[Final Fantasy XII] Same shit, different day


Well-Known Member
Yet another oneshot that could open a larger story someday, though I'm really wondering why the hell nobody's thought of this yet. I mean, it's so freaking obvious. Isn't it?

Step by step.

That's the way it worked best.

That's the _only_ way it worked.

He knew this much.

You had to take things one step at a time, break bigger problems into smaller ones.

Break the world apart and you could rule it.

Or so he supposed. He'd never had any particular ambition other than the one he'd lost his life for, after all, and power of that sort was definitely not it.

For one thing, the paperwork would undoubtedly be a killer, and if there was one thing you learned as you worked your way up from grunt trooper it was that paperwork was to be avoided at all costs.

One of the few things about that time in his life that he remembered without any residual regret.

And so he trudged on, step after step, day after day. Slow, steady, eyes squinting against the sands as the wind nipped and occasionally tore at the ragged cloth he had for a cloak.

It wasn't much, but it helped keep the grains off, and in the long run you took any help you could get.

Any eventual pursuit, if there'd been such in the first place, had long since given up. After all, without food, almost without water, and trudging through the desert of sand and stone without as much as a pause for the past ... was it a week, or had it been more?

Regardless, it was impossible.

For a human.

Something he wasn't certain he'd ever been, to tell the truth.

Not that he cared.

Despite the confusion, despite the chaos, there was one thing he'd carried with him out of the whole thing. He was himself, and nobody else. The mannerisms that had once been his friend and comrade's own had been adapted, changed, built upon and integrated. His own had grown along with those.

Though life, it seemed, had a way of being annoyingly repetitive in some ways.

Behind him, and possibly in front of him as well - they had means that didn't require them to make treks in conditions like this at their disposal, after all, and he'd seen some of them hovering in the sky some ways off from where he'd awakened.

And a most disturbing awakening it had been.

Bakind in the sun, spitting and coughing sand that he was almost waist deep in, a few hundred meters from the second largest crater he'd ever seen.

Which was saying something, considering that the first largest had been caused by a huge chunk of celestial rock taking a bite out of the landscape.

Plus, he had no idea where the hell he was.

Oh, he knew who he was, and memories were still present without more of that annoying spottiness that had been plaguing him over the course of the past months to a year.

The problem with that being it didn't make any damn sense.

Still, he'd had no time to do anything but make tracks away from the major military presence - because that was never a good thing, in his opinion.

So here he was, taking it step by step, slogging through sand and wind, over sand and stone ...


Boots, damn near worn down by the abuse he'd heaped upon them over those past months and the more recent trek, scraped against actual floor - stone slabs scuffed with repeated use.

It brought his mind out of the state of near-meditation he'd put it in for this little forced march.

The first thing he noticed was that the place didn't look at all like any of the cities he'd seen before. Not outside of a history book, at least. It was large, though certainly not the largest he'd ever seen, but it made up for that in style. Sprawl it did, but it was no ugly behemoth that had been heaped upon again and again in an effort of create more space in already cramped conditions.

"You there! Halt!"

The second was the presence of soldiers. It made him quirk an eyebrow, though ... no familiarity in this, save for that old, half-remembered dream. Armor that had been considered archaic decades, if not centuries ago - heavy plate, full helmets - how curious.

"State your name and business!"

The voice was severe, the bearing even more so, and he reflected upon just how he must look. Possibly, the hilt jutting above one shoulder had something to do with that as well.

"Ah, there might be a bit of a problem with that. See, I ... think I took a knock on the head a few days back, and I'm a little lost," he said, scratching the back of his neck in embarassment and trying to appear harmless. He was far from it, but for some reason he was really good at making the pretense.

Several exchanges later, and a bit of palm-greasing by virtue of a gem or two he kept in reserve for unexpected expenditures where money would be awkward, and he was within the city.

Rabanastre, the capital of the Kingdom of Dalmasca, under occupation by the Archadian Empire as a result of what he garnered had been a recent conflict.

Well, if that wasn't fortunate, he didn't know what fortune was. After all, it made his introduction a lucky break.

Soldiers of fortune came and went to and from such areas regularly - that was the same anywhere you cared to check.

And he'd been a soldier of fortune before, in more ways than one really.

The other thing, though.

The same, yet so different from his half-forgotten dream.

Last time he'd been cast into the very life of the planet, and come out in a place called Ivalice.

