Harry Potter Harry the Reluctant Hero...


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nuclear death frog said:
Cars more durable than a Ford Anglia have been wrecked by slamming into deer which weigh a fraction of the car's weight. The dragon probably weighed between five and six times as much as the car (or more), and is much harder than the deer.
I'd bet good money that the deer wasn't looking so hot either.

I think it goes without saying that the Ford Anglia will be totalled. The important part is; would the car hitting the dragon in the face knock it out, or even stun it for a little while?
The better question would be if Harry could avoid getting expelled, hell, possibly even arrested, for using the clearly heavily enchanted muggle object to hurt a dragon he had no business hurting. Also, don't you think the dragon would become utterly enraged and a hell of a lot more dangerous to the audience and everyone around if it were attacked in such a manner? It takes at least half a dozen keepers just to stun (Stupefy) a dragon when it's not even angry. That would be a very pyrrhic victory at best -- and that's if he even won, since it was Krum (I think it was Krum) who was marked down several points just for giving his dragon conjunctivitis or something.

Also, if Harry wrecked the car in mid-air, he might be killed or at least badly hurt when it fell to the ground.


Well-Known Member
nuclear death frog said:
The better question would be if Harry could avoid getting expelled, hell, possibly even arrested, for using the clearly heavily enchanted muggle object to hurt a dragon he had no business hurting. Also, don't you think the dragon would become utterly enraged and a hell of a lot more dangerous to the audience and everyone around if it were attacked in such a manner? It takes at least half a dozen keepers just to stun (Stupefy) a dragon when it's not even angry. That would be a very pyrrhic victory at best -- and that's if he even won, since it was Krum (I think it was Krum) who was marked down several points just for giving his dragon conjunctivitis or something.

Also, if Harry wrecked the car in mid-air, he might be killed or at least badly hurt when it fell to the ground.
I thought Krum lost points because several Eggs were crushed or was that someone else.
Hm, you may be right. Still, attacking a dragon with an enchanted car just seems like an enormously stupid and risky idea, even if it might be in the rules, since it isn't specifically excluded.


Well-Known Member
nuclear death frog said:
Cars more durable than a Ford Anglia have been wrecked by slamming into deer which weigh a fraction of the car's weight. The dragon probably weighed between five and six times as much as the car (or more), and is much harder than the deer.
Generally, the deer loses by a fair margin, but point taken for larger objects. However, that's largely because cars as a rule are designed to be wrecked on impact. The operating philosophy is at the more energy is spent on wrecking the car, the less energy will remain to breaking other things (e.g., the driver). And there's a lot of energy to go around--a Ford Anglia at 120kph has the kinetic energy equivalent of about 17kg TNT. A judicious use of impervio on the Anglia's chassis and other crumple zones would suddenly make it a lot more dangerous to whatever it hits, although it's probably not necessary given the objective is only to disable the dragon rather than guarantee a fatality.

You're right in that the idea is pure crack. But that's not always a bad thing.


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Everytime I see this idea, I laugh because of this scene that keeps playing in my head:

Timeline: towards the end of the 'Chamber of Secrets'.

Harry is hiding from Ghost!Tom and the Basilisk(sp?) but they(Harry and Tom) can hear each other.

Tom: Let me guess, you are going to tell your childern about this day? How the 'Prince' defeated the 'evil wizard' and his 'dragon' like some kind of fairy tale?

Harry: I've always been parital to 'Cinderella' myself.

Tom: You actually think you can beat me Mr. 'Fairy Godfather'?

Harry (sees the blind!basilisk go by): Bippity-Badabi-Boo Motherf*cker!


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Will Harry at some point in the story wear a placard that says 'I hate dark wizards' in Knockturn Alley?


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You want something that'll get him in trouble as bad or worse than that little plot device in number 3? a sign that reads "All Witches = Major Bitches."


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As crack, I like the idea of driving Vernon to a heart attack. And probably Dumbledore as well to a stroke. And Fudge.

As a serious take, I find it very tragic. Dumbledore's manipulations, including putting him with the Dursleys and making sure he's abused and neglected for his Master Plan has all but made Harry's life a tragic story at best, and one thing I know off for certain from experience, if you're abused and you fight back, but the other guy has all the cards, having the power, the law, and public opinion on their side, as the Dursleys seem to, then you just earned yourself a trip to hell.
As amusing as this would be to see, I can only see this working during Harry's Hogwart's years in a crack fic. Otherwise, it would be better to use a grown up Harry who is some sort of super-Auror, divorced with two children.

Of course where John his his Yippee-Ai-Kai-Yae, Mother F*cker! Harry would always use Bippity-Badabi-Boo, Mother F*cker, as his catch phrase.


Well-Known Member
mandalorianjedi said:
As amusing as this would be to see, I can only see this working during Harry's Hogwart's years in a crack fic. Otherwise, it would be better to use a grown up Harry who is some sort of super-Auror, divorced with two children.

Of course where John his his Yippee-Ai-Kai-Yae, Mother F*cker! Harry would always use Bippity-Badabi-Boo, Mother F*cker, as his catch phrase.
Hmmm...perhaps if you were looking for that true blend of John and Harry.

I, however, think you could work in that cynicism, that borderline self-destructive risk taking and the tenacious ferocity after the GOF. Slandered again by the media and just coming from a life and death struggle where he lost a friend to Voldie's resurrection, he is targeted with Dementors over the summer by Umbridge and an attempt is made to railroad him into Azkaban. He would be hardened by the tournament, worn out and thoroughly disenchanted with Wizarding authority, and perhaps would just want to be left alone.

