Akamatsuverse GWH Kei: Great White Hunter Keitaro


Well-Known Member
Here's the first 4 pages I've written. Comments welcome. This is mostly an exercise on characterization for me. Dialogue and setting are too easy for me. My big problem as a writer are characters.



GWHK Chapter 1

ôIs he okay?ö asked Naru anxiously. The news of the accident a month earlier while on a trip to Africa had initially frightened the Hinata residents, but faith in KeitaroÆs immortality had quickly relieved them, all except a strangely silent Su Kaolla. Over the following week fat letters covered in brightly colored stamps containing pictures from Africa and a cheerful bandaged Keitaro at some native ceremonies, painted face and chest. Then more letters and pictures from a hospital bed. Then the phone call two weeks ago from a doctor in Mombasa. That had finally gotten through their optimism. HarukaÆs expression faltered as she listened and a choked up response, requesting information and permission for some medical procedure. A flurry of phone calls to KeitaroÆs parents and finally, a week later a sense of relief. He was improving. He was out of danger.

ôHeÆs coming home. But heÆs weak, too weak to walk at the moment. The doctor says returning to Japan for extended recuperation will do him the most good. I talked to his parents and theyÆve agreed to pay for his plane ticket and grandma Hina is going to pay for his medical bills. ItÆs a lot of money but thatÆs not important. The important thing is heÆs coming home alive.ö

ôIdiot. He would get himself attacked by a lion, stupid idiot,ö snarled Naru, transparent and conflicted as ever. Shinobu gave her a look of disdain, matched by a blanching Motoko.

ôNaru, you must understand that heÆs weak and will DIE if you treat him like you usually do. You canÆt hit him. None of you can hit him. No kicks to the head, no Naru Punches, no Rock Splitting Sword. Do you understand? All of you?ö she glared at each one of the girls. Each slowly nodded. ôYou could kill him. HeÆs like glass right now. Fragile. Remember that. If you all take care of him his strength may return.ö

Two days later Haruka used SetaÆs van to pick up Keitaro at the airport. Wheeled in with a blanket over his legs and an IV bag, smelling of weird antiseptics and other bad smells he was greeted by the residents in the foyer. Naru blinked back tears and pretended to be angry. Keitaro looked anemic and rolled his head like his was dizzy. Sweating despite the relatively cooler air of the apartment he managed a weak smile and a hoarse hello.

ôHave you eaten?ö asked Shinobu. He shook his head no so they sat at the table together. She offered him some tea and miso soup, and they gradually worked their way through a light feast of various leftovers. Over the first few hours his color showed rapid improvement and more genuine smiles came out as each of the girls chatted with him, taking turns describing what theyÆd been up to while he was gone.

ôWeÆre glad youÆre home, Urashima,ö said Motoko after a long pause. She bowed slightly in respect from her seat. Her look was not the same he was used to seeing from her, more measured and less accusatory. Naru was Naru, sad to say.

ôJust how did you manage to get in a fight with a lion, Keitaro?ö she finally blurted out.

Keitaro laughed uncomfortably, looking around at the now interested faces. ôWell, I suppose this IS the best time to tell you. I wonÆt have to repeat it if I do it this way. Okay.ö He took a good deep breath, composed himself, took a quick sip of green tea before nodding once more.

ôAfrica is a dangerous place. Its not a big furry Neverland theme park. Seta and the expedition went to Kenya to unearth a ruin believed to be part of the ancient Turtle civilization. He asked me to come along and so I did. Just getting there was an adventure, and there were lots of hassles to deal with. Bandits, human slave traders, slums, all sorts of immunizations were required before we could even leave the capital city of Nairobi. We flew into Mombasa, then took a train to Nairobi. It was a week more of permits and hiring porters and trucks and guards before we managed to get into motion for the dig site.ö

ôI donÆt understand, why were you attacked?ö asked Shinobu.

ôWell, it seems that Kenya wonÆt allow people to protect themselves from attack by lions. If you kill one without a permit they put you in jail for a dozen years. They wonÆt even let you have a gun capable of killing game if youÆre in a park. Its an unpopular decision but itÆs the law there. I was following a lead and wandered a hundred yards from the dig trying to survey a temple wall and wasnÆt watching where I was going. A lion leapt out of the grass. It knocked me down, then sank its teeth into my left shoulder and missed my jugular by inches, clawed my back,ö described Keitaro. Motoko and Su both winced and Shinobu gasped in fear.

