Akamatsuverse Fear the Mighty


Well-Known Member
This plot idea hit me like a brick so I just had to write it. Its practically pure crack so donÆt take it too seriously. And I havenÆt seen LH in ages so there might be inconsistencies. I apologise in advance.


Disclaimer: I donÆt own nothin.


It was horrible.

Round and shell-like, it gleamed in the semi darkness of the room.

In the background various pieces of antique furniture littered the room, bringing a strangely familiar background to a scene of incredible horror.

In the centre of the twisted display was her own sister, wrapped up tightly in the green creatureÆs embrace. And, even worse, she seemed to be returning its disgusting advances. It was like her strong, invincible sister was held under a spell by the hideous beast.

She ran forward in an attempt to slay the beady-eyed creature to no avail. It simply swerved around her attacks like they were nothing. No matter how fast or how powerful it was like trying to take down a monster with the strength and resilience of ki enforced iron. Slashes were dodged, power blows were redirected, ki attacks were batted aside like nothing.

And its gleaming white smile winked at her all the while. Mocking her, she knew.

Then it simply flicked her aside before returning to her poor sister, who seemed to totally melt into its embrace unreservedly.



Fear the Mighty

by RurGo


Motoko shot into a sitting position, panting heavily and soaked with sweat. She sighed in relief as she realised that it had just been a nightmare.

Checking the time she realised that it was mid-afternoon and she had been taking advantage of the sunny weather to take a small nap. Any thought of turning over and just going back to sleep was banished by her sweaty sleeping clothes, so she decided on some sword practice before taking a soak in the hot springs.


The afternoon air was warm and calm. Her practice went smoothly and the relative silence on the deck helped to clear out any lingering unease over her most recent nightmare. There was no way that she would waste her time dwelling on that man her sister had married.

She didnÆt even notice her sword forms losing fluidity as her mood turned darker, as it always did when thinking about him. Just bringing up that memory sent a flicker of fear down her spine. How such an accomplished man in the martial arts could resemble those shell-backed monsters so much she would never know.

But it was oddly terrifying.

Ever since she had seen her sister doing that with someone that, to her, resembled a mutant man-turtle, she had never been able to look at the animals the same way again.

Impulsively challenging the man to a match with his promise to release her sister from his clutches if she won just ended up with the engagement continuing as before while she acquired a shameful and debilitating phobia of turtles.

The way he totally dominated her while loudly praising her attacks and giving her constant advice to improve her form until she was too exhausted to fight back at all was just too much for her then-young mind.

Now just seeing turtles brought back the feeling of being trapped in an impossible battle with an invincible opponent while being completely helpless. The fact that he had drawn out the 'fight' and simply played with her until she collapsed under her own weight just made his memory that much more intimidating. No matter what she did or tried to stop her fear, it was all for nothing against the memory ingrained into her mind of that hopeless fight.

It was similar to the fear she felt when around her sister. She knew she would lose before the fight even began.

She sighed as she realised her form had become sloppy as she let her emotions run wild. She should know better by now. Her focus was still lacking compared to her sister.

A chirp drew her attention and she stiffened as she realised that it was her sisterÆs bird, Shippu, bearing a missive that could only be from her sister.

She felt a sinking sensation in her gut as she hesitantly reached for the note. As much as she loved her sister, she was also completely terrified of her. And after her recent dream, well, she didnÆt believe that this letter would be bearing any good tidings.

Watching Shippu fly off after she had detached the note, she hesitantly opened the message while preparing for the worst.

After scanning the letter, she froze and turned a pasty white before dropping the letter and dashing to her room to begin packing. She had to leave and go on a training trip. NOW.

She was so rushed that she didnÆt even notice almost running Shinobu over in her haste to reach her room.

Shinobu was left staring at MotokoÆs quickly vanishing form before noticing a discarded piece of paper lying on the ground. Picking it up and glancing at it revealed a short message.


Your brother-in-law is coming over for a week to visit. He should arrive sometime the same day you receive this letter.
I hope you are over that little falsehood stage.

Your older sister,

Shinobu decided to return it to Motoko and remind her it would soon be time for dinner. Maybe she would need to make extra for MotokoÆs brother-in-law?


Reaching the open door to MotokoÆs room revealed a scene of frenzied activity as Motoko seemed to almost teleport around the room as she packed clothes and other necessities into a duffel bag, before giving a sharp nod and almost crashing into Shinobu on her way out.

