Digimon Digimon Idea Thread.


Well-Known Member
Hey Seiya, there's an early Christmas Gift for you. Tinkermon and Ofanimon Falldown Mode have been added to the Digimon Reference book. On that note Tinkermon is now tied in my mind with Tamers Guilmon as the most adorable Virus Type Child level Digimon.

And now a story idea.

Takato decides to try and use his deck strategically, and hey he just got some new cards including Digimentals. :D

Take a look at some of the "Armor Digimon" Guilmon can evolve into, now give him the ability to do so using Digimentals, and possibly alternate evolution lines. I am interested in using <a href='http://wikimon.net/Fla_Wizarmon' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Fla Wizarmon</a>, <a href='http://wikimon.net/Mistymon' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Mistymon</a>, and <a href='http://wikimon.net/Dynasmon' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Dynasmon</a> as a possible path. And remember there are plenty of other possibilities that can be used to make some of the other Royal Knights. Stegomon evolves to Aero V Dramon and Ulforce V Dramon, and several Armor forms can evolve into the Deva's and through them the Four Holy Beasts (which will be a mindscrew for everyone involved).

............ I am tempted to have the Digimental of Friendship evolve Guilmon to Rinkmon, then Chimairamon, and finally Millenniumon just to screw with Ryo.

Isn't it fun what you can find by spending a few minute's browsing Wikimon? :evil2:

Why can this be done when other Tamers can't? Because it's Takato, it is canon that if he "wishes" hard enough he can do all kinds of things like when he destroyed a firewall keeping him from a portal simply by wishing it. It's not just that Guilmon has one evolutionary path now, but he has multiples, some of them bound to cause people to freak out, though admittedly, the fact that he has multiple forms that can be chosen at will is definitely going to shock a lot of Digimon.

Edit: Anyone here familiar with Corvus no Genmu's "The Familiars of Zero" series of oneshots (and some continuations) wherein Louise summon new and different characters? The author already has one where she summons a V-mon (who is the reincarnation of Zeromaru from the V-Tamer manga, <a href='http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6359442/19/The_Familiars_of_Zero' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>here is the link</a> ) and the next chapter's title has been released as a preview.

It is entitled The Digital Hazard. :evil2:

Needless to say I am looking forward to this. (It has been hit or miss with some of these, but some I really liked, such as the one where Zen-Aku from Power Rangers Wild Force was summoned.


Well-Known Member
KageX said:
Hey Seiya, there's an early Christmas Gift for you. Tinkermon and Ofanimon Falldown Mode have been added to the Digimon Reference book. On that note Tinkermon is now tied in my mind with Tamers Guilmon as the most adorable Virus Type Child level Digimon.

And now a story idea.

Takato decides to try and use his deck strategically, and hey he just got some new cards including Digimentals. :D

Take a look at some of the "Armor Digimon" Guilmon can evolve into, now give him the ability to do so using Digimentals, and possibly alternate evolution lines. I am interested in using <a href='http://wikimon.net/Fla_Wizarmon' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Fla Wizarmon</a>, <a href='http://wikimon.net/Mistymon' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Mistymon</a>, and <a href='http://wikimon.net/Dynasmon' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Dynasmon</a> as a possible path. And remember there are plenty of other possibilities that can be used to make some of the other Royal Knights. Stegomon evolves to Aero V Dramon and Ulforce V Dramon, and several Armor forms can evolve into the Deva's and through them the Four Holy Beasts (which will be a mindscrew for everyone involved).

............ I am tempted to have the Digimental of Friendship evolve Guilmon to Rinkmon, then Chimairamon, and finally Millenniumon just to screw with Ryo.

Isn't it fun what you can find by spending a few minute's browsing Wikimon? :evil2:

Why can this be done when other Tamers can't? Because it's Takato, it is canon that if he "wishes" hard enough he can do all kinds of things like when he destroyed a firewall keeping him from a portal simply by wishing it. It's not just that Guilmon has one evolutionary path now, but he has multiples, some of them bound to cause people to freak out, though admittedly, the fact that he has multiple forms that can be chosen at will is definitely going to shock a lot of Digimon.

Edit: Anyone here familiar with Corvus no Genmu's "The Familiars of Zero" series of oneshots (and some continuations) wherein Louise summon new and different characters? The author already has one where she summons a V-mon (who is the reincarnation of Zeromaru from the V-Tamer manga, <a href='http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6359442/19/The_Familiars_of_Zero' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>here is the link</a> ) and the next chapter's title has been released as a preview.