ôI hit him in the snout with the spear I was carrying so he released me for a second. Then he was on me again, clawed my back and sank his teeth into my left leg to try and drag me off for dinner. It hurt so badly that I couldnÆt really understand the pain, like it was happening to someone else and I felt more and more numb. I knew this was it, I was going to die if I didnÆt do something. So I stabbed the spear into the lionÆs neck and pushed as hard as I could until I passed out. A short time later I was awoken by the guards shouting over me, and Seta yelling for the first aid kit. The lion was dead at my feet. They told me later the spearpoint severed its spine and killed it almost instantly. We had no camp doctor so he bandaged me up as best he could so I could be taken to a hospital. At this point it was starting to hurt, so I was given morphine and loaded into one of the land rovers for a rough 80 kilometer journey to the nearest hospital, in Masai territory,ö he explained. Naru looked pretty green and all the girls showed their tension.

ôThe local tribesmen found out IÆd killed a lion with a spear, so they got pretty excited. The doctor who treated me was worried so gave me intravenous antibiotics and spent hours cleaning and irrigating my wounds. If I wasnÆt on morphine I was screaming my head off from the pain. But I DID get better and the wounds started to heal, though IÆm still in pain now. The Masai chief met me during one of my lucid periods and Seta visited me every few days to see how I was doing. He told me that Masai are required by tribal law to kill a lion with a spear in single combat in order to become a man. Due to current laws in Kenya, the practice was now illegal which made things sad for his people. He said that if I wasnÆt so badly injured in the hospital that IÆd be in jail for breaking the law and hurting one of the governmentÆs precious man eating lions. They even snuck me out of the clinic for a big gathering of the tribe and presented me with the garments and honors of moran, the rite of manhood. It was a ceremonial offer but it really touched me. I was presented with the Masai lance, the clothes and beads of a warrior, and the tribal flag. There were lots of pictures taken by the local newspapers and the BBC interviewed me, though they spent more time talking to the chief,ö said Keitaro. He looked kind of glum about that, actually.

ôAfterwards, my bloodwork showed I was still dealing with an infection, which suddenly worsened. I guess that I shouldnÆt have left the hospital. They transferred me to a tourist hospital in Mombasa out of the coast, where there are better doctors and higher tech equipment. Apparently, lionÆs claws and teeth are full of some deadly bacteria thanks to eating only meat and carrion. They canÆt exactly brush their teeth. Anyone who gets bitten or scratched by a lion has a strong risk of dying from infection. I eventually got bad enough to require ICU while the infection peakedà I almost died,ö he finally said. The girls were silent, looking guilty.

ôIÆve gradually gotten better but I AM getting better. I hope you all can bear with me. I feel better just being here and seeing you all again. When the lion was on me I wasnÆt sure I would see you again, and I didnÆt want to die just yet,ö he said, looking meaningfully at Naru, who missed his gaze while thinking guilty thoughts.

ôIÆll be sure to feed you properly, Sempai,ö volunteered Shinobu.

ôWeÆll keep looking after the Hinata for you, Urashima,ö insisted Motoko. Naru and Kitsune nodded agreement.

ôThe doctor will see you later this afternoon, Keitaro. Remember to be ready for your appointment. WeÆve got about two hours before we need to leave,ö reminded Haruka.

ôWhoÆs minding the Hinata Tea House, Aunt Haruka?ö asked Keitaro thoughtlessly. She grimaced and started the backswing to swat him then forcibly stopped herself.

ôItsà Haruka, nephew. Just Haruka, please. Kentaro and a couple other employees are running the shop today. You can come by later if youÆre up for it.ö

ôMaybe another day, when IÆm on my feet.ö

ôAs you wish.ö

The girls each thanked him for the story and wished him well before drifting off to do their other things, leaving only Su staring at him curiously.

ôI missed you Keitaro,ö she said in her eternally cheerful sing-song voice.

ôI missed you too, Kaolla,ö he said, smiling gently to the eccentric gaijin inventor. ôIÆm glad to see youÆve been keeping busy while IÆve been gone.ö

ôHaruka said I canÆt play with you anymore unless you get better.ö

ôYes, that might be true. IÆm not as indestructible as I used to be,ö he chuckled, moving his arm up as if to scratch the back of his head before wincing in pain. Even after a month, he was still injured and stiff in strange places.