ôMotoko-sempai,ö Shinobu started, ôwill be needing an extra place at dinner for your brother-in-law tonight?ö

Motoko turned to stone at the question, before turning to Shinobu with an almost insane glint in her eye and a vein throbbing in her forehead.

ôHow do you know about that?ö she almost hissed.

ôY-y-you dropped this,ö Shinobu stated while shakily extending the letter, ôI saw it on the floor and thought it was litter so I picked-it-up-and-read-it-please-donÆt-kill-me.ö She all but bawled before turning and running away in the safe direction of the kitchen.

Motoko stared at the letter lying on the floor accusingly before letting out a breath in disgust at herself. Getting so wound up that she practically snapped at Shinobu for a valid question about dinner arrangements. ItÆs not like Shinobu knew any better or about her... situation with her brother-in-law.

She straightened her shoulders and headed for the kitchen to apologise to Shinobu and tell her she was going on a training trip before she left.

She couldnÆt just vanish on the poor girl with that as their last meeting.

Shinobu would probably worry and blame herself for MotokoÆs sudden disappearance.


Passing through the living room on the way to the kitchen, the sound of the front door opening was a sharp reminder that she needed to escape soon. Her brother-in-law could be arriving any minute.

It was with baited breath that she waited for whoever had arrived to identify themselves. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when UrashimaÆs cry of ôTadaimaö cut through the silence and she continued on towards the kitchen.

Finding Shinobu hovering over the stove, she drew her attention with a soft cough and inwardly cringed when Shinobu jerked at the sudden sound. After ensuring she had her attention she bowed formally at the waist.

ôAh, Shinobu,ö she began, ôI wish to apologise for my actions earlier. I had learned some distressing news at the time and was not myself.ö

She could practically feel Shinobu relax as she straightened up to see her smiling.

ôThatÆs fine, Motoko-sempai. Will I be needing an extra place for your brother-in-law, then?ö

Motoko masterfully hid her flinch and chose her answer carefully. ôWhile my brother-in-law should indeed by arriving today and will probably need a place, I will be going on a training trip for a few days (or at least until heÆs gone) so the usual arrangements should suffice.ö

Shinobu nodded at the information and took her departure in stride. It wasnÆt the first time she went on training trips after all.

Motoko was glad Shinobu had forgotten her brother-in-law was coming to see her.

Turning to leave, she was just in time to intercept Keitaro entering with some shopping bags.

ôHey, Shinobu I-ö whatever else Keitaro had to say was cut off as they collided, sending both him and Motoko to the ground.

After shaking off her daze it only took Motoko a second to realize that there was an exceedingly pleasant feeling coming from her breasts.

A slight squeezing sensation sent a burst of pleasure down her spine before she grasped exactly what was going on.

Gritting her teeth, she shoved Urashima off her with one arm while the other hand reached her sword, ignoring his mindless babbling.

There was only one response for such an incursion against her person and her ki answered her righteous fury.


Keitaro was propelled out the door and through a wall by the force of her technique.

Motoko huffed as she sheathed her blade and stalked out of the kitchen with her bag, leaving behind a frozen Shinobu.


A tall, muscular figure peered through the new Keitaro shaped hole in the wall and into the Hinata-sou living room, spotting Motoko just as she left the kitchen and calling out to her heartily.

ôMotoko-chan! I see your Flames of Youth burn as brightly as ever!ö his loud voice practically boomed throughout the building.

Motoko froze before turning and feeling the blood drain from her face.

There he was.

Her brother-in-law.

The hated bowl-cut hair that reminded her of those shelled creatures, the beady long-lashed eyes and the strong figure still unashamedly dressed in tight green spandex and orange leg warmers.

She forced the suddenly vivid memory of him kissing her sister back into the depths of her mind.

He gave her a shining white smile and two thumbs up. For a brief second she could have sworn she saw a flickering sunset image of waves crashing on rocks in the background; reinforcing his turtle-like resemblance in her eyes.

Then the reality of the situation hit her.


She slid down to her knees and shut her eyes in despair. There was no escaping now. She was stuck... bonding with him. For a week, according to her sisterÆs letter. And if she left now there was no way she could get her sister to believe that they had missed each other. Not after they had just seen each other in front of a witness.

She could feel Shinobu standing uncertainly behind her.