It is entitled The Digital Hazard. :evil2:

Needless to say I am looking forward to this. (It has been hit or miss with some of these, but some I really liked, such as the one where Zen-Aku from Power Rangers Wild Force was summoned.
Hate to shoot you down here KageX, but its been explained in universe that Takato's wishes were answered by the Digi-Gnomes... he was just lucky enough to have them answered SEVERAL TIMES.

Although I think simply going Kimeramon would be enough to freak Ryo out, especially if they try to go Mega... leading to a very awkward explanation from one multi-dimensional hero.

(Sorry, I love using Ryo as a plot device, he has so much potential!)

But being more serious, I think the Biomerge would still end up with Gallentmon. Why? because no armour digivolution is involved in Biomerging.

Hmm... actually, that brings up something. How would Biomerging work with DigiXros? By an example, Takato and Guilmon have Biomerged into Gallentmon, and Taiki DigiXros's them with Omega Shoutmon, is it a fusion of all three, reflecting the Biomerge, one dominant, as is the norm for Xros, or each independent, just working together.


Well-Known Member
Whichever happened last.

So DigiXross.

Though it doesn't answer the question of why Dukemon would bother with OmegaShoutmon in the first place.

He's like overwhelmingly better in every respect.


Well-Known Member
Leonite it's not just that Takato has his wishes answered by the Digignomes, it's that they seem to love Takato for some reason and he apparently has alot of whatever you like to call the energy provided to Digimon, Digignomes (and the D Reaper) by humans. Willpower, emotional energy, or if you want to go all out Digisoul. Whatever it is Takato seems to have a lot of it. No one else has ever had a Digimon created for them by the Digignomes.

................. You know that is something to consider. The Digignomes seem to really love Takato for some reason. I know he is a dreamer and a would be artist and they respond to such things, but why out of all the millions of people in Japan do they single him out? Maybe like I said it's because he has a lot of "emotional energy", and his nature as a nice guy who loves to dream just attracts them. Or maybe something else makes him Takato Matsuda, Digignome Bait.

Moving on.

I have been kicking around an idea based on the old assumption that all Digital Worlds are connected. Qinglongmon's world is different, in that Digimon seem to have a more difficult time evolving to Perfect. Even with the aid of humans it is difficult without power from another outside source on top of that, and Ultimates were virtually unknown to most Digimon before the Dark Masters showed up. It seems that Evolution has been restricted in the Eastern Quadrant. And Qinglongmon in Tamers did use the Digignomes to try and do something similar for the Digital World as a whole.

What if this was the reason that the Dark Master arose? Qinglongmon limited the potential for evolution believing that cutting down on the number of truly powerful Digimon would limit the damage from conflicts between such beings. The Digimon who became the Dark Masters either lost people they cared about because of this, they just weren't strong enough to stand against whatever Digimon they were facing. They sought greater strength in order to protect themselves and those they cared about. But then they hit a snag. They couldn't evolve to Ultimate no matter what they did, and discovered that Qinglongmon was the reason. Outraged that their "protector" was limiting the power of those under his watch, allowing a handful of powerful Digimon to dominate the rest, they sought a way to strike back at him. They found power in Apocalymon. He would grant them the strength to evolve to Ultimate if they would weaken the Firewall that kept him locked out of the Digital World. Together they would then overthrow Qinglongmon.

Through their actions Apocalymon was released, and they were evolved to Ultimate, corrupted by his evil power into the Dark Masters, and Qinglongmon was sealed.

This would of course be a background story for Adventure, exploring the past of those who would become the Dark Masters (and in the case of Mugendramon go beyond that and jogress into the nightmare known as Millenniumon). I know it contradicts canon in that Millenniumon due to time travel shenanigans was the one who released Apocalymon, even though he was born from Mugendramon who was created by Apocalymon (usually time travel plot points are a real pain in the ass to explain and accept, this is no exception), but I would just like to see what I can get out of this.

Don't hold me to it though, I have a lot of other things on my plate at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Aarik said:
Whichever happened last.

So DigiXross.

Though it doesn't answer the question of why Dukemon would bother with OmegaShoutmon in the first place.

He's like overwhelmingly better in every respect.
True... but that does give me an idea.