ôDid you know that in MolMol, my people have a rite similar to the masai, only this rite is not for manhood so much as to prove the right to speak on matters of great importance. Father and mothers would be impressed. I am impressed. I am also glad you survived. Many of the men of my people who want a voice in our politics risk the sacred rite and do not pass. Some run and are banished from the kingdom. Some die in the attempt. Big brother survived. Father survived. The generals all survived the ritual. If you came to our country, the council would allow you to speak.ö

ôWow, your people make you risk your life to have an opinion on politics?ö asked Keitaro. She nodded solemnly.

ôI have also passed this test, as has my sister Amalla. ThatÆs why she has a pet alligator. I tamed a tiger,ö she stated factually.

ôYou did, huh? WhereÆs your tiger now?ö he asked doubtfully but smiling. She met his gaze evenly, betraying a substantial maturity he never suspected of Su.

ôIn the palace gardens. It wouldnÆt be safe or practical to bring him here.ö Su sighed. ôYou have my respect Keitaro. I never would have expected you to survive a lion attack, much less kill one with a spear. It is very Manly. I think Motoko is even more in love with you than before,ö she dropped as an aside. Keitaro started, eyeÆs panicked at the mention of Motoko and Love in the same sentence. His momentary confusion ceased as he caught SuÆs expression.

ôKaolla-chan, for the last few years weÆve lived together in the Hinata youÆre invented some amazing things. IÆve seen labs staffed by dozens of people that arenÆt half as successful or advanced as what you do in your rooms. Just how smart are you?ö asked Keitaro finally. Su looked sad at his question.

ôPlease donÆt ask me that, Keitaro. I donÆt want to be treated like a freak. IÆm a girl who wants a normal life, normal friends, a childhood,ö she admitted glumly. It was so unlike her to talk this way, the usual boundless energy gone as if it had never been.

ôThatÆs why you live here, isnÆt it, Kaolla-chan?ö asked Keitaro, observing her squirm.

ôYes. Grandma Hina knew of my plight and allowed me to stay here. The Hinata is my refuge. Japan is a good place for me. I am second Princess of MolMol. IÆm not some party favor to married off for political power. I want to contribute to my people through technology. ThatÆs why I risked my life, to earn the right to my own future, and earn the right to come here. IÆm not a pawn, this way.ö

ôI understand, Kaolla. YouÆve never told anyone about this, have you?ö asked Keitaro.

ôNot exactly. I told Grandma Hina when I first arrived, and Motoko after we learned about your attack.ö

ôI see. Thank you for sharing yourself with meà Doà you want to be friends?ö he finally asked.

ôIÆm sorry IÆve always treated you so roughly, Keitaro. I admit it was fun to have a punching bag that I couldnÆt actually hurt. Your immortality is part of your charm,ö she admitted. ôYes, IÆd like to be friends. Grownup friends,ö she corrected.

ôYou know I canÆt be your boyfriend, right?ö he asked, momentarily suspicious.

ôThat remains to be seen, Keitaro,ö she teased, suddenly a giggling girl once more. ôSee ya laters,ö she shouted over her shoulder as she bounced out of the room, startling Shinobu to the sound of crashing dishes.

ôKeii-tarr-OOO!ö shouted Naru, booming footfalls approaching like an oncoming train. He winced from his wheelchair, waiting for impending pain. Suddenly it stopped.

ôWell, where is he?!ö demanded her voice from the hallway. ShinobuÆs voice stuttered, finally admitting it was Su.

ôSUUU!!ö she shouted, pelting off down the hall toward her rooms. Various jungle noises, explosions, and mechanical shrieking followed shouts from Naru at battle. Moments later Shinobu reappeared, flushed and embarrassed.

ôSorry, Sempai,ö she bowed, then returned to the kitchen. Keitaro finally shook his head in amazement.

ôIts good to be home.ö

END part 1.


Well-Known Member
Nice, very nice, this story has plenty of potential, from just the normal relationship route with any of the girls, to the more eclectic route of involving Su and MolMol and such, while I'd be more interested in the second it seems like it'll be good regardless so just keep writing it.


