Kamen Rider OOO's


Well-Known Member
Well, if what we see with Ankh and Uva seem to be the case, there's one core medal out of the nine that holds their personality, and if something happens to that one, they're boned. And it seems Eiji cut that core medal in Kazari, which explains why he was falling apart even before Maki tore out the other medals.

Though, like we've seen with Lost Ankh, the core medals can eventually form into a new personality if too long separated from the main personality core medal, it still isn't the same memory and personality wise. There might in the future be a new Kazari, but it won't be this Kazari.

I'm really hoping the giant circular object Kogami has that has three of what looks like the the interior of the Tajaspinner except marked with one of each of the 21 different medals will come into play.

I'm really hoping OOOs ends at least as well as W did. Unlike OOOs, I actually didn't care for a good chunk of W with its too formulaic plot, but damn if W didn't have a good ending arc. I'll be dissapointed if OOOs, which is better than double doesn't continue to surpass it.

Especially since I think Fourze's going to tank badly. The suit doesn't impress me from what I've seen of it and they've worn out the multiform main rider a bit too much. They needed to give it a rest after W and OOOs especially since Fourze doesn't seem to have as merchandise friendly of a gimmick as W or OOOs.

But who knows, maybe Fourze will be fantastic and the suit will look good in action and I'll be wrong. However, I'm not betting on it.

However, and OOOs is guilty of this too, they need to learn how to do away with the two episode story arc that been around and especially abused in W of '1st episode we see villain and have to watch the heroes figure it out and lose only to learn a lesson and pull a win in the 2nd.' OOOs managed to make me not mind as much because the main plot was actually interesting from the beginning and constantly involved in each episode but W really seemed to irritate me.


Well-Known Member
Well, newest episode confirms my 'one medal holds the consciousness of the greed' theory, flat out stated by Maki.

And Date is back next episode, people, and we get Double Birth. Also, Greed Eiji, but I wonder if that won't only be temporary. I highly doubt Eiji won't last minute reveal his real desire and reverse the transformation. I'm also betting that Ankh's desire is to be human.

Looks like we're on a countdown to the series finale with a greed death and Eiji loosing medals in each. Started with Kazari, followed by Mezool, followed by (I assume) Gamel, Uva, Maki, and then Ankh.

Kinda wished that they had spaced this out a little more so its not a giant final boss rush to the end, but eh, I've come to expect this in an ending for Kamen Rider.


Well-Known Member
Cosgrove said:
Well, newest episode confirms my 'one medal holds the consciousness of the greed' theory, flat out stated by Maki.

And Date is back next episode, people, and we get Double Birth. Also, Greed Eiji, but I wonder if that won't only be temporary. I highly doubt Eiji won't last minute reveal his real desire and reverse the transformation. I'm also betting that Ankh's desire is to be human.

Looks like we're on a countdown to the series finale with a greed death and Eiji loosing medals in each. Started with Kazari, followed by Mezool, followed by (I assume) Gamel, Uva, Maki, and then Ankh.

Kinda wished that they had spaced this out a little more so its not a giant final boss rush to the end, but eh, I've come to expect this in an ending for Kamen Rider.
...You were right on most counts.

Ankh wants Life.

Eiji's true desire came out in ep 47....I won't spoil it for people who haven't seen it yet.

Speaking of ep 47....

All I can really say is....Dammit, Ankh...you can't!


Well-Known Member
Well, its over. Kamen Rider OOO is over.

And it was wonderful.

Sure there was problems and there was several large questions left unanswered, but it was enjoyable and its end was sad and sweet.

Also, seems Fourze exists within OOOs continuity, for the moment, but I'm betting it'll probably end up like a W/OOO situation where W has OOOs canon but OOOs doesn't have W as canon.

Still, I'm gonna miss OOOs, and I really hope Fourze can match up.

Guess there's no more reasons to count the medals.


Well-Known Member
Noo....Ankh ;-; Why...Why did this have to happen... TT^TT

But yeah...the series was awesome and the finale was great...

Loved the final combo being TaJaDor...Ankh and Eiji fighting as one for the last time...


Well-Known Member
So...tomarrow at 6:30 PM EST Kamen Rider Fourze starts...

I'm curious on how well this'll go...


Well-Known Member
I only got to see 48 recently, due to the fact that I use TV-Nihon subs.

Hopefully they'll do a better job of the Fourze/OOO canon than the OOO/W one.

Having now seen the entire series, and the desires of Mezool, Ankh, and Gamel, as well as what Uva's going out of control creates, I'm almost set to start writing the Mezool story for real... the only problem is that until I know the fate of the Imagin and Shocker medals from the OOO X Den-O X Kamen Rider movie, I can't. using what I know now, I have big plans, including making Movie Wars Core work in canon, and likewise for the 40th anniversary movie and the Summer Movie.