At one point in tamers, Takato and Guilmon get mode locked as Gallentmon/Dukemon, and are tossed into the Xros-verse. While they try to find their way home, occasionally they come across the Xros heart, essentially serving a simmilar role as Beelzemon did (occasional ally and Xros part, in this case, -G or -D add on). Very basic of course.

Alternative idea: instead of just being Tamers, Takato, Rika, Henry, Ryo and the others... are Xros Generals. They still get their main partners, and the Xros are perhaps less used due to being able to access regular digivolutions, but it could be used to explore their characters through what their approach to capturing digimon is.


Well-Known Member

One, the capturing Digimon thing is from the second season, they aren't general's there, two, if you want a Mon Series about capturing mon's, Pokemon and Monster Farm already exist, and Monster Farm need's some love.

You would not believe what I felt when I realized that 08 officially made all those fanboy's who whined about Digimon ripping off Pokemon retroactively correct.

One of the differentiating factor's for Digimon I LIKED among my Mon show's is that it didn't have the "Gotta Catch'em All" thing going on.

And now it does.

And I am utterly disgusted by that.

Also, just because of how many fanboy's say similar thing's for that reason, I will affirm: Yes I do like Pokemon, I don't care about the mon wars nonsense, I just like my mon series being, you know, DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER.

In Pokemon, the premise is: You Gotta Catch'em All, stick them in the handy dandy Pokeball where they are off screen till you need them.

In Xros it is now: You Gotta Catch'em All, stick them in the handy dandy Xros Loader where they are off screen till you need them. Only it also rip's off the Brave Series, which, since Pokemon was doing the catch'em all thing first, means Xros officially has no originality at all.

Oh, and the cross everything over thing, which itself comes from Kamen Rider Decade and Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, which were both set up before Xros' second season, which makes it Following the Leader there to.

Digimon has adopted the "Do everything that's popular at the time" ideology, and that disappoints the hell out of me.

Especially since it's working, which means it's okay to do it again, and again, and again... And again...

I had high hopes for Xros when it was first advertised you know? I hadn't completely disliked a season before that, not even once. Ever.

And then it premiered.

And I learned what Xrosing was.

And then I learned about what they were doing with long favored character's.

And what they were doing to long awaited character's.

And what they DID to... All of the entire Digimon Franchise's DECADE OF ESTABLISHED MECHANICS.

And then the fanboy's just say: it's just a twenty minute commercial, y u so mad?

Why the fuck would you watch a commercial? I have always skipped commercials, they meant it was time to do whatever I needed to do before the show came back on. Calling it a commercial is a worse insult then anything I have ever said about it because it means it's just the thing that comes on between X and Y so you have time to use the bathroom or take the trash out or grab a shower without missing anything.

Just... Fuck it, I'm to depressed now, it's Christmas, I'm not gonna waste time getting mad over something I can't change, I don't care anymore.


Well-Known Member
Well if discussion of Xrossing pisses you off that much Aarik, I'll tone it down big time. Can't garuntee an absolute stop, but I'll try. Your one of the few on the forum I respect.
How would Biomerging work with DigiXros?
Biomerging=Human+Digimon DigiXros
It's the way it's played in the Xros Wars manga, with Nene (forced)DigiXrossing with Shademon

edit: also, in chapter 18, Starmon and the Pickmon Jogress evolve(not DigiXros) in ShootingStarmon


Well-Known Member
No it's fine, I just can't understand how people like that show.

Or how it was received well enough to get a second season.


Well-Known Member
The kids in Japan probably loved it, as they were too young to have watched the previous seasons of Digimon.

What I can't understand is how fans of the previous seasons can like Xros Wars.


Well-Known Member
Well firstly, its new digimon, so thats why some fans like it. I just like Xros as it creates an interesting new type of digivolution.


Well-Known Member
Seiya said:
:jawdrop: WOW. Are we finely going to get what every digimon fan has been asking for sine the 3th season. A crossover with all the others seasons of digimon. The title makes more sense If that would happen that.

Here a some videos recap <a href='http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/ir/jo' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>JesuOtaku</a> did so far on the first 3 seasons of Digimon. There grate if you want to remember what happen in the show but don't want to watch over 156 eps.

By the way if you are thinking that these video are sort, there not each season are divied into up in to parts and some part can be up to one hour long. But don't let that get in the way from waching it, there a must see for any digimon fan.