Motoko didnÆt even try to stop the tears gathering and let them out freely.

ôAH! I see that you weep in joy at our glorious first reunion after all these years! Fear not, my sister! I, MAITO GAI, HAVE ARRIVED!ö he loudly proclaimed, practically drawing everyone in Hinata-sou down to the living room.

She caught glimpses of Naru, Mitsune and Su to her right. Even Keitaro had managed to come back in through the front door, with Haruka in tow, no less.

She could feel them staring curiously at the scene from the background as Gai spread his arms wide open before her.

ôNow come and let me embrace my cute little sister.ö

People would later swear they heard a soulful wailing cry of great torment coming from Hinata-sou that day. As if all the happiness in someoneÆs life had been destroyed.

ôNOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo... ö


Well. ThatÆs about it. The idea hit me while randomly reading different fics. It started with how Motoko could be traumatised by seeing her sister kissing her fiancÚ as well as getting a fear of turtles. Then it stuck me. Maito Gai. The turtle summoner and hand-to-hand specialist. It grew from there and demanded to be written so IÆve given it a shot. And i know its should be Aoyama Gai or something but it just felt better this way.

Hopefully it wasnÆt too bad.

ThisÆll probably be all there is as I canÆt really think of what else to do with it and it was more a spur of the moment than any serious idea.



Well-Known Member
...That was so wrong. To pair our lovely Tsuruko with Gai of all people...


You have got to be kidding.

Tsuruko and Gai.



I think my brain just broke. *whimpers*


On the other hand, cool fic. I kinda like it... ^_^ :sweat2:


Well-Known Member
Hey. I needed someone to put the fear of turtles into Motoko. :p
Sure i coulda picked some hot bishie character but Tsu/Gai does traumatic so much better you gotta admit. -_-
Which hot, bishie character? Gai looks like a turtle. No bishie character could do that... or am I just not widely watched enough when it comes to anime?

Y'know, I actually find myself liking the idea of a Tsuruko/Gai 'ship the more I think about it... :snigger:


...and now I fear myself for admitting that. :ph43r:


Well-Known Member
Very well done RurGo, I found myself stunned in amazement when you finally revealed who her brother-in-law was :blink: .

But as it has been stated he does look like a turtle man.

Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Well, it could be worse. Gai could try to help her with Keitaro (romantic not beating him up), while he is there.

As it stands it sounds like it is only a one-shot, so.... yeah.

And yes, I do like this pairing, because it is wierd, and Gai and Lee need loving too (morso than pretty boy bishies).


Well-Known Member
I was thinking Ninja Turtle. You said pure crack... :sweat2:


Well-Known Member
Maito Gai: Super Stud?

You know, I wonder if Keitaro would remind Gai of Lee. Think about it, both of them are "Nice Guys", both of them keep getting up after failure and striving towards impossible goals, and both of them have a thing for chicks who turn out to be rather violent.

Imagine the awesomeness/horror of a Keitaro mentored by both Seta and Gai. If he survived, he'd be unstoppable.
Maito Gai....

Thank you very much, RurGo. I now know why canon portrays Tsuruko as such a loon. Afterall, what can you expect of any woman who has her husband shouting "DYNAMIC ENTRY!... DYNAMIC EXIT!... DYNAMIC ENTRY!... AHHH! I EXPLODE WITH YOUTH!! as they consumate their union?

Poor Motoko to witness such a scene. :snigger: :snigger:
avis de rapina said:
Maito Gai....

Thank you very much, RurGo. I now know why canon portrays Tsuruko as such a loon. Afterall, what can you expect of any woman who has her husband shouting "DYNAMIC ENTRY!... DYNAMIC EXIT!... DYNAMIC ENTRY!... AHHH! I EXPLODE WITH YOUTH!! as they consumate? their union?

Poor Motoko to witness such a scene. :snigger:? :snigger:
Congratulations. I think you just broke my mind. :huh!:

Ura Mamoru

Well-Known Member



















Damn, it doesn't usually take that long for my mind to reboot. Though, like raisins earlier, I was thinking a ninja turtle before (probably Raph or Mikey, going by Motoko having been toyed with during her fight [if I remember the turtles' personalities correctly, Leo isn't the type to play around in a fight, and Don would try to end it quick just to finish the fight]).

I had heard the idea of Gai and Tsuruko earlier, but I never thought it would actually get its own post. Congrats for breaking Motoko's mind again - as well as many of ours.

