Bleach Bleach Omake Files


Well-Known Member
You forced me to do this: not completed, but tell me the truth, can it live?

What If?
Part One

Disclaimer: I donÆt own this series or any other series. I am just floating an idea. I am making no money, nor plan to, off this venture. If you think of suing me over this, then grow up.

I would like to first personally thank all of those reviewing my stories. I enjoy reading your comments, and try to correct the grammatical errors I miss with my final read-through as well as my spell checkers. The suggestions you all make will help make this story better for everyone to enjoy, as well as allow my to fix some plot holes I may unintentionally leave. If you find any, let me know, and I will correct them and repost the chapters.


There will always be people asking ôWhat if X happened to Y?ö There is nothing that can stop this, people postulating what alternative universe might exist because Person Y had Action X happen to him. The only difference is that these questions grow in proportion to the following of the series they are based on.

So it is with that idea that we come to a question, even if it is one we must also ask if Man was meant to know.

What if Orihime Inoue was a bit à blood thirsty?

For better or worse, Man is now meant to know. What is learned cannot be unlearned.


Many people thought Tatsuki defended Orihime from bullies because she was protecting the gentle girl.

Boy; were they wrong. Tatsuki wasnÆt protecting Orihime from bullies; she was protecting the bullies from Orihime. After all, to a girl who thought æpassive restraintÆ was only aiming for their limbs, bullies were an enjoyable dish. The girl simply delighted in making the former tormentors bleed and cry out in pain.

Orihime was seriously fucked up in the head, insane in the membrane, a couple manga short of a volume, etcà Even her friend wondered from time to time if her brotherÆs æaccidentÆ had been an accident after all.

Oh, she wouldnÆt voice that opinion outright, let alone even think it near Orihime in case the girl ever developed some telepathy abilities. Tatsuki rather liked not being bedridden for the rest of her life, thank you.

Orihime wanted her to eat whatever Orihime cooked, she did it. Orihime wanted to think sheÆd be a cyborg in the future that shot missiles out of her nipples, well then that was a worthy goal for her. Orihime wanted to marry Ichigo and have Tatsuki as one of theirùyes, their as in both for Ichigo and Orihimeùmistresses, then so be it.

Hey, no one wanted to end up eating through a straw for the rest of their life because they wanted to stand up to the class sociopath.

But soon it would be over in four years. After that, Tatsuki would get a scholarship to a far away university, where she would move, stay, and live out the rest of her life, preferably in a country that would never grant Orihime a passportùpoor S.O.B that had to do that, his suffering would not be forgotten. Orihime would be stuck with Ichigo à or was it the other way around? Whatever, not like the idiot had ever tried to help her deal with the crazy big-busted redhead, let alone show any interest in the opposite sex.

Oh yeah, she would not want to be around if it was true Ichigo preferred the males. At least she lacked the necessary equipment for Orihime to take out her anger on.

Kami-sama help Chad though.


Ury? Ishida was not a man who was easily squeamish, one simply couldnÆt afford to be when you dealt with Hollows like a Quincy was meant to. And when one fought Hollows, one tended to see the lows that any soul could sink to.

It still didnÆt prepare you for seeing the glee on a girlÆs face when she used her Shun Shun Rikka and took out a Shinigami who had tried to slay them from behind, all while yelling ôHeadshot!ö as she had the Shun Shun Rikka known as Tsubaki bust through the ShinigamiÆs head. No, his grandfather had never warned him about days like that.

ôThat was fun!ö squealed the big-busted girl who was partially covered in blood while dancing in circles with the attack-part of her Shun Shun Rikka. ôCan we do it again?ö she asked Ishida, her hands and appearance pleading.

ôFuck yeah!ö cried Tsubaki. ôLetÆs blow some more heads off!ö

The Quincy gulped at the twin-puppy-dog-eyed attacks of the blood-thirsty à persons. Why did he have the sudden feeling that perhaps the betrayal by the Shinigami was not the worst thing he had to fear?