Well-Known Member
The real challenge comes with trying to make the characters believable. I've already changed Su, but I'm working with the older Kaolla since this is Keitaro as a Todai student doing field work under Seta, 3 years after the series begins, which makes Kaolla around 16, I guess. Shinobu would be 15, on the cusp of womanhood. I'll have fun with this, i think.


Well-Known Member
The real challenge comes with trying to make the characters believable. I've already changed Su, but I'm working with the older Kaolla since this is Keitaro as a Todai student doing field work under Seta, 3 years after the series begins, which makes Kaolla around 16, I guess. Shinobu would be 15, on the cusp of womanhood. I'll have fun with this, i think.
Heh, that's usually one of the best ways to work it, age the characters a few years and most everything that would normally be OOC (within reason) can be written off as 'changing with age', but obviously there is still that 'within reason' clause and many, many authors forget this, thinking they can make a character pull a complete 180 with their personality for no particular reason (like saying she's bitter because she was used in a relationship), no they just say 'oh a year passed, people change', yah they do, but not that dramatically without some big reason.


Well-Known Member
I've found an interesting angle to work the characters. Since they've realized that he almost died in the hospital, they're more open to their feelings about each other. I have a scene where he admits his feelings to the three adult women (excepting Naru) of the Hinata (excepting Haruka, she's a relative kthxbye), all at once so they know he's open to his feelings and not ashamed anymore. A near death experience would do that to a person. And he's had a month to think about it, alone in a hospital bed, in pain and fearing for his life. So its not sudden at all. The girls have also had 4 years to come to terms with their feelings of him, then get rushed by the near loss of him to a sudden and painful death. It is an angsty scene, but one that seems right for the moment. Now, to get more humor back into the story. This IS a romantic comedy, after all.


Well-Known Member
Overall, I think you did pretty well. Motoko holds to her solemn "traditional" behavior in times of grave trouble, that's good. Kaolla reveals a new side to herself that nobody ever bothered to look hard enough at before (and it's kinda strange that they didn't, isn't it?).

I would tone down Naru's "anger management issues" a bit, though. SHe does have a strong tender side to her (which shows most clearly when other people are hurt or sick), and does usually try to approach Keitaro positively. If this is set after she and Keitaro make it into Tokyo U, then she'd be trying hard to get past her mental block and be openly affectionate with Keitaro. She's so emo. :D
One of my greatest enjoyments of the later manga volumes is seeing her tyring so hard to express her feelings and failing spectacularly in a very Keitaro-like way. It's such poetic justice!


Well-Known Member
I'll have to work that into the story in a coming chapter. This may get lemonish, haven't decided yet.


Well-Known Member
Lemonish? Wow, that'd be hard to do (no pun intended), what with Keitaro being in a fragile state and all. Sex while suffering from just about any kind of illness = big no-no.

Not to say I wouldn't read it... :unsure!:


Well-Known Member
You forget that he's been in a hospital for most of a month with no privacy. Even sick, he's probably been suffering some terribly erotic dreams. And now he's back among a bunch of beautiful women who love him...


Well-Known Member
Ah. Fantasies. Gotcha.

Hehe. Arguments over the sponge-bathing are guaranteed.:snigger:


Well-Known Member
Okay, I've reposted chapter 1 and added chapter 2 in the Lemon's section. Its only 12 pages long but so far, so good. He's surrounded by beautiful women who are nearly all full adults. Not having sex in this story would be silly.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 8 is up in the Lemons section. This has some sexxing in it. I've gotten a better handle on the characters and the dialogue is flowing once more. I'm going to write a bit more and post 9 tonight I think. Maybe this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 9 is also up, as of 1:12 PM PDT. That's 7 pages in a few hours. Not bad.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm working on Chapter 12, the trip to Molmol. Rather than go with the slapstick route that LH mostly dissolves into after volume 11, I've changed it into a more earnest meeting between Keitaro and the Molmol royal family. I've borrowed Hawks royals because they fit Kaolla's character best, hope he doesn't mind. I've also kept Amalla as First Princess (Crown Princess), thus taking most of the stress off of Kaolla and Keitaro, however I've added a ruling council which backs the throne and guides the country better than a pure monarchy. This also explains why Kaolla can screw around in Japan and act very differently from say, Ayeka or Sasami. As I've already included in my story, Molmol requires people who want to speak and direct the politics of that nation to risk their lives, intentional or not and act bravely and successfully to gain that voice. This can be as basic as killing or taming a dangerous predator (Kaolla's tiger, Amalla's albino alligator). This lets Keitaro have the right to an interview with the council and approval, thanks to his connection to Kaolla, to be considered as an officially approved consort and potential husband to Princess Kaolla. As he's already proven himself a hero twice, he might earn the right to marry, perhaps involuntarily as he's already lain with her in the biblical sense, and grant her children. I'm strongly tempted to marry him to her under Molmolese law, which won't be recognized in Japan, per se. There would be intervention by the Japanese ambassador.