On a side note, I must admit that this is the first time I've seen anyone ever mention one of the girls actually feeling any pleasure (albeit short-lived) during one of Keitaro's... accidents.


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly unsure as to whether I should be horrified or amused. On the one hand that kind of person probably would be enough to send Motoko over the edge in a fuuny manner, on the other hand its.........GAI! :blink:


Well-Known Member
Huh, for some reason I was thinking it was the Turtle Hermit. Still cool though :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


Well-Known Member
Truthfully, when i started with this idea ninja turtles was the first thing to come to mind but i just can't force myself to write crack to that level... yet. Maybe one day... :ph43r:
And trust me, visions of giant green ninja turtles making out with Tsuruko ran through my mind nonstop until i realised something:

Giant Green Ninja Turtle = Gai (Or pretty damn close) :sisi:

Having Gai be the heir to the Turtle Hermit style also passed through my head, seeing that its practically Gai's Gouken at its finest with all its main focus on strength. A little ki traning would also fit in with LH. Saiyans DON'T.

And Avis, :yay:
That just takes my insane idea to depths i wouldn't even try to put down on paper.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well-Known Member
avis de rapina said:
Maito Gai....

Thank you very much, RurGo. I now know why canon portrays Tsuruko as such a loon. Afterall, what can you expect of any woman who has her husband shouting "DYNAMIC ENTRY!... DYNAMIC EXIT!... DYNAMIC ENTRY!... AHHH! I EXPLODE WITH YOUTH!! as they consumate their union?

Poor Motoko to witness such a scene. :snigger: :snigger:
Dear God, someone please pour bleach on my MIND!!!


Well-Known Member
Ringmaster said:
avis de rapina said:
Maito Gai....

Thank you very much, RurGo. I now know why canon portrays Tsuruko as such a loon. Afterall, what can you expect of any woman who has her husband shouting "DYNAMIC ENTRY!... DYNAMIC EXIT!... DYNAMIC ENTRY!... AHHH! I EXPLODE WITH YOUTH!! as they consumate? their union?

Poor Motoko to witness such a scene. :snigger:? :snigger:
Dear God, someone please pour bleach on my MIND!!!
That just about says it all imo. :blink:
MadAlchemist said:
avis de rapina said:
Maito Gai....

Thank you very much, RurGo. I now know why canon portrays Tsuruko as such a loon. Afterall, what can you expect of any woman who has her husband shouting "DYNAMIC ENTRY!... DYNAMIC EXIT!... DYNAMIC ENTRY!... AHHH! I EXPLODE WITH YOUTH!! as they consumate? their union?

Poor Motoko to witness such a scene. :snigger:? :snigger:
Congratulations. I think you just broke my mind. :huh!:
Agreed. :wacko:


Well-Known Member
Wonderbee31 said:
Ringmaster said:
avis de rapina said:
Maito Gai....

Thank you very much, RurGo. I now know why canon portrays Tsuruko as such a loon. Afterall, what can you expect of any woman who has her husband shouting "DYNAMIC ENTRY!... DYNAMIC EXIT!... DYNAMIC ENTRY!... AHHH! I EXPLODE WITH YOUTH!! as they consumate? their union?

Poor Motoko to witness such a scene. :snigger:? :snigger:
Dear God, someone please pour bleach on my MIND!!!
That just about says it all imo. :blink:
It gets better when he tries to give his "youthful sister-in-law" and her clumsy landlord advice...

In far far too much detail ^^


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's the sort of thing that destroys homes. It was utterly unexpected. But God if it wasn't one of the most hilarious things that was ever typed.

I submit form M-04-R for a continuation. Because it may stand alone, but it needs it's friends, chapters 2,3,4 and 45.

And yes, Seta and Gai trained Keitaro would be something to be afraid of, for more than just the weird eccentricites (I know I spelled that wrong, forgive me).


Well-Known Member
That's... creepy, really. I didn't even read that thread. The idea just slammed into me like a dynamic entry and left a lasting impression. :huh.:


Well-Known Member
well i'm not holding it against you, you do write much better than me and i'm sure others have thought about this idea as well, keep writing Rurgo


Well-Known Member
avis de rapina said:
Thank you very much, RurGo. I now know why canon portrays Tsuruko as such a loon.


why you do that. brain cells exploded. took neighbors with them. tragedy.
