Chance of a Millennium


Well-Known Member
You know, at one point I sorta expect the two to meet some Gnomes or Goblins and end up owning WoW versions of Electric Guitars and portable speakers.

Thought maybe someone from the Horde side of things tracked them down, to challenge them to a Duel, specifically a Foresaken Warlock, Type? Music! Battle of the Bands! Heh.. Rob Zombie? Ozzy perhaps? or a local unreasonable facimile of them, yes, recently saw the commercial where he was saying he was the 'Prince of Darkness' since.. ect, then got challenged.

Will they go the route of the Goblins, Horde Transport, or running the Marsh?
Just thinking in terms of 'Lvl', they are not well equiped or have enough spells and skills to back them up, they need.. a lot.

They had some gold, surprised they did not go to the auction house for a item or two.

Do they know one of the professions such as Mining, Leatherworking/ Skinning or otherwise? Tailor/ Enchant seems like something for Serenity to have picked up before the group left. Or that is something Elune included for them? To recall/ use when needed?

I seem to recall a area near Auberdine that has some Crystals of a Magical Nature, would they take the side quest?

Just things that occured to me to ask.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
I kind of have to wonder... why bother keeping it a secret any more. He/she has agreed to help, the timeline is messed up (unless you think a Serentity with knowledge of LOTR would make no difference), and currently she is in no position to do anything, and already has guessed much of it.
Bet you thought we abandoned this, eh?

Chapter 8


"Think they suspect something?"

"Not likely. And even if they did, that tainted soup should keep them asleep long enough for us to grab the one and get back."

"It's too bad we're not allowed to sample them..."

"You just remember what happened to the last guy who acted on those thoughts. Grab her legs, will ya?"

"I'm not going to... jus' sayin'..."

"Alright, we're good. Lets go."


Kyle rushed through the woods, doing her best to ignore the shouts of Matt fading behind her. The day was off to a pretty horrible start.

After a three-day trip by boat across the ocean to Stormwind, they'd taken a day to get used to the ground not rocking beneath them before trying to charter a boat to Northrend. Unfortunately, the dock master had taken one look at them and denied them passage to the Northern Wastes, telling them it was for their own good.

Dejected, the party had traveled to Goldshire at Kyle's insistence, in an attempt to plan their next move. A Small village outside of the bustling fortress-city of Stormwind, Goldshire had been a peaceful little place the three felt was good for planning their next move.

That was yesterday. Today, they'd woken up to a warm meal, and no Serenity. In her place had been a piece of gold, and a note not to follow them.

"Bastards," Kyle snarled, pulling her daggers and sprinting out the door, with Tannim at her heels and quickly falling behind.

Reaching an empty clearing, Kyle stopped, half his mind screaming at her for running like an idiot, and the other half screaming at him for letting this happen.

A minute later, Matt emerged from the trees, stepping into the leaf-spotted sunlight of the clearing and looking her over. "Any luck?"

"No... I... was stupid. I don't know why I ran here. Jae doesn't either. Shit, I can't believe they just took her."

"Of all the-!" Matt punched the nearby tree with a gauntleted fist, and growled in frustration. "We have to find her! Hire a hunter to track them down! Do something!"

The foliage danced with the wind as if in response to the agitation felt by the two standing in the clearing. For once, Kyle was at a loss for what to do next. Everything had been planned. They'd retrieve the rock, head back to the Moon Kingdom, thwart the impending invasion and go home. Now the Gold Farmers had kidnapped their one ticket back, and thrown everything for a loop. It had been carelessness, a stupid mistake to not set some sort of watch or perimeter guard, she knew, and all this could have probably been avoided. But when Serenity insisted on her own room last night, she hadn't even thought twice about it...

"We're going after them, right?" Matt's eyes shone with fierce determination; in part born from holy zeal to see righteousness done on the Tannim side of things, and partly from his own rage at seeing a friend stolen right under their own noses.

Kyle stared at Matt for a moment, before shaking her head free of the endless loop of recriminations going through her head. "Yeah... yeah we are. They want to play at being bad like that? Then we'll just have to introduce them to some Twenty-first century bad-assery."

Turning around, Kyle started walking back towards Goldshire.

"What's the plan?" Matt asked, as he followed.

"We get whatever we left at the inn, and head to Stormwind. If there were Gold Farmers in Ironforge, there's bound to be some in the other Alliance capital city."

"Are we going to kill them?" Distaste was evident in his face and voice. "I know they're bad guys, but... they're still people."

"We'll find out where they took her, one way or the other," Kyle replied, her steps even as they approached the inn.

"You don't have to kill them for that, though."

"Matt! Right now, I'm in a body that's distinctly not mine. I have ears that make sleeping on my back uncomfortable, foreign thoughts constantly running through my head, and I swear to god, I think it's that time of month or something. And Jae is not at all opposed to killing those who threaten or hurt her friends. So please don't give me any reason to tear into you, alright?" Kyle snapped, before stepping onto the road that lead from Goldshire to Stormwind.

Matt drew up to his full height and took a step forward into Kyle's personal space. He stuck his face fully in to the Night Elf's, who, to her credit, did not flinch. "Look. We're both concerned about her, alright? Truth is: Tannim has had to kill too, but it's always been reluctantly and I happen to agree with him on that. When it comes down to it, I'd rather see a hundred bad guys dead and bleeding than even one of my friends hurt. But we will not, I repeat, will NOT endanger lives if they can be spared, no matter who they are. We start doing that we become our enemies, and are no better than the Scourge."

"Jae fought the Scourge as well. Both here, and at Hyjal. Don't you dare compare me to those mindless abominations. I will refrain from outright killing, simply because a trail of dead bodies will not help up. But don't expect me to ask nicely when we confront them." Kyle replied, eyes narrowed and mouth drawn tight.

"Fine." Matt said tersely, and stepped back with obvious reluctance. "But know this: I will not hesitate to place myself between you and an enemy if I deem it necessary; and on that day, feel free to 'tear into me' if you dare."

Kyle sneered, before spinning to continue on her way. "Like I care," she shot over her shoulder. "Water-boarding doesn't leave any physical scars, anyway."

Before Matt could reply to that, Kyle stepped inside the inn to retrieve their gear.


After paying for the interrupted and untouched breakfast, and asking the innkeeper if they'd seen anything, Kyle left, tossing Matt what little he'd left behind as he passed, heading up the road to Stormwind.

Matt huffed and he puffed as he shuffled behind slowly in his plate armor. This stuff was heavy! He briefly took the time to envy Kyle in her lighter leather armor.

Elwynn forest, in which Goldshire sat in the center of, was cheery-looking, which only helped to enhance Kyle's foul mood. When a lost-looking young dwarf, stepped in front of her, she had to bite her tongue not to scream at him.

"Good morning, ma'am." Kyle's eyebrows twitched at that. "I was wondering if you knew the way to Westfall Garrison. I've been asked to report there for the militia, and don't know these human lands as well as I do the snowy fields of Dun Morogh."

"And... you're asking a night elf?" Kyle replied.

"Aye, you look like you know your way around these parts." The Dwarf replied.

"I see. Well, you're in luck." Stopping to turn around and orient herself, she pointed down the road. "Follow this road to Goldshire. It'll hit another road going east and west. Travel west, and just follow the road... you can't really miss Westfall, It's after the bridge, just look for the tower."

"I see. Thank you ma'am. And you too, good sir. Always nice to see a fellow Paladin." With that, the Dwarf raised his shiny battle hammer in salute, before heading down the road. "Thanks again," he called back. "You two make a cute couple!"

Whatever satisfaction Kyle had taken out of helping the young paladin died with that, and only Matt's solid grip on the collar of her leather armor kept her from following the runty little fellow and giving him a piece of her mind.

"Lets get going, dear. We've still got a ways ahead of us." Despite Kyle's rather loudly proclaimed disagreement that it wouldn't take long, Matt kept his grip and forcibly dragged the Night Elf towards their destination. His greater weight allowed Matt to pull Kyle along despite her vehement protests until she started walking in that direction on her own violation.

Kyle straightened out her armor and pretended nothing had happened. "I'll head towards Old Town when we get there. Where are you going?"

"I figure I might as well check the trade district, maybe the innkeeper there might have a better idea of where to look for them than our last one. If not one of the merchants in the area might have a clue."

The city of Stormwind was, as one would expect of a capital city, huge, and the granite and marble that made up most of it still shone brightly in the morning sunlight. The main entrance from Elwynn Forest lead visitors by some impressive marble statues of past heroes, directly into the Trade district, east of which lay Old Town, where Kyle turned to go.

Matt turned left, in the opposite direction, heading toward where he vaguely remembered the inn to be. Luck was with him; not only did he head in the correct direction immediately, but every shop had huge signs hanging above the doors, cheerfully proclaiming their wares with large pictures so as not to confuse newcomers. The inn was clearly visible this way, with the sign easy to identify thanks to a giant beer stein for a marker. Underneath it read 'The Gilded Rose,' which Matt assumed was the name of the place.

Upon entering the building, Matt was greeted with the smiling face of the proprietor, a young woman with auburn hair. She started at seeing the race of her new arrival, but quickly caught herself. "And what brings you, traveler, to the Rose this fine day?"

"Alcohol. Lots of it. I've heard this place has the best. I hope you can accommodate me?"

"Certainly good sir!" Finally, a customer that appreciated her fine apple ale! "Would you like it by the barrel or by the cup?"

"By all means, let's get a keg party going in here. My treat." Matt pulled out his large sack of gold and took out a fistful of coins. "This should hopefully pay for everything."

"Thank you, kind sir! This is more than enough!"


Unlike the seemingly-random spread of vendor's carts and the sound of barkers crying their wares out to passerby's in the trade district, Old Town was serene, despite its somewhat-hypocritical name. Almost all of Stormwind had been destroyed in the second Warcraft game, and only recently rebuilt within the past twenty years or so. Old town was mostly as new as the rest of the city. What hadn't been replaced had been touched up quite a bit. Despite that, the architecture here felt less... refined; which suited Kyle fine.

"Well well, what have we here, boys?"

Kyle rolled her eyes as a gang of young humans stepped out of an alleyway, one keeping a close eye on the road leading towards the militia barracks.

"A new face, even if it is another elf..." one of them answered.

"That's right! And that means-"

"-they have to pay the toll!" a third finished, picking up what the leader had started saying mid-sentence.

Glancing around, Kyle smirked, glad Matt had left, before lunging, glad to be offered a chance to take out her frustrations. Before they could do more than cry out in surprise, the one watching the road received a boot heel to the head, the second had been body-checked into the stone wall nearby, the third was flopping around on the ground after taking a fist to the face, and the leader was now staring into the unsettling silver eyes of the female night elf assassin who was poking him in the neck with the tip of a plain-looking (but definitely sharp) dagger.

"Gold Farmers. What do you know about them." Kyle asked flatly, ears twitching as she listened to the one on the ground behind her continue to try to get his bearings.

"G-g-gold? Farmers?" The leader asked, earlier bravado replaced with stutter-inducing fear.

"Yes. Gold Farmers. I'm not in a good mood, so if you could answer me quickly, I'd be far less likely to use this," she emphasized her threat by jiggling the dagger against his jugular.

"Ahh," he quailed, swallowing and wincing as the shift drove the dagger a bit deeper into his throat. "I've... heard of 'em. B-but never actually met one."

"Go on," Kyle prompted, smiling even as he heard the youth on the ground start to climb to his feet.

"They're... people say they trade in rare goods, and can get you whatever you want... for the right price. I don't know anything else though. I promise!" Despite the worry in his voice, his look over Kyle's shoulder was all the warning the human-turned-night-elf needed. Kyle pulled him forward a few inches before shoving him hard into the wall with her free hand, allowing her fist wrapped around the pommel to hit the risen youth behind her in the face in a full-powered backhand. This time, when he hit the ground, he stayed there, and by the time the leader had gotten over the bruising bounce off the solid wall, he was once again alone and at the night-elf's mercy.

"Cute, but not really helpful. I suppose I'll have to use this after all," Kyle said, glancing down at her dagger, but not bothering to sound unhappy at the thought of using it at all.

"No! Please! I've told you everything I know! What more do you want?!"

Kyle paused, somewhat surprised. "I want names. Locations. Something other than vague descriptions that could be used to describe any friendly store owner on numerous planets." Kyle smirked, and patted the gang leader on the cheek with the flat of the dagger's blade. "Think you could hook me up with information like that?" She paused, as the young man shook, and shrugged, before rearing back theatrically, the pose very obviously one that implied she was about to stab him.

"Nononono! Old Henry!" The leader shouted.

"Old Henry?" Kyle asked, dagger still held aloft, ready to strike.

Nodding, the youth glanced around. "I'm not supposed to tell anyone I know, but he's... he's one of them. A transporter."

"A smuggler," Kyle replied, to which she got a shaky nod.

"Yeah, whatever. He's over in Cathedral Square. But I didn't tell you that... Please! That's all I know! I promise!"

Kyle paused, as if thinking it over, before shrugging, and sheathing the dagger back under her belt. "And so it is." Stepping back, she reached up, brushing some imaginary dust from the leader's shoulder, before slapping his bicep harshly and grinning. "And hey, I'll even give you an excuse if anyone asks what happened!"

"An... excuse?" the unsettled leader asked, confused. Still smiling, Kyle buried her fist in his stomach, the thin tunic offering no protection whatsoever to the sucker punch that put him on the ground, curled up with his hands holding his suddenly-upset stomach.

"What was that for!?" He asked, groaning, tears streaming from his eyes.

Turning to go, Kyle didn't bother answering as she looked back over at the gang that had tried to intimidate her into giving up some of her money, and couldn't help but hope they'd learned their lesson.

Unmolested the rest of her way, Kyle crossed one of the myriad bridges that connected the smaller sub-zones of Stormwind, taking a moment to glance at the small fish swimming in the city's canals. Back on Earth, any city designed like Stormwind would kill the fish used to stock the man-made canals in a matter of days. Litter, chemical runoff, and god-knows what-else would make the water a stinking, polluted health hazard within a year, if not weeks.

Kyle wasn't sure if Azeroth's human population was cleaner, or if they were maybe using magic in a subtle way to ensure things stayed clean, but she secretly enjoyed the change of pace. Or maybe Jaessica, who'd grown up in the forests of Ashenvale, was imposing her druid-o-centric society's views upon him while he wore her body... frowning at the way that train of thoughts had derailed, Kyle turned away from the fish, and hurried on towards Cathedral Square, where the grand Cathedral of Light rose above the skyline, dwarfing everything but Stormwind Keep itself within the city.

Cathedral Square was bright, the small fountain in the center burbling softly as water cascaded down its tiers, and paladins, priests, and citizens all wandered around on their errands for the day. Into that crowd stepped Kyle, and suddenly the friendly conversation around the entrance from the canals died down.

With a wince, Kyle pressed forward, wondering if the lull had been caused by his current race, sex, or profession. Probably all three. Doing his best to ignore the sudden stares, Kyle quickly made her way through the crowd towards the alley behind the orphanage.

Unfortunately, Matt had apparently beaten her to it. Though his way of information extraction was somewhat... different than Kyle had expected.

"-and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is this song that never ends-"

Kyle watched the half-High-elf-half-Human sing badly off-key, with a mug of something in one hand and his other arm around her target, swaying to the beat.