Last he recalled before waking up with his face in the sand, he'd been charging _that man_ within that very same Lifestream ... and now he'd ended up in a place they called Ivalice again.

Though the two namesakes had, from what he could see, little in common.

That was alright, though.

The days may pass and places may change, but it was the same old shit all over again.

And he'd make it through this. That, at least, he was confident in.

Because, if nothing else, Cloud Strife was a survivor.

Vaan is ... tolerable, most of the time. Certainly, Tidus was more annoying. But he's still a brat. And Cloud's been to Ivalice before, so hey, why not? Yeah, it was another Ivalice, or an earlier Ivalice, or whatever ... eh. Same difference.

I'd originally considered Vincent, but Cloud just fit better, what with the Ivalice connection, so there.

As for the timeline of VII, Advent Children never happened, and neither did Dirge. Cloud got snatched after his trouncing of Sephiroth in the Lifestream at the end of VII, a few things went in a non-canon way during the course of the story - for one thing, I'm amused at the concept of Cloud/Yuffie (justification - Aeris sees someone else in who he is, Tifa for all their past history is much in the same boat. Yuffie just sees him. It fits the character I want to impart on this version of the guy, and they'd make good friends if nothing else).

Also, monsters are very wary around the guy, and the first time he meets a Viera she's going to screech and scramble her way back as fast as she can because of what she senses from him - drawing some parallels between Mist and Mako. Opening the chance to draw more between Magicite/Nethicite and Materia.



Well-Known Member
This looks rather interesting. I can see Cloud doing this sort of thing, and the comment sbout him being a survivor fits well. Another parallel you could draw, if you were so inclined, would be the Mist from Final fantasy IX, I don't know much about the Mist of FFXII, but they share the same name, and both are highly magically charged.

As for Vaan, keep in mind that he is only 15, and has had a relatively easy life. So I think it is not so much that he is a brat, as it is he is young and immature. At least as far as I have seen, still haven't beaten the game.


Well-Known Member
Interesting idea. So does this mean that Cloud would have all the materia he had equipped to him at the end of the game as well as the Ultima Weapon? And to be fair nearly any character is better then Tidus.

As for the Ivalice thing I think I remember reading that the Ivalice of Final Fantasy: Tactics is the future version of the FFVII version. Anyhow I'm all up to seeing it continued.


Well-Known Member
Archadia is fucked. Cloud at the level he was at the end of FF7 could likely wipe out their armies by himself, he'd end up Ivalice's version of Sephiroth from the war against Wutai. If you give him any master materia (please don't) it wouldn't even be a challenge.


Well-Known Member
Cloud at the end of FF7 .... HULLO THAR MASS DESTRUCTION

If he can't just cut it to pieces (and I doubt there is much that can withstand any of his various swords), he will simply blow it to pieces with lots and lots of spells (what kind of player doesn't master out all the precious, precious materia anyways XD)

Plus, he's a scary SOB if he wants to be. And I guess he'll want to be a scary SOB often enough in this setting ;;)


Well-Known Member
No Materia - that would be overkill in the extreme. Also edging towards storytelling over game mechanics, and I'd be more tempted to present Cloud as the veteran merc type than any sort of magic knight - to that end I'd rather have him keep the original Buster Sword, in spite of the inevitable bitching some people would throw in because it's such a wimpy starter weapon, simply because stats have little place in narrative _and_ I liked the way it looked in Advent Children (okay, so it was just Zack's grave marker there, big deal) and Last Order.

That being said, even without Materia (even such that was 'dialed down' for narrative's sake) Cloud is one scary fucker in a fight. Any SOLDIER is. And with that BAS of his, he's basically a walking anti-armor weapon - not because it's sharp, but ... well, just look at Gatts, then add genetic augmentation that lets him swing that piece of metal around like it weighs nothing at all.



Well-Known Member
So Your saying that Cloud will use just the Buster sword? I can both agree and disagree with the materia argument, most of my disagreement comes from the fact that the buster sword only has 2 materia slots anyway.

It kinda doesnt make sense to keep the two slots empty, but powerful materia would rape a story here. Maybe some weaker materia like cover or something. Pretty much any magic or summon materia would screw it up. Maybe cover and Deathblow? Deathblow is half useless anyway, and cover could actually be used in the story.

Well, it's your story, so ignore me if you don't agree.


Well-Known Member
To make it simpler, just pretend that Materia doesn't work in Ivalice. Problem solved.

