Digimon Digimon Idea Thread.


Well-Known Member
I just finished watching ryuu-rogue's traslation of Adventure, and I felt like posting some Aventure based ideas.

Taichi has appeared in both V-Tamer and Adventure as a main character, as Yagami and Kamiya Taichi, respectively. What if they were the same person? How would that affect Adventure? Or 02?

What if Devimon had a Partner? In my original idea, the partner was Takato, but it could be whoever.

What if Taichi had been the one feeling sick, while Kari went to camp?

What if the Time Flows of the Digital and Real Worlds had become the same after Adventure, and the Children had stayed likely originally planed? What would happen? How would that affect 02?

Thoughts? Or ideas?


Random phantom.
Things wouldn't be the same if the characters were intended to be different.

Seriously. This is one major flaw with 'replacement' stories; trying to keep the plot despite the new characters.

...and is there a point to Devi getting a master other than 'everyone else always has it!!111'?

Lord of Bones

Well-Known Member
Ryuugi said:
What if Devimon had a Partner? In my original idea, the partner was Takato, but it could be whoever.
Ruki would have serious insecurity issues. Renamon, for all her experience, has nothing on Devimon, who would rip her apart in combat. This might even drive her into accepting Ice Devimon's deal.

Jenrya would be freaked out, but he'd probably get over it.

Impmon...same as Ruki. The Seven Great Demon Lords (all of which are possible evolution forms for Devimon, though I lean towards Demon) can pretty much rape anything short of Millenniummon

Juri would be terrified, especially if Leomon and Devimon recognize one another.

The better question though, would be how this would change Takato and Devimon himself.


Well-Known Member
Here's a canon plot bunny. Takato created Guilmon with a drawing (as everyone who watched Tamers knows). However, that drawing was a bit different from Guilmon.

For one thing, it didn't have a Hazard symbol on it. Where did the Hazard come from? Why did it end up on Guilmon? What is the Hazard?


Thought? Ideas?

Deleted member 5249

Ryuugi said:
Here's a canon plot bunny. Takato created Guilmon with a drawing (as everyone who watched Tamers knows). However, that drawing was a bit different from Guilmon.

For one thing, it didn't have a Hazard symbol on it. Where did the Hazard come from? Why did it end up on Guilmon? What is the Hazard?


Thought? Ideas?
I'm strangely picturing a massive Xanathos gambit by Lucemon or GranDracmon to free themselves from the Dark Area.

I had the random idea instead of Agumon appearing in the real world in the debut movie, Hikari and Taichi were pulled in and falling under the care of Yggdrasil and the Royal Knights.


Well-Known Member
Ryuugi said:
Here's a canon plot bunny. Takato created Guilmon with a drawing (as everyone who watched Tamers knows). However, that drawing was a bit different from Guilmon.

For one thing, it didn't have a Hazard symbol on it. Where did the Hazard come from? Why did it end up on Guilmon? What is the Hazard?


Thought? Ideas?
on a side note...doesn't miragegaogamon have the hazard symbol on his chest plate?

Deleted member 5249


Lucemon and a bunch of dangerous Digimon do too.


Well-Known Member

... Dang it, it's Daemon, I recognize him from his card, I have a limited edition version of it.

Let's see, what were his attacks again... Dang D-Arc's stupid Digimon analyzer not working while Biomerged...

Uhh... something Flapping and Evil Inferno, not exactly helpful.

Well I know he's a Demon Lord Class so he's in the same Tier as Beelzemon by default, and he has two forms above his current one if I remember right from the game, that means I can't go Crimson Mode, if Shonen has taught me anything it's that the first one to go into a higher form always loses to the other guys higher form.

Is he done talking yet?

"Power Of Darkness..."

Nope. Come on! Do that dramatic villain pose thing where you close your eyes! I want to get this over with quickly.

There was a squeal of rubber as a large truck came and slid to a stop at the intersection we were standing in, as soon as he turned to look I tried to get a quick hit in, he was knocked out of the way.

I took off his right arm, I shot after him, You don't let Mega level enemies regroup after you get that kind of advantage, you just don't.

I felt two Ultimate's back with the Digidestined, but they could handle two Ultimate's easy.