"Okay! Stop! I've had enough! I'll talk! Anything to get you to stop singing that damnable song! And I use the term 'singing' losely..."

"Just what we wanted to hear," Kyle said, pulling one of her daggers free as Old Henry turned to look at her in surprise, and then fear.


"Well... they're certainly ambitious," Kyle muttered, staring across the blackened fields of ash towards the towering mountain in the distance.

Old Henry, after being properly motivated, had divulged a lot more than they had expected. None of it truly important save the location of their base of operations: The Aerie of Blackrock Mountain, Blackwing Lair.

A quick, nauseating trip via gryphon to Morgan's Vigil, and here they were, staring at the sharply-rising peak, surrounded by lakes of lava.

"You know, we should be somewhat grateful, I suppose," Kyle added, after a moment's silence.

"Why's that?" Matt asked.

"Well, if this were Vanilla Wow, we'd be looking at a fight against numerous black dragons, and the son of Deathwing himself, Nefarion. At this point in time, however, he should be dead."

"That's good?"

"..." Glancing at the moving shapes in the distance, Kyle shrugged. "Better than having to hire forty people to form a raid group and try to take him down." With that, she set off towards the mountain, Matt following closely behind.

Despite the lack of random monsters in the area, aside from those spotted at a distance, the only indication this had been teeming with vicious ogres, orcs and dark iron dwarves were the odd, charred skeletons that dotted the landscape. Most hand been scavenged for gear or meat, but the occasional helmet or broken sword testified to the battles that had taken place here. It was rather disconcerting, but the lack of a welcoming atmosphere made this place the perfect hideout for the kind of bandit scum they were currently after.

A crunch of ash was the only warning Kyle had, starting to move to the side before a heavy body slammed into her back with enough force to send her and her invisible assailant sprawling.

Matt turned at the noise, and scowled as he spotted Kyle being choked by an unknown elf. A blood elf, even, after catching a glimpse of the green glow in the elf's eyes. Before he could free his greatsword, however, Kyle elbowed the elf hard, and used its suddenly-loosened grip to reach up, grab the elf by his hair, and toss him over her shoulder.

"You asshat!" Kyle growled, her voice hoarse, a moment before she brought her fist down in a hammer blow into the elf's stomach.

Her assailant curled up after that, his face turning an interesting shade of green (which didn't quite match his eyes) And Kyle stood up, stepping back and pulling a dagger free incase he tried anything else.

"What the hell was that for?" She asked, as the floored elf tried to keep his lunch down.

"You'll get nothing from me, Gold Farmer scum!" he spat back weakly.

Matt's face lit with understanding. "Ah! Classic case of the heroes mistaken for the bad guys. Happens all the time." He smiled down at the blood elf as he offered a hand to help the man up. "Hope she didn't hurt you too badly, Kyle doesn't like being startled."

The elf swatted the proffered hand away. "As if I'd accept help from you! Our kingdom destroyed, and you and your high elf ilk hide within Stormwind while our people suffered and died by the thousands! No surprise one of you would join the Gold Farmers," the elf hissed.

"Hey! We're not gold farmers, pretty boy! We actually have a pretty bad relationship with them at the moment."

"Yeah. The last two we met died," Matt added. He purposefully left out the fact that they hadn't been the ones to kill them.

"Actually, if you count sleeping-through-their-kidnapping as a 'meeting,' the last ones we met Kidnapped Serenity," Kyle stated, plainly.

"That's not a meeting!" Matt snapped back. "That's just proximity!"

"So? When a king or president or something stands close to you, you can say you met him, even if you didn't exchange names and shake hands."

"Puh-leeze. You're comparing Gold Farmers to a Head of State? That's like telling someone it's an honor to meet their mole hairs."

"...umm... excuse me..." the blood elf said, wondering what had happened to get these two arguing about something so... lame.

"SHUT UP!" Kyle and Matt yelled at him simultaneously.

"...o-kay..." The blood elf replied, turning to the three gold farmers standing nearby and wishing he could vanish like his mentor.

"Look," Kyle said. "It's not a matter of proximity or social status. In the... end... when did all these people get here?"

Matt turned to look, and blinked in surprise at the three men standing around them in a loose circle.

Two of them were, by their armor, warriors, while a third robed figure had a blue creature beside him that looked sort of like the genie from Aladdin, a voidwalker, clearly marking him as a Warlock.

"Well, what have we here?" The warlock asked, rhetorically. "Lost adventurers?"

"Not likely... those two are friends of the leader's current guest... they were told to stay away."

"And the magekiller?"

"A friend of theirs? Who knows. They're obviously arguing about something... Enough to let us sneak up on them. What a pathetic pair of rogues," one of the armed warriors sneered.

"Hey!" Kyle interrupted. "I'll have you know I'm quite skilled."

"Oh really?" the other warrior asked, clearly skeptical.

"Really. I just didn't bother being subtle because I knew this would work faster."

The three looked confused. "What would work faster?"

Kyle just scowled, ignoring Matt and the blood elf's looks of confusion. "Stop repeating what I say and pay attention. Here' I'll draw it out for you." So saying, she crouched in the ash and drew a few dots and crosses in the sand, then added a box, a triangle, and a stick figure. "See?"

Nobody saw. With a sigh, Kyle scooted to the side and waved them around. "Try from this angle..."

As they scuffled around the diagram, curious, Kyle grinned nastily. "Gotcha," she whispered to herself, a moment before throwing a handful of dirt and ash into the faces of two of the Gold Farmers.

As the third reacted, Matt, suddenly realizing what Kyle had been doing, pulled his sword free and swung, catching the third on the head with the flat of his blade as his attention was on the rogue who'd blinded his compatriots.

Before the blinded two could get the grit out of their eyes, Kyle had put the warlock in a rather painful looking headlock, while the blood elf did his best to slice the impaired warrior to pieces.

Lacking an opponent, Matt shouted "By the light of Elune!" and swung at the startled voidwalker who was getting ready to defend its master. His sword glowed brightly as the blade bit deeply into the middle of ethereal darkness, causing the creature no small amount of pain. It took a swing at him that was mostly deflected off his armor, but managed to injure him slightly none-the-less.

"Release!" Matt commanded, and he felt the spell on his blade grow exponentially in power before finally exploding outward in a sudden burst of holy magic. It shredded the demon and dispelled its tenuous hold on this mortal coil, sending it back into the ether where it came from.

In the end, there were two unconscious Farmers, and one dead, slowly bleeding out onto the desert floor.

"Well... that's one way to do it, I guess," Kyle mumbled, staring at the gaping wound on the dead warrior's throat. Looking down at the dagger in her hand, she sighed, realizing that she would probably be putting the bladed edge to use soon enough.

A cough drew the attention of both otherworlders to the blood elf. "...I am prepared to believe you do not like Gold Farmers," he said finally.

Kyle just rolled her eyes. "Funny, how that works," she mumbled to Matt as she began tying the unconscious Farmers up. Actually, she tied one up. They didn't have enough rope for two, so they opted to tie up the surviving warrior while trying to figure out what to do with the spellcaster. After a quick debate in which the blood elf offered to finish the warlock off, Kyle shrugged, and turned to look at the sleeping body thoughtfully for a minute.

"Oh, hey! Look over there!" Kyle suddenly exclaimed, pointing.

Matt and the blood elf turned to look and saw nothing; there was, however, a sudden dull crack, and all of a sudden the warlock was conscious. Conscious and screaming as he rolled around holding a clearly broken leg.

"Looks like he can't follow us that well, now. Too bad." Kyle said, not sounding sympathetic in the least. People intending to kill you (at best) weren't likely recipients of sympathy.

"True, but this is a warlock, don't you think-" Matt started to say, before there was a loud pop, and suddenly more screaming.

Looking over, the two displaced earthlings saw the blood elf standing over the warlock with one arm twisted to the point that it had been dislocated at the shoulder.

"...nevermind." Matt shrugged. "I suppose that'll stop him from casting."

"Oddly enough, that was rather satisfying," the rogue said, looking down at his handiwork with a grin. The warlock quickly passed out again from the pain.

"So, do we question them?" Kyle asked as she surveyed the unconscious bodies with a contemplative look in her eyes.

"Here, let me do it." Matt moved over to the warrior who was still unconscious, raised the head, and took a firm grip on his mouth. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" he said sternly, then moved the Farmer's lips up and down in time with his next words, which he spoke with a falsetto voice. "'I'm a bad man and deserve to be robbed blind.'" Matt dropped him unceremoniously and started going through his pockets. "Seems like he's telling the truth to me."

Kyle rolled her eyes. "Whatever. He's tied up. Lets hang him from a tree."

"What!? He's unconscious!" Matt objected.

"I don't mean kill him. Just string him up by his waist. Like a pinata."

"Oh." Matt deflated. "Can't we doodle on his face first?"

Kyle made a show of patting down her leather armor. "I seem to have left my magic markers in my other body's pants."

Matt paused and mouthed 'my other body's pants' to himself, before being struck with an idea. "Ooh, we should leave a note that says if you beat him with a stick, candy falls out!"

"Too bad we don't have any real candy on us. Be funny if the first whack actually did..."

"... WHAT'S WRONG with the two of you?" The blood elf finally asked, after watching the two for a few minutes. Then he frowned. "You two aren't... together, are you?"

He cowered in fear at the glare Kyle gave him, the sudden murderous intent radiating off of her so thick it actually distorted the air around her. This was tempered only very slightly by Matt's sudden, howling laughter. "I get it, I get it, you're single! Touchy subject?"

"You... you have NO idea," Matt said.

"That's okay. The name's Dax. Thrall sent me out here to scout out these Gold Farmers and eliminate them if I felt I could. Obviously, he's unaware of how deep their corruption runs." Looking at the two alliance fighters, he nodded. "I think you two would make... interesting allies for this quest... though your usefulness is somewhat questionable." He turned his gaze to Kyle, sweeping his eyes over her before smirking. "By the way, seeing anybody?"

Kyle walked away after braining Dax with the butt of her dagger.

"That is also a touchy subject," Matt stage-whispered as the Blood Elf tried to get his bearings from the ground.

Shakily climbing to his feet, Dax stared after the receding form of the Night Elf rogue thoughtfully. "Well.. you know what they say about violent night elf women..." he supplied as slyly as he could. Before Matt could respond, he jogged on ahead, hoping to catch up.

Matt rolled his eyes, but otherwise remained silent. This guy looked like the type that had to learn from experience. He winced when, as Dax finally caught up, Kyle sucker-punched him in the kidneys and started moving at an even faster pace than before. Dax did not seem deterred in the least.

It did not appear that Dax was a quick study, Matt thought, and his opinion of the elf's survival abilities dropped a few notches. "Maybe he'll eventually learn this isn't your typical night elf?" he asked himself rhetorically.

Matt grimaced as another advance was rebuffed in a violent but efficient manner, and shook his head.



Well-Known Member
good to see you guys and this story are still alive and kicking


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is that tying him up by the waist and hanging him from a tree might well kill him anyway, if they put all his weight onto his stomach. If he can't breathe, he'll suffocate.
Why don't the gold farmers speak Chinese? And why are there no Forsaken?

Edit: For that matter, Serenity is supposed to be pregnant with Usagi at this point, right? What in Sam Hill possessed those two to drag her off on a dragon hunt?! And I'm guessing they'll have to put off going back to Kharanos for her keepsake until they've rescued her from the ricers.


Well-Known Member
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Edit: For that matter, Serenity is supposed to be pregnant with Usagi at this point, right? What in Sam Hill possessed those two to drag her off on a dragon hunt?! And I'm guessing they'll have to put off going back to Kharanos for her keepsake until they've rescued her from the ricers.
I think one of the earlier chapters she mentions her baby, so it's likely that Serenity isn't pregnant because she's recently given birth.
nick012000 said:
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Edit: For that matter, Serenity is supposed to be pregnant with Usagi at this point, right? What in Sam Hill possessed those two to drag her off on a dragon hunt?! And I'm guessing they'll have to put off going back to Kharanos for her keepsake until they've rescued her from the ricers.
I think one of the earlier chapters she mentions her baby, so it's likely that Serenity isn't pregnant because she's recently given birth.

Taiteki Kagato said:
"Please, just tell me one thing; tell me my baby survives," Serenity, who'd exited silently behind them, now asked. Her hand was on her belly, not yet showing in any way, and a look of eternal grief threatened her features.
Unless that there's a misprint, I'm pretty sure the queen is pregnant at the moment.
True true about Serenity being pregnant and usually it would be a piss poor idea for letting such a person going on a dragon hunt because of that.

But being that--and if I am wrong I appologise--said dragon has that magic rock which is the only means of for her, her unborn child, and the SIs from returning to the Moon Kingdom . . .

Well, frankly the other options presented her are pretty piss poor?

I am just saying.
They should've left her at the temple with Tyrande. There's a difference between letting a woman who can take care of herself fight alongside you and letting a pregnant woman in unfamiliar territory with her main source of power missing battle lesser beings.
It was Serenity's choice to come along. I'm not about to deny someone the opportunity to make my life easier if they're offering.

Also, if you read between the lines during our heart-to-heart in Chapter 7, Serenity is coming along in order to learn more about us; develop the bonds of friendship, trust, and concern and all that for later. Whether or not Elune's comments about our entwined destinies means she (Elune) told Serenity to go at some later, off-screen time or not, is up to... well... open to interpretation, I suppose.

In the end, however, Serenity chose to come along, knowing she was pregnant, and while Matt and I could have argued for her staying back and staying safe, well... exactly how do you tell Royalty (Even if it's not your head of state) to stay behind and wish us luck.

Besides; she's our priest. We need her heals. I don't want to have to bandage mid-battle, it's unsightly.
That's what Cannibalize is- oooh wait, you're an Alliancer. Nevermind, then.
Chapter 9


"You're quite the defiant little one, aren't you? It is no matter. You will break, because I will break you, just like all the ones who came before you, and all the ones who will come after. And... I... I see... ohh, yes. Now I see, indeed. Well, we can't have that, now can we?"

"What are you..? No! NOOOO!"


Blackwing Lair was dark. Blackwing Lair was hot. And Blackwing Lair stank like something long dead was slowly decaying.

"Oh, damn. Am I glad he's not moving," Dax said, staring at the bones of some oversized dragon. Around the room lay skeletons of Orcs and smaller dragon-creatures, as well as what looked like the crushed remains of numerous oversized eggs.

Kyle couldn't help but chuckle as she picked up one of the shattered shells. "No wonder black dragons are so bitchy. If they laid big-ass spiny eggs like this all the time, I can only imagine how they'd take it out on the little bastards that hatch."

"You mean..." Matt asked, not really paying attention.

"Yup." Kyle nodded. "They got no love from their mothers."

"You two do realize we're in the lair of a black dragon, surrounded by the bones of those you mock, right?" Dax asked warily.

Kyle snorted. "What's he going to do, haunt me? He's dead. And this time, no server reset is bringing this bad boy back." Crouching down before the scarred skull of the dragon, Kyle smirked and patted the skull between the eyes. "You failed to protect the eggs, Razorgore. Better a team of adventurers bring you low than what you'd receive reporting your failures to your boss."

"You knew this beast?" Dax asks in shock.

"Kid, you ain't seen nothing, yet."

"I know." Dax took a moment to leer purposefully at Kyle's chest, before settling back into a more serious demeanor. "But that doesn't explain how you were on a first-name basis with a black dragon."

