General Kickstarters


Well-Known Member
Butterfly in the Sky

Wanted to get the word out to as many places as possible. Levar Burton is doing a Kickstarter to get support to revive Reading Rainbow, make it accessible online, and produce a version of it for use in classrooms across the US- and hopefully across the world. It's been up for like eleven hours and raised one point five million dollars, and that's past it's initial goal.

But I'm still going to donate to it, and you should donate to it too. I can't think of a more worthy Kickstarter to put money into.

I grew up with Reading Rainbow, and I wouldn't have found my interest in model making, let alone science fiction and fantasy if not for that program. It's shaped whole generations, and a good solid chunk of my childhood. That Levar Burton wants to bring it back, and bring it back to classrooms everywhere, helping children attending the poorest of schools learn how to read, and give them access to the near infinite breadth of imagination that reading offers, just touches the core of what I think it is to be human in me, and so I can't think of something more worthwhile to put money to in this medium.

It's not a game, it's not a physical product. There are reward tiers, but this isn't something I think you'll be donating for the reward tiers, but something you'll donate to because you believe in it.

Relevant links here, and here

Even if you can't donate, at least spread the word. Tell everyone. Literally everyone. ALL THE PEOPLE.


Well-Known Member
FYM hot sauce.

So I, too, am supporting a kickstarter. It is not as in your face in how it benefits the common good as the reading railroad, but it does in much subtler ways.

Which is saying something considering it is, you know, a hot sauce.

Yes I am talking about FYM hot sauce. The miraculous hot sauce that returns us to our roots. Made from 200% organic, GMO free peppers, estrogen free vinegar, cancer free salt, and put into perfect jars of holding, FYM hot sauce is single handedly revitalizing our dieting agricultural industry.

Saving not just billions of jobs in the United States, but saving the land itself from the ravages of being over farmed by the soy and corn industries.

Stand Tall. Stand Proud. Stand American.

Stand as a supporter of FYM Hot Sauce.

Links below:


Well-Known Member
RE: Butterfly in the Sky

I only remember the song and a few episodes, but helping kids to learn to read, and inspiring those with learning disabilities to push on, is a noble idea.

BTW, it's already at 3.3 million now.


Staff member
RE: FYM Hot sauce.

Good evening TFF. Some of your number pointed out that allowing advertising threads for individual products sets a somewhat dangerous precedent. With the power invested in me by your gracious selves I tyrannically redub this thread the "General Kickstarter" promotional thread.

Sorry Kerrus! Sorry Schema! Hope you don't mind me putting your threads to use like this. Interesting projects though, I might send some money their way.

EDIT:2:28 June 3: I had it pointed out to me that editing Schema's hot sauce thread but not Kerrus's Reading Rainbow Kickstarter thread was a sign of bias. As this is absolutely true (and because I hadn't realized Kerrus was also supporting a Kickstarter) I merged the threads. My apologies to all involved parties. Please be aware that other Kickstarter or general crowdfunding threads will be handled in the same way.