It makes sense too. Remember what the source of Materia's power is... no Planet, no magic, IMHO.

And since Cloud isn't on his home planet anymore...

Using FFT Cloud might be better. He's still a scary fucker, just not as evil as Orlandu.


Well-Known Member
To make it simpler, just pretend that Materia doesn't work in Ivalice. Problem solved.
Actually, I was going to cop out with the 'lost in transit' excuse of avoiding that particular bit of convultedness. He just came out in Ivalice without any Materia in the first place. You could argue that getting dumped into the Lifestream and facing Sephiroth there had said Lifestream reabsorbing the Materia as a result.

It makes sense too. Remember what the source of Materia's power is... no Planet, no magic, IMHO.
For the sake of the argument, no, I think Materia would still work, since it's basically crystalized Lifestream after all. Planet doesn't really have any influence on it once it 'seperates'. Or so I believe.

Using FFT Cloud might be better. He's still a scary fucker, just not as evil as Orlandu.
I've never played FFT, actually. Hence no definite references to that Ivalice as anything more than vague recollections of a fever dream. Care to elaborate?



Well-Known Member
If FFT, Cloud's Limit Breaks work by gathering all his power (hence the charge time) and then releasing it all in one devastating attack.

It is nasty because not only can he use his Limits anytime (and even though he's stuck using the Materia Blade if he wants to use them, they are so powerful they do enormous damage anyway), but two of them (Finish Touch and Omnislash) are almost guaranteed kills. Finish Touch inflicts multiple status ailments ranging from instant death and petrify to confusion and poison, and Omnislash is pretty much 999 damage guaranteed.

For the record, the game explains it by saying that Cloud's blade is the only weapon in Ivalice that can focus the energy of his Limits without shattering ina million pieces.


Well-Known Member
Omnislash is the definition of overkill. Anything short of a mythical beast made from the energies of a planet getting treated to a course of big, heavy, sharp and high-velocity blade is bound to be dead after the second hit.

I know that the game mechanics in FF7 did not design Omnislash as an instant kill technique, but, honestly, the Buster Sword is a huge slab of metal ... the impact force alone would be enough to pulverize anything it came into contact with after the third hit (anything humanoid, that is. reinforced titanium would stand up to a fifth hit, yes)

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
Damn, I almost completly forgot that Cloud was a hidden character in FFT; supposedly farted out there during his first trip in the LifeStream. And outta all the FF since 6 Cloud is definitely the best of the heroes. Tidus was a whiney little girl, I figure 'his' gender was just translated wrong and nobody realised the main character from FFX was actually a spoiled flat chested whiney girl that ends up in a yuri relationship with the other main character (Yuna). Vaan is, as others said, simply immature despite the hardships he's had to face so far. Kids got a big dream but little idea or direction on how to realize it till the events of the game.

Seeing as he was actually let into the city fairly easily I'm guess Cloud's apperance in Rabanastre is either months or just days before the start of the game (game starts just 2~3 years after the occupation and things are finally starting to settle, yet the day the game starts Archadia's troops are in a tizzy cause of whatshisface showing up to take over) Is he gonna be joining our band of misfits and mebbe whipping a little maturity into Vaan, or is he gonna replace him entirely?

I wanted to say good call on the no materia. Cloud is gonna be walking death even without em; what with years of training, regular SOLDIER enhancements (he might not have been among the Classed SOLDIERs but I'm sure the grunts got some supplements too, just not as extensive) plus whatever fuck-overs Hojo did beyond massive Mako infuses and Jenova injections. Then toss in all the hardships from the game. As for the Buster Sword being 'weak' thats only if you go by game mechanics. Not like you can take one blade and do so well with it, then get another one and it'll do far more damage, be faster, etc. in real life. Eh didn't word that as well as I probably should but I'm sure I've gotten my point across. Look at it this way, AFAIK Zack was SOLDIER First Class as well as Sepiroth's second. And the Buster Sword was good enough for him.

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to anymore of this that you might crank out Greiver :hail: :yay: :hail:


Well-Known Member
heh, awesome though for Materia he should seriously have Luck+ if nothing else since it fits him to a tee IMO. It's not necessary at all but it could be useful since he can get either good or bad luck anime style.


Well-Known Member
Has he yet come up with the idea of Ver 5 yet?