Kyle straightened up and pointed at the doorway in the back of the room. "Through that door lies Vael, corrupted red dragon who earlier in his life helped adventurers in the orc-infested spire below. Further we'll find.. more dead... It was a pretty hellish run, back in the day."

Dax digested this bit of information. "O-kay." He turned to Matt and whispered, "she's a spy for the alliance, isn't she? Been here before, watched it all go down, helped with the scouting?" Dax nodded to himself, convinced one mystery was solved. He gave Matt a wink and nudge on his plate armor, "I'd like to get my hands on her secrets, if you know what I mean."

"If you got your hands on my secrets, I'd take you hands off your arms," Kyle muttered, before heading through the door in the back.

"She's been here many time before, yes," Matt admitted reluctantly. "Though not in the way you think. Why do you antagonize her so much, anyway?"

"Because it's fun?" Dax grinned. "And I don't particularly care for either of you, so it makes me laugh if she gets angry. Plus? She's hot when she's mad."

"Well, I suppose that's at least an honest answer."

"I can still hear you two!" Kyle shouted from the next room. "Get a move on!"

Dax moved towards the door with the grin still plastered on his face. "Aww, don't get impatient babe, I know you're eager to form the dragon with two backs. Your stud-muffin is coming!"

There was a muffled thud, followed by a soul-rending shriek of agony from the other room. When Matt passed through the doorway, he found Dax curled up in a fetal ball on the ground, a small puddle of vomit nearby, and the blood elf rolling around crying, holding his crotch.

Matt crouched down next to the weeping man. "Well? Was it worth it?"

Dax shook his head no.

"Then stop griefing our party and get your head back into the mission. We've got a dungeon to raid." Despite Dax's protests, Matt hauled the elf onto his feet and shoved him deeper into the lair.

He was remarkably well-behaved after that.


"IDIOTS! FOOLS! IMBECILES!" the figure on the crumbling throne shouted at the figures scurrying around the room, "You came running HERE to alert me, leaving the door wide open for them?"

While the few beings below him cowered and quailed in terror, the leader of the Gold Farmers turned towards a chained figure on the wall, smirking to himself at her listless gaze and forlorn appearance. "They come to rescue you, my pet. To what end, I don't care, as they will die, and you shall see that none can oppose the Gold Farmers of Azeroth!"

"You... killed her..." Serenity mumbled.

"Oh, relax. I'm sure you'll be back in that state soon enough."

"You... you..." Serenity was at a loss for words. The grief, pain, resentment, and self-hatred she felt bubbled up within her, and she fought it as best she could, before glaring at her captor. "They will kill you. And I will do nothing to intervene. No matter how precious life may be, yours is forfeit. I promise."

He laughed at her. "Ha! Still some spirit, yet! Stronger than you have threatened me so, yet here I am, and where are they now?" He pointed at a pile of bones in the corner, various tattered bits of armor still clinging to them.


The party of three passed the bones of Vael, Dax stopping to inspect them before Kyle dragged them further into the labyrinthine lair. Finally, passing a room full of small nests and odd mechanical devises that appeared disabled, they spotted a pair of guards ahead, protecting a dark room.

"Broodlord Lashlayer used to guard that door... If I had to guess, I'd say beyond this point, we'll be fighting gold farmers."

"With no healer?" Matt asked. While normally paladins could put their in-game talents towards healing, it didn't feel like Tannim had done so, instead going towards dealing more damage. And while he could in fact cast a few healing spells, it was no substitute for a dedicated healer.

Kyle frowned. "Looks that way. Considering how our fight outside went, I think we should be okay... if we're sneaky. Dax, take the guard on the left, I'll take the one on the right. Matt, give us a few seconds to get close, then draw their attention."

"Yay. Decoy drone yet again. I have a feeling this is going to be a recurring theme with us."

Briefly letting Jae's memories take over, Kyle felt something like a veil of cloth fall over her, and to Matt's eyes, she disappeared. Almost. There, where she had stood, was a blur, a slight waver in the air, and if he frowned, he could make out Kyle's features, but only because he was aware of where she had been, and where she was. Even as he thought about it, Kyle started to move, and she slid out from under his gaze.

Dax, however, was feeling argumentative. "I want the one on the right!" he hissed, disappearing as well and moving towards his proclaimed target.

Rolling her eyes, Kyle veered to the left, feeling her movement somewhat hindered, as if she was moving under water. Still, in what felt like no time at all, she made it to her target, and moved behind the unsuspecting guard, before glancing over to where Dax should be.

With the two rogues in position and waiting to strike, Matt boldly walked forward towards the guards as if he owned the place, weapon out and resting on his shoulder. The clanking of his armor alerted the guards of his presence long before they saw him, so they had ample time to draw their swords. They relaxed a little when Matt made no threatening motions towards them, but didn't put away their weapons.

"Who goes there?" one asked.

Matt grinned. "Have either of you heard of the benefits of serving Elune? I know she's an elven goddess, but I really think you should really hear me out-"

"NOW!" The Blood Elf shouted, appearing from nowhere even as his daggers slid into the guard's back between the ribs.

Kyle grimaced, before slipping her arm around the guard's neck and tightening her grip. Even as she felt the veil of stealth slip away, she was moving, a sharp twist ending the guard's life, even as a gasp of surprise started to slip through his lips.

As Kyle's target slipped to the floor bonelessly, Dax's twitched and weakly struggled, even as his blood pooled on the floor around him. His mouth moved wordlessly, blood dripping from pale lips, and finally, after steadily slowing, the second guard went still.

"That was just as disturbing as last time," Kyle muttered, doing her best to scoot out of the way of the spreading puddle beneath the body.

"And that's the second time you've let someone live," Dax replied.

Kyle blinked. "Umm... he's dead," she said, pointing at the body she'd created.

Then she ran over to the ledge overlooking the room below and emptied her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked, concerned.

Turning to look at the body, Kyle shuddered, then turned away again. "I was hoping I could be more nonchalant about it, is all... Not quite so easy." Suppressing another shudder, Kyle straightened up. "There will be more ahead. It should get easier... in time."

Dax scratched his head. "I don't know who trained you, but it never gets easier. You just learn to accept it and move on."

Looking at the concerned rogue with a a little surprise, and even some respect, Kyle nodded. "I see. Well then, He was a bad guy, in my way, who helped those who kidnapped Serenity..."

"You did what you had to, Kyle," Matt said gently.

Kyle just nodded, before moving towards the door. "Lets just... get this done."

The next room, however, gave Kyle pause. Where before, there had been goblins and drakes and odd chemistry devices, the walls and alcoves were jammed with weapons racks, sleeping cots, and a series of portals through which they could see a number of cities, both Horde and Alliance.

Fortunately, there was hardly anyone around a few sleeping Gold Farmers occupying the beds, while a couple of children, one human, one blood elf, wearing manacles crouched, scrubbing the floor and not looking up as they passed.

"Slaves," Dax hissed, watching the two children work for a moment before making his way towards the weapons rack.

"Anything good?" Kyle whispered, even as she shifted through the collection of wood and steel meant to maim, dismember, and kill. Most of it looked fairly generic, however, and with a shrug, Dax moved on towards the next one, then the next, with increasing disdain, before turning away in disgust.

"You'd think a group like this could afford more than the standard crap they hand out to voluntary militias," he muttered, before turning towards the back of the room.

Following his gaze, Kyle and Matt saw a ramp leading up and around a corner.

"What's up there?" Matt wondered aloud.

"Well, there were three drakes in here, before. Now? Who knows," Kyle replied, looking at the sleeping Gold Farmers with a scowl. "Unsporting though it may be, I don't like the thought of any of those guys sneaking up behind us... and we only have so much rope."

Dax nodded, pulling one of his daggers. "Quietly, Dax," Kyle whispered, even as she made her way towards another sleeping figure.

"If I was a dungeons and dragons paladin I'd have to stop them," Matt muttered to himself. "Luckily, Tannim hates slavers as much as I do. They'll get no mercy from me." Matt took up over-watch position, covering the exits best he could in case anyone woke up and tried to run. He knew it would be pointless to try to sneak around in his heavy armor.

Kyle briefly stopped to tell the slaves to leave, quietly, before pausing to look down at the sleeping figure. Behind him, he heard a muted squelch from where Dax had gone, and winced, even as she raised a dagger over her head.

With a sigh, she let it fall to her side, looking around before turning it around and swinging the butt of it at the Gold Farmer's temple. At least, that's where she aimed. Apparently not sleeping quite so deeply as the others, the Golf Farmer snapped up his arm to deflect the blow, his eyes snapping open to grin at Kyle.

"Word of advice: don't hesitate!" Before she could move, the Farmer had rolled out of bed and was on his feet, hands up and ready to fight. Kyle took a step back, shocked, before crouching as well, knife still held pommel up.

"An interesting choice," the Farmer muttered, before trying to punch the thief. Kyle dodged wildly, and only Jae's training allowed her to avoid the following punch. Then everything started to blur, the two of them trading blows as Kyle watched from within Jae. At first, he was awed at the way she moved, but her training, as underhanded though it may have been, missed some fairly obvious openings the Gold Farmer left undefended during his attacks.

Finally, frustrated at the way they seemed so evenly matched, Kyle took control, feeling the agility and sureness in her limbs disappear as the Gold Farmer pressed his apparent advantage. Which was when Kyle struck. Rushing him as he tried to punch, inside his guard, The outer edge of Kyle's hand flashed out, a wet crunch filling the room, and suddenly the gold farmer was on the floor, kicking and writhing wildly as he clutched his ruined throat.

"What was that?" Dax asked, watching the twitching body slow. He'd not seen what she had done, but was impressed with the results.

"Looks like she smashed in the larynx," Matt offered. At Dax's confused look, he elaborated, "She crushed his voicebox."

"Throat. Groin. Eyes. Knees." Kyle replied with a shrug. "Weak points in all humans... and humanoids. I tend to focus on the throat, but all of them work wonders when incapacitating, or, if necessary, terminating."

Without elaborating further, Kyle turned and headed up the ramp, leaving Dax to look at Matt questioningly.

Matt looked towards Kyle's retreating form. "She mentioned she was in the army. I suppose this is training from that experience." Dax took that explanation at face value, and didn't question it further.

Ahead, the room continued on, more cots and racks adorning the alcoves, except for the last one, which was gated off and guarded. Frowning at the guards, who would have to be taken care of, Kyle felt herself go into stealth, before moving forward. Most of the beds were empty, the racks nearby empty of weapons and items. One figure, however, lie on a bed, coughing fitfully and visibly shivering despite the heat in the room.

"Well, that's one we'll not have to worry about much," Kyle muttered, turning to look at the guards, and whatever it was behind them. Then she blinked. Beyond the guards, resting on wooden manikins, were rows and rows of armor, each one within a bubble of blue magic that shimmered in the faint light of the torches around the room.

Spying the red and black leather outfit she'd coveted back in classic WoW, Kyle felt a smirk grace her face, even as she turned to look at the guards in her way.

"Hmm..." Pulling a dagger free, she turned it around again, running her hand over the blunt end of the handle and wondering if the game was at all relevant here. "Only one way to find out," she muttered, before moving around one guard and letting him have it with the hardest swing she could build up in the stealth-induced slowness.

With a groan, the guard fell to the floor, alerting the other guard that something was up, even as Kyle backed away slowly, still in stealth.

Drawing his sword, the guard looked around the room warily, before moving over to his fallen companion. "Zinnersnip! Get up! What's wrong with you?" He poked his companion with his sword, eliciting no response. Before he could check further, however, he felt an arm snake around his neck, and a feminine voice whisper "goodnight," in his ear.

Kyle held on as the man struggled, his sword arm unable to get the blade moving fast enough to bite past the thick leather, and too close to put the sharp point to use. Of course, with the pressure she was applying, he didn't have that long, and she felt herself smile as his movement became lethargic, the sword clattering to the floor as he weakly tried to pull her arm loose. Finally, he collapsed to his knees, and she held on for a few moments after he stilled just to be sure. When she let him go, she glanced at him and grimaced.

Apparently, she'd held him too tight, and the capillaries in his face had burst, leaving red splotches on his nose, cheeks and forehead.

"Impressive," Dax muttered, fading into view nearby.

"Not really. That won't last lon-" Kyle winced as Dax put his dagger to use, ending the two guards' lives just as easily as he had earlier.

"Doesn't get easier?" she asked with a frown.

"Knowing those two wont be coming after me tonight, or tomorrow, or next month or year? It had to be done. Reports from the Horde back me up. It's messy work... but it needed to be done."

Without saying more, Dax stepped into the room beyond the guards bodies and whistled appreciatively.

"My thoughts exactly," Kyle replied, stepping forward to stand before the Bloodfang Armor set. Dax watched her for a moment, enjoying the view as she shifted from foot to foot before the armor, and glad her attention was so caught by the armor that she didn't notice his gaze.

Finally, Kyle turned, causing Dax to turn his head so quickly he almost lost his balance. "What do you think, preservative or security?"

"What, the spells? Probably security. This is a rather expensive collection... I'm surprised they don't outfit their people with these," Dax replied.

"You don't give mooks good gear. That just supplies the enemy," Kyle replied.

"Judgment Armor, right? You showed me a picture of this. Yeah, the robe is a bit like a dress, but I have admit this hood is simply bad-ass. Not to mention the daggers ornamenting the shoulders! That and the red, gold and black color scheme is choice."

Kyle looked over and saw that Matt was already putting on the finishing touches of his new, vastly superior armor. The old set was sitting in a half-hazard pile next to him, and as he put on the hood a pair of glowing white eyes sprang into existence to complete the effect.

The paladin turned to his companions and asked, "Be honest: does this robe make me look fat?"

Unable to resist, Kyle buried her face in her hands with a heavy sigh. Then she began pulling the armor off the manikin, before pulling it on as quickly as she could get the generic leather gear she was wearing off.

After pulling on the black-and-red pants, she turned to the stunned Dax, who was staring at her with wide eyes. "Quit staring and change, unless you don't think this gear is an improvement!"

"I... I don't..." Dax started to say, before a Mannequin slammed into it, some of the leather armor on it falling to the floor at his feet.

As he tried to change and watch Kyle, he managed to get both legs into one leg of armor and fell painfully onto his face. While that was going on, Kyle quickly switched leather chest pieces, enjoying the improved flexibility even as she slid on the bracers and gloves and admired the way she could move her fingers and hands as if there was nothing on them at all.

Finally, she pulled on the hood, frowning as she fed her ears through the openings provided, and grinning as she felt her face disappear into the shadow the design granted her.

"Oh, now this... this is something else," Kyle said, flexing her hands and looking at them.

Dax finally got his own armor on, grumbling about how he had missed the best part, and finally, the three stepped out of the armory, feeling a little more confident than before.

"It's too bad we can't get some worthwhile weapons. I remember that some good ones were found here, but it's unlikely we'll come across any of the originals."

"I think this is a pretty good find itself," Dax replied.

Kyle shrugged. "True. We've got one big room full of weird grinder things on the walls.. the Chromaguss' Lair, then Neltharion's throne room. Want to bet the leader of these Gold Farmers is in there?"

"My life for Auir! Wait, right company, wrong game..." Matt muttered to himself. "I'm going to need a proper battlecry if we're going to be doing this right. Spoon? Nah..."