<a href='http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/ir/jo/jar/27199-intro-to-digimon-month' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Intro to Digimon Month </a>

Season 1
<a href='http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/ir/jo/jar/27539-digimon-adventure-part-one' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Digimon Adventure - 3 Parts</a>

Season 02

<a href='http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/ir/jo/jar/28484-digimon-zero-two-part-one' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Digimon Zero Two: Part One</a>
<a href='http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/ir/jo/jar/28702-digimon-zero-two-parts-2-a-3' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Digimon Zero Two: Parts Two & Three </a>

Season 3
(on a side note I forgot how kick ass and dark tamers can be)

<a href='http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/ir/jo/jar/33340-digimon-tamers-part-one' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Digimon Tamers: Part One</a>
<a href='http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/ir/jo/jar/33426-digimon-tamers-part-one-cont' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Digimon Tamers: Part One (Cont.)</a>
<a href='http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/ir/jo/jar/33619-tamers-part-one-things-get-ugly' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Tamers Part One: Things Get Ugly</a>
<a href='http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/ir/jo/jar/33768-tamers-part-one-and-so-it-ends' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Tamers Part One: And So it Ends </a>
I think there is one more part for the Tamers that has not come out yet.


Well-Known Member
OH FUCK THE HELL YES!!!!!!! :yay:

I cannot wait to see where this is going. I know it's Xros Wars (mostly crap followed by a few good parts) but the thought of the old leads back in action............. I am just so damn happy that words cannot describe it!


Well-Known Member
Aside from the two Agumon chosen, I can spot Guilmon out of the crowd, so we know at least Takato is there too. If Davis is there it might cause continuity issues though.

Edit: Oh my god... I just had a thought, what if these are time copies? the old man DOES have a Clockmon


Well-Known Member
Ok, new post, new idea... or in this case, an expansion on an old one, the idea of replacing Guilmon with Shoutmon as Takato's partner. I've thought about how we could do this, and came up with two different, traditional, Digivolution trees.

Rookie: Shoutmon

Champion: Dai/Great Shoutmon (Shoutmon's Young Hunter's form with enhancied attacks, its a low powered Champion form in comparison to Gargomon and Kyuubimon)

Ultimate 1: Shoutmon X4

Mega 1: Omega Shoutmon

Dark Mega 1: Shoutmon, Darkness Mode (DigiXros using actual digimon data, mainly Viral ones)

Ultimate 2: Omega Shoutmon

Mega 2: Shoutmon DX

Dark Mega 2: Dark Shoutmon X5 (essentially, if Dark Volumon was used instead of Balistamon. Virus, Mega Level power, but unstable and causes lots of collateral damage)

Regardless of which tree it is, Basic DigiXros's (That is, Shoutmon and up to two digimon) can be perfomed using Digimodify cards of said Digimon (so, for example, Shoutmon X2, who is to be considered about Champion Level, is Ballistamon's card combination). Of course, to perform higher powered Xros's requires both Digimon and Tamer to be stronger, and the DigiXros's are easier to be knocked out of than Digivolution.

Crack idea: Lucemon has an enormous crush on Ophanimon Falldown mode, to the point where he's so obviously deredere towards her the other Great Demon Lords are embarrassed.


Well-Known Member
Huh, so Yggdrasil is being added to the Digimon Reference Book. It should be interesting to see what they say about it, as we might get a little more information then we previously had.

Speaking of Yggdrasil, since it has a humanlike avatar (Norn), and has in the the past (Digimon Next Manga) wanted to observe the bonds between human and Digimon there are all kinds of ways that it could be used.

Like say for example in anticipation of needing to deal with the human world it sends an avatar such as Norn to observe the earth during the early events of Digimon Savers, and nixes the whole "use a human as a host body" plan. Based on conflicting reports (Masaru and the rest being nice people, while Kurata is a complete and total bastard) Yggdrasil is unsure of whether or not humans should be destroyed.

Then Belphemon wakes up and senses the avatar of Yggdrasil, breaks free of Kurata's control absorbs an enormous amount of negative energy from the surrounding area and reaches close to his true potential (kills Perfects and below just by roaring, not even an attack just roaring) in order to destroy his hated enemy. He does not succeed but by absorbing the Time Space Oscillation Bombs he does rip open a portal to Yggdrasil's domain and launch an attack that successfully knocks the God of the Digital World offline whilst it tries to reboot. The Royal Knights manage to defeat and seal him afterwards.