I'm planning to have Keitaro realize that the council aren't that impressed with him and so end up doing something perverted to Su, thus enraging Naru and Motoko into dual attacks, thus proving his immortality has been restored. That in his bloodline would please the monarchists immensely since it would bode well for any children. Immortality + Genius = Success.

However, the story complicates here because I don't want Keitaro to go the easy route. He always does the hardest thing, and falls down alot. I'm really strongly tempted to have him fall in love with Kitsune, who was with Kaolla in that event in the tent. They could form a very odd triplet. However, there's still the matter of jealousy. Kaolla is a serious nymph, physically tough and energetic. She'd run any number of men into exhaustion. Compare that to Kitsune who is emotionally fragile deep inside, but hides that weakness behind layers of bullshit and fox tricks. I also like the Kitsune angle because Naru would undergo a revelation of her own selfishness over the years and finally, just maybe, start to heal. Naru would absolutely leave, in shock, and Motoko would be upset at having lost Keitaro to another woman, especially a trickster like Kitsune. Mutsumi, being used to losing, would accept it like a buddha and smile outwardly, cry inside. Would she vanish from their lives back to Todai and Okinawa or would she stick around? Would she return to the Teahouse to manage it part-time, remembering Keitaro? Shinobu would be heartbroken, just like Motoko.

And finally, where would they live? Hinata Sou is Keitaro's home now. Could he and Kaolla and Kitsune live together in Japan, where their relationship is officially illegal and causes grief to the other girls? How pleasant would it be when empty? Keitaro would almost certainly be tasked to exploring and detailing the Turtle culture ruins in Molmol for the rest of his career as an archaeologist. His decision and handling of Kaolla is really important, both as a friend and for his career. Likewise for Kitsune, whom he loves at a deep level, yet barely knows as a person. He never picks the low-hanging fruit.

Life for Keitaro is complicated. Any comments?


Well-Known Member
Thus, it is proven once again why jumping into the sex part of a relationship too soon seldom ever bears good fruit. Such is even more the case where there are more than just two people in the equation. The more hearts are involved, the more hearts are broken.

Sad, but inevitable - that's what I'm thinking the ending will be at this point.


Well-Known Member
Actually, that's one place I disagree with you. Sex is so important to a relationship that it should be one of the first things prospective partners do. Bad sex is 90% of a relationship's problems and 10% when its good. Thus, finding out of your sex is compatible is really important. If its bad, it probably won't get better. This is something young women mostly don't understand but older women do, which is why 30 yo women sleep with you on the first date without hesistation, but don't use sucessful intercourse as the linchpin of a future together. Other parts can still sink a potential relationship. As a man, you should be even more considerate and careful AFTER sex than before if your woman is over 27 yo.

That's really the approach I'm applying to GWHK, and something the girls will have picked up from talking to Haruka and observing each other. They've had sex with him, but they're not naive to enough to think that entitles them to possession of him. Relationships are a lot more complex. It may seem cold to deflower all these girls and pick one, but this was their choice and they probably won't regret him as their first, even if he chooses someone else. They know he cares about that, that he was gentle and sweet and made sure they enjoyed theirselves. He was also someone they knew and trusted, which you can't say about most women's first times. He didn't hit and run, he stayed with due consideration. And they've pressured him to choose, which he will do in 3 more chapters. Events with Su have NOT resolved his situation, despite appearances.