As they made their way further in, Kyle paused in shock. Unlike the piles of bones seen earlier, the corpse of Chromaggus lay where it had fallen, not looking as if any time had gone by at all. The deadly wounds that had brought the two-headed dragon/dog low still leaked fluids, and its dull eyes stared at them in silent, unending accusation.

"Why isn't it decaying?" Dax asked, poking the corpse with his dagger tentatively.

"I would imagine Nefarion's tinkering with the Bronze Dragonflight caused this... it's like he's frozen in time, at the exact moment of his death," Kyle replied, wondering whether or not Nozdormu, the keeper of time and leader of the bronze dragonflight would care that the blood of his brood had been used to create this abomination; and how it affected it still. Probably not. Turning to look at the raised portcullis, Kyle nodded towards it. "Through there is where we'll probably find the leader of the Gold Farmers."

Kyle turned to look at Matt, finally catching the paladin's attention after a few more moments of internal deliberation.

"Aha! I've got one!" Matt nodded happily to himself. "I'm ready when you are."

Kyle motioned towards the door. "By all means."

Matt drew his sword and muttered blessings over his, Kyle's, and Dax's weapons. They all glowed softly with a faint hue, and the two rogues stepped back, Kyle disappearing into invisibility. Before fading, Dax glanced back the way they had come, scowling a moment before slipping into stealth alongside the night elf.

Through the oversized entrance Matt strode, armor glinting in the evening light as it streamed in through one open side of the chamber. The glint, however, was diminished somewhat by the unnaturally large piles of gold coating the floor across from the opening in veritable mountains of gold coin.

With the opening on one side, and the gold on the other, there existed a corridor down the length of the chamber from the entrance that lead up to an impressive stone throne.

And on that throne sat a man... a human; and one that was unsettlingly familiar to Kyle.

Dax, not recognizing the figure, focused his attention on the twelve or so guards and gold farmers stationed around the room, some looking forward to the one-sided assault on the three trespassers, others looking warily at Matt and obviously unaccustomed to combat.

Not one to waste a perfectly good battlecry despite already holding everyone's attention, Matt bellowed, "LEEEEROOOOOOOOOY JEEEEEEEENKIIIIIIIINS!" as he charged the surprised group, seemingly alone in his mad rush against what appeared to be a superior force. After a few moments the people who looked like they knew how to fight unsheathed their weapons with a knowing smirk and engaged the interloper.

"News flash! You're standing on holy ground! Consecration!" Cracks formed in the floor where holy magic sprang up from the stone floor and spread out in a circle roughly seven feet in all directions. This severely annoyed the people immediately surrounding Matt by causing them slight pain, but otherwise did not do much damage. It did its job, though, by keeping the attention squarely on him.

Kyle watched Matt engage the crowd, and knew the odds were definitely stacked against them. As the paladin was surrounded, Kyle made her way to the throne, enjoying the way the shadows hid her presence, until she reappeared beside the leader of the Gold farmers, dagger held against his throat.

"Stay your blades!" She called, hoping that was the right thing to say at a critical juncture such as this.

"How sad," the leader said with a slight sigh.

Kyle blinked. That wasn't how it was supposed to go. "Excuse me?"

The leader turned his head to look at Kyle, and suddenly the dagger in her hand went flying, Dax appearing with his foot out, having just kicked it from her hands. "Did you really think..." the leader elaborated, Dax taking up a position behind him, "honestly believe, that I would just let you waltz in here, uncontested?"

Kyle frowned, even as she felt the tip of a sword at her back. "Umm... we didn't get in here uncontested. And I take it Dax is yours? He killed a few of your men."

The Leader shrugged, turning to Dax. Dax nodded. "It's true. They were inattentive and weak. Better off dead than guarding something potentially valuable."

Kyle scowled at the by-play, before crossing her arms defiantly. "So... who are you? You look just like him, but he's dead."

"Your knowledge of human history is quite good, if you recognize me. I chose this face to mock his memory, honestly. He failed in his task, and as I was always referred to as his lesser, I felt it only fitting," the smiling face of Victor Nefarius said.

Kyle nodded. "You took his lair for your own devices... is it safe to assume more Golf Farmers can be found in Onyxia's Lair, as well? The Lady Prestor may be dead, but surely you've not put all your eggs in one basket." Kyle glanced at the piles of gold, before shrugging. "So to speak," she amended.

"Oh, very good, little mortal. I think I shall have to tear all you know from your little purple skull before I finish you off."

"Oi! Piss-for-brains. Forgetting someone?" Matt waved his sword for effect.

Dax sneered. "He knows nothing. A high-elven paladin of Elune. This night elf is the brains."

The being disguised as the previous lord of Blackrock Mountain frowned. "And yet, they come all this way for a third... one whose bearing is even more regal that this one is self-assured," he replied, waving a hand at Kyle.

"Whatever she may be, your plans are too far-reaching for any of these to interfere. Best to do away with them," Dax hissed.

"Remember your place, little thief. This one has knowledge. And I see it become mine before she draws her last breath."

"Funny, Sartharion said something similar, right before he was ambushed in the Obsidian Sanctum."

The leader of the Gold Farmers drew back as if physically hit. "WHAT!?"

"Oh, yes. Below Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragonblight of Northrend, your brood's next great plan is already nothing more than a memory. But what can you expect from the addled minds of Deathwing the Deranged's demented brood."

"How dare you. HOW DARE YOU! The Black Dragonflight will rule this world, and all the lesser beings shall know their place, or die defending the lie that is their freedom!"

"Tell it to your brother, you half-witted lizard," Kyle replied, ignoring the hard poke in the back she got for that.

"..." The dragon in human-form opened his mouth to shout a response, before pausing. "You shall die. But only after watching all you hold dear to you suffer. BRING OUT THE WENCH!"

From behind a pile of gold, a pair of guards emerged, dragging a tattered and weakly-resisting figure between them. Kyle felt her face pale as she recognized it. "Oh, Goddess no... Serenity!"

With a wordless cry of unbridled fury, Matt charged towards the guards, breaking free of the circle of men previously surrounding him by sheer surprise. A few feet away from Serenity he lunged towards her, but another pair of guards barred his path with surprising strength, strength that was made understandable as their human forms twisted and stretched until a pair of Draconic centaur-like beings stood in his way. The other armed guards shifted form as well. Matt continued to struggle despite the change, to no avail.

The Leader chuckled. "Well well well, It seems we have a set: The heart of the group," he motioned towards Serenity, "the brains," he nodded at Kyle, before turning to smirk at the restrained Matt. "And the muscle."

Kyle ignored him. "Oh, Serenity... what did they do to you?"

Serenity's red-rimmed eyes met Kyle's for a second, her mouth opening to say something, but before she could, she shuddered, eyes watering up again at the thought, and she felt her legs give out, the two guards holding her supporting her weight as she went limp in their arms.

Turning her gaze back to the Leader, Kyle's voice dropped a few octaves. "You. You will die."

The Leader laughed, the mirth echoed by the various Gold Farmers around the room. "Me? Die? I fear you're gravely mistaken. Gravely mistaken, indeed." As he spoke, his voice grew deeper, even as his form wavered and stretched. Where before a human had stood, now there sat a huge black dragon, wings wide enough to span the room from entrance to throne, and reptilian yellow eyes the size of dinner plates focused on the night elf who stood before it before he continued.

"Know that your death was brought to you by Kcalbanihc of the Black Dragonflight, and all your useless gestures to stop me were for naught!"

Matt finally stopped struggling against his captors as an idea occurred to him. It wasn't a very good one, but just waiting around to die didn't sit well with him. "Um, hey, don't you want to explain your evil plan before you kill us?" 'And buy us a few more minutes to figure out how to defeat you?' he thought but didn't add. Though that was admittedly looking pretty hopeless at the moment.

The dragon rumbled. "I know that trick, mortal. But I suppose there's no reason not to play with my food... even as I play with my food."

Kyle blinked, unsure what to make of that. "What?"

Instead of responding, Kyle suddenly felt the world around her twist, and a rather intense pain in her chest as the black dragon's tail slapped her hard enough to send her flying right out the side of the mountain.

"Ha! I love this game!" Kcalbanihc cried, diving out after her. "Look at this world, Mortals!"

Kyle was too busy trying not to pass out from the pain of multiple shattered ribs and impending death by 'sudden-stop-at-the-end' to appreciate the view. At least, she was, until a new pain flared up in her legs.

Kcalbanihc had caught her in his teeth, and now plowed through the air back towards his throne room, intent on prolonging her suffering. Spitting the elf out on the floor towards her friend, he continued. "Azeroth is divided by you petty mortals into ridiculous kingdoms and factions... and all of them desire one thing."

Groaning, Kyle tried to sit up, large holes in her left thigh making that difficult, even as the shattered ribs from earlier made it impossible.

"Can't have you bleeding out," Kcalbanihc muttered, before snorting and sending a jet of flame to cauterize the wounds. It was enough to make Kyle scream in anguish, even as she felt the world fade. Only to be pulled back by something hard poking her and making broken bones grind. "Don't die just yet, little one. Your friend asked what my plan was, and I can't have you dying until you hear it, now can I?"

With that, he pressed down on her foot, smiling toothily as he felt the bones shift, then creak, before snapping and sending her screaming in anguish again. "Ahh, that's better. I have your attention again, I hope? As I was saying, all those factions, all those insignificant mortals killing each other all seem so interested in this," he waved his hand at the piles of gold, "this useless metal."

He sat back, watching his captives as he continued. "From the earth they dug it up... it is only fitting that the brood of the earthwarder give them exactly what they asked for."

"You... pay them?" Kyle asked between gasps. Nothing in Jae's memories could have prepared him for the beating she'd just taken, and Kyle's own memories had only one painful incident to draw from, which didn't hold a candle to the blaze of anguish this dragon had so casually dished out.

"Pay them? To kill each other? Of course not. They'll do that regardless of gold. Horde versus Alliance. Human versus Elf. Dwarf and Troll... without their beliefs, I bet even the allies would fight each other. Humans certainly did before the Orcs came. No, I intend to do much worse."

Despite his distance, and the pair of dragons currently holding him fast, Matt did his level best to heal Kyle with what spells he could bring to mind. They apparently didn't care or notice, as no one made move to stop him. "Worse? What's worse than this?" he muttered darkly.

"Imagine all of this gold, spread to everyone, and each piece cursed to drive its holder into a bloodthirsty frenzy defeated only by death! Imagine children murdering their parents in their beds, parents turning on confused children and choking the life from them, friend slaying friend, strangers tearing others apart... and then suddenly realizing what they've done! The few unaffected will be left with no other choice than to put down those who were affected. And those who survive will take their own lives in grief."

The dragon chuckled. "Oh, it is far far beneath me to waste my time killing you stupid mortals by the cartload. So you can do it to yourselves, and then we, the dragons, Proper rulers of Azeroth, can take back what is rightfully ours."

"Horrible," Serenity said, looking at him with eyes large with shock and revulsion. Despite her own turmoil, she couldn't help but fear the situation this beast had so casually described.

"How..." Kyle coughed, wincing at the blood that came with it, before continuing, " can you expect to curse..." her voice failed her, but Kcalbanihc got what she was trying to say. Or really, Dax did.

"Oh, that would be my part."

"You!?" Matt spat with obvious venom while still trying to treat Kyle's injuries. "Your part?!"

"Indeed. Who would suspect the magekiller, the rogue, to be a magician?"

"You... mage?" Kyle asked, incredulous.

"I'm sorry, did I fool you? Not that I didn't mean to, but it was a pretty good job, wasn't it?" Dax smiled at them, before shrugging. "You Mortals. So quick to believe your eyes."

"Another dragon?" Matt asked, frowning.

"Indeed! Daxglaucous, at your service!" Dax paused, before shrugging. "Or at his, at any rate."

"Blue," Kyle hissed.

"Indeed! Lord Malygos has had it with you lesser beings and your blatant disregard for the magics of the world. If Kcalbanihc can remove the majority of you from the equation, then it is my duty to assist him in whatever way possible!"

As the world grew dark, Kyle smiled softly. "Malygos... fails."

Incensed, the blue dragon in blood-elf form stepped forward, before stepping on Kyle's broken foot, drawing a blood-flecked scream from the wounded Night Elve's raw throat. "What do you mean by that, worm!"

Kyle's eyes narrowed as the blinding agony from her foot settled to a dull agony. "In the Eye of Eternity atop the Occulus, yes? Saphiron still..." Kyle shuddered, "still has a key. Malygos falls."

"That's... that's not possible!" Dax cried, though his pale features and furtive glances at nothing in particular gave Kyle's words far more credit than a simple dismissal would.

"The Life-Binder helps," Kyle said, with a small nod.

Dax howled, "NO! She cannot interfere!"

"Calm yourself, Mage. This little one cannot possibly know the future," Kcalbanihc said.

"Calm yourself, Black! I've got to report this to Lord Malygos at once! I will return to poison this gold, but this information must be brought to my master now."

"You cannot leave! Not now!" Kcalbanihc roared.

"I must!" Dax replied, making his way towards the edge of the room and transforming into an oversized blue drake.

"Kill them, Kcalbanihc. What they know..." Dax didn't bother to finish, merely pushing off with a flap of his scaly wings and disappearing.

"Well now," Kcalbanihc muttered, turning towards the two intruders, then at his earlier captive. "I had plans for you, but it seems you're all now too knowledgeable to use... you know what that means, don't you?" The question rather rhetorical, he brought his head down to look at Kyle, scaly lips pulled back to expose foot long teeth in a mouth big enough to fit a horse with room to spare.

Kyle just rolled her eyes and turned her head, suppressing the groan the motion caused. Matt's healing had actually started to help, but with that mouth her next destination, she wasn't in the mood for any more banter.

"Let them go!" A voice called out from the entrance, before a throwing blade sunk into the flesh of the dragon's neck with a meaty [chunk] Unfortunately, it was far too small to be anything but a minor annoyance to the fully-grown dragon.

"WHO DARES?" Kcalbanihc roared.

"I do, as does all of Stormwind, and the Alliance behind it." A man replied, his voice carrying without shouting.

"And who are you, to presume you speak for the Alliance, little man?"

"Mathais Shaw, of SI:7. I'll say this once: let them go, and you'll have enough time to try to escape before you're brought down, dragon," Shaw announced. The Leader of SI:7, Stormwinds network of spies and assassins, he wasn't willing to show fear to anything. At least, not to anything that could die.

"I see," Kcalbanihc said, nodding. "But... you seem to have forgotten something."

"And what is that, foul beast?" Mathias said, raising a brow inquisitively.

"An army with which you may try to defeat me!" he shouted, rushing forward and spreading his jaws to finish the impudent human with one bite.

As he was about to reach his target however, something large and heavy slammed into his head from the direction of the window, a harsh shriek in his draconic ears even as sharp claws scratched at his scaly hide.

"WHAT?" he roared, turning to look. A gryphon, ridden by a dwarf, circled the room, and suddenly the room was full of figures, knights in armor streaming in through the entrance, as gryphons flew in through the open wall to deposit their riders.

"How DARE you! Insects!" Kcalbanihc cried, as a wave of fireballs impacted his thick flank.

Matt felt arms pulling him away from Kyle, and suddenly realized he was surrounded by robed figures wearing priestly garb and already going to work to heal his wounded friend. They were quickly relocated to the alcove behind the Throne, where Kyle's healing progressed rapidly.

