Least Forgivable Tsundere

Luthorne said:
Meh. I can't speak for the anime or the novels, having read/seen neither, but in the manga, I have no sympathy for Saito. If you're going to have the grim determination to stick to one girl who primarily offers you abuse when there are other girls blatantly showing their interest, have the balls to either give up on the first one, or have the balls to stick to your guns. The fact that he seems to be an idiot doesn't help any.

Frankly, I have more sympathy for Louise...she's been repeatedly humiliated due to her apparent lack of talent in magic, the last thing she needs is an apparently useless familiar, and every time she thinks it might not be so bad, he winds up doing something retarded and embarassing. Sure, this isn't entirely Saito's fault, but the fact of the matter is that she's been attempting to maintain her pride and dignity despite a rather large number of issues that make it hard to do so, and Saito is just one more straw on a very overburdened loli camel's back.

Of course, I don't like Louise all that much either, and, of course, like I said, I've only read some of the manga, but I found Saito to be far more irritating than Louise. People keep saying that his puberty excuses his behavior, somehow, but while I did a lot of stupid things when I was a teenager, Saito's excesses were certainly not amongst them. And I would like to think that even at that age, I would have been more interested in one of the other girls, rather than the one offering constant pain and humiliation...or at least attempted to see Louise's side of things and tried to work out a way with her to minimize both of our problems. But, at any rate, I disliked the manga, which is why I no longer read it.
While I would normally agree with you Luthorne. However, I'll have to say you're trying to excuse Louise's behavior with "all her problems". I never said Saito didn't do stupid shit or anything. He's a teenager, as is Louise. Teens do some STUPID shit. Look on Youtube.

I was saying Saito is "trying" a little harder to make it work.(Not that this is saying much) Several times the relationship gets set back because Louise misunderstands a situation. I can think of a few times Siesta has lied about what really happened in order to sabotage Saito and Louise's "relationship". I can also remember several times Saito pulls some dumbass move and screws up. That's part of the story.

As for all the "loli's" problems, what about Saito's problems? He was pulled against his will to a new world, completely different from his own. He was then told he was basically a SLAVE, then subject to humiliation and suffering at the hands of his new master because she has it bad. Could you honestly say you would not be as rebellious or angry in that situation? If you can, you're a saint that pisses holy water and shits rainbows. Saito sympathizes with Louise, that's why he has stuck with her for as long as he has.

We could argue about this until we blue in the face. So I'll say this is my opinion and that is yours.

She never SAID that to Saito. He's not a mind reader. She only admitted it to herself after she thought he was DEAD. (In the novel anyway.)
