken place in the recently-completed "Messiah Complex" crossover.

Why was Bishop trying to kill a baby? Because from the future he originated from, that baby grew up and became the Mutant Anti-Christ and caused a boatload of death and destruction, leading to mutant concentration camps. Bishop witnessed and experienced a lot of horrors during his childhood and if he could anything to prevent that future, he would. It's the age-old question: If you could time travel back to kill Adolf Hitler as a baby, would you? For Bishop the answer is yes.

Of course, the future is never set. The baby could also become the Mutant Savior.

But Bishop decided that he'd do whatever it takes to kill the baby. Which lead us to the 'shooting Forge' thing and the majority of the stuff above. Cable had the child in his possession and Bishop knew he'd go to Forge to get help. He shot Forge to get him out of the way and prepared a trap. He also did the Sentinel stuff.

Then a bunch of other stuff happened which lead to the Marauders getting a hold of the child and then a bunch of other crap happened that lead to this creature-monster that's breed to hunt down mutants chewing down Bishop's arm.

As for the whole 'shooting Xavier thing,' He was trying to nail Cable and the baby. Cable 'bodyslided' while he was shooting and Xavier got hit instead.

But don't worry about Charlie, he's still alive. He's just in a coma, as has been recently revealed. Read X-MEN: LEGACY (the retitled X-MEN ongoing) for more when it comes out.

One last thing...

If you didn't like "One More Day," I'd recommend hitting Newsarama and searching for an old article that came out a few weeks back concerning JMS' side of the story.

You'd get a delicious quote/paraphrase of Joe Quesada's from the mouth of JMS like "It's magic. We don't need to explain it."

If you want to understand more, just look for the article. :D
context isn't needed because at it's core what went down is absolute bullshit it lacked consistency of character


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think it'd be better for the X-Men if Xavier died and stayed dead. Half, if not more, of the crap that happened to the X-Men over the years since the Living Island arc where the New X-Men were formed was HIS fault. And the Vulcan mess is entirely his fault and no one else's.


Well-Known Member
i think the problem with marvel, and to a lesser extent DC is a lack of respect for the past.

in marvels case queseda has pushed his agenda's forward with total disreguard for the plots that have come before, and with his cronies has instilled a sense of doing what they want picking and choosing what they like in his staff

lets go back a bit to see just how badly joe Q screwed over marvel.

no matter how much you like or dislike morrisons run Joe Q allowed severe liberties to be taken with the history of the xmen in powers, attitudes, and motivations.

emma was suddenly speaking like a brit, the beast was now a cat, sage had an off button, and so on. when he didnt like what he allowed to happen to magneto he had it retcon and couldnt keep the facts straight which lead to 2 more retcons of the xorn plot.

then we have avengers dissassembled. bringing in bendis who was allowed to anally rape avengers history, Screw over the scarlet witch repeatedly, so he could get his marvel superfriends team, allowing bendis to dilute and ruin the unique, encapsulated concept of the sentry, ruin one of the few good creations of the late 90's in the second black widow because he is a fan of the first. marry his self insert mary-sue jessica jones to one of his favorite character luke cage

millar blatently ripping off a claremont plot, totally messing up strucker, finishing the story sloppily, and getting praised and premoted the heck out of it?

house of m/ Wiping out the mutants, because deep down quesada is not an x fan, believing that marvel heroes and spiderman and by extension bendis should be the driving force of marvel and states his reasoning as being he sees too many mutants in the marvel u claiming they're no longer a minority(word to the wise in truth there was about 200 named mutants in marvels stable of characters and even at then at 16 million mutants its not even 2 percent of the worlds population)

pheonix endsong

civil war, turning ironman into a dick?

nerfing storm to push black panther

deadly genesis

sins past

messiah complex


you know, i think i quit. quesada can go f*ck himself and bendis, marvel is dead to me.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you completely. With the exception of Marvel Zombies (Everyone gets turned into a zombie, how can you not like that?) the last Marvel story arc I really liked was The Infinity Gauntlet, and that was what? Fifteen years ago?
Death to Bendis.

Or at least removed from the Avengers books, give them to writers that can write a team book worth a damn, and of course for the most part ignore his run.

A retcon like the Crossing got would be nice, but I just want the Avengers to be the Avengers again.

And of course use Cthon to explain why Wanda acted like she did.

It's magic...well more like a pissed off Elder God that has plans that would be bad for every living thing on it.

Oh and pick what counts and doesn't count DC. And please stick with it!


Well-Known Member
I'd like to call BS on a general class of events that has become far too common, rather than a specific instance. Namely, the Reset Button. One More Day, Infinite Crisis, Countdown to Final Crisis, etc.

I could handle it when DC had Crisis on Infinite Earths, followed by Zero-Hour, followed by Hypertime, followed by Infinite Crisis, because they at least let things be for a decade or so between events. Now we have Final (yea, right) Crisis on the heels of the Infinite Crisis.

I actually stopped reading comics about a year ago, because I saw the quality was going down hill, and it just wasn't worth the time or financial expense anymore. One of the things making comics mediocre is that there aren't consequences to anything. This is actually a problem that often plagues episodic fiction as things go back to status quo at the end of every story arc, but hitting the reset button on the whole continuity repeatedly makes things far worse.


Well-Known Member
Well there are two things in Marvel comics I consider the biggest bullshits.

1. Scott Summers leaving his first wife Madelyne Pryor and their son to be with Jean and join X-Factor. That was the main thing I really despised Cyclops for in years before Jean experienced something similar like Madelyne did when Emma started seducing him. And how quickly the X-Men and X-Factor forgave him after facing Mr. Sinister in the aftermaths of Inferno.

2. Deadly Genesis (worst retcon ever). Completely ruined Professor Xavier as a character and made him worse than he was before.