Naruto Gardening


Well-Known Member
shout27 said:
a grape vine offshoot that grows on trees would be interesting (don't know if such a thing exists though),
maybe a Weeping Willow though that'd require a larger than normal amount of water for a tree,
a Blackberry bush would just require some monitoring from time to time,
Mandrake would be an interesting option if it was the HP version.
Poison Ivy framing the door if only until someone points out that it gives people rash's, cue some of the particularly annoying people getting rash's after he learns some restraint.
Or you could have the mandrake from sword of the berserk. Heh imagine them getting out of Naruto's control and possessing almost the whole town.

Would Orochimaru even still bother trying to destroy Konoha?

It probably wouldn't take long to figure out what was going on though. Of course, do any of you think they'd figure out how to stop the possessions without causing damage to those possessed?