This of course causes all kinds of problems, as with it's avatar still in existence it cannot properly restore it's functions without reabsorbing it. And due to being suddenly cut off from the host body, it's avatar has lost it's memories and is running scared not knowing who or what it is while the Royal Knights desperately try to retrieve her, coming into conflict with Masaru and his group. Meanwhile the other powers of the Digital World are scared shitless over all the damage Earth has caused them, and without Yggdrasil to keep them in line the various leaders of different areas each begin preparing their own plans for a counterattack, and take advantage of the chaos to increase their own influence.

And now Masaru and the rest have to clean up this mess without any understanding of what is going on. Basically it is a clusterfuck with no clear way of resolving it in sight, and the possibility of open warfare between the Real World and the Digital World a real and serious threat.

Keep in mind that in this case since Yggdrasil never took Masaru's dad as a host because it was giving humanity the benefit of the doubt, through it's avatar seeing that Kurata and those like him where not the be all and end all and that there are good people amongst humanity. As such Banchouleomon does not have a piece of Suguru's soul inside of him and might not have all the knowledge necessary for the good guys to learn how to use Burst Mode. This of course will make things all the more difficult.


Well-Known Member
Of course, this also depends on just how many factions are involved. Are the Ten Legendary Warriors (Sasunooomon's components) worried? If they're the same spirits as Frontier, then would they be more on the pro-human side (which is more likely, given that Lucemon cause so much damage)? Would the four soverigns, or even Goddramon get involved? if so, would opinions differ much like in Tamers? And then theres the knights themselves, would they be more willing to assist the humans, as their lord is amongst them, or would they just be indifferent? And what about others, like the Olympius Twleve, the other 6 Demon Lords (also an oppitunity for a crossover, in Beelzemon), Witcheleny, the computer that recruited Ryo for his final adventure, etc.

Unfortunately I haven't seen enough of Savers to answer the burst mode question, but I ask one of ignorance, was Ruin Mode activated without knowledge of Burst Mode? If so, then Burst Mode will probably be discovered by accident by Masaru.

Perhaps in the aftermath, or even during the chaos of Tamers, 'dris sends out an avatar not only to observe the activities of the Chaos/emergence of Digimon, but to observe how a human can manage to take on the form of one of it's Royal Knights, and what sort of power is behind it



Well-Known Member
Ok, double post I know, but given it hasn't been updated in a while, new post. I've been pumping myself up for Digimon related stuff with Tagiru Chikara so they're coming hard, fast, and underdeveloped.

Idea: What if Ryo, at the end of Brave Tamer, decided to stay in the Adventure universe? This is a big change in regards to the Adventure side, as with Ryo there, Ken might be able to resist any possible urge of going Kaiser, especially with Ryo there to point out the whole "Sentience" issue, but if he does, Ryo could be a powerful third party against Ken, but not on the other digidestined side (Still sore from the last time he saw them, which is likely only to be agrivated with TK and Kari part of the new team.) And this is likely to cause massive changes on the Tamers side too, Rika would never lose to Ryo, she may never realise how boring it is, or the Tamers might be forced to get more powerful faster wthout Ryo there to help, possibly resulting in more people activating Biomerge's, or Leomon not being lost, but something else being lost... imagine, if you will, if the changes resulted in Suzie getting targeted? That character deveopment for Atylamon/Lopmon (perhaps she absorbs Suzie's data in order to make sure that a part of her is kept alive, perhaps resulting in a digivolution to Cherubimon), Henry (Guilt over not being able to protect Suzie, anger towards Lopmon/Antylamon, perhaps enough that Terriermon Dark Digivolves into the Black Gargomon line), Takato (Thats another person down, and he's pretty much the leader, and given that its an actual HUMAN that died this time, and one so young, it could likely force another Dark Digivolution, Chaos Gallantmon?)

Idea: A Gallantmon shows up in Digimon Frontier... and additionally, it has Guilmon and Takato's voices in the dub. Simple one here... what if the Gallantmon WAS Takato and Guilmon? Royal Knight battle anyone? Heck, maybe Takato is only there because Ygdrissal asked him and it needs a Gallantmon in it's royal knights, but years (in the Digiworld) have passed, Ygdrissal has fallen silent, and Lucemon has corrupted two knights, and bar Gallantmon, the others are nowhere to be found.