Years ago, a couple of lolita sisters came onto me as their elder's tutor. I resisted, thank goodness, but they went ahead and did their thing with someone else. I saved their virtue 1 solitary day. That's it. When a girl gets into the mating game, particularly with guidance from an elder sister or parent issuing doctrine, they can have terrifyingly advanced thinking. As a man, I was fresh meat in the shark tank. I remain amazed I escaped intact. Even their mother urged me to bed them both, and these weren't poor trailer trash either. These were heiresses who lived next door. That's partly why I don't think Shinobu is out of character at all for aggressively seducing Keitaro. The most naive of all the girls is Naru, since she is the only girl who won't admit her own feelings. The others either wear their hearts on their sleeves or have come to love him over time. Sex with Keitaro can't be a mistake in those circumstances. There's nothing to regret as they've lost NOTHING, only gained the intimacy they craved with him, for however briefly.

If your experiences with women seem different, ask yourself if these are girls aged 17-25? If yes, well that's an experimental age, with a lot of self doubt and exploration, some of it ending badly which makes things worse. A smart girl figures it out and becomes a woman. The dumb ones stay girls their whole lives and continually whine about how the universe does them wrong. I think we all know people like that.

Keitaro grew up with the lion attack. The girls did too. He stopped taking Naru's crap and moved on with his life. The girls knew he wouldn't do something embarassing so they got what they wanted from him too, and acknowledgement for their intimate natures which he is smart enough to both notice and properly describe, out loud, to them. IN the real world, compliments like that will get you incredible sex, if you're inclined to take it. Keitaro has a unique position to enjoy real intimacy with these girls which would be hard to duplicate elsewhere. He also gets the benefit of time with them, which is unusual. This is why he finds himself in a position to choose which doesn't turn into a more normal bloodbath of jealousy. See what I mean?


Well-Known Member
In the interests of not starting or continuing an argument to which I cannot fathom an outcome that is both civil and satisfactory, I shall refrain from saying much.

What I will say, is that I respectfully, but very fervently disagree with nearly all of what you said in that post.


Well-Known Member
Nearly All of It? Wow. Sorry to offend.

I appreciate how you worded your disagreement. Excellent manners. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Terdwilicker said:
Nearly All of It? Wow. Sorry to offend.
No apology necessary. This seems to be a basic difference in ideology, and there's really no point in arguing when that's the case. Especially on the internet.

I appreciate how you worded your disagreement. Excellent manners. Thank you.
You're welcome. I prefer to avoid fighting with people I respect.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, while I don'tnecessarily disagree with all that you said TW I definitely don't exactly agree with it either, but then again, I can see where you're coming from but I can also see how it would violently piss someone off. Meh, I'm still forming my own oppinions about sex and its place within a relationship myself so I'm just going to withhold judgement for now.


Well-Known Member
I must admit that both Toraneko and Terdwilicker make very compelling points. Both appear to be speaking based off personel experiences, so I doubt any of them are bullshitting, just that they have different POVs on the matter due to differing life experiences.

You plan to just have Keitaro accept his new role as Molmol consort? That seems like a massive stunt on pull, even if Su does attempt something like that in LH13. :D

I must admit that the easiest way of getting out of having to make a choice is to have the choice made for you. :lol: Though since Keitaro is evidently allowed 2 wives, he might still have one final hurdle to cross...

However, his job as archeologist does seem to give some girls and unfair edge over the others. With the exception of Kitsune and possibly Su, the rest have lives of their own and that simply would not seem compatible with the jetsetting lifestyle he will probably be leading for a long time. But then, no one said that the playing field had to be even in the first place... -_- So in the end, the choice might not be as hard as it may initially seem. B)

Nonetheless...*starts cracking whip...* :snigger:


Well-Known Member
I rely in personal experience when it comes to women, and direct questions do wonders. I've had a serious relationship with a very difficult and cantankerous woman for five years now. We'll be marrying in a couple months. When I was in my early 20's, women were a mystery and like most young men, I put them on a pedestal, not understanding just how aggressive and base they can be. I missed a LOT of opportunities for intimacy because I was so clueless I didn't understand the various "come hither" requests from women around me.

I've had a tremendous number of semi-intimate female friends, and I'm openly straight and flirty, but I always establish boundaries that flirting is not an implication of desire or intention of a sexual relationship. Women understand this if you tell them clearly, as they consider flirting a sport rather than a motive with a destination in mind. Most young men don't know this. This is also why some young women are deeply fearful of men in their 30's because they know just what to say to a woman and get her panties off. If I were predatory and single I would never have to sleep alone, and "I look better on myspace" as they say. Taking the pressure off a relationship to merely friendship with flirtation means the intimacy women crave, short of intercourse, is quite healthy for women. They like to be complimented on true things, and be noticed for who they are instead of fed lines. I helped a few of my female coworkers go from miserable serial monogamy to embracing real monogamy and learn to deal with the effort required to be with someone with isn't perfect. There's a lot of unhappy women in the world, a lot of lonely people. Some of them deserve it out of their own fault, but others just don't know how to be around others, or to trust men enough to find a good one. I no longer think I can save them, but I try to influence a woman to see her better nature and find some faith in people.