"YOU INSOLENT WHELP!" I heard Daemon scream from the smoke from the building he had slammed into.

"JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND DIE!" I shouted back at him, I added a lance thrust to emphasize. I hit him in his left wing, only superficial damage, it would just REALLY hurt, I was just happy I had managed to hit him through the dust, I swung to the right, and knocked him away like he was a baseball.

"AAARGH! EVIL INFERNO!" He had settled himself before hitting another building and had used his remaining hand to shoot a river of fire at me, I blocked with Aegis.


Now that I was holding back the Evil Inferno with Shield Of The Just I had some breathing room, and as a bonus he had stopped talking, I charged up a quick

"LIGHTNING JOUST!" Yes! Right in his face, he was blinded, but more importantly, he stopped firing off his Evil Inferno, Shield Of The Just broke through and nailed him in the mid section.

He looked pretty mad, but his head turned up and he looked in the direction we had come from.

"I don't have time for this, those fools..." Then he sank into the ground, I tried to close the distance and take his head off, but the portal he was using closed before Gram could reach him.


Wait, what fools.


I returned to where Daemon had appeared, but everyone was gone, but I could still feel everyone's Digimon, they were chasing after those two Ultimate's I had sensed before, it would take me a bit to catch up... But I could do it.


I had almost forgotten about Guilmon, I just like the viewpoint of them thinking of their combined being as Gallantmon/Dukemon as I instead of We.

Feel free to tell me any mistakes, weather spelling or characterization, Espescially spelling, this keyboard is really messed up.
Here is the start reall of an idea for a Digimon Tamers fic, but right now it's mostly a guideline for anyone wanting to adopt the idea into their own stories.

The idea was if the DigiDestined represented Virtues and the Warriors represented Elements. Could the Tamers represent anything? I figured since Guilmon is the Hazard and Calumon is Evolution I figured maybe the others could be tied with similiar powers / forces.

Azulongmon wished that the catalyst of Evolution be given the form of a Digimon (Calumon). The Digi-Gnomes granted it, but what if they hadnÆt stop there?

What if all ôTamedö Digimon are in fact the embodiments of the various forces that literally makes sure the Digital World functions.

Below is just one possible set-up.

Calumon: Evolution

Guilmon: Hazard / Destruction

(These two we know about, but what about the others?)

Renamon: Taoism, Yin-Yang / Harmony between Opposing Forces. Keeps the balance between the Digital Worlds Dark and Light Powers in check.

Terriermon: Uncertain. What is that symbol on MegaGargomon's armor? What ever power Terriermon's represents is what that symbol means. Regardless he should be the opposite of the Hazard so Healing or Creation. But I'm leaning towards Creation since Healing is MarineAngemon's power.

Cyberdramon: Time/Space (On account of absorbing MillenniumonÆs data)

MarineAngemon: Healing / Recovery

Dobermon (1 of the two natural Champion form of Anubismon): Runs the cycle of Life and Death in the Digital World.

Impmon / Beelzemon: Vice / Darkness. (He is a Demon Lord.)

Need ideas for: Guardromon, Leomon, and Lopmon

Any other ideas? I was also thinking of adding those other Digimon from the Tamers Opening, I know one is an Ogremon, but the rest are pretty much unidentifiable...

Deleted member 5249

Rough Idea of a 03/05 that never really got anywhere.

Due to Kurata and his Biohybrids being put in charge of the Digimon front and the Members of DATS on the run from their own goverment. Captain Satsuma decide to break out the former head of DATS predecessor, Hypnos leader Mitsuo Yamaki.

When the D-Reaper incident was over six years earlier. The Japanese Goverment decided to sweep it under the rug as quickly as they could. Arresting all the members of the Monster Makers, Yamaki, Reika and Megumi. Due to the Tamers ages, it was decided erasing their memories was the best.

Due to their lack of members the members of DATS make it their number one priority to track and relocate these legendary tamers. But The tamers have moved on not remembering the bonds they once shared and their former friendships. Ruki, has become more closed off. Takato, is still pining after his "Katou-san" and Jen has become bitter to the goverment that took his father away and embarassed their family name. They've grown up, they've moved away and their not all willing to hear DAT'S words especially when Kurata is offering a position at his side too.