Serenity, who had been dropped by her minders when the alliance forces had rushed the room, was lead over to them, and a pair of priests went to work on her as well.

"You seem to know quite a bit, your rogue." Kyle looked up into the stony eyes of Mathias Shaw, wincing slightly.

"It would seem, Mathias, that I merely knew enough."

The rogue leader matched her gaze for a moment, before barking out a quick laugh. "That you did!" There was a moment his smile lingered, before it faded. "You've wounds to heal, and I have a dragon to slay. But after, we must talk. The King should know what you know."

"And I suppose you should know, before him?" Kyle asked, grinning even as she felt bones shifting back into place.

Mathias nodded, pulling a pair of curved daggers from his belt. "Aye, you've the right of it." he said before leaving to join the fight.

After a moment of relative quiet while Kcalbanihc was attacked, Kyle turned to look at Serenity, who, despite looking healed physically, was still an obvious emotional wreck.

"Oh, Serenity... what did they do to you?" Matt asked, all traces of mirth in his voice gone.

"I... he..." Serenity paused, taking a ragged breath before closing her eyes. "I no longer have to fear for my little one... she's been taken from me," Serenity explained, doing her best to sound professional. Despite that, however, her voice was shaky, and she cursed herself for showing such weakness before others, especially after what she'd seen Kyle go through.

"Oh, Serenity... highness... I'm so sorry," Kyle said, shocked. Usagi was... dead? What did that mean for the Silver Millennium?

Matt slammed the ground with his gauntleted fist. "Fuck!"

"I... No. After what you just went through, I'm not... I can't..." Serenity broke down, then, unable to contain herself anymore. Kyle, still somewhat broken inside, ignored the pain and the protests of the priests around her and pulled Serenity into a hug, suppressing a wince as every sob jostled broken bones slowly mending, and knowing that the pain was far more transitory than her distraught friend's.

The whisper of sword on stone alerted those in the immediate area of Matt rising to his feet. "Excuse me. I need to take care of something." He turned his back on the two women, and placed his focus squarely on the black dragon currently fighting for its life.


The cry echoed through the hall even as Matt ran towards the beast. He chanted every damage-boosting, pain-inflicting spell Tannim's memories could supply him with, and when those failed he settled for severing the major tendon of Kcalbanihc's front left leg as he reached the creature

Without support where once he expected it, the black dragon fell onto his side, nearly crushing Matt and half a dozen attackers. They were all agile enough to escape the descending beast.

Kcalbanihc struggled to stand again, despite his numerous wounds. He muttered to himself in astonishment through the haze of pain. "What? This isn't... How is this, can this..?"

"I'll TELL you!" Matt shouted as he ran towards where the head now lay. In his obvious rage other, more seasoned warriors stepped away from the fight to let the figure glowing with righteous fury pass. "You don't. Mess. With FAMILY!" Matt punctuated his statement by reaching the head of Kcalbanihc's draconic form and stabbing him in the eye that was currently looking at him with surprise.

In his pain, Kcalbanihc lifted his head from the ground, taking Matt and his sword with him. The weapon dug deeper into the soft flesh near his brain as the paladin stubbornly hung on, attempting with every fibre of his being to angle the sword just right for the killing blow. Something struck a nerve, and a final toss of Kcalbanihc's head threw both man and weapon from the dragon. The dragon fell back down to the ground with a heavy crashing of scale on stone, and did not rise.

Matt's brief moment through the air terminated when he impacted the far wall and was accompanied by a pained grunt. He fell to the floor in a heap. As the world spun and grew dark around him, Matt shot the convulsing form across the room a final glare, and muttered "...too quick a death for that one..." before letting the darkness engulf him.


Author's Notes for Magus: I'm tired. This chapter was brought to you by General Motors, the Letter 'F,' and the Mass Effect 2 Trailer, which was epic enough to inspire me to write. I'm sure Matt is glad (Tannim: I am!) I got off my butt and did something. Stay tuned for more.

Author's Notes for Tannim: We hope you've enjoyed the ride so far. ^_^


Well-Known Member
USAGIS BEEN KILLED!!!!! quick to the Deus ex machine.

seriously didnt see that coming, so dont leave us in suspense and let us know what happens next
See, THIS is why the queen should've stayed behind. Bah, just... just get them both to Undercity, I suppose it falls to us to fix this mess.
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
See, THIS is why the queen should've stayed behind. Bah, just... just get them both to Undercity, I suppose it falls to us to fix this mess.
Undead Usagi?

Gafgar, you magnificent monster.
Delta Green Friendly said:
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
See, THIS is why the queen should've stayed behind. Bah, just... just get them both to Undercity, I suppose it falls to us to fix this mess.
Undead Usagi?

Gafgar, you magnificent monster.
Undead Unborn Usagi.


Well-Known Member
Nah. Just get a priest to cast Raise Dead or whatever the local equivalent is. If that's not possible, Elune could almost certainly do it, and there's a decent chance she would. Serenity just needs to find her way to Elune's closest temple.
Apparently you don't quite entirely grasp the concept of zombie baby Sailor Moon.
Chapter 10


"They're resting now, but in no danger. The armor you acquired might be of an older design, but it performed admirably for your friend," Shaw said, as Kyle looked in on his sleeping friends.

After an unnerving portal trip back to Stormwind, Serenity and Matt had been carried off to the royal healers. Kyle had refused to speak to anyone until he knew they were fine, which Shaw grudgingly allowed. They had managed to do far more than expected (since even their survival during their infiltration attempt was estimated somewhere between 'unlikely' and 'impossible'). Furthermore, this night elf's apparent knowledge of current events was reason enough alone to give in to her demands. Within reason, of course.

"So, we've done all we could for them, and they'll be in perfect condition when they awaken. I trust, then, that you'll now entertain our questions?"

Kyle watched the two sleeping figures for a moment more, before nodding. "That's fine." Turning to look at Shaw, she smirked, before looking past him and not seeing anyone. "Who is the other when you say 'our?'"

"Why, King Wynn, of course. As well as a few of his advisors. They're-" Shaw started to explain.

"Only the King. And you. The rest I don't know enough to trust."

Shaw frowned. "I can get rid of most, but the king will want Highlord Fordragon there, at least."

Suppressing a wince at hearing the name and the memories it brought up, Kyle nodded. "Fordragon I can trust."

Mathias sighed in relief. "Then we'll proceed. I'll inform the King. I trust you know the way?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't familiar with Stormwind Keep."

Shaw laughed. "Keep that up and I'll have to re-evaluate you night elves." Turning towards the door, he gestured at it. "I'll go on ahead and clear the chamber. Give me a couple minutes, then head on in. I trust you know enough about protocol to not get yourself arrested?"

Kyle smiled again. "If not, I'm sure I can wing it well enough."


Matt awoke to the stabbing sensation of light hammering down on his sensitive eyes. How long had he been asleep? Why was his head pounding like a gnome with a pickaxe was mining for gold inside his brain? What time was it? These questions and more bounced around inside his skull as he attempted to crack open his eyes to see where the heck he was.

His first attempt at movement elicited a groan of protest from his aching muscles. Nothing in particular seemed to stand out; his entire body was one rolling mass of dulled pain.

His voice was cracked and hoarse, and throat felt raw as he spoke. "Man, what did I have to drink last night?"

Several minutes passed, wherein he contemplated each individual agony, before he was able to open his eyes enough to catch a glimpse of the room he was in. The shock of seeing a completely foreign surrounding seemed to finally shock his brain into fully working again.

"Did I really leap just onto a dragon and stab it in the eye?" he wondered. He gasped. "Serenity!" With a burst of energy he did not feel he tried to bolt out of bed... Only to fall helplessly to the floor with a loud thud in a tangle of bed sheets and bandages. He was fairly sure he pulled something as new waves of agony washed through his body.

"Oooowwww..." He whimpered. "I don't think I'll be going anywhere anytime soon."


"So, all that aside, your biggest threat from up north, and- I cannot stress this enough- it is Arthas. The sooner you start building a beachhead for the Alliance, the better off your armies will be when the scourge tries to push south."

Kyle was getting tired of the questions. King Wrynn seemed shocked that the next threat to the Alliance was not the Horde, and even moreso that the Alliance and Horde would initially work towards the same goal. Having left out some of the more jarring happenings (like the Wrathgate) meant that he would be somewhat unprepared for events to come, but only on a personal level. By that time, Kyle intended to be in another universe, far from dragons, orcs, and boobs. On him. Her. Whatever.

"From anyone else, I'd question your sanity, night elf; but you've proven your knowledge. I assume you have some ideas as to where such footholds should be established?" King Wrynn asked.

"Here for starters. The scourge in the area are relatively light though they'll no doubt try to push you out once they realize you're there to stay."

"The Borean Tundra? Our last expedition there said it was relatively barren," Bolvar Fordragon said.

Kyle shot him a frown, "And how old was this report? There's lichen and other plant life, as well as hardy wildlife. But The Scarlet Onslaught will build a Harbor here in the Dragonblight, and the Grizzly Hills offer too lucrative a bounty to safely offload an army. If you want to disembark unmolested, you've two options, The Borean Tundra-"

"Or the Howling Fjord." Shaw interjected, staring at the map. "This inlet, here, looks like a reasonable natural harbor."

"It is, if you can get past the giants."

"Giants?" Bolvar asked.

"Giant people. Humanoid, about twelve feet tall? Not literal giants, somewhere between giants and humans. Look like barbarian humans; act like it too. They're being slowly converted to serve the Lich King. Expect opposition from them, they're not going to be allies."

"I see... What else should we be aware of?" The King asked thoughtfully.

"Well, I'm sure you've been made aware of the Nerubians..."


It had been an agonizing morning. Or afternoon. Matt wasn't sure what time it was. After climbing to his feet (crawling to the nearest chair and using that to lever himself vertical once more) he spotted his clothes... Across the room. A minute or so of resting before pushing himself to his feet through sheer force of will, he somehow managed to not only make it to the other side but then dress himself.

Mostly, it was thoughts of Serenity that kept him moving and unwilling to wait for attendance from whatever passed for nurses around here. The urgent desire to locate and find out what had happened to her was overwhelming in its strength, and he was determined not to care that the body he was driving seemed to protest desperately against the movement.

It was only as he was leaving his room that he made some rather important observations about the place he was staying at. First, everything was of the finest quality; at least, the kind of quality you'd get in a medieval society like the one found in World of Warcraft. Secondly, the floor, wall and ceiling were all made of stone, which must have made for some wicked heating bills. Third, the guards at his door were eyeing him suspiciously but hadn't yet pulled out their weapons, telling him that he wasn't exactly under house arrest.

"Um. There was a girl? Brought here with me? Where is she?" Matt asked haltingly.

The larger of the two nodded towards the doorway across the hall.



"I want you there." Wynn said suddenly.

Kyle blinked. The strategy and planning session had carried on into the evening, and hastily drawn out plans had been fleshed out (with the aid of Kyle's foreknowledge and cunningly leading the conversation in the right direction). "Me?"

Wynn laughed, then turned to Bolvar. "I think for once I surprised the lady!" Turning back to Kyle, the king nodded. "You know more than you've told me, and you're leading this planning session where you want it to go."

"That obvious, huh?" Kyle asked, sounding dejected.

"Not to most. But I'm a king. I deal with manipulators and liars every day. At least you appear to have the well being of the Alliance at heart."

"Aye, she does. And Stormwind too, it seems. We could have gotten all this second hand from Priestess Whisperwind, months from now," Bolvar stated.

"A thought I had, as well. Tell me, Jaessica, what made you decide to tell us, instead of your own people?"

Kyle couldn't help but wince. Not a question he'd expected. Easy enough to answer though. "The Night Elves..." She paused, before continuing, "My people are fairly secular. Humans have spread far faster in the past fifteen years than any other alliance race, save maybe the Dwarves' Explorers League. And while your kind is just as likely to run each other through as stand shoulder to shoulder with your enemies to fight a mutual threat, humanity provides the Alliance with its primary means to project power on a global scale."

"Well said," King Wynn said, nodding. "It's good to see sound military thinking in our allies; because in the war ahead, we'll need all the help we can get. All the more reason to send you along."

"I'm no leader, King Wynn. Just a well-informed night elf on a mission from God."

The three humans stared at Kyle for a moment, before chuckling. "Well, far be it from me to stand between you and your goals. But I insist you at least travel with the initial group. Your understanding of the land will cut down the time it takes to secure, hold, and build our defenses. I will send along some of my trusted commanders and task them with overseeing things. But they will know to trust your advice, and I trust you to use the power I give you to ensure that we are ready for whatever comes our way."

"I believe I can do that. However, I have... Two requests, before I accept," Kyle stated.

"Not... Altogether unexpected," Wynn stated, before nodding. "Speak up then. What would you ask of me?"

"My friends are part of my quest. Qu- Lady Serenity and the paladin Matthew. Our goal is in Northrend, and it makes sense to work towards both goals at the same time," Kyle said.

"A Queen, is she? I could tell she was of noble birth, but that's quite a title to lay claim to," the king said, with a smirk. Shrugging, he nodded, "I can allow them to travel with you, but only if I have your word that you'll not leave my men before they're adequately prepared for the dangers they face in Northrend."

"You have my word that I will do everything in my power to protect them. But I cannot promise that none of them will die in the coming months. This is a war, your highness, and in wars, people die."

"A truth far too many tend to overlook," Shaw offered, nodding.

"Yes. People die. But on the blades of their enemies. Death due to negligence on their commander's part is unacceptable!" Bolvar said with a frown.

"You misunderstand. I've never been one to cut and run. As you saw back in Blackwing Lair, Shaw." Kyle said.

"She's brave enough to face a full grown black dragon with a pair of kitchen knives. I don't think she'll be running from a fight. Might want to assign her a priest, however..." Shaw replied.

The King nodded, before turning to Jaessica once more. "Very well. You and your friends will accompany the first batch of men to Northrend. If nothing else, the paladin can fight to defend the place as well. Your second request?"

Kyle frowned, motioning towards Shaw. "As the esteemed SI:7 master pointed out, our weapons are sub-par. I'd like to think our services to your kingdom, and the Alliance as a whole are enough to earn us a small token or two of gratitude?"

"What did you have in mind?' King Wynn asked with a scowl.

"Nothing priceless or unique. Just some of the better weapons from the Alliance Requisition Officer over in Old Town. The armor we acquired is adequate enough. But the weapons I'm currently using are, shall we say... Lacking?"

"You can say that again," Shaw muttered.

"Our weapons are lacking," Kyle quipped with a grin. Shaw rolled his eyes, while Bolvar suppressed a smile and the king nodded.

"Easy enough. I'll have them delivered to you. It helps that your requests were reasonable. I was expecting something a bit more... Exorbitant."

"I think we're adequately equipped on a personal level."

"Aside from your weapons, that is," Shaw interjected.

"Which they've taken care of quite handily," Bolvar pointed out.

"... Anyway, we're good, so why ask? I've better things to do than waste time." Kyle growled.

King Wynn laughed. "I had almost assumed you were a noble yourself of some sort. But if you dislike dithering and taking everything you can from a king, you're like no noble I've dealt with."

"Time, distance, culture, clash," Kyle muttered, before looking at the King. "I should go tell Matt and Serenity what's going on, then."

"Very well. I'll work on starting the Expedition. It's nice to be on the offensive for once," King Wrynn said.