Being around me making sexual comments helps them too, since they learn to understand that I can be a friend, look at them that way, and still treat them with respect otherwise. People who put women on pedestals will never get that, or why letting a woman know she's sexy is a GOOD thing. This is a big part of my approach to the highly independent women of Love Hina in my fanfic. I see them as highly independent, notably so. Even Motoko or Shinobu are highly independent women. They're not domineered by the Patriarcal culture of Japan, not oppressed or forced to be who they are. They take their relationships on their own terms, and demand respect every step of the way. While Keitaro has seen all of them naked by accident, they still love the doofus because he's won them over by his indestructible faith in dreams, something they have in common with him. Yet another reason they'd be with him without shame. They still want him to choose one of them, but that's a big part of why they've put up with things this long.

Love Hina is a wonderful metaphor for modern realistic feminism, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Well, now that you have phrased everything so eloquently... :blink:

I don't suppose there are any women who frequent this forum whom we can con ...erm...I meant consult, eh? :(


Well-Known Member
That's pretty much what I've come to conclude. The real choice is between Su and Kitsune. The others have their own lives and he respects them too much to try and force them to adapt to his choice of career.

Also, in the next chapter, I'm going to make an important point that Su choosing him is NOT the same thing as Him choosing Her. And while he'll abide by her demands for a child, which is pretty odd for a normal person or a normal relationship, she isn't a normal person and as a Princess, this is not a normal relationship. The usual reasons against single parenthood just don't apply.

Could Kitsune love him, if another friend is having his baby? It will hurt her, until she comes to terms with it as inevitable and not inherently bad. He's not hurting Su, after all. She's got billions of yen. She can hire a nanny or two. If you know any single moms, while some of them are miserable, most are highly confident and glad they did it rather than stay with the father. Sometimes that's because the father of her child was a jackass. But sometimes its because its not stressful, just challenging. Su wouldn't be stressed by a child because she's never going to be in a position of having to choose between putting food on the table and taking care of her sick baby. See, not normal.

If he married Shinobu, knocked her up, and then left her to chase ruins that would be freaking awful. Naru would be just as bad. Shinobu at least has determination. Naru's often crippled by self doubt. A pregnant Naru is a suicide risk. I think Su would be just as cheerful and bouncy as ever. Probably even more horny, which is normal.

That said, it still comes down to Kitsune as his real choice. She has the freedom to follow him without wrecking her professional life. If she's a serious writer it will help her career.

And Motoko? I keep waffling on her response to his choosing another. She really is a fascinating woman. If he weren't an archaeologist, they'd be very happy together. The trouble is, she's meant for better things in society, with Law and the Dojo I think in time she'll accept the sorrow for what it is and move on with Zen calm. It may be a long time before she smiles again, however. I can see her seducing him a year later since her affection for him is long and mostly still unresolved, thanks to her books. Motoko is a true romantic, a deep one. The passionate kind. She embraces the idea of love rather than its reality. I could see Su allowing him to have an affair with Motoko, as they'd both be discreet. I could see Kitsune being angry, however. The thing is, most of Kitsune's real character is inferred from her actions, her sacrifices. If she finally has her heart's desire (Keitaro) as her man on a daily basis, how will she evolve as a woman? She's very independent, outwardly. Internally she's a mystery which is part of the reason I structured this story to pick her in the end. Everybody likes Parfait, but Kitsune is an onion. And Keitaro likes a challenge.


Well-Known Member
What duties do you plan to give Keitaro in his new role as consort? It seems that his purpose is really little more than being the occasional sperm donor. :eek: IE: the only reason why the council accepted him is because he is capable of strengthening the royal family's current bloodlines. I mean, it sounds kinda cliche - practicing selective breeding to create some sort of superhuman to better run the country...

And why is Su insistent on getting a child of her own again? Some weird Molmol policy?