Idea: In the latest Xros Hunters, a Sakkakumon shows up. What if it was the Frontier Sukkakumon? likely to be a much harder battle for the Hunters, but then, I'm also sure Takuya would probably be out and looking for him

Idea: What if Wizardmon, not Gatomon, was Kari's partner?

Idea: A big one, what if Digimon like Miyotismon, Etemon and Devimon in Adveture, had corrupted the land with viral energy... to the point where even the main casts digimon, and the humans themselves once they get digivices, have been corrupted? Stuff like Agumon, Gabumon ad Gatomon turning into the black versions, Patamon being Tsyukimon, Biyomon using her virus digivolution path, etc.
Idea: replace Season 2 with Tamers. In this story 4 years after season one the events of tamers happen within the same -verse. Might need some fine tuning to work though.


Well-Known Member
Leonite said:
Idea: A Gallantmon shows up in Digimon Frontier... and additionally, it has Guilmon and Takato's voices in the dub. Simple one here... what if the Gallantmon WAS Takato and Guilmon? Royal Knight battle anyone? Heck, maybe Takato is only there because Ygdrissal asked him and it needs a Gallantmon in it's royal knights, but years (in the Digiworld) have passed, Ygdrissal has fallen silent, and Lucemon has corrupted two knights, and bar Gallantmon, the others are nowhere to be found.
quo vadis


Well-Known Member
Potentially stupid idea: due to one of the villians in the Digital World's history, one of the Digimon Xros Wars characters gets dragged (with their partner, no less) into another Digimon series world, probably the Digital world.

How much could change if Yuu ended up landing near Ryo during the Wonderswan series? Or if Taiki was their when the D-Reaper invades the real world? Or if Tagiru showed up during the Daemon Corp fight? And how would it affect the Hunters world? Will the villians of the home Digiworld get stronger to compensate?

Idea: What if Human-Digimon Chou Shinka was achieved through a different method to each duo? Some require the regular method, some require a more "Biomerge" type method (which could have Arresterdramon Supirior Mode coming sooner, for example), others still require DNA Digivolution (Metal Greymon is formed by Digixros, perhaps a harder to do DNA Digivolution could result in Zeke Greymon?)

Idea: Ryo ends up in the Xros Wars Manga-verse about halfway through the plot. He starts blaming himself when Milleniumon shows up, then loses his shit when an unchained ZeedMilleniumon shows up.

Idea: Cyberdramon's Mega form fluctuates back and forth, between the strong but more berserk Milleniumon, and the weaker but stable Justimon. how does this change things?

Idea: What if the Digimon Takato, Henry and Rika Recieved had more viral paths? Guilmon is Black Guilmon, which should send off definite alarm bells in Takato's head, Renamon takes the Yokomon Digivolution line, and Terriermon can't help but Digivolve into Black Gargomon. With Guilmon, this isn't much of a problem except for later on when Dark Digivolution might actually be Bio-Merging, but for Renamon and Terriermon, maybe it makes them more violent or brutal in digivolved forms? None of this is helped when they form extremely strong bonds like Takato's (who, due to the lack of mental corruption in his Black Guilmon, isn't affected), leading to their darker aspects coming out slowly.

(Huh, two Virus corruption ideas in two posts)

Movie-is-canon idea: The Movies "Our War Game" and "Revenge of Diaboromon" are canon. In addition, the Royal Knights exist, and HEAR about this. Why is this so important?

Aside from the fact that means there are two Omnimon's, this means the very FOUNDER of the Royal Knight group has been seen. So what if its a combinationof the power of four humans, its the founder!

DARK idea: When, in the movie, Cherubimon turns back time, and then returns it to normal, something goes wrong.... the reason? At this point, Ryo has jumped ship to the TAMERS universe, so when time got returned to norml, it means that no-one ever stopped Milleniumon the first time. Ken never got his dark spore, the human world has been overtaken by Milleniumon, and the only remaining digidestined are Willis (due to being Cherubimon's partner), Davis (Due to Golden Armour)... and thats it. Yolei and Cody didn't have Golden Armour, and T.K and Kari, in the new time line, never got freed. The only remaining hope the two boys have (as even in the movie it was shown that two Golden's can't take down a Mega, not unless he SWALLOWS them) is the fact that Veemon and Agumon (who, as per canon, was able to escape) still remember Ryo, so the only chance the two boys have is to find and convince Ryo to come back, despite his Jaded attitude both towards Adventure and fighting Milleniumon.