"Well, for now, think of this as more of a subtle move to position your pieces. When Arthas makes his move, then you can unleash the hell upon him he so justly deserves." Kyle said, before turning towards the door. Remembering something, she bowed slightly. "By your leave?"

The King grunted his amusement, before nodding. "You may."


Kyle found Matt asleep, slumped in the chair next to Serenity's bed. The bit of drool escaping his mouth did nothing for his looks, which were marred by bed hair and torn bandages. He looked like a wounded puppy that had curled up near its master to sleep.

"How... Charming," Kyle muttered, before poking Matt. Unfortunately, said poking was done with her boot, and somewhat hard.

"What?!" Matt barked with surprise as he jolted awake. A few blinking moments to reorient himself found him looking at an annoyed Kyle, and he relaxed. "Oh, it's you."

"Yes. It's me. I've got us a ticket to Northrend..." Kyle said, trailing off.

"I sense a 'but' coming."

"But... We kind of have to help the Alliance set up their fortifications." Kyle said. "Which reminds me, how much do you know about Wrath?"

"It's another word for anger?" he shrugged.

Kyle sighed, and buried her face in her hands. "No, not quite. But that answers my question anyway." Turning to look at Serenity, she couldn't help but sigh. "Not much we can do for her, is there?"

Matt shook his head. "Nothing I can think of, at any rate. Except be here."


Serenity awoke to the sound of voices talking. And not talking softly either.

"What do you mean? It's not possible. A paladin just doesn't have the sustained damage output. It's like saying a druid could replace a priest. It just doesn't work that way!"

"Why not? Damage is damage and healing is healing, isn't it?"

"The mitigation factor alone is enough to warrant a downturn in the DPS. Add in the other talent trees allowing... Ooh..." Kyle trailed off as he noticed Serenity was awake.

"Something tells me you're talking as if this is a game again." She briefly closed her eyes. "Wake me up when you've something constructive to say."

"No, we're done. Sorry," Kyle replied, turning slightly purple as she realized how loud they'd been arguing a few moments ago.

"I assume, from your presence, that you were waiting for me to awaken to tell me something?" Serenity asked after it became apparent neither were going to speak up.

"Oh, right. Um, we've... Managed to acquire passage to Northrend. So we're one step closer to getting home."

Serenity turned to face the wall, though the hitch in her voice was unmistakable. "And what, exactly, do I have to return to?"

Kyle frowned, but swallowed her first thought before she could speak it. "Serenity, we came for you as soon as we knew you were missing. We accepted Dax's company to hasten our way. We killed for you, to get to you, and free you, and we, at the time, had no idea what had been done. But I can't say we could have been quicker. I'm sorry... I'm so very sorry about what has happened, and I'm worried about what it could mean, but I don't know what we could have done to get to you in time."

Words failed Matt as he struggled to find something to say, so he laid a hand on Serenity's shoulder. All that came out was, "I am so, so sorry."

Serenity turned, tears streaming down her face. She spoke in a whisper, "...they killed my baby..." With a wordless cry of anger and frustration she clung to Matt and began to sob.

Kyle wisely decided to leave the room.


An hour later, Matt exited the room and shut the door softly behind him. Kyle stood across the hall, apparently deep in thought.

"How is she?" Kyle asked.

"Sleeping, for now." Matt shook his head slowly. "No parent should have to outlive their child. She's strong, though; I think she'll pull through."

Kyle noticed Matt was carefully avoiding looking her in the eyes. "Are you okay?"

The man let out a long sigh. "I think... That I've decided to stay. In the Silver Millennium." He raised a hand to forestall any response. "I know, I know we aren't exactly responsible this; Kcalbanihc is ultimately responsible, and he paid for it. But she's here because of our direct interference with an act of charity designed to send us home. I don't think I could peacefully live out the rest of my life knowing we did this to her. Not without some kind of atonement. And if that means my death at the hands of some malevolent energy-sucking entity at the end of all this... I guess I'm willing to face that."

Kyle nodded. "While I'd like to think I'd try to avoid such a bad end, I've already decided to stay. If I can help..." Kyle shrugged. "Well... If I can help, then that's what I'll do. My stupid comment got us here, so I might as well take some responsibility."

Despite everything that had happened to them the past few days, Matt found a smile creeping onto his face. "Fighting evil by moonlight? Living love by daylight? Never running from a real fight? Yeah, I guess I could live with that." The English dub of the Sailor Moon theme song had always been a secret favorite of his, despite its inherent cheesiness. Or perhaps because of it.

"Do me a favor: never sing that. Ever." Kyle muttered, before turning to look at the door and sighing.

"Well!" Matt clapped his hands together. "I'd better see someone about getting these bandages straightened out. It seems I'm bleeding all over the floor." This was a bit of an exaggeration; he was only bleeding slightly through his shirt. "After that, I think I'll see about finding a real paladin and asking him how to..." He struggled to find the right words.

"Be a paladin?" Kyle asked, with a slight smile.

"I was thinking of how best to... Protect others, I guess would be the phrase. Better than saying 'teach me to be a tank.'"

"Well, I can stab with the best of them, it seems. I'll talk to Shaw, see if there's any training he can give me while the King makes his preparations. I get the feeling we'll need whatever we can get once we get back to the Silver Millennium."



Kyle started awake as the door across from his chair was pulled open. After Matt had taken off to seek training, she'd been left trying to decide what to do. And while it was probable that Shaw would give be willing to give advice, or point her in the right direction, leaving Serenity alone seemed wrong. So she had taken up station outside the queen's door, and after an hour of sitting in the rather comfortable padded chair she had drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep.

Serenity, on the other hand, had woken up feeling somewhat refreshed. Refreshed, that is, until reality came crashing back down, driving the last vestiges of sleep from her mind, and she clenched her fists in an attempt to hold back the wail she felt growing in the back of her throat.

Finally, after wiping the newest set of tears from her eyes, she mentally pulled herself together and set out to find out where she was. Pulling the door open with a purpose, she froze upon seeing the familiar figure across the hall from her, and another wave of emotions crashed through her. As Kyle awoke, and tried her best to pull herself together visually, Serenity watched the changed human, and noticed some rather tell-tale signs of stress, even in such an altered state.

Giving in to her thoughts, Serenity spoke. "Matt... Talked with me about your world a little."

"He did?" Kyle asked, unsure where that had come from.

Serenity nodded. "Yes." She paused, looking Kyle over before sighing. "I've come to the conclusion that you two DID indeed come for me at your fastest, but you, like him... Like me, were unaware of the brutality this world can offer."

"I... Don't quite follow. I'm... I've... I should have known, Serenity. I failed you, because I wasn't... Because I couldn't see past the things I wanted to see." Kyle shook his head in frustration. "I should have known. In the game-" She paused, rolling her eyes, "the game- that this is based on, I've done so much killing... It's unnerving, I suppose, to think about that happening for real. But I let myself be deluded into thinking it was different here. And in so doing, I endangered you. I endangered Matt. I endangered myself. And... I endangered your child. And of all of us, I was the one who should have known, yet you and yours were the ones who paid the ultimate price." Kyle looked down at the floor, feeling tears forming in the shining eyes of his current body. "I'm the one who should have died."

Serenity shook her head. "There's no point dwelling on the past. I won't lie; the pain, the thoughts in my head, the feelings I have, they're still raw, still fresh. But I, you, WE, cannot afford to let our lives be ruled by things that might have been. Matt... Earlier... He helped. And like I said, he spoke a bit about where you're from. Your world is one of war and peace, but where you live is primarily calm, peaceful." She shrugged, holding up her hand as Kyle took a breath to interrupt. "Oh, there's crime, as Matt liked to point out, but for the most part your lives are far more sheltered than even those of my subjects."

"Aah..." Kyle wanted to refute it, but held her tongue. Not knowing what the standard of living was like in the Silver Millennium, she couldn't really comment, one way or the other.

Serenity looked Kyle in the eyes, before nodding softly. "I don't blame you for what has happened. You had no way of knowing... None of us did."

"But I should have!" Kyle growled.

Serenity shook her head again and put a hand on the night elf's shoulder.

"We are all products of the society that raised us. You grew up in a world that, to you, was relatively free of violence. I could never blame you for that. You have never had to live your life expecting the worst around every corner, and I envy you and your society for that. Even if the danger can still exist."

"But why-" Kyle started to ask, before she cut him off.

"I was raised, and ruled a society of peace, as well, Kyle. And while there is danger, it is not too unlike your own. Where you have technology, we have Magic. And we aren't exactly wanting, when it comes to creature comforts." She shot Kyle a ghost of a smile. "So if I were to blame you, then I'd also have to blame myself."

"I don't think that's fair," Kyle said, before Serenity's look crystallized into a glare.

"Fair? Fair!? This whole situation isn't fair!" Serenity took a couple calming breaths. "But as unfair as it is... It isn't your fault. Even if.." Serenity trailed off, looking away, towards a window at the end of the hall, though her focus was much, much farther.

"Even if what?" Kyle asked, almost afraid to find out.

"I know in my heart that this was not your fault, but a part of me, the part of me that selfishly brought you to me, insists that if you had been faster, if I had been stronger, if we had been smarter..."

Kyle nodded. "I understand. You're not too far removed from humanity, if that voice is what I'm thinking of."

Looking away herself, Kyle spoke quietly. "I've not been the most... Accommodating of people at times, I know." She ignored the snort Serenity tried to stifle, before continuing. "But I'm mature enough to know I should take some responsibility for my actions. I told you I'd help you when we return. Matt will too. We'll still do whatever it takes to protect your kingdom, but I hope that we can still be friends throughout. In the brief time I've known you, you've been far more... Interesting than I would have ever expected."

Much to the night elf's surprise, Serenity gently took Kyle's hand in her own. "I do accept you as a friend, Kyle; you and Matt both. In spite of all your faults, all your misbehaviors, both of you have good hearts; if you truly intend on fighting for my kingdom as you say, then I would hope it'd be as friends. I have enough servitors and soldiers."

Kyle nodded. "I can only imagine." looking down at their hands, she nodded. "I promise to do everything in my power to help you." She paused, before frowning. "With that said, however, I think it would be remiss of me not to ask you to seek out some training yourself."

Serenity blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I mean here, in this world, we're about to embark on a voyage to the most hostile continent on this world. I hesitated before when I killed because my opponents were alive, and I had a hundred questions running through me head. 'What if they have a family?' 'What if they're here under duress?' What if what if what if? It..." She shook her head as she trailed off. "Anyway. As bad as that was where we're going it will be even worse. Because the questions I asked before don't apply. We'll be facing the undead in numbers far too frightening to bother trying to comprehend, and try as I might, I cannot kill an army alone."

There was an awkward silence for a moment, before Kyle intoned emotionlessly, "Northrend is a frozen hell. And we're going to have to fight for every inch we take. Matt and I will fight to protect you. Die, to protect you, if that's what it takes. But if we fall, I... We... Would do so much more easily, knowing you were able to take care of yourself."

Serenity straightened up, doing her best to look down at the night elf. An impressive feat, considering the other was over a foot taller than her. "There's been enough death, thank you very much. I'll train. We'll train. And we'll get out of here, and return to my kingdom together, or not at all."

Kyle was impressed; her regal bearing had come out full tilt. "Is that an order?"

Serenity scoffed. "I'm Queen Serenity the Fourth, Monarch of the Silver Millennium, Daughter of Selene and Goddess of the Moon. That is not an order. It is the reality I, as a goddess, command."

Kyle was floored. Literally. As she had spoken, a silvery light had suffused the area around her, and even as she tried to fight it, her knees had grown so weak she'd been forced to kneel to avoid falling over. When Serenity had finished, there was an unsettling silence as her words seemed to echo throughout the corridor. Finally, the feeling passed, and Kyle climbed back to her feet, still feeling a little shaken.

"Don't... Don't do that again." Kyle said, crouching to see if his knees would soften again.

"A divine decree was just made, and you have the audacity to tell me not to do it again?" Serenity asked, shocked.

"Not that. I mean that light. Whatever it was. I thought I was having a stroke or something, the way my legs practically failed me. What the hell was that?"

Serenity shrugged. "My birthright made manifest. I'm a force of nature. Embodiment of some of its very laws. Your legs are fine. Your soul, however, is a mortal's. And because of that, in my presence... In my divine presence, I should say, it will do what it can to make itself humble."

"But... Why? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. What if some dark god was chasing you? That would... Be bad." Kyle quickly amended her statement even as she spoke, trying to avoid bringing up death once again.

Serenity shrugged. "It happens. In time, you can build up an immunity to it, or learn to fight it. But it's fun at parties."

"..." For once, Kyle was at a loss.

Serenity couldn't help it, she smiled. Not a big smile; there was still a tinge of sadness in her eyes, but the look of bewilderment on Kyle's face was enough to break through the despair that had suffused her, even if only for a moment. And Kyle knew, then and there, that he would die for her. Not because she was a god or a queen. But because she was a friend. And he would do anything to protect that smile.


Author's Notes for Tannim: Well, we're not dead! And here's another chapter for proof. Make of it what you will. Next stop: Northrend! And hopefully back to the Silver Millenium and to submarines.

Author's Notes for Magus: Be kinda hard to write if we were dead, Matt. But yes, I think this is the last major bit of this arc. Be ready for zombies, dragons, and wizards (oh my!) as well as other surprises. I actually have most of the rest of this planned out in rough-outline form. Problem is getting Matt and my writing schedules to coincide... And dragging him out of WoW (kicking and screaming).


Well-Known Member
heh when i first saw the update notice i thought it was an april fools joke but i guess i was the fool. good to see your still writing, so keep up the good work. and senenity got to show off some levels of badassery in this chapter
Chapter 11


It was a dark and stormy night. The air seethed in anger at the sea, and the sea responded in kind, crashing against the rocky shore in a spray of fine mist. Thunderous clouds hovered ominously overhead as the two watchers, indistinctly silhouetted by the nearby camp fire, looked on with dread. A third figure moved to join the duo looking out into the deeper parts of the sea, putting off a more pronounced outline given he was wearing a full set of plate armor and wielding a sword and shield. The trio continued searching for any sign of movement for a few moments more, before the one in armor decided to break the silence.

"Lovely day for a picnic, don't you think?"

Kyle looked irritably at Matt. "Okay, first off: it's night. Secondly? You want decent food," she pointed vaguely inland, "feel free to try and hunt it down yourself. Third?" Kyle paused. "... So I don't have a third point."

"Third," Serenity chimed in, "we have movement on the horizon. I think it's the Righteous Fury."

"Oh thank God," Matt muttered. "I don't think I could have taken eating crab cakes four days in a row."

The three otherworldly adventurers headed towards the large keep that rose above the tundra to report the oncoming ship. The land they'd chosen to build their fortifications on had proven hardy enough to prevent scourge burrowing in, but the utter lack of materials to build with (aside from stone, there was plenty of that) had necessitated immediate scouting as well as resupply. And the rapid building Kyle had initially anticipated had given way to eighteen months of grueling construction, interspersed with relentless assaults, both from Northrend natives and the scourge.

Now, however, Valiance Keep stood tall, the harbor just outside it filled with the timber and tools required to make a new ship, tentatively named The Stormbreaker, and construction on the Lodge was nearing completion. On the horizon, the incoming Righteous Fury was loaded with supplies to begin construction of a training hall, as well as food and more men for the garrison located within the keep.