Other Plot points
*Savers!Dukemon was Guilmon, bitter about humans treatment to Takato and powered up by Yggdrasil. I had a whole Royal Knights arc with Takato and Masaru about recovering Guimon.

*Ruki was going to be a Biohybrid

*Banchouleomon was going to be Juri's reborn Leomon revived with the help of Beelzebumon and the four beasts though with his loyalty to Suguru. His partnership with Juri was going to be very complicated.

Lord of Bones

Well-Known Member
This isn't an idea, but more of a question: we know Demon and Lilithmon are counterparts/evil, stronger (presumably) versions of Seraphimon and Ophanimon, but does that hold true for the other Great Demon Lords? Do they have good counterparts?

I'm guessing Leviamon is the evil version of Goddramon.

Deleted member 5249

Lucemon was the template for angel digimon. The 3 angels inherited his power after he fell.

Leviamon, I personally always pictured to be Neptunemon or AncientMermaimon's counterpart.


Well-Known Member
I've actually tried to match up the various celestial or "holy" Ultimates with counterparts from the Seven Great Demon Lords - it can't be done. Depending on your criteria there's either too few celestial/holy Ultimates or too few. Also, it should be noted that the mirror group for the Seven Great Demon Lords is the Royal Knights - of which none of the "fallen" versions of the Knights are counted to be members of the Seven Great Demon Lords (though I'm not sure, I think there might possibly be one or two that do have "fallen" forms that are considered Demon Lords).

It's actually a rather confusing fandom once you move outside of the established anime canon.

Deleted member 5249

The Royal Knights are too gray to be any equivalents of the Seven Demons lords. They each have their own sense of justice and conflict too much on what Justice means. Rhodoknightmon believes Justice is might, Dynasmon follows the person with the most charisma even if they do evil actions and Dukemon follows justice purely.

The others I've always considered counterparts the other Digimon groups, like the Olympus 12, Warrior 10 and so on. Beelzebumon for one reminds me a lot of Marsmon and Leviamon like I said earlier Ancientmermaidmon or Neptunemon.

Random Idea: Taichi is the reincarnation of Alphamon


Well-Known Member
You have the Celestial Digimon, then there are several other mega level angel digimon of different types

Deleted member 5249

SotF said:
You have the Celestial Digimon, then there are several other mega level angel digimon of different types
There aren't any other Angel Types other than the Three Great Angels at the Ultimate/Mega level excluding Lucemon. Every other angel digimon is of a lower level and eventually evolves into them.

There are other Holy Groups but not other angels


Well-Known Member
SeiyaxUsagi said:
SotF said:
You have the Celestial Digimon, then there are several other mega level angel digimon of different types
There aren't any other Angel Types other than the Three Great Angels at the Ultimate/Mega level excluding Lucemon. Every other angel digimon is of a lower level and eventually evolves into them.

There are other Holy Groups but not other angels
GuardiAngemon is Mega...and I remember a few others from various things, though MarineAngemon could, theoretically, be one as well.

Deleted member 5249

For some reason I thought Guardiangemon was a Adult or Perfect level. Huh, wonder where that came from. But he isn't listed as a angel type even though he has Ange is his name just like MarineAngemon.

Marineangemon, I never understood why they didn't make him a angel type. There is a Marinedevimon running around.


Well-Known Member
SeiyaxUsagi said:
For some reason I thought Guardiangemon was a Adult or Perfect level. Huh, wonder where that came from. But he isn't listed as a angel type even though he has Ange is his name just like MarineAngemon.

Marineangemon, I never understood why they didn't make him a angel type. There is a Marinedevimon running around.
I just remember him because, like Seraphimon, Guardiangemon digivolves from MagnaAngemon. MarineAngemon probably could be a celestial digimon considering the inconsistencies between the different universes of the Digimon series (especially if you include the games, cards, manga, pets, and other things as well).

GuardiAngemon could be the mega level from Piddomon though

On another note, all of the Angel digimon seem to be far more powerful than their level implies. In Adventure, Angemon could come close to matching Mega level foes (02 weakens him by quite a bit...).