Now, in a strange parallel to DH1, the school is taken over by Umbridge supported by the Slytherin goons. The place is pretty much put into lockdown, communications restricted if not cut to the outside world, and fairly strict rules and punishments meted out. More like a concentration camp than a school given the descriptions. (I never understood why some 7th year didn't just assassinate her, considering the state of wizarding forensics. They would never get caught)

The resistance could be classic Die Hard, though you would have to overcome the "boil the frog" approach of Umbridge. Its not a dramatic coup against Dumbledore, but rather a slow buildup of tyrany. In DH1, its a shocking call to action. In OotP the characters have time to slowly acclimatize to the discomfort.

The other applicable places seem to be the Ministry foray, the DE incursion that killed Dumbledore, and the battle of Hogwarts.


Well-Known Member
YOU. Are you still writing the Dom!Shinji story? That was pretty good bro.


Well-Known Member
Euphemism said:
C. Convince a semi-aware car to charge head first into a dragon - something that is huge, breathes fire, and capable of crushing the car in a single bite.
There are spells specifically designed to get people to do things entirely against their better judgement.

And if you can Confundus a goblet, you can durn sure do it to a semi-sentient flying car. :)

Add in the Impervious idea above and Harry is now the proud owner of a reusable cruise missile.


Well-Known Member
Chuckg said:
Euphemism said:
C. Convince a semi-aware car to charge head first into a dragon - something that is huge, breathes fire, and capable of crushing the car in a single bite.
There are spells specifically designed to get people to do things entirely against their better judgement.

And if you can Confundus a goblet, you can durn sure do it to a semi-sentient flying car. :)

Add in the Impervious idea above and Harry is now the proud owner of a reusable cruise missile.
Or rather you have a one-use missile which is waterproof. And perhaps fireproof. It prevents a substance of being affected by another. I don't think it means that it's suddenly indestructible.


Well-Known Member
True, but even if that's not the particular spell you use, you can do something to reinforce it; transfigure the frame into something more like an old-style car's (i.e., no built-in collapsing elements) and then bolt on armor plate if you have to.

Plus, of course, as long as the car's in semi-decent condition afterwards, reparo reparo reparo. Without the need to keep a human operator alive through the collision, your allowable envelope becomes much wider.


Well-Known Member
Chuckg said:
and then bolt on armor plate if you have to.
Complete with a two chapter long <a href='http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ATeamMontage' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>A-Team montage.</a> :p


Well-Known Member
nairit said:
YOU. Are you still writing the Dom!Shinji story? That was pretty good bro.
I have outlines worked out for a good bit of it, and try to work on it from time to time, but I find myself making excuses why I shouldn't write *right now*. Tired, too busy, whatever. I have to wait until I can catch a wave of energy. my writing goes like that. If I have a strong desire, am not tired, and catch a creative wave, I can turn out chapters like the ones in "Something in Common". If not, I kinda stumble along and am not happy with it.

In any case, I'm glad you enjoyed what I wrote. :)
hang on everyone....we are missing the best way to use the car! think about this:

harry is flying the car towards the dragon (someone thinks of a way to get to this point) just before impact, harry dives out screaming his catch phrase, shoeless, the car impacts the dragons head, big explosion, harry falling explosion behind him, everyone in the crowds face 0_0

pure epic crack win... :yay:


Well-Known Member
And Harry gets no pints for using a car that was full of illegal enchantments.
heheh, so completly worth it...cause think about it, heh, he's being the reluctant hero (didnt enter his nam e or anything an is being forced to...reluictantly lol) whats he care about the points for? :sisi:


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Cursing to himself again, Harry looked down at the smouldering remains of his shoes as he pulled the Ford Angelina up and into a rising spiral to avoid not just the Horntail's teeth and tail, but the gout of flame as well.

"why is it always my shoes?" He moaned to himself "Seriously, every year, I need new shoes"

Then, pulling what any fighter pilot would describe as a 'split-S turn', he floored the accelerator and dove the car towards the Dragon that was still chained to the floor of the arena.

"Right, gotta time this just right........Accio Firebolt"

He hauled himself half out of the window , to sit on the window-still, privately thanking Dudley for watching the Dukes of Hazard, or he would never have thought of driving like this. A few careful adjustments in direction and his right hand snapped out, grabbing his Firebolt as it flashed past.

"Never thought I'd be thanking Wood for all that training. One handed pull-ups from our broomsticks really DID come in useful"

A twist and then leaning back, he pulled his Firebolt out of it's dive, as the Ford, honking and flashing it's lights, fell from the heavens like a thunderbolt, to impact upon the Horntail. Who protested in the best way it could, by scattering chunks of itself around the arena. Then the Ford Angelina exploded.

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
This was sort of cool until people started shoving B-List action moves sideways into it for no damn reason. Harry who intrinsically doesn't take shit from anyone is interesting and I would love to read it. Harry as a carbon copy of a specific action hero from a specific movie? As something other than a comedic oneshot? Lame as hell. HI POWER already did that, and that time it only worked because A.) it didn't take itself seriously and parodied the genre, and B.) Harry was not aping a specific individual.

Harry Potter as a ridiculous over-the-top action hero? Funny and awesome. Harry as John McClaine? Look, I understand that everybody masturbates, but could you do it somewhere else, where we can't see you? What's next? Ranma is Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible? Or maybe Ichigo is Jim Carrey from Ace Ventura?

Stick with Harry becomes a scrapper. That way, the only thing you're guilty of is remixing HI POWER, which is far better than the creation of a character mashup that represents wankery on a geometric level.


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I was quite angry with you. But then I realized you said make harry a scrapper, not a stripper. Though that idea does have some merit.