The past year and a half had been daunting, but finally, the end was in sight. "If I have to put up with another one of those D.H.E.T.A. morons asking me about wildlife conservation..." Kyle grumbled as he pulled off the stuffed coat he'd been wearing.

"Oh, they're not that bad," Serenity replied.

"Trust me, they are. You don't get the same spiel I do, because you're not a night elf."

"Hey guys, not to interrupt this delightful exchange, but shouldn't we be checking in with the watch commander? I'm guessing he'll be as excited as I am that we'll be eating fresh food tonight. He'll want to know the ship made it through."

"Just so long as they didn't send in dried fish, like last time," Kyle replied, before returning a salute from one of the soldiers guarding the entryway. Despite his arguments to the King of Stormwind, the situation in Northrend had degenerated quickly as the scourge targeted officers, until finally Matt, Kyle, and Serenity were some of the few informed people left. Reinforcements had fixed that problem over time, but the older soldiers who'd come across the seas with them treated them with the same respect they gave the new officers, and newer arrivals copied those 'in-the-know.'

Quickly alerting the watch commander in the courtyard of the keep of their shift, they stepped into the barracks portion of the keep, and headed for the stairs leading up to the Officer's quarters and main hall.

"So, tonight?" Serenity asked.

Kyle nodded. "Everything is pretty much as I remember it. While not quite caught up, I get the feeling we're close to the point I remember. We've done our part, as promised."

"And then some," Matt muttered.

Passing another pair of saluting footmen, they entered the cozy hall and made their way over to the balding man behind a table covered in books and maps.

"General Arlos," Kyle said with a nod.

"Commander, Lieutenant, Lady. What news from the front?" the general asked.

"Nothing to report there, but from the ocean, it seems our newest supply is about to arrive."

"Wonderful! Another boat load of civilians playing at being soldiers, and whatever supplies the smiths and carpenters turned down in Stormwind."

Kyle smiled at that. The general always complained about that, even though they all knew he was looking forward to the new supplies and fresh foods just as much as anyone else.

"Aside from that, sir, there's something I'd like to speak with you about."

The general frowned. "So it's that time, is it? The king told me about it..."

"I'm sure he did. I don't like the thought of leaving you in the lurch, but at the moment, I think the worst is behind us." Kyle said.

"Commander, we've got scourge-infested lands as far as the eye can see to the north, and to the south, nothing but frigid ocean; a wall with our backs against it, no matter how flat or calm it may be."

"I understand that, general. But my... Knowledge of things is quickly coming to an end. I fail to see what use I'll be to you, once that's expended."

The General chuckled. "You've no idea, Commander, do you? The men look up to you. The three of you, really. You've been here since the beginning. You know the men, know the land, and despite the apparent lack of training, you've grown into some of the finest officers I've had serving under me that I can recall. I hate to lose you. All of you."

Kyle blinked, not having thought about it that way. "I... Hadn't thought of it that way before. But I insist, sir. Our usefulness here is coming to an end. At least in a unique way. We'll be missed, but we're officers. I'm sure Stormwind isn't lacking for those."

General Arlos harrumphed. "Lacking in officers? Not a chance. But good officers? You'd be surprised." He turned to look the three of them over, before sighing wearily. "Commander, come here." So saying, he waved Kyle over to the table, and the map of Northrend spread out over the majority of it.

"Our scouts have finished sounding out the location of those damnable tunnels the scourge keep using to attack us. I've been trying to draw up a plan to neutralized them for a time so that we can finish construction unmolested."

"I see... You want us to oversee the operation?"

"Something like that. There's a special cargo on the Righteous Fury I've requested from the Stormwind armory. A prototype weapon using some of that strange metal our scouts found further north."

"Saronite," Matt said, trying to hide his disgust. Kyle had explained to him and Serenity the origins of the metal. Despite its presence in nodes of ore scattered throughout the continent, it was really the solidified blood of Yogg Saron, the Old God of Death.

"Indeed," the General replied with a nod. "This weapon should be enough to collapse a majority of the tunnels leading to..."

He leaned over to check the map, but Kyle finished for him "- Azjol-Nerub."

"That's it. We can't use anything too powerful or it might damage Valiance Keep. But this is supposed to pack enough of a punch to blow up a small hill."

Kyle suppressed a smirk. Where he came from, a bomb the size of a desk could blow up a small mountain. Whatever they had coming wouldn't be anything too impressive.

"I see. What role would you have us play?" Serenity asked.

"That mountain out there is covered with caves those damnable bugs keep coming at us from. A small strike team can conceivably slip in, plant the weapon near the base, and get out before the bomb goes off and brings the mountain down on those bastard's heads."

"Sounds messy. I take it you want us to lead that strike team, then?"

The General nodded. "Indeed. You take out those undead, and I'll see to it you have the freedom to head off on your way. I'll even let the other outposts know to give you what hospitality they can."

"That's... Very generous of you," Serenity stated.

"You've been good to the men here. You've stood beside them to fight, and given them orders that got them through thick and thin. The Alliance owes you three for that, but this mission needs you for this. I can trust others with this task. but I'm asking you. They- the others, I mean- are capable enough, but I know you can see this task through. You've far more luck than the rest of us combined."

"Must be a trick of the Light," Kyle quipped, earning a quick glare from the General. He was a paladin, worshiper and follower of the Divine Light, and he disliked the night elf's irrelevance in regards to it, but he'd learned to let it slide in occasion.

"Elune might have a thing or two to say about that, as well," Matt said.

Serenity frowned, but held her tongue. Matt, seeing this, winced slightly. He should have known better than to bring up the elf goddess.

"In any case," the General said loudly, to get them back on track. "We'll unpack the gear, and move out as soon as we can. That should allow you some time to prepare."

"Thank you, General." Serenity said.

He didn't reply, merely nodding at them before turning back to his map.


The early morning sun found Valiance Keeps' docks already bustling with activity; the harbor itself had come a long way from a simple inlet on a rocky shore. Sturdy, twin piers eventually took shape and made the inner formation of the Alliance stronghold. A thoughtfully placed tower kept watch for any surprise attacks while the vessel unloaded its much needed supplies. And as it had become habit over the intervening months Serenity was there, quill in hand and taking an inventory of all the items coming off the ship. Her calm demeanor and stern voice kept all the dock workers there at a brisk pace, making sure everything transpired with quick efficiency. If someone looked closely enough it might appear she was actually having fun.

"Stevens! Watch your step, you nearly dropped our only crate of spices," Serenity admonished. "I know you've only been with us a few weeks, but I expect you to be more careful."

"Yes ma'am! Sorry ma'am!"

"I see you slacking over there Aldriot. Do you want to lose your dinner rations again?"

Aldriot spit over the side over the boat before picking up a barrel. "Apologies ma'am, just catchin' me breath is all."

"Do that when we're finished, we've got to make sure this boat is ready to set sail before the evening tide."

"Of course, ma'am."

Serenity virtually hummed to herself as she cataloged each item as it came off the ship, making a mental tally to add with the precious few stores they already had. As each vessel was loaded with provisions, along with additional reinforcements and crew, it was something of a guessing game to see how much food they required and needed to survive. Unfortunately the last few shipments of required cargo had been lost at sea, to who knows what, and had stretched their supplies to the breaking point. Everyone was excited to see fresh food arrive, and it didn't require much prompting from Serenity to keep everyone working quickly.

Given how packed each ship was, with no wasted space or manpower, it was something of a surprise to see an overly-dressed man, somewhat overweight, arrive from beneath the ship's hold. He looked around and spotted the most likely important person in the vicinity, which happened to be Serenity.

"Excuse me, miss?" he spoke in a slow drawl, habitual to the nobles of Azeroth. "I believe I need to see someone... hmph... in charge."

With a glare that had dignitaries of visiting nations cowed, Serenity simply looked at the man. He wilted under the attention.

"It's just that I... Have an important message. From the King." He looked side to side uncertainly. "I suppose there's no harm in telling you. Kil'Jaden the Deceiver, that demon warlock menace, was successfully pushed back into the Twisting Nether at the Sunwell. Now that we've finished with that fight, we'll be able to fully turn our attention and resources to Northrend." He gave a weak, half-hearted smile. "Congratulations are in order, I suppose. We'll have a regular shipping line established within the week."

Serenity nodded gravely. "That's all well and good. However, what I would like for you to do is move. You're blocking the gangplank."

The man nearly fell into the sea in his haste to comply. As he left Serenity's immediate view, she became aware of an even stranger oddity; several gnomes were working in tandem, lifting a crate out of the hold with a winch and pulley system, all done with the care one usually takes with extremely breakable objects. A dwarf in plate bellowed orders, directing the whole thing, and glared with venom at any of her boys getting too close to the operation.

Before Serenity could open her mouth and ask what this was all about, the dwarf stomped towards her with an angry glare. "You there! Woman! We need a dry room with no foot traffic!"

Serenity, used to dealing with unruly subjects, simply nodded. "Very well, I believe some room could be allocated towards fitting your needs-"

The dwarf interrupted her mid-sentence. "Good. And when you've shown my men where we can place this, fetch General Arlos for us. This is the most important thing you people will get to participate in since landing in Northrend!" Rather than wait to see if his demands were carried out, the dwarf stormed off the boat without so much as a backwards glance.

A sea breeze brushed by Serenity's hair, tousling it in front of her eyes as she attempted to keep the rage in check. She succeeded, if only barely. "Stevens! Aldriot! I've got some work for you..."


After the ship had been unloaded (a process that had taken most of the morning) Kyle, Matt, and Serenity had been called to the courtyard of the Keep by a runner. There, they were to meet with the Captain in charge of the weapon meant to end (at least, temporarily) the scourge assault.

"So this is it, huh?" Kyle asked, staring at the... Device with no small amount of trepidation. Semi-spherical in nature, it was waist-high, and covered with dials, gauges, wires, and riveted patches of mismatched metals. In a couple places, wood planks seem to have been used to create the shell, as well. "The gnomes worked on this, didn't they?"

"Aye, lass, they did," the dwarf in charge, who revealed himself to be Captain Bitters, said with a hint of misery. As if on cue, a half-dozen of the diminutive Azerothians ran in, all of them wearing coveralls and tinted goggles as they busied about it with tools and other arcane devices.

"Should I ask for a geiger counter?" Kyle quipped.

Matt chuckled, but the dwarf seemed confused. "A what now?"

"A... nevermind. Not important. So! I assume you're going to be on the placement team, who else is coming with us?" Kyle asked, eyeing the gnomes warily. She'd seen quite a few gnome soldiers hold their own against the oncoming tide of undead. Enough that she could respect them on a battlefield. but these weren't soldiers. They looked like low-level technicians. All they needed were two-foot long lab coats.

"I've a small strike team already picked out. Since I've been stuck with you three as well, I'm going to divide us up into two teams," he explained.

"How many per team?" Serenity asked, hiding a frown.

"Four. Since your Commander here supposedly has a sixth sense concerning the layout of Northrend, I figure she'll do best leading the strike team into the caves and clearing our path," Captain Bitters explained.

"Where do you want us?" Matt asked, motioning to Serenity and himself.

"You'll go with the strike team, and Lady Serenity here will stay with the bombing team, which I'll be leading personally."

Matt looked uncertainly from Kyle to Serenity. "The three of us together have been a pretty effective fighting force. Any particular reason you're breaking us up?"

"I've read the reports, Lieutenant. The three of you have some talent, but the strike team needs to be entirely offensive, and a priest, even one as powerful as Lady Serenity here, would do much more good back with the bombing team, as we're stuck escorting a technician and some muscle to move the weapon into place."

"That's two. Who else on each team?" Kyle asked, hoping there were some powerful people with Serenity.

"The Bombing team will be me, the Lady Serenity, Corporal Hartaz, and Technician Nobbs." As he spoke, a draenei behemoth in plate stepped forward, followed by a grinning gnome in a rubber smock with a combover.

Kyle did her best to suppress a groan. Especially at the madness dancing in the eyes of the grinning gnome. "And the strike team?"

"We have Sergeant Soerta," Another plate-wearing draenei figure stepped forward, though this one was female. "-And Private Jenkins."

Before the human private could step forward, Kyle let out a rather girlish shriek that ended almost as quickly as it started. Trying to cover it up with a cough, Kyle waved off the Captains questioning look, and hoped the coughing would cover for her suddenly pale face.

"Your first name wouldn't happen to be Leeroy, would it?" Matt asked with trepidation.

"How did you know, sir? I've heard you were good with the men, but that's uncanny!" The young man swelled with pride that his superior officer already knew his name.

Kyle's mouth opened. Snapped shut with a click of teeth. Opened again. And it hung there, as she fumbled for something to say.

Matt, unable to do anything else, grinned weakly at the praise.

Kyle buried her face in her hand. "I can't wait to get out of here. One more mission... one more." Shaking off her misery, she nodded. "Right. Well. We'll see this through, just like all the other missions we've done, right? When do we leave?"

"As soon as possible?" Sergeant Soerta said, quietly. The faint accent of her people sounded vaguely Eastern European to Kyle and Matt.

"Unfortunately, there are some last-minute calibrations that need to be done for the device to in- go off correctly. It'll be another day before we're ready," Technician Nobbs interjected.

"Hmm... Sounds like a finicky bomb. You sure it'll make it to where it needs to go without breaking?' Kyle asked, frowning at the device.

"Of course! What do you think we are? Goblins?" The Technician asked, earning another sigh from Kyle.

"I would hope not," she replied, before muttering "I tower over enough people already."

"I'm going to look over the reports from what few scouts who went into that mountain and made it out have reported. Captain, if you would accompany me?" Kyle said, taking off towards the Officer's Mess off the main hall.

Captain Bitters nodded. "Aye, you'd better believe I will," he said, before taking off after her.


The three erstwhile dimension travelers had settled into varying roles over the course of time it took to build and establish the Alliance beachhead. Kyle helped oversee the overall tactical aspect of the assault, which included organizing scouting parties, directing building construction, and preparing for the various dangers his forknowledge warned him about. Serenity threw herself with abandon into organizing and prioritizing the logistical side of the operation; what resources they had and what went where (she claimed it was much easier than trying to juggle the demands and constraints of an entire solar system). And Matt, feeling decidedly left out, had opted to attempt to keep the morale of the defenders high by drilling as often as he could with the common trooper.

This in turn lead to his eventual battlefield promotion as a lieutenant and had the unforeseen side effect of having him becoming rather attached to the soldiers under his command, and they with him. He decided on one last tour of inspection before leaving tomorrow, and to maybe have a few words with the men, but before he could form up his platoon of soldiers his first sergeant managed to find him. How he unerringly did so whenever he wanted to Matt was dying to know, and he suspected the man had more contacts and friends inside the Keep than most spies cultivate over an entire lifetime.

"Is it true, sir? Are you really leaving us?"

Matt winced as a pair of puppy-dog eyes was directed his way; they would have done a four year old asking for a sweet proud. It looked oddly incongruous on a man ten years his senior. It was also typical of the man to try and wheedle his commander in this fashion.

"Geez Sam, quit it with the eyes already! You're a sergeant now, start acting like it!" He paused to take a breath. "Yes, after this mission we're leaving, the three of us. No, it doesn't look like we'll be back any time soon, or ever for that matter." At Sam's defeated look, Matt added somewhat gruffly, "Of course I'll miss you guys. It's been an honor and a pleasure serving with you." Matt raised a gauntleted fist and punched his sergeant in the armored shoulder. "You'll be taking over for me when I leave, so you better treat the men right."