ôYes, I promise IÆll try to minimize the pain my research will cause,ö said Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Captain of the Eleventh Division, as he looked at the Quincy and the strange girl. ôYou have myùö

ôTsubaki, Koten Zanshun, I reject!

ôHeadshot!ö yelled Orihime, as the strange CaptainÆs head exploded in a bit of gore and a lot of blood and brains.

Ishida gulped once more, wondering what sort of weird torture the Shinigami known as Ichigo had placed him in.

...more to come...


Well-Known Member
:snigger: :rofl: :snigger: :rofl: :snigger: :rofl: :snigger: :rofl:



Well-Known Member
I have to object....

It should be "Boom! Headshot!"



Well-Known Member
I think when that story reaches the point when Ulquilorra abducts Inoue, the rest of the gang will let him have her, laughing the whole time.


Well-Known Member
Nah, he would learn from grimmjaww, who would declare the girl "bat-shit insane". But surely another arrancar would volunteer to do so for the glory of Aizen-sama.

They won't be missed.


Well-Known Member
Basically I'll add a few more scenes of Orihime's new battles, the Headshots she's taken.


Well-Known Member
I approve of this sudden increase in writing, Innortal.

This is hilarious. Orihime somehow manages to be adorable even when being scary as hell. I can easily see Ichigo remaining completely oblivious to Orihime's bloodier tendencies, even when it's almost glaringly obvious.


Well-Known Member
You know, thinking about this I can't help but wonder how Orihime and Kenpachi are going to get along...
I love this idea! Bloodthirsty Orihime FTW!

Man, Tsubaki with pouty puppy eyes... That's just WRONG...
Nice scenes. We need more blood-thristy Orihime.

Blood for the Blood Goddess!!!


Well-Known Member
Kenpachi would probably offer her Third Seat, if for nothing else than the sheer scare-factor when he goes to meetings.
Third's taken, it's Madarame's. She could take fourth.

I approve of this omake. Very much.


Well-Known Member
Nah, he'd knock Madarame to Fourth Seat because he likes Orihime more, except for the fact she ends a fight so quickly. The fact she brings them back to kill again is what endears her to him.


Well-Known Member
Innortal said:
Nah, he'd knock Madarame to Fourth Seat because he likes Orihime more, except for the fact she ends a fight so quickly.? The fact she brings them back to kill again is what endears her to him.
Madarame and Yumichika are pretty much the only friends (used loosely) Kenpachi acknowledges. Orihime would be 4th seat if she were actually able to join the Gotei 13 (which she isn't).

After all. I'm pretty sure it was stated that the only reason Yumichika was 5th was because the number itself was more 'beautiful'.


Well-Known Member
Well, would you say no to a bloodthirsty Orihime, Kenpachi, and Yachiru?


Well-Known Member
Innortal said:
Well, would you say no to a bloodthirsty Orihime, Kenpachi, and Yachiru?
If you had the power to almost instantaneously wipe them from the face of existence like Yammamoto does... yes.

People seriously need to get over Orihime. She's may have great potential, but against any character at lower Captain level or above, she doesn't have a hope in hell of doing anything.

Also, Tsubaki isn't capable of killing anyone who has a decent level of power and is prepared for it (Given that even a low level kidou of Rukia's can shatter Orihime's strongest shields).
*sigh* Orihime's abilities are not about 'power'. She's capable of rearranging reality on a basic level. The only reason why Tsubaki fails is because she cripples him with her indecision most of the time. The shield is also crippled by her self-confidence issues. She has the ability to turn back time, which is her strongest because she identifies it with removing injuries. The same ability could be used to convert a person into their most base components, ala Mommy Dearest from FMA. If she found the starting point of the universe, she could unmake all of creation.

Given what the strongest of her three abilities can do with the softhearted canon-version, it's not unimaginable that Tsubaki could be just as broken if Orihime was more violent and bloodthirsty. It's entirely possible that he's not tearing the enemy in half... rather, he's tearing the reality they're currently occupying in half and they're just following it. It'd be like the ultimate Ignore Defense. Just a theory, though, of what could be possible.