I kinda felt sorry for Uva... and yet couldn't help laughing at first, which made it worse when I saw that this wasn't comedic, Uva was generally afraid.

Other changes that recent things have made to my story plan: The OOO world, in my planned story, at the least, is a multi rider set up. OOO is connected to W and Fourze, through both Movie Wars and both summer movies. OOO is also connected to Den-O as a result of the 40th anniversary movie, and Den-O is connected to Kiva through Climax Deka and the Showa Riders through the same anniversary movie. Incidently, the world is also the Den-O world that Decade passed through, as the changes in it were shown to be the work of the Oni issue, not it being an AU world, and they recognised Kaito in Chou Den-O Episode Yellow

And yes, I do plan to abuse this, this theory and the redesign in mind for Core gives me a lot of potential for divergences and side stories for OOO or for the other riders (with Den-O having one planned about the apparent dissapearence of Liner Form, and a possible plethora of crossovers avalible, although as Fourze is not going to get as much, if anything aside from Canon appearences)... although to say more would bring spoilers for it into the thread which I realise I might have derailed a bit.


Well-Known Member
saw the first fourze episode it was ok.

<a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztCcjCtTUmA&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztCcjCtTUmA...n_order&list=UL</a>


Well-Known Member
OOO first ep was better imo, but it got Eikichi Onizuka as the main character so I think we can expect good entertainment. Hopefully it won't suffer from boring mid-season fillers like OOO did.


Well-Known Member
I am enjoying Fourze deeply.

I take back everything I said about it most likely being bad and tanking several posts ago with great remorse.

Also, confirmed as of episode 2 that Rider 1, Black Rx, Super-1, Kuuga, and W are all canon in fourze.


Well-Known Member
Cosgrove said:
I am enjoying Fourze deeply.

I take back everything I said about it most likely being bad and tanking several posts ago with great remorse.

Also, confirmed as of episode 2 that Rider 1, Black Rx, Super-1, Kuuga, and W are all canon in fourze.
You forgot OOO, as of both the OOO movie and the finale for OOO, OOO is connected. And given my theory, that means Den-O and Kiva could, in theory, be connected.


Well-Known Member
Cosgrove said:
I am enjoying Fourze deeply.

I take back everything I said about it most likely being bad and tanking several posts ago with great remorse.

Also, confirmed as of episode 2 that Rider 1, Black Rx, Super-1, Kuuga, and W are all canon in fourze.
Ok...maybe I haven't seen W but...How is W canon in Fourze without connecting it to OOO?


Well-Known Member
There's a scene where they show clips of Rider 1, Super 1, Black RX, and Kuuga fighting, as well as aan image of Fuuto tower, heavily implying W as canon for Fourze.

And for OOOs being canon for Fourze, that goes into vague territory, because while W has some sort of version of OOOs being canon, there is no possible time in OOOs for his appearances in W Forever or Movie Core War to be anywhere near canon, as there was no time where eiji ran around with not only the Tatoba combo, but the kamikiri medal as well. Furthermore, Movie Core War contradicts OOOs canon completely.

Honestly, it means that if W is canon, completely, than there IS an Eiji Hino out there as OOOs, but the events of OOOs either haven't happened yet or happened differently. The fact is that there are other version of other riders that exist in other universes, shown to us as being canon as The Begins Night/Decade movie's alternate universe's Skull appearance.

To be honest, its really fucking hard to connect W to OOOs to Fourze due to timeline and canon inconsistencies. W's foundation X shows that it has knowledge of the core and cell medals, but don't exist at all in OOOs it seems.

An Eiji shows up in W forever, but the only time he held onto medals in OOOs was for a brief period and only then he had Tatoba, but an Eiji who has Tatoba and Kamikiri with no Ankh shows up in W Forever. And fuck Movie War Core, as its IMPOSSIBLE to fit in OOOs canon due to massive inconsistencies, making the only other time OOOs and W appear together noncanon as well for OOOs.

As For Let's Go Kamen Rider, it also really can't fit into canon.

Then we go to OOOs to Fourze, which while the ending of OOOs has Kengo and Yuki with a switch, we run into the fact that Fourze heavily implies the events of W are canon in Fourze, which leads us back to the canonical W/OOOs conundrum.

Either way, Rider continuity's pretty fucked up, especially OOOs, whose own movie is not canon, which is pretty fucking sad because it looks pretty cool. But because continuity's so choppy, you could say that OOO's events are canon, you just can't look too close at continuity if you do.


Well-Known Member
Cosgrove said:
There's a scene where they show clips of Rider 1, Super 1, Black RX, and Kuuga fighting, as well as aan image of Fuuto tower, heavily implying W as canon for Fourze.