If Matt didn't know better, he'd almost swear his prone-to-overacting first sergeant was close to tears. But with visible effort the man pulled himself together and performed a parade ground salute. "We won't let you down, sir!"

Matt nodded. "Good man." He glanced around conspiratorially, then leaned in to whisper. "I know things have been rough on the men lately, so I wanted to organize a small, shall we say... Celebration party? In a day or two? Something of a victory bash for when we return. New supplies have just docked and I have it on good authority that they've managed to include some very excellent dwarven brews. I'm sure you have the connections to put one together quickly."

Sam looked uncertain. "But what about the scourge attacks?"

"They're going to be halted, for a while at any rate. If we succeed in our mission, that is. Let's just say I'm being optimistic. If this plan works out, you'll be free of the scourge for a time. If not, we'll just call the whole thing off." Matt figured if that were to occur he'd probably be dead, in which case it really wouldn't matter to him either way.

Sam slowly nodded, and grinned. "It has been a while since I've tasted fine dwarven ale. For all of us, really. I'm sure the men will be pleased."

"Excellent! Good to hear. But, if you could, keep this quiet, would you? I want it to be something of a surprise for the Commander and her ladyship."

"Of course sir!" Sam gave one last salute. "I'll get right on it!"


General Arlos looked over the plans before glancing up at the two officer's standing before him. "This plan seems a little..." He paused as if looking for the right word, before finally saying, "Loose."

Kyle smirked. "A thought I'd had as well. But beyond a few hundred meters in, none of our scouts into those caves came back alive. We don't know what we'll find. In light of that much 'unknown factor,' this plan gives us the flexibility needed to handle almost any situation we come across."

"Indeed. And your thoughts, Captain? I see you're taking charge here, despite the Commander's higher rank."

"The Commander's rank was a field promotion made during the heat of battle when there was nobody to effectively lead the men here. The King of Stormwind himself pulled me aside and told me to listen to her advice whenever it was given, and I'll do so. But I'm not about to entrust the fate of this mission to an untested officer with questionable skill."

The general blinked. "And... your thoughts, Commander?"

Kyle shrugged. "I'll try not to let my wounded ego trip me up."

General Arlos nodded. "See that it doesn't. I want you all back here when this is over. With Kil'Jaden's defeat, the Burning Legion's threat is diminished for the time being. We should be seeing reinforcements as forces dispatched to Outland are rotated up here. But until that time, we have to finish construction, and to do that, we need some time to get things done unmolested!"

"This will give you that time, General. My men and I are sure of that," Bitters stated.

"We'll see, captain. We'll see. Commander, if this plan meets your approval, then you're free to proceed."

Kyle couldn't' help but smirk at the choking sound the dwarf beside her made, before nodding. "It's a sound plan. Given our resources and manpower, it's probably our best option. The teams will be ready to leave within the hour."

"My mission, Commander. I'll decide when we leave. But yes, General. We're nearly ready to go. I've just a few things to go over with the night elf here, first." Captain Bitters said, before turning to leave.

The two officers watched the shorter leave, before Kyle snorted and sketched a salute. "By your leave, General?"

Arlos chuckled. "See to it that you come back alive, Commander. Morale can ill afford to lose you or your friends."

"And the Captain?"

"I would never turn down help up here in Northrend, no matter how distasteful their personality."

"I suppose then, that Captain Bitters is appropriately named. I'll try to keep him alive, as well."

"Good luck, Commander. I get the feeling you're going to need it."

"Hmm," Kyle hummed in reply, before slipping out the door.

A second later Kyle nearly tripped over Captain Bitters.

"Now see here, rogue! I don't care-" The captain started.

Said complaint was interrupted as he was bodily lifted from his feet by his shirt and slammed into the nearby stone wall hard enough to knock the wind from him.

"No. You listen. I will stick to your plan. And I will listen to your orders. Something your superiors told you to do when referring to me. But don't think for one moment that you're better than me or some such bullshit, because up here, everything you know is just that: shit."

"How dare-"

Kyle slammed him into the wall again. "How dare I? Look around, moron. I've fought for these walls, these men. I've cried as we buried our dead, and I've bled as I took arrows and claws meant for those still alive. I could run you through right here and now and none of them would question me. And I could tell them you merely looked at me the wrong way, and you'd wake up just in time to slip below the waves of the harbor."

Bitters' eyes widened, and he started to struggle once more. Kyle moved one hand from his collar towards the dagger on her belt. "Quit, Captain." The Captain stopped struggling, and Kyle nodded. "Quit while you're not too far behind. Nobody has to know about this, unless you want them to."

The dwarf looked around (as best he could while held against the wall by someone twice his height) before sighing and nodding.

Kyle let go, watching the dwarf fall to the ground and slowly climb back to his feet. "I am not your enemy Captain."

Bitters scowled, wiping dirt from his knees. "Are you sure? Because after that-"

"Unless you decide to make me one." Kyle interrupted. After a brief pause to see if the captain would say anything else, she continued. "When this mission is done, you will never see me again." 'And I will never have to see you again,' she thought with a frown. "Until then, lets work together against the Scourge, alright?"

"Work with you, or around you?" He asked resentfully.

Work with me," Kyle said slowly, before putting one hand on her dagger, "or I work with someone else."

"I see," the Dwarf said, eyeing the glowing blade with no small amount of trepidation.

"I'm glad. Call for me when it's time to depart. I have preparations to make," Kyle said, before stalking off. She ignored the grumbling coming from behind her.


"What's up?" Matt asked Kyle, as he and Serenity arrived in the back room of the Inn across from the Keep. The three of them had quickly usurped the storage room as a private meeting place, and while most of the regulars there knew about it, they also knew that to intrude or interrupt for all but the most dire of emergencies was a decidedly bad idea.

"We might have a problem with the Captain," Kyle said, before filling them in on the briefing.

Serenity nodded after the explanation. "I did say that dwarf was trouble," she pointed out.

"Trouble is a private with poorly-fitting armor. On a mission this important, a leader like that is a disaster waiting to happen," Kyle retorted.

"Do we want to make sure he's 'unavailable' for the mission? I know some of my boys would jump at the chance. He's already made an impression on the men." Matt's face darkened as he recalled the details of the reports. "He'll be confined, and unharmed, until we we're through." The paladin smirked at a thought. "Though I doubt anyone would be able to find him."

Kyle scratched her head, before looking at the ceiling in thought. "No... as much as it pains me to admit, he knows more about this bomb than I do, so we'll have to trust him enough to get the job done." She turned to focus all her attention on Serenity. "That said, however, I don't like the fact that he's separating us from you."

"You think he means to-" The queen started to ask, shocked.

"Nonononono! Nothing like that. I think it's the opposite. He wants you to live, and us... well... If not before, I'm sure now he's wondering just how he can get away with it. So I thought it prudent to warn you."

Serenity nodded. "I'll keep an eye out. You two just be careful."

Kyle smiled. "Hey, it's me!"

Matt groaned. "And here we go again."

"What?" Kyle asked, before waving it off. "No big deal, really. Napoleon isn't that brilliant. I-"

The door to the room was thrown open, revealing Captain Bitters and a pair of armored soldiers. "What the hell's all this?!" he shouted.

The trio looked up calmly from their position in the middle of the room, seemingly unperturbed at being discovered.

"Is there a renewed scourge assault at the main gates?" Serenity asked.

The unexpected question put the dwarf off-balance, interrupting what he was going to say next. "Wha- No!"

"Is another sea monster bearing down on us from the ocean?" Matt quickly followed up.

"Of course not!" Bitters said, face turning red in anger.

Kyle frowned. "Then you have five seconds to close the door and leave us alone before we make an example out of you," she said, giving them an out as a courtesy to a fellow officer. "Five."

"Now see here! I've had just about-"

"Four," Serenity said, over his tirade.

"-and if you think for one second-"

"Three," Matt continued quietly, looking bored.

"-another thing coming! I'll have you know-"

"Two-one-goodbye." Kyle said, before kicking the dwarf hard in the chest. The blow sent him flying back into the arms of his surprised guards, and Kyle quickly stepped forward and pulled the door shut. "Lets see if he gets the hint."

Serenity reached for her staff. "I doubt he's enough sense to," she muttered. Sure enough, the door flew open again, and the guards now stood, weapons drawn, behind a fuming captain Bitters.

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could...




Too stunned to protest, the armored figures straightened up, Captain Bitters' orders utterly forgotten.


They blinked behind their masked helmets, and Kyle leapt at them, pushing past the captain hard enough to bounce him off the wall. "I SAID DROP, SOLDIER!" And she threw one to the floor, plate armor crashing as the soldier landed painfully on his face. The other, went for his sword, but was too slow, as Matt smacked him upside the (armored) head with his shield. Kyle turned around and threw the other to the floor, so they both lay there side-by side.


Matt, feeling some pity on the surprised guards, got down before them in the classic pushup position. "Like this," he stage whispered.

"UP!" Kyle commanded. Matt lifted himself. The two guards quickly followed.



"Lady Serenity, if you would, please see to it that these fine upstanding Alliance Soldiers show us their dedication to the cause, the Captain and I need to speak again, it seems."

Serenity nodded. The two soldiers looked at each other, as if asking 'what the hell,' but before they could do anything, Serenity, voice even more commanding that Kyle's, continued the cadence. "DOWN!"


Captain Bitters stared at his backup in shock. Then something stood before him.

"Hello again, Captain," Kyle said darkly, before grabbing the Dwarf's shirt and throwing him into the back room. "We'll just be a minute," he tossed back to Matt and Serenity, before ducking into the room and closing the door behind him.

Serenity forced down a smile as she heard a few dull thuds, a couple shouts of pain, and the constant, booming shouts of one pissed off night elf. Even as she ordered the two wayward soldiers outside to run laps (with Matt as overseer) she couldn't help but grin at the sound of feeble protests coming from the dwarf, before Kyle again drowned the dwarf out, this time loud enough to be understood through the thick wood.

"-you EVER try this shit with me again, shorty, I will personally flay the skin from your bones before dipping you in the salty sea and charging admission to everyone you ever annoyed! I will summon up the spirits of the dead simply so that they can enjoy watching you suffer, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

Bitters' response was unintelligible, but made obvious by the next outburst.

"Be glad it wasn't your neck, Captain. And I use the rank warily. How you advanced beyond Peon is beyond me!"

Serenity opened the door and stepped inside, secretly pleased that Kyle, even in a rage, knew her well enough to not even bother turning, merely nodding once at her presence.

"But... Peon is a horde rank!" The Captain blubbered through an obviously broken nose.

"I KNOW that, you imbecile. I meant... Well, you couldn't possibly understand what I meant, because insults seem to go in one ear and out the other. As do things like advice, orders, and COMMON FUCKING SENSE."

Serenity blinked, holding back the healing she was about to start.

"You can't talk to me this way! I'm-"

Kyle had had enough. "NO! I CAN, AND I AM." She took a deep breath, before pointing to him. "Captain, I'm putting you on notice. You screw up again, and I will have you tried for gross incompetence, dereliction of duty, and criminal negligence on the field of battle."

"I haven't done anything yet!"

"Yet? YET!? My god, man, listen to you. You make it sound like you intend to screw up. This is war, Captain! People are dying out there every day, and your mistakes can cost even more lives. Lives far more valuable than your own. I won't see good men thrown away due to stupidity. You will come on this mission, and when it is over, you will get on the boat and head back to Stormwind."

"My orders are for me to-"


"I... Perfectly. But... You don't-"

I will talk with General Arlos. And he will agree with me. And if you question the validity of my rank, I will torture you for the information needed to use that bomb, and then throw you into the sea after applying a liberal amount of small cuts all over your body."

"But there are sharks-"

"OF COURSE TH... Oh, fuck it. Serenity, heal this idiot, I can't stand being in the same room as him any more."

"I can't really blame you," the Queen of the Silver Millennium said, even as the end of her staff started glowing with a silvery light. "I think a good night's rest as well?"

"I'll leave that up to you. I have to get to the practice fields before I tear some poor private a new asshole," Kyle growled, before stomping out the door.

"She... She can't do that!"

Serenity smirked. "I believe she just did." The queen gave a cheerful wave. "Nighty-night!"

Captain Bitters only had a moment to express his shock before the heavy, bejeweled end of her staff collided with his face hard enough to render him unconscious.

Serenity looked around the room, belatedly realizing she was alone. "Drat. Now I'll have to go find someone to drag out the body." She sighed wistfully. "That shouldn't have felt as good as it did."


Author's Notes (Magus): At first, I was like "new character everyone can enjoy!" but then I was like "I need someone to hate. Everyone's been so good (or a bad guy that we could stab later)... I need some internal conflict." And lo, Captain Bitters was born. My apologies to any military/ex military people reading this and wincing at the "drill-sergeant" scene. It was fun, but most of what I wanted to write would have been.. over the top? Not that this wasn't, but I watered it down a little, and beefed it up, too. Like some sort of watery beef stew... Hmm... Okay, maybe not.

Aurthor's Notes (Tannim): I'd like to thank our readers for putting up with us as long as you have; especially you non-WoW players. As you can see we're hurrying things along, hence the time skip, and hopefully things remained coherent. Please, feel free to send back comments and corrections to tannim_murphy at, or taitekikagato at As always, thanks for reading!

Addenendum (Magus): The time skip serves a dual-purpose: Firstly, it speeds up the fic, without losing anything vital. Secondly, in the event that one of us is wanting to write, but the other is unavailable, we can always revisit this and write little anecdotes or ficlets involving our times building up to the here-and-now.


Well-Known Member
ah missed your previous post. just not used to you updating so quickly after the last one :) so all i can asked now is where are they of to next? oh and by the way is time consistant across the dimensions? if so i wonder whats been happening in the moon kingdom since serenity's disapearance.


Well-Known Member
I just saw this. Missed the previous post.

I like it, that it was continued.

The questions on the Alliance being there in Northrend, Have they skirmished with Horde members yet? What I mean is, with the Horde's attempts to also establish a Foothold/ Stronghold?

I saw this line.

Reinforcements had fixed that problem over time, but the older soldiers who'd come across the seas with them treated them with the same respect they gave the new officers, and newer arrivals copied those 'in-the-know.'
It sorta left me puzzled? What I mean is, sometimes 'Veterans' think less of the 'Noob' Officers, the replacements? Than those older ones on the 'Front-Lines'.

I hope I put it right? Putting the Trio in a more positive reputation position?

I saw it later the status but in the above post, I was unsure.

Has their reputation spread elsewhere? Messages by those in their commands to their families?

They have been there a Year & a Half? The Blue in the other chapter that escaped? Will he remember the Three? A Return?

I assume they have been earning some pay or perhaps learned some local professions/ skills? First Aid/ Bandages?

Better Gear to help?

I Laughed at the Mention Of Leeroy Jenkins. Even at it's implications on failure/ success.

The mission? If they complete it, will they go back to the base 1st or not to heal up/ resupply?

Thanks for sharing.

Edit: On one more possible glitch? If General Arlos fell, is Kyle the Commander the next Highest Ranking in the Borean Tundra? Will we see another Highlight on other current Strongholds in Northrend? The other port in Valgarde, Howling Fjord?

On the note of Kyle Torturing the Dwarf, Capt Bitters.. a mental note to learn Engineering?

Thanks again.