Well-Known Member
Scygnus Darkhawk said:
*sigh* Orihime's abilities are not about 'power'. She's capable of rearranging reality on a basic level. The only reason why Tsubaki fails is because she cripples him with her indecision most of the time. The shield is also crippled by her self-confidence issues. She has the ability to turn back time, which is her strongest because she identifies it with removing injuries. The same ability could be used to convert a person into their most base components, ala Mommy Dearest from FMA. If she found the starting point of the universe, she could unmake all of creation.

Given what the strongest of her three abilities can do with the softhearted canon-version, it's not unimaginable that Tsubaki could be just as broken if Orihime was more violent and bloodthirsty. It's entirely possible that he's not tearing the enemy in half... rather, he's tearing the reality they're currently occupying in half and they're just following it. It'd be like the ultimate Ignore Defense. Just a theory, though, of what could be possible.
This is entirely speculation. She was barely able to reject the reiatsu left in Ichigo's wound by Ulquiorra, so saying she could reject reality itself or that the only reason she cant defeat everyone in the series is because of self-confidence is completely baseless.

There was one statement that her attack was weak because she lacked the will to kill.... and that's what everyone keeps basing their entire arguments on.

In fact, going by this logic, I could say the only reason that Ichigo cant kill every single person in the entire series in one blow is because he lacks the instinct to kill, basing this on a single statement by his hollow.


Well-Known Member
SoftRogue said:
You know, thinking about this I can't help but wonder how Orihime and Kenpachi are going to get along...
Heck, Yachiru would try to hook the two of them up!


Well-Known Member
Darkhawk, being weaker due to lacking the confidence to attack and fight is not limited to Orihime. In Bleach, confidence and self-awareness lead to power. How you view combat (i.e; I don't want to be cut/I won't let him cut me) makes a difference too. Or rather, being committed to a fight means you can bring up and focus all/most of your power on this fight, rather than going at it half-heartedly.

Ichigo also has more spirit power than you can shake a zanpakuto at.

Orihime has strange (though not unique; one of the vizards does something similar) abilities. Her range and power (strength of use) haven't been shown in full; but thus far she couldn't cut that shinigami, and her shield/healing field was.. what, 2 meters in diameter? It's very far from saying she can travel back in time (personal time travel is NOT what her power does) or do so billions of years into the past... Kinda like saying Yamamoto's zanpakuto can burn the whole universe to ashes because that's what it says on his release; or that he could burn the whole universe, if only he wasn't lacking "some" power... That's a pretty big gap before getting to "kill the world! muahahahaha!"

Besides. Her three abilities are reversing entropy/causality to CUT, SHIELD, or HEAL. Actually I kinda liked that, having a power to alters the world around you, Tsubaki CUTS people, rather than does something weird like "cut their destiny/string of life" or "break apart theit quantum state." Because everything's better when you mention quantum, or fate. :rolleyes:

Ura Mamoru

Well-Known Member
Garlak said:

Besides. Her three abilities are reversing entropy/causality to CUT, SHIELD, or HEAL. Actually I kinda liked that, having a power to alters the world around you, Tsubaki CUTS people, rather than does something weird like "cut their destiny/string of life" or "break apart theit quantum state." Because everything's better when you mention quantum, or fate. :rolleyes:
Tsubaki's description of his power was that he basically pierces his opponent, and then creates a thin field to his sides and rejects things above and below that 'layer', effectively denying the physical unity of the target. It doesn't cut, it rejects a portion of its target's very form; the result merely resembles a cut.

We've already seen that Orihime can reject things from existence; the first time she used her powers to heal Tatsuki, she rejected the injuries in question, but she also rejected the very existence of the 'seeds' that were allowing the Hollow to manipulate Tatsuki's body. How far that power can go, however, is something that is left to be seen.

The shield is more or less as described; it rejects things from passing through it, and in doing so, prevents incoming attacks (as well as being an effective way to create massive amounts of air resistance in the event of a long fall).


Well-Known Member
Ura Mamoru said:
The shield is more or less as described; it rejects things from passing through it, and in doing so, prevents incoming attacks (as well as being an effective way to create massive amounts of air resistance in the event of a long fall).
I thought Orihime used her shield as an airbag to cushion the fall for her and Ishida when they made their emergency landing after the cannonball shattered.


Well-Known Member
This may be the final form, so let me know.

What If?
Part One

Disclaimer: I donÆt own this series or any other series. I am just floating an idea. I am making no money, nor plan to, off this venture. If you think of suing me over this, then grow up.

I would like to first personally thank all of those reviewing my stories. I enjoy reading your comments, and try to correct the grammatical errors I miss with my final read-through as well as my spell checkers. The suggestions you all make will help make this story better for everyone to enjoy, as well as allow my to fix some plot holes I may unintentionally leave. If you find any, let me know, and I will correct them and repost the chapters.


There will always be people asking ôWhat if X happened to Y?ö There is nothing that can stop this, people postulating what alternative universe might exist because Person Y had Action X happen to him. The only difference is that these questions grow in proportion to the following of the series they are based on.

So it is with that idea that we come to a question, even if it is one we must also ask if Man was meant to know.

What if Orihime Inoue was a bit à blood thirsty?

For better or worse, Man is now meant to know. What is learned cannot be unlearned.


Many people thought Tatsuki defended Orihime from bullies because she was protecting the gentle girl.

Boy; were they wrong. Tatsuki wasnÆt protecting Orihime from bullies; she was protecting the bullies from Orihime. After all, to a girl who thought æpassive restraintÆ was only aiming for their limbs, bullies were an enjoyable dish. The girl simply delighted in making the former tormentors bleed and cry out in pain.

Orihime was seriously fucked up in the head, insane in the membrane, a couple manga short of a volume, etcà Even her friend wondered from time to time if her brotherÆs æaccidentÆ had been an accident after all.

Oh, she wouldnÆt voice that opinion outright, let alone even think it near Orihime in case the girl ever developed some telepathy abilities. Tatsuki rather liked not being bedridden for the rest of her life, thank you.

Orihime wanted her to eat whatever Orihime cooked, she did it. Orihime wanted to think sheÆd be a cyborg in the future that shot missiles out of her nipples, well then that was a worthy goal for her. Orihime wanted to marry Ichigo and have Tatsuki as one of theirùyes, their as in both for Ichigo and Orihimeùmistresses, then so be it.

Hey, no one wanted to end up eating through a straw for the rest of their life because they wanted to stand up to the class sociopath.

But soon it would be over in four years. After that, Tatsuki would get a scholarship to a far away university, where she would move, stay, and live out the rest of her life, preferably in a country that would never grant Orihime a passportùpoor S.O.B that had to do that, his suffering would not be forgotten. Orihime would be stuck with Ichigo à or was it the other way around? Whatever, not like the idiot had ever tried to help her deal with the crazy big-busted redhead, let alone show any interest in the opposite sex.

Oh yeah, she would not want to be around if it was true Ichigo preferred the males. At least she lacked the necessary equipment for Orihime to take out her anger on.

Kami-sama help Chad though.


Ury? Ishida was not a man who was easily squeamish, one simply couldnÆt afford to be when you dealt with Hollows like a Quincy was meant to. And when one fought Hollows, one tended to see the lows that any soul could sink to.

It still didnÆt prepare you for seeing the glee on a girlÆs face when she used her Shun Shun Rikka and took out a Shinigami who had tried to slay them from behind, all while yelling ôHeadshot!ö as she had the Shun Shun Rikka known as Tsubaki bust through the ShinigamiÆs head. No, his grandfather had never warned him about days like that.

ôThat was fun!ö squealed the big-busted girl who was partially covered in blood while dancing in circles with the attack-part of her Shun Shun Rikka. ôCan we do it again?ö she asked Ishida, her hands and appearance pleading.

ôFuck yeah!ö cried Tsubaki. ôLetÆs blow some more heads off!ö

The Quincy gulped at the twin-puppy-dog-eyed attacks of the blood-thirsty à persons. Why did he have the sudden feeling that perhaps the betrayal by the Shinigami was not the worst thing he had to fear?