For another digivolution that's similar, you could have HolyAngemon with his Dominimon mega level. HolyAngemon is physically different in appearance from Angeon, especially with his single pair of wings rather than the 3 that Angemon has.

Deleted member 5249

MarineAngemon IIRC was based on Angel Fish and part of the Gomamon evolution line. Nothing holy about him unfortunately. I assume the same case for Guardiangemon.

Piddomon just like Angemon could evolve into Seraphimon or Guardiangemon.

The Holy Types always seemed stronger I assumed because they were fighting their specialties Evil/Dark Digimon. If a fight happened between Wargreymon and HolyAngemon I'm pretty sure WarGreymon would win.

Digimon Savers and X-Evolution gave me a new appreciation for their power levels. The Royal Knights cut dimensions open like nothing. Seraphimon has the power of a big bang and it is only a fraction of the power (rookie) Lucemon's Grand cross is supposed to have. Frontier nerfed all of their power to hell.


Well-Known Member
SeiyaxUsagi said:
MarineAngemon IIRC was based on Angel Fish and part of the Gomamon evolution line. Nothing holy about him unfortunately. I assume the same case for Guardiangemon.

Piddomon just like Angemon could evolve into Seraphimon or Guardiangemon.

The Holy Types always seemed stronger I assumed because they were fighting their specialties Evil/Dark Digimon. If a fight happened between Wargreymon and HolyAngemon I'm pretty sure WarGreymon would win.

Digimon Savers and X-Evolution gave me a new appreciation for their power levels. The Royal Knights cut dimensions open like nothing. Seraphimon has the power of a big bang and it is only a fraction of the power (rookie) Lucemon's Grand cross is supposed to have. Frontier nerfed all of their power to hell.
Still doesn't explain Dominimon (supposedly more powerful than Seraphimon...). He's listed as Mega, but has been theorized to be one of the Super Ultimates(what the digimon wiki calls the ones beyond the standard Mega level which includes many of the Burst Mode ones).

Then you have the digimon of an entirely different power level such as Galactimon (not entirely sure if that is its name, but the thing is nearl the size of the moon with the power to match).

Deleted member 5249

Weird, he's not listed as a angel type despite his name being a ranking of angels. In fact there should be Nine Angel types running around. Yet only four of them have been introduced.

Also I have one question that needs to be answered with this digimon if what you say is true. HOW THE HELL COULD HE POSSIBLY BE STRONGER THAN SERAPHIMON?

Seraphimon is one of the three great angels who inherited Lucemon's powers. Seraphimon is the digimon that enforces God's laws and the Highest ranking Angel. Dominimon is fourth. There should be no possible way Dominimon has more power especially since Dominimon has Six Wings and Seraphimon and Ophanimon both have eight. They are called the Three Great Angels for a reason, they should be the most powerful.

World Destroying Power is around perfect level. It's really not surprising. That loser who stole Izzy's courage had a ray gun that could blow up a planet.


Well-Known Member
Dominimon is the "combat" Mega form of HolyAngemon, he only pops up after Lord HolyAngemon was beaten as Seraphimon before managing to hold his own at a later point as Dominimon...

The guy who could kill planets only managed it in the universe he created for himself and that power does not match the power shown elsewhere.

Checking the wiki, it's Galacticmon and was supposedly able to eradicate almost all digimon in existence if it attacked from its position above the planet before it somehow merged with Earth itself to become Gaiamon...

Deleted member 5249

I wasn't talking about the series I was talking about the power he is said to have on his card. Seriously Does Dominimon have a actual card or is he manga only? Because it's been years since v-tamer and Seraphimon has still been holding on to #1 angel. He may have been retconned out with the expanding Digimon mythology.


Well-Known Member
SeiyaxUsagi said:
I wasn't talking about the series I was talking about the power he is said to have on his card. Seriously Does Dominimon have a actual card or is he manga only? Because it's been years since v-tamer and Seraphimon has still been holding on to #1 angel. He may have been retconned out with the expanding Digimon mythology.
Problem is that there are several mythologies now.

Hell, some of the other large changes is with the Armor Digimon and how their apparent level changes by series. Magnamon has been an Ultimate and a Mega at different parts (not counting 02 when all Armor Digimon were considered to be Champions...)

Comparisons are easiest to make within the same continuity.