(Ryo and Cyberdramon are unaffected due to being in a total other dimension, and even then, Ryo is going to have to fight a Milleniumon who has had years to power up knowing that Ryo would be coming to fight him, and Ryo only has two Destined, one who's best evolutions are Digi-Egg based and the other who at best has a Champion Digimon or a Golden Digiegg. And even if Davis is pushed, its unlikely that he'll get anything better than Paildramon, if he finds Wormon)


Well-Known Member
Potentially stupid idea: due to one of the villians in the Digital World's history, one of the Digimon Xros Wars characters gets dragged (with their partner, no less) into another Digimon series world, probably the Digital world.

How much could change if Yuu ended up landing near Ryo during the Wonderswan series? Or if Taiki was their when the D-Reaper invades the real world? Or if Tagiru showed up during the Daemon Corp fight? And how would it affect the Hunters world? Will the villians of the home Digiworld get stronger to compensate?
DATS would TOTALLY reverse enginer digi-xros somehow. Gimmick is one the most broken in the in the franchise if you get the right combo or have anough mooks to make up for the difference in power (so much that they hade to limit it in the sequel :no: ), losing only to the Super Ultimate Digimental.

Villains probably would pick up the family-unfriendly version as well. The game would change, empires will fall, and new ones will rise. The Digital World would be in a state of uproar

Idea: Ryo ends up in the Xros Wars Manga-verse about halfway through the plot. He starts blaming himself when Milleniumon shows up, then loses his shit when an unchained ZeedMilleniumon shows up.
Off topic, but I haven't seen anything of the Xros Wars manga beyond the first chapter. Do you know if thare are more around?


Well-Known Member
No, I do know from wiki's that Yuu is replaced with a Sister for Nene, Nene Digixros's herself with a digimon (by force, at that, the Digimon in question wanted to use her sister), they make a Kimeramon by Digixrosing the digimon that make it up, do simmilarly with Machinedramon... and then apparently Digixros them into Milleniummon... and that gets worse when DarkKnightmon proceeds to Digiros with it, making the unchained Zeed Milleniumon.

Oh yes, and Ballistamon, Dorulumon and Sparrowmon all get Chou Shinka's, and a special xros with Omega Shoutmon and ZeekGreymon, Shoutmon EX6

EDIT: Actually, thats a good point. Say near-start Nene lands in 02 and Ken, even if only for a little, gets his hand on her Dark Xros Loader. He doesn't need Dark Rings, or even Dark Spirals anymore, he can force Digimon to power up his servants, Kimeramon is just the tip of the iceberg, he could recreate dark Masters easily, Force several Machine Digimon and some other Seadramon to Digixros with a loyal MegaSeadramon? he has a loyal METAL Seadramon.

Even if Nene is outright helping (and even if Dark Knightmon is willing to help) that would mean serious trouble.

Or possibly Taiki lands in the digiworld during Anode/Cathode Tamer (I think thats the name, could be Tag Tamers, the one with Ken and Ryo), and Milleniumon inspect him and his Xros loader after capturing him, remaking his own "Millenium" Loader. Not only does that make the fight even harder, Ryo, who's used to working by himself or with Ken, islikely to clash with Taiki, who's used to being a leader.

Oh god... If the D-Reaper gets its hands on Xros capability... definite dark end, especially if it can force them, they may have to start killing forced xros reaper human/digimon hybrids, thats something that ANY of the character you could put in would be mortified by, Yuu and Tagiru spring to mind as this will likely give Yuu "what could have been" traumatic images and Tagiru... well, in a situation like that, he's gonna crack like an egg under a falling anvil! He's very innocent and hotblooded in attitude, not the best sorta of thing to have in Tamers, especially if they access Digixros.

Edit the second: Limit? Pah! The only real restrictions are that Taiki needs to double Xros with someone to pull off X4 (And Yuu has NEVER DigiXrosed in the series, so that makes it easy) and he needs one more person to pull off X7 (And Yuu, as usual, is on hand. Yes, they pulled off X7. It fought a Diaboramon... the fight lasted half a minute at best, not including the Digixros scene.)