Well-Known Member
@Cornuthaum: Hence my argument for narrative over game mechanics. Good points all.

@Mighty Bob: At the start of the game, Jenova and his Mako treatments let Cloud pass for a SOLDIER First Class, since he patterned himself after Zack. It's likely going to stay with pretty much that - go see the Last Order OVA to see what Zack could do on his own. He isn't going to go as totally over the top as Advent Children did, what with cutting buildings apart and such, but other than that it's mostly all fair game.

@SotF: Nah. For one thing, I don't really consider either AC or Dirge canon. For another, the high-tech switchblade that passes for a Buster Sword evolution in AC is pretty much needed for that, so no.

@GH: How did they make Finishing Touch look in FFT, anyway? Far as I recall from FFVII, it'd be a sudden funnel that sweeps the enemies up and either drops them with damage/status changes or causes instant death.


Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
Heard many things bout Last Order and seen snips here and there...yet I can never find a copy of the damn thing. Haven't been able to turn up any torrents either, though admitedly it's not like I've looked obsessively for it either. :huh.:

And I agree wholeheartedly bout AC and Dirge. I suppose after X-2 we all shoulda realized that SquareEnix isn't so hot at direct continuations. And we all had such high hopes for AC too. :no: Then they have Cloud slicin an dicing buildings and apparently can solo Bahumat sans materia. The plot was kinda meh as well. Think I'll stop there though, lest I rouse GH's fury over the Bahumat thing and doom us all.
In my opinion, only two good things came from AC and Dirge: the fight scenes, which were definitely fun (even though the Bishie Trio JUST WOULDN'T DIE) and Gackt's song Redemption. The rest, however, is crap.

Hell, I haven't played FF7 and I know that. <_<

And as for Last Order, there should be something up on Youtube...

[Edit]: ...which SotF linked to already

[Edit2]: Though I have to admit I liked Rosso a little too much. ;) (Maybe it had something to do with how she's the only boss to have completely and repeatedly kicked my ass to the curb? :huh.: )

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
Well now I feel smart. Never even thought to check Youtube. Doh :headbanger:

Thanks for the link, I shall now go enjoy :hail:


Well-Known Member
SoulGriever13 said:
@GH: How did they make Finishing Touch look in FFT, anyway? Far as I recall from FFVII, it'd be a sudden funnel that sweeps the enemies up and either drops them with damage/status changes or causes instant death.

It looks like a 2D version of the funnel, but instead of being made of air, it is laced with magical energies swirling about wildly. That is what inflicts all those statuses.


Well-Known Member
just watched Last Order and i was wondering if anything was released as to why Cloud was so buffed up against Seph before he was "enhanced" by Hojo?

instead of a FF7: AC they should have just tied Cloud to Ivalice and turned Ivalice into the Promised Land they talked about or something.

my annoyance with FF:12 is the linearity of the game IMO they should have given you more choices in the storyline i.e. after you rescue Penelo you have the choice of either sticking with her and the airship or doing your own thing, which would just happen to include more thievery along the lines of stealing the Dawn Shard from the empire and such (haven't played in a while and i only got halfway through anyways). the game had so much more potential than what they did with it that it wasn't funny in the least.


Well-Known Member
Oh. My. Sweet. Lord. :eek:

Tell me I'm dreaming - no, wait, don't! If this is a dream then I don't want to wake up! Griever, you are a freaking genius! Cloud in Ivalice was like an injection of pure crack in FFT, but you've made this work in a believable way for both sets of canon.

I really, really hope you run with this - who know, it might even motivate me to actuall finish FFXII. Maybe. [How far is Salikawood from the final credits?]


Well-Known Member
Hmm... brilliant idea. My only gripe about FFXII is the liscense system, and even then I'm not complaining much. Can't really offer anything constructive, so all I'll do is ask for MOAR!


Well-Known Member
From what I'd heard (Haven't got 12 yet) but I've been told they took the FFTA laws and bastardized them into the liscense system


Well-Known Member
SotF said:
From what I'd heard (Haven't got 12 yet) but I've been told they took the FFTA laws and bastardized them into the liscense system
Not really, SotF - it's more like a simpler version of the Shere Grid, in that you buy yourself abilities in a shop, then buy the capacity to use them. The same goes for Magic, Weaponry and Armour. How that comes anywhere the Law system, I don't know. :hmm:

Maybe someone got confused by the fact that there are Judges in both games? :huh.: