Law of Talos


Well-Known Member
Tough to say. Unknown has pulled through to the end before, but that was INSANELY close. Seriously. And frankly depending on how this guy plays Lilith, provided our predictions come true, things could go either way.

Shame I'm none to fond of them... :mellow:


Well-Known Member
Really? I thought Unknown's finish was WAY superior to Doods. Part of it was the medium. Artisticaly, I thought Unknown's entry was better. The fight was more intriguing to me. But, what clinched it was the endings. While Dood's was a sort of campy team up, Climber sent them away to go into what he knew was a fight he probably couldn't win.


Well-Known Member
Huh, differing opinions then. Frankly the whole bit with holding the wolf back in Unknown's where the wolf was somehow distracted by the pickax was just plain off. Storywise Dood's was superior in context, but the main thing against it was that the focus wasn't really on Climber vs. Dood, but more the designs the wolf had on their worlds. Which is also why Blacklillian's Professor should probably have lost this round, but frankly I'm none to fond of the character designs, so I admit to being a little biased.

Really freaking close, but people tend to enjoy certain aspects more than others. Which is why I can stomache One Piece for the utter epic the fight scenes bring, while others are turned away by the many many things that are lacking in it. It's also why I have no clue how Chimbley's entry was anywhere NEAR Spoiler's at all in any category, let alone superior while others apparently see some sense in the verdict.


Well-Known Member
All right, folks! Next deadline's tomorrow for LoT. Place last minute bets now!

Or rather, don't. These two matches seems kinda clear to me. Prof and Annie advance after kicking Pockets in the rear, to go up against the dastardly Karl. Wow, haven't used that word very much since I read the whatever book the Dastard was in. Was it just the Dastard, or something else?

Either way, this round is going to be interesting, even if the results are a looking a bit obvious right now.


Well-Known Member
I'd agree... although a small part of me is hoping for an Upset from Pockets, though the rational side of me doubts it.

If only for an excuse for Mizuno to go up against Karl again. :evil2:


Well-Known Member
Holy shit.
Just got a look at the Professor and Annie comic. BlackLillian's pulling out some awesome stuff.
Seriously, an excorcism


Well-Known Member
... Okay, that was much better than the last round in terms of application to this tournament. Granted he's possesed, but at least it's actually him vs. them. Sorta. A stretch to see a defeat from that, but I've seen worse. I'm still hoping for an upset, but I'm not stupid enough to think it's likely by any means.

I LOL'd hard at the FF portion. Just funny as hell.

But what really sent me out of my chair was "Aaand there's the Spanish. Good Lord."

That was pure win! :yay:


Well-Known Member
Holy crap, Chimbley and his creator ConcentrationMoon uped the ante. Freaking Live Action Movie.


Well-Known Member
Mmm...the humor was good, but I don't really feel like the art was as good as some of the previous ones were. Still pretty good, though.

The live action movie was kind of on the meh side for had some amusing moments, but really, it was amateur and showed it...still, I suppose he gets some points for originality.

And, unrelated to official events...



Well-Known Member
True. Might have been wiser to go comic for that one. Though I must admit, the guy must have some pretty good friends. Well, that or they're fans.


Well-Known Member
And Unknown is laying down the win. Guess what gentlemen. He's back. Edit: And so is another familiar face, as well as fun allusions... WIN GALORE!

Only Spectator Entry and a Prologue so far, but there is win to spare my friends. Win to spare.

Edit2: Oh, and it's up now. Karl went freaking psycho. Oh, and Chimbley Punt FTW.


Well-Known Member
EDIT: Got that out out of the way.
Have to say that this is kinda subpar animation for Unknown, though.
We get a lot more talking, and BLOOD! though.
Although... darts... against competitors... you'd think they knew better.


Well-Known Member
Shaderic said:
Although... darts... against competitors... you'd think they knew better.
But they worked so well in the everafter asylum :p

But taking the animation in with the prologue and epilogue it's really weaving into a great story.Karl was finally allowed to kill something, it almost surprised me... until you realize he'd been trying to since the start. It was a lot more talk this time around but I definitely enjoyed it and I like how Unknown ties his stories together, even referencing back to those earlier battles.

More of Mr. Jack and Climber :)


Well-Known Member
Cailencrow's is up...Heart of Steel. Surprisingly good, I thought. :mellow:


Well-Known Member
Indeed. That in addition to the relevance to the story with a character who is actually steampunk (The only remaining one in fact) make that upset not so unlikely afterall... Hell, Spoiler lost to Chimbley, so stranger things have happened.

Also I liked how the Pocket's entry negated the magic girls subplot, so it won't become an issue for the finals. Raw Pockets/Mizuno/That Girl vs. Karl action, and the Law plays a relevant role. And Pockets got a hit of something to, so weird crap may happen as well. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
and thus the decisions are in...

Karl and Professor/Anne are moving on. These were the ones I was hoping for so I can't say I'm too disappointed (it's the first round where Karl didn't knock off one of my favorites :sweat2: ) the finale should be quite interesting... Personally I think Karl has the advantage (aside from the normal reasons) in that his personal plot for karl still has some big reveals left... Professor and anne really let loose the last two battles and from what I see don't have much personal plot left to reveal. I expect a great showing from them but I think it leaves them a step behind that much of their powerful plot has been used up...

though as Happy as I am for the final round I do thinking that Pockets had a really good chance to win this last round... his was much more in line with the setting and feel of the tournament. but oh well...


Well-Known Member
Due dates are up!
We can look forward to an end on the 25th. Just a week and a half left, people. Looks like this has a shot at actually being resolved before Endzone.
And I'm with Ryoga on who the winner's gonna be.
Karl has alot to throw at the table, plotwise this time. Everything from Climber to the Violin Girl. Where as Anne and the proffesor have just had their wedding. That was powerful ("And there's the spanish" :rofl: ), but they're about out o big reveals, unless Blacklillian pulls something out her ass.

Oh, wait a second... There's something... OH yeah! Lillith and her hat-thing! They still have that! Might not be enough, but it gives them an edge.


Well-Known Member
... You do realize that Unknown can, and has in the past, made use of the plot threads left behind by his opponent. This is, frankly, going to come down to a matter of theme. Unknown generally has an overall comical feel to his, but this has been slightly weakened after his last fight, where he jumped straight to the bloodshed likely in response to critiques about the Vampire fight. He's got to balance the two, otherwise this will be a critical flaw.

However blacklillian generally has a gritty and dark feel to hers, even when the laughs are apparent. This is usually consistent too, but the main flaw of theirs always seems to come down to the battle not really being focused on the actual battle. Although for some reason this never really counts against them. Balance is going to be key here for them too, because there are a lot of potential plot threads to be used.

A tricky fight overall. However suppressing my bias is hard when I really don't care much for the Professor duo...


Well-Known Member
Aaaand Round 5 has been pushed back again.
I understand the artists have to deal with RL, and I'm willing to wait for a finished product, but... :angry:
New deadline is April 15th.


Well-Known Member
Nice, it seems like Black Lillian is going to be using ANYONE that hasn't died pretty much in her plot... Very much a Dood vibe. Save for the fact our heroes want to just get their wish and get the hell out of dodge haha.


Well-Known Member
That was awesome.
Both were cool, and amazing, but I like Unknown's more.

Just because I found the ending of BlackLillian's... a bit cliche, shall we say? Karl as a human? Bah.


Well-Known Member
My money on's Unknown too. At the very least, we can expect more from him.

BlackLillian seemed to end everything a little too fast in my opinion.