ôYes, I promise IÆll try to minimize the pain my research will cause,ö said Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Captain of the Twelfth Division, as he looked at the Quincy and the strange girl. ôYou have myùö

ôTsubaki, Koten Zanshun, I reject!

ôHeadshot!ö yelled Orihime, as the strange CaptainÆs head exploded in a bit of gore and a lot of blood and brains.

Ishida gulped once more, wondering what sort of weird torture the Shinigami known as Ichigo had placed him in.

ôOh yeah!ö celebrated Tsubaki, enjoying yet another kill.

Nemu stared on in shock. Her father, her creator à was killed with a single attack. As far as she was aware, he had nothing to restore him after his head had been destroyed. Oh sure, she could try stabbing the body with his still-sheathed zanpakut¶ and see if he reverted to his immortal slimeà

ôAyame, Shun'?, S?ten Kisshun, I reject!ö

ôWhat the hell are you doing?ö yelled Tsubaki.

ôI want to do it again,ö smiled Orihime. ôThat was fun!ö

ôOhà Okay then,ö said the still gloating Shun Shun Rikka.

Needless to say that half an hour later, Nemu, Makiz?, and Ishida were both very traumatized from watching Orihime kill the Twelfth Division Captain in a multitude of ways, before upon one final revival, the Shinigami had been quick enough to stab himself with his zanpakut¶ and flee.

ôAhhh,ö cried Inoue. ôI was having fun! WhyÆd he have to leave?ö

ôReturn you bastard!ö yelled Tsubaki. ôWe need blood for the Blood Goddess!ö

Orihime perked up after hearing her new nickname. ôOh, I like that! IÆm a Goddess! Hey, Ury?, I want toà Ury??ö she asked, looking around for her Quincy friend. But he had seemed to vanish. Turning back, she discovered that the Lieutenant assistant for Mayuri was missing now as well. ôWell thatÆs odd,ö she mused, before finding one last person still near her, slightly covered in parts of Mayuri that had à flaked off during his many, many, many deaths.

ôYou!ö declared Orihime, pointing to Makiz?.

ôMe?ö squeaked the now very sober Shinigami from the Eleventh Division, as he cursed the fact he hadnÆt chosen to run earlier like the ryoka male or Nemu.

ôTake me to someone fun to play with!ö Orihime ordered. ôTsubaki needs more blood!ö

ôDamn skippy!ö agreed said Shun Shun Rikka.

ôB-b-but I canÆt!ö pleaded Makiz?, not wanting to be arrested à or have his ass kicked by Kenpachi when said man discovered Makiz? hadnÆt even tried to stop the insane female ryoka.

Of course, unlike many in Karakura Town, the man had yet to learn à no one says no to Orihime.

ôTsubaki, Koten Zanshun, Iùö

ôFollow me!ö screamed Makiz?, as he darted towards his divisionÆs headquarters. Maybe the Captain would be happy he brought such a powerful person to him to fight.


ôSo let me get this straight,ö said Kenpachi, staring at the gleeful looking hell raiser. ôYou and your friends came here to rescue Rukia.ö

ôYep,ö said Orihime. ôI canÆt let one of mine and IchigoÆs mistresses get killed.ö

ôYou were the one who blew that asshole Jir?b?Æs head off.ö

ôWell, I didnÆt really get to enjoy it,ö said Orihime sadly. ôI didnÆt even think of restoring it to get the full effect until after we left him.ö

ôAnd you took half an hour torturing that bastard Mayuri, killing and resurrecting him, just to practice your techniques?ö

She nodded again. ôHe really didnÆt put up much of a fight though, just kept screaming for me to stop, asking why it was happening to him, just whining.ö

Kenpachi nodded, before standing up, looking down on Orihime à and offering her a hand. ôHow would you like to be my new Fourth Seat, I could use a person with your attitude towards fighting?ö

ôReally?ö asked Orihime, overwhelmed with happiness.

ôWill there be plenty of blood for the Blood Goddess?ö asked Tsubaki.

Kenpachi wiped a tear away from his left eye. He was half tempted to promote her to Third Seat and knock Ikkaku down a rank now. ôYouÆre the daughter I always wanted.ö

ôHey!ö cried Yachiru.


