History of the power rangers

I've got to say, this is bringing back memories. Some good, some bad... But I have to say, my favorite season was either In Space or RPM. Though to be honest I prefer RPM due to it's Terminator/Big O influences.


Well-Known Member
he will get to rpm eventually, And as he makes them available i will post them here.

on that note Space/Time Force/ RPM are my favorites. Zeo holds a place in my heart as well.


Well-Known Member
In Space and Wild Force, the latter for the legendary Forever Red episode.


Well-Known Member
EDIT: Nevermind...


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Hey you guys know how there are all those Naruto raised by fics?

What if Naruto was raisied by Bullk and Skull?


Well-Known Member
wingthesword said:
Hey you guys know how there are all those Naruto raised by fics?

What if Naruto was raisied by Bullk and Skull?
would he be raised in Konoha or Angel Grove. either way i think that he would end up alot like them a jack ass (at times ) with a heart of gold


Well-Known Member
Actually why not have Naruto raised by Rita and co? (I'm pretty sure i suggested this elsewhere but can't recall where.. oh well)

RIta attempts to summon the great nine-tales early point in season 1 to take on the power rangers.... only to get Naruto instead Since kyuubi is sealed inside of him..

Naruto ends up doing odd menial chores around the castle... in exchange for occasional lesson with Goldar, Scorpina (Possible Naruto/scorpina matchup?) and maybe finster..a t least enought o learn how to mold putties..

or have Naruto inherit the putties once Zedd and Rita start using The Tengu (Hmm would that mean Naruto could summon Zedd Putties?)

COuld have Naruto desummoned back to Konoha at Zeo when the clockwork guy takes over.... scorpina following shortly to pursue Naruto (Scorpina meets Anko?) and Goldar eventually showing up to escape Zordon's purification wave....

heh quick edit...

RIta: Great I was supposed ot get a 50 foot tall rampaging fox of destruction! What am I to do witha human looking kid in orange?

Baboo: You could get him ot run to angel grove pharmacy for midol?

Rita: YOU IDIOT THAT.... actually thats not a bad idea...


Well-Known Member
Well, one of the later things could be Rita acquiring a power coin. The easy one would be to get the copied one rather than giving it to the Tommy clone and makes up for his own lack of ninja training.

Although, it could be amusing to have him summoned while he was running from the village with the scroll, meaning that he could, possibly, have enough capability by MMPR3 that he could fight the ninja rangers to some extent.

Of course, him popping up in as the green ranger could be amusing and cause mayhem with Tommy, especially when they find out that he's a kid raised by Rita and company who just happen to be better parents than they could ever imagine.


Well-Known Member
Meh, I always liked the original the best, this was before Tommy became the white ranger and was the green instead. After he became the white ranger the story, VERY SLOWLY, started to drift and finally set sail some time after all the original cast was gone.

I still have the first movie on video tape.

Today's kids shows suck in comparison to what we had back then.


Well-Known Member
Tsuki_CB said:
Today's kids shows suck in comparison to what we had back then.
Without a doubt...


Well-Known Member
Up until shortly after the first movie, I'd watched everything.

My Uncle died and my cousins moved in, shortly after that my youngest cousin was expelled from the kindergarten after pounding a preschooler with his toy Saba while playing Power Rangers and the incident broke the younger kids arm.

My mother decided that Power Rangers was banned from the house...

I'd still watch on occasion, the show always had the feel of the godzilla movies, though more directly meant to be humorous while telling a story and fitting in the normal kids show themes.

Recently I'd watched through chunks of it after I finally got cable a few years back. It still feels around the same, its a fun watch and interesting how things mix in with the earlier seasons.

And Tommy just needs 1 more color to be a team unto himself...though he has doubled up with red and white...

Green, White, Red, and Black...


Well-Known Member
My favorites were Wild Force, Lightspeed, Time Force

Of course looking back even I have my WTF were they thinking moments.

I mean, for all intents and purposes Lightspeed has canonically set Power Rangers in the TMNT universe.

WOAH! The original TMNT cartoon is going to start airing again? SWEET!

I get to ruin my childhood memories!


Well-Known Member
halfawannabe said:
My favorites were Wild Force, Lightspeed, Time Force

Of course looking back even I have my WTF were they thinking moments.

I mean, for all intents and purposes Lightspeed has canonically set Power Rangers in the TMNT universe.

WOAH! The original TMNT cartoon is going to start airing again? SWEET!

I get to ruin my childhood memories!
Space put it in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation universe.

It's kind of amusing that Masked Rider, Power Rangers, and that TMNT universe are linked.

I think there are a few other possibilities with the fox era crossover bits they had.


Well-Known Member
roting_CORPSE said:
you know they could make a whole lot of cash if they make full versions of the opening themes of the power rangers as an album.

specially for zeo, ninja storm and dino thunder.

though not so much for mystic force and operation overdrive/
I think there are a few Power Rangers CD's. I know of at least 4. One was MMPR stuff and came out near the end of season 3. 1 for each movie, and a third that came near the end of the Zordon Era


Well-Known Member
I could swear it was Lightspeed, TO WIKIPEDIA!

EDIT: Okay now that I read up I remember them on the gliders, so, my bad.