And for OOOs being canon for Fourze, that goes into vague territory, because while W has some sort of version of OOOs being canon, there is no possible time in OOOs for his appearances in W Forever or Movie Core War to be anywhere near canon, as there was no time where eiji ran around with not only the Tatoba combo, but the kamikiri medal as well. Furthermore, Movie Core War contradicts OOOs canon completely.

Honestly, it means that if W is canon, completely, than there IS an Eiji Hino out there as OOOs, but the events of OOOs either haven't happened yet or happened differently. The fact is that there are other version of other riders that exist in other universes, shown to us as being canon as The Begins Night/Decade movie's alternate universe's Skull appearance.

To be honest, its really fucking hard to connect W to OOOs to Fourze due to timeline and canon inconsistencies. W's foundation X shows that it has knowledge of the core and cell medals, but don't exist at all in OOOs it seems.

An Eiji shows up in W forever, but the only time he held onto medals in OOOs was for a brief period and only then he had Tatoba, but an Eiji who has Tatoba and Kamikiri with no Ankh shows up in W Forever. And fuck Movie War Core, as its IMPOSSIBLE to fit in OOOs canon due to massive inconsistencies, making the only other time OOOs and W appear together noncanon as well for OOOs.

As For Let's Go Kamen Rider, it also really can't fit into canon.

Then we go to OOOs to Fourze, which while the ending of OOOs has Kengo and Yuki with a switch, we run into the fact that Fourze heavily implies the events of W are canon in Fourze, which leads us back to the canonical W/OOOs conundrum.

Either way, Rider continuity's pretty fucked up, especially OOOs, whose own movie is not canon, which is pretty fucking sad because it looks pretty cool. But because continuity's so choppy, you could say that OOO's events are canon, you just can't look too close at continuity if you do.
Hold on, why can't Lets Go have happened? Having Den-O in the equation not only solves the Lets Go problem, but W Forever (seeing that OOO needs to be there at that point in time, they bring him there to fight off the Luna Dopant, hence why Eiji was chasing after a medal in his entrance, it rolled off of Den Liner)


Well-Known Member
Well, I've been double checking summaries of Let's Go Kamen Rider, but there's a few reasons why Let's Go isn't canon. Mind you, this is based off of several summaries due to the fact the availability of the film is limited until it is released on DVD and subbed.

The first and foremost is that it ends with history having been changed completely, Shocker defeated, and the Den-Liner wrecked. And it ends fairly abruptly after the final battle giving no in story 'we changed time back, kthxbye' epilogue.

The second is that OOOs and W fight side by side in Let's Go, however W doesn't know who the fuck OOOs is, and, honestly, OOOs has a lot less reason to be surprised by W's existence in W Forever due to Eternal's fuckhueg announcement to the town.

The third is that due to the pacing in Let's Go, there's no reason or time for Eiji to go 'wait, need to fight the luna dopant here, BRB' during the movie before the Den-liner gets fucked up.

Fourth, the Shocker and Imagin medals don't exist in OOOs continuity, the events of all riders don't get mentioned, and from what I've read the two cores weren't destroyed either.

Again, if the several summaries I've read are wrong, then I'll admit it has a chance of being in continuity. As it stands now, however, All Rider's is not canon for OOOs from what I can see. It seems like a fun anniversary movie, yes, but it really doesn't try to present itself in a way that it could happen during the series.


Well-Known Member
I have an easy solution to most of those problems: New Den-Liner, King Liner and Zero Liner. while the first might be the same thing, the latter two I doubt were destroyed, and I was thinking more Owner or Station master (Or the Time police) pointing out that OOO is supposed to show up at that point, and gets Eiji to create a stable time loop. That is, on the way back to the present, it wouldn't be the first time they had to do it (Den-Liner Elephant)

The events not being mentioned? Oh yes, I can imagine that going well "Hey Ankh, remeber when you almost caused-" "Shut up Eiji". I suspect that Ankh is pretending it never happened, and Eiji probably doesn't see a reason to bring it up. Most likely Date is doing the same thing, except he informed CakeBoss. It also make Ankh's acting in the anniversary Episodes more understandible, he's seen how Shocker Villians act.

W's thing we'll need to wait until the movie comes out to actually verify.

The cores? The Imagin core is not only personal to Momotaros, but I doubt they'd want to risk it falling into the hands of a Greeed, and the Shocker Medal is a temporal anomally.

Shocker being defeated? You do remember that whenver Den-O finishes fixing the past and leaves it goes back to normal right? I think its to the point where we can assume it happens.

Either that, or the fact that a certain <s>pink</s> magenta coloured rider appears kind covers that. Decade DOES appear, btw, so we have both an explanation for why every rider can be there at once, and for any incosistencies.


Well-Known Member
....Ok Gentarou has reached badass levels after the latest episodes.

Loved the little goof-up he had when chasing the chameleon Zodiart in the bowling alley...Heh...This is why we practice jumps :3