Aizen opened his eyes, having just witnessed with his two fellow Captains and the Espada of Ulquiorra and YammyÆs trip to the human world.

Well, at least it now explained why the larger Espada was missing his arm à and a leg à and quite a few teeth.

ôAn interesting power,ö murmured Aizen. Oh he had heard of the ryoka during their invasion to rescue Rukia. But at the time, he had doubted she had done to Mayuri what the rumors claimed.

Now à not so much. ôUlquiorra,ö said Aizen, ôbring the girl to me; I have a use for her powers.ö

The Fourth Espada twitched slightly, before bowing. ôForgive me, Aizen-sama, but I cannot.ö

ôOh? Why?ö

ôI do not wish to die a hundred times to satisfy her interests.ö

ôAre you scared of her?ö asked Aizen.

ôFuck yeah!ö

The assembled people blinked. Not just the words, but the fearful tone that Ulquiorra had spoken in was not something one encountered everyday.

ôPussy,ö spat Nnoitra. ôIÆll do it.ö

ôI wish her returned alive, Nnoitra,ö said Aizen. ôYou by your very nature could not perform such a task. Any volunteers?ö

The remaining Espada stayed silent. They were far from cowards, but they werenÆt stupid either. You didnÆt screw with a woman who played cat-and-mouse games with the Grim reaper using you as the game board.

ôI shall go,ö said Halibel. ôFrom our records, we know she has yet to attack a female so viciously. As such, I may be the best suited to perform the assigned task.ö

ôI could do it just as easily,ö shouted Nnoitra, not wanting to appear less-capable of any task than a mere woman.

ôThen both go, bring me back this woman à alive.ö

Nnoitra just snorted. ôItÆll be too easy.ö

He didnÆt take notice of Ulquiorra and Yammy giving him looks that shouted out how they never expected to see the two alive again.

Grimmjow waited until the doors were shut, before he sneered at Yammy. ôLucky you, you get to be the new Number 8.ö


Orihime looked on at the kneeling and bleeding arrancar before her, a large staff with two crescent blades slung over her shoulder, blood and a bit of a broken Hollow mask decorated her current outfit. ôSo letÆs see,ö Orihime murmured, as she paced about her apartment, ôI now have four arrancar mistresses for me and Ichigo,ö she murmured. ôSo I need to balance it with an equal number of human females and shinigami females,ö she muttered.

One of HalibelÆs Fracci¾n made a move to object to being a sex toy, let alone a sex toy with some Shinigami, but her two partners and her Espada Mistress quickly silenced her. They most certainly did not want to anger ôShe Who Loves the Headshotö and most certainly did not want to suffer like Nnoitra and his Fracci¾n had. Being killed once was enough for them, thank you.

That and just by looking, they could tell her and her little attacker were just waiting to kill something again, they could see the look in their eyes.

ôUm à Mistress,ö said Halibel, slowly raising her hand. ôMaybe we should ask this Ichigo if he has any preferences.ö

Orihime blinked. She had never asked Ichigo which girls he wanted as mistresses before. Yep, asking him was the right idea.


Ichigo lounged in his bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to figure out his next move. Did he really want to trust those Visored people with helping him learn to control his Inner Hollow?

And then there were his friends. Oh sure, they still hung out, but they kept saying stuff about how psychotic Inoue was. Sure, she had her quirks, but she wasnÆt that bad, and certainly not how they described her.

ôInoueÆs not some damned nut,ö he muttered. ôSheÆs just a little strange, thatÆs all.ö


Sighing, he sat up from his bed, heading towards the window. ôWonder why sheÆs here?ö he muttered, still too depressed and worried about his Inner Hollow to show much cheer for OrihimeÆs arrival.

That changed when he looked out the window and spotted her à surrounded by four barely dressed women who were kneeling behind her.

ôWhich girls do you like?ö she yelled back up. ôI need to make a list!ö

For once, Ichigo was very glad his family wasnÆt home at the moment; because there was no way in hell he could ever explain this.